The big guy kept dying and became a white moonlight

Chapter 1812 I want to blaspheme today

Chapter 1812 Want to Blaspheme Today (31)

Xavier said to Xibel with a cold expression: "The magic formula learned by the saint before is wrong. Of course, you must learn a new magic formula and master the power of the light element as soon as possible."

"But it's almost night now." Hibel said struggling.

Xavier's eyes were calm, and his tone was neither cold nor cold: "The saint is smart, and it is just a magic formula for beginners. The saint should be able to learn it very quickly."

Hiber, who was forced to wear a high hat, listened to Xavier's words, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Easy?" Hiber asked.

Xavier nodded.

Hibel: "Short time to study?"

Xavier looked at her calmly.

Hiber shrugged: "Okay."

The two came to the desk on the third floor, Xavier stood in front of Xibel, and said in a flat tone: "From now on, you calm down, close your eyes, maintain a stable mood swing, and apply the magic spell you learned earlier It's all forgotten."

Hiber followed Xavier's words and began to calm down.

Xavier's voice continued to be heard, "Okay, now everything is under my command. Try to feel the bright elements around you with your you feel it?"


The girl in front of her didn't speak, she seemed to be trying to feel it, and said after a while, "I feel it."

"Come with me." Xavier said: "Spirit of light bathed in the aurora, with your clean hands, weave a pure white net, and wrap me gently like a newborn baby. From then on, build An eternal wall of crystal!"

The girl with her eyes closed repeated what Xavier said word by word.

"Spirit of light bathed under the aurora, with your clean hands, weave a net of pure white, and wrap me gently like a newborn baby. From now on, build an eternal and immortal crystal wall! "

The girl moved her soft and bright red lips, and after the girl's voice fell, countless small clusters of light, scattered like stars, began to gather around her.The little ball of light seemed to be attracted, and uncontrollably circled around the girl.

"Now open your eyes and try to gather the light elements in your palm." Xavier said calmly.

Hearing this, Xibel slowly opened his eyes, and seeing the light elements gathering countless light spots around him, Xibel opened his eyes wide in surprise.

She is the great devil who crosses the demon world. Since she can remember, all around her are always dark spots of light, like thick ink, which cannot be melted away.

Like such a holy light power, she is only in...

Thinking of that snow-like holy and compassionate person, Xibel's eyes flickered slightly.

It has been a long time since I saw Chu Yu, and Xibel found that he really missed him.

Xibel pursed his lips slightly, regained his senses, and continued to manipulate the clusters of light in front of him.

Now as long as he perceives these bright elements, Hiber will be able to do the next thing at his fingertips.

Xavier looked at the light element manipulated by Xibel, nodded indiscernibly, then pointed to the elementary magic spell book opened on the table with his fingertips, and said: "Choose a sentence, try Give it a try."

Xibel's eyes fell on the blond beauty's snow-white and slender fingertips. The phalanges were slender, the knuckles were well defined, and the nails were neatly trimmed. Under the sun, the backs of the fingers were outlined with a seductive and beautiful arc.

(End of this chapter)

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