The big guy kept dying and became a white moonlight

Chapter 1900 Hit the wall for the pool cub

Chapter 1900 Banging the wall for the cubs (6)

Shen's mother froze for a moment, "What girl?"

Shen Chixiu: "Didn't you let a girl come to my apartment?"

Shen's mother suddenly realized when she heard the words, "Yes, you are talking about sister-in-law!"

... sister-in-law

Shen Chixiu recited the name silently in his heart, with drooping eyelids, long and thick eyelashes drooping, and an extremely loose expression.

Shen's mother was surprised and said: "How do you know sister-in-law? You knew it within half an hour after she moved in. Could it be that you went back to the apartment? Aren't you training at the base?"

Shen Chixiu didn't want to talk about the club's affairs with Shen's mother, he just said a few vague and perfunctory words, "Well, I'm on vacation recently, so I came back to stay for a few days."

"How long will you stay?" Mother Shen asked.

Shen Chixiu said casually, "Maybe four or five days."

"Four or five days..." Shen's mother felt a little regretful.

Now mother Shen finally remembered that she had forgotten something.

She thought that Shen Chixiu spent almost all of his time in the club's base and rarely came back, so she didn't tell Shen Chixiu or Jiang Yu when Aunt Jiang lived in.

Unexpectedly, this person was discovered by Shen Chixiu just after he moved in.

Shen Chixiu suddenly asked: "Who is she?"

Mother Shen came back to her senses, "Ah, she is your Aunt Wang's daughter, named Jiang Yu. Aunt Wang is a good sister that my mother met during the trip to Sanya. Your Aunt Wang's daughter was admitted to Nanhua University in Nanshi. Come to Nanshi during the summer vacation to have fun and get familiar with Nanshi in advance. After I found out, I wanted to let my sister-in-law live in the apartment in Chaoyang Jiayuan. Anyway, you never come back to live, and the house is empty. empty……"

Shen's mother said that she still felt a little guilty in her heart. She knew that Shen Chixiu was obsessed with cleanliness, and she didn't like other people going to his apartment, let alone strange girls.

Shen's mother sighed, "It's my mother's fault in this matter, don't be angry. I will arrange for my sister-in-law to live in another place as soon as possible, don't worry."

"It's okay." Shen Chixiu said indifferently, "Let her live here."

Hearing this, Shen's mother was stunned.

Mother Shen blinked slightly, "Chi Xiu, what did you just say?"

Shen Chixiu thought about the girl he saw in the living room just now, his eyelashes drooped slightly, covering the dark color that glides across his eyes.

He said: "Anyway, I won't be able to stay for a few days before I leave. Since she is the daughter of my mother's best friend, let's stay here."

"Won't it cause you any trouble? My sister-in-law should stay with you for ten days and half a month, and she's going to play in Nanshi for a while." Shen's mother asked cautiously.

Shen Chixiu turned around, sat on the edge of the bed, bent his knees loosely, "It's okay."

After hanging up the phone, Shen's mother was still in a trance.

Father Shen came over and asked her, "Whose phone is it?"

Shen's mother turned her head and replied in a trance: "It's Chi Xiu's."

Seeing his wife's dazed expression, Father Shen frowned, and asked in a low tone: "What happened, why do you have such an expression?"

Shen's mother said with a complicated expression: "Chixiu... He knows about his sister-in-law living in his apartment."

Hearing this, Father Shen froze for a moment.

Then Father Shen said helplessly: "I knew it. I asked you to notify Chi Xiu in advance and ask his opinion. Now that he didn't tell him without telling him, Chi Xiu must be angry if he found out? Hey... If this is the case, then I can only feel sorry for my sister-in-law and move to another place for the time being. After all, we have a lot of houses in Nanshi, and my sister-in-law can live anywhere. "

(End of this chapter)

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