Chapter 489 Interstellar You Give Me Sober 2
Seeing that Jian Jian was indeed listening to her speech, Nan Mei'e stopped worrying about the problem that Jian Jian was distracted just now, and continued to get up with that senior Zhai who was Jian Jian.

Pulled by Nan Mei'e, Jian Jian, who couldn't get away, looked at Nan Mei'e who was still blowing rainbow farts to her male voice, and suddenly had an idea.

Children who don't go to school when it's time to go to school, and who keep thinking about puppy love are usually too idle and have too little homework.

Isn't Nan Mei'e interested in making potions?


Hasn't the barren star that the Federation just announced and discovered hasn't been developed yet?I heard that the vegetation is very strong.

In the next vacation, let her have an accident, stay there for two or three years to study carefully, and then go back to school after Zhai Qixing leaves the military academy to go to the battlefield.

If you still can't forget that Zhai Qixing, then she might as well just abolish Zhai Qixing and tell him to stay with Nan Mei'e, who told you that you like flirting with girls.

But even if Nan Mei'e no longer likes Zhai Qixing after he comes back, Jian Jian will not easily bypass Zhai Qixing.

Not to mention that the original owner had this wish, even if he didn't, just Jian Jian's sense of him, Jian Jian couldn't let him continue to be unrestrained.

In the original plot, the cheating Zhai Qixing has high strength, good looks, and great military exploits. He has become the dream lover of countless boys and girls in the interstellar world.

It was also because of his high standing, especially after he was awarded the title of general of the First Legion, his every move attracted the attention of the people of the Federation and affected them.

It was all interstellar, whether it was the Federation or the Empire, patriarchal, male chauvinism, homosexual discrimination, etc. are all gone, and true human rights equality and freedom have been realized.

At the same time, the marriage law is also very open to monogamy, husband and wife, wife and wife, humans and animals.

Although there can only be one legal partner, if you want to, and your partner agrees, there is no problem getting married today and leaving tomorrow.

After all, after the development of genetic medicine, the average human life expectancy is as long as 200 years.

In 200 years, it is normal for some people to get tired of seeing their partners and want to find excitement.

It can be said that in this regard, the atmosphere of the entire Interstellar is quite good.

Therefore, the people of the Federation and the Empire have only one partner. If they don’t want to live with it, or if they fall in love with someone else during the marriage, they will directly divorce and marry someone else. Few people like Zhai Qixing have cheated like this and even split into a football team. .

But since Zhai Qixing, the God of War, turned on the NP mode, from people with status and status to ordinary people, both men and women have released the devils imprisoned in their hearts. How many miserable people like Nan Mei'e have died.

After all, not everyone can accept such a thing.

Many people, she can accept that you will separate or divorce you because your relationship has faded, you have stopped loving, you have fallen in love with others, and so on.

But cheating and stepping on several boats is really incapable of accepting it.

Maybe many people will say, since you can't control others, then you should quit and leave by yourself.

But human nature is really complicated. For some people, if you tell him well, he will accept it; but if you are tough with him, then he will suddenly become rebellious. Stubborn, if you don’t hit the south wall, you won’t turn back. , no matter what, I just don't want to give up.

Just like Nan Mei'e in the original plot.

Doesn't she know that such persistence is really not worth it?
Yes, she knows.

It's just that she doesn't know that the original owner and the original owner's parents have tried to persuade her so many times, no matter what, they will explain the truth to her clearly.

But people's emotions just don't listen to the command of reason, Nan Mei'e just can't see it.

And how few people in this world are as hard-pressed as Nan Mei'e?Interstellar has a population of nearly ten billion.

Therefore, Jian Jian really hated Zhai Qixing, a bad starter.

But hate is disgusting, Jian Jian has no time to care about these things at the moment, her top priority is to seize the time and quickly understand the high-tech product of interstellar, she must first know how advanced the technology of this task world is, and avoid doing things. When there is something missing, it is recorded by some instrument.

Although the memory of the original owner and the story of the world are mentioned to some extent, the original owner is a small commoner, a student with slightly better grades, and things in other fields, such as hacking technology, information technology, monitoring technology, holographic technology, flying car technology, spaceship technology, etc. technology and so on.

Ordinary people just know how to use it, no matter what its principle is; just know what it is and what model it is, no matter what other brands, models and functions it has for products with the same function.

And the world plots provided by Tiandao in the small world are all in cooperation with the Wishing Department of the Underworld to provide plots to the taskers. Of course, there are no such details.

Because the avatar was thinking about things and ignored Nan Mei'e, Nan Mei'e soon felt bored and left with a whimper.

Only then did Jian Jian have time to take a closer look at this high-tech house.

This is the first time for Jian Jian to do an interstellar mission. It is really novel to see everything, such as this robot housekeeper who can chat with her and fart, and control everything in the house; Sofa; such as the TV in the front that can be suspended, moved at will, lengthened, shortened and transparent at will.

Fortunately, after doing so many tasks, Jian Jian's mind is firm and stable. He didn't rush up to touch and study carefully, but just observed with his spiritual sense, and tried with an attitude of being bored and always wanting to make trouble, so as to avoid being caught. The robot butler recorded it and made people find it wrong.

Although there are many animals and plants that can be used on various planets in the interstellar world, planets with lush vegetation are generally extremely dangerous. There are a lot of monsters who like jungles living in them. It is extremely difficult to develop and requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Therefore, gradually If there is no land, no one will want to develop this kind of barren star anymore.

In places where humans can live, except for some travel planets, most of the vegetation is sparse, and the local soil conditions cannot grow crops.

So some business-minded people with money in their hands set up companies one after another, bought a barren star, spent a lot of money to kill and control the monsters in it, and then planted nutritious crops to make nutritional supplements for sale to the public.

Therefore, Jian Jian's dinner at this moment was brought to her by the robot butler, who also thoughtfully cut open the sealed two bags of lychee-flavored nutritional supplements.

"Miss Jingzhen, you have worked hard today, so please don't save it. Although the price of high-grade nutritional supplements is a bit expensive, it can very well restore the mental power you have consumed in your experiments today.

As long as you drink this nutrient, every night you sleep well, you will be full of energy tomorrow, and you will be able to better invest in research and experiments. "Xiao Hai, the robot housekeeper, persuaded.

Jian Jian took the nutritional supplement and said with a smile, "Okay, thank you."

Looking at the anthropomorphic smile of the robot butler, Jian Jian was very curious about it, and really wanted to take it apart to see what was going on.

But there is no rush for this matter, there will be plenty of time to understand these high technologies in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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