The queen of fast wear has a fetish for collecting gold fingers

Chapter 595: The Honest Man's Suffocation 1

Chapter 595: The Honest Man's Suffocation 1
Jian Jian regretted it. She shouldn't have rushed to develop the New World in a whim. In the end, she stayed in that mission world for more than a hundred years.

After sending the older generation away one after another, Jian Jian also followed the feigned death and escaped, hiding behind the scenes to instruct the new emperor to do things. Only after the development of the new continent stabilized in the state of Liang State did he submit the task and return to the underworld. .

"Comrade Lu, are you okay?"

Jian Jian raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, narrowed his eyes and scanned the surrounding environment, and the women around him who were looking at her with concern, and immediately realized how long she was wearing.

So Jian Jian didn't do any more unnecessary things, just like the original owner in the original plot, he just closed his eyes and fell on the woman beside him.

Seeing this, the woman hurriedly stretched out her hand to support her, although she was pretended to be almost on her back, but fortunately people live a lot these days, both men and women have a lot of strength in their hands, they staggered and stood still, and then went on He hurriedly called for someone to carry Jian Jian to the infirmary.

The current original owner of this body is named Lu Xiaoxiao, 43 years old this year, a small employee in the logistics department of the steel factory, half of the reason why he fainted today is because he is weak and hungry, and the other half is because he is tired have to.

The original owner's parents passed away early, leaving her grandma to marry him to the original Dayang Village. Liang Jianguo, who is currently on the fifth production team, also passed away.

Liang Jianguo is the eldest of the Liang family. There are four elders, Grandpa Liang, Grandma Liang, Father Liang and Mother Liang; below him are three younger brothers Liang Aiguo, Liang Weiguo, and Liang Zhiguo, and two younger sisters Liang Hongying and Liang Honghua.

Liang Jianguo, as a child who was expected to grow up by the elders in the family, was the only one of the six Liang family brothers and sisters who had read and could read. Later, in order to support the family and reduce the burden on his parents, he used to pull rickshaws and taxis in the city. In the end, he helped a mechanic by chance. In order to repay Liang Jianguo, the mechanic Huang got Huang Jianguo into the city iron and steel factory through his relationship and taught him.

In this way, Liang Jianguo became the only capable person in Hongxing's fifth production team who ate public food. He could get a salary of 35 yuan a month. After working long enough, he was assigned a house of [-] square meters.

The original owner, Tuo Liang Jianguo, got an internship in the logistics department of the steel factory. The content of the job was to help deliver and distribute things. The salary was 15 yuan a month.

The money in the 60s is very expensive. The combined salary of the couple is 50 yuan. In addition, Liang Aiguo, as a worker in a steel factory with the best benefits, can receive benefits for New Year's Day. It stands to reason that the life of the Liang family is only very prosperous, but it can still be comfortable and nourishing.

Although there are five gold swallowing beasts in the family, the eldest son Liang Qi is in the sixth grade at the age of 15; the eldest daughter Liang Wen is in the fifth grade at the age of 13; the second son Liang Cheng is in the third grade at the age of 11; The youngest son, Liang Zhuan, and the youngest daughter, Liang Wu, are also in the first grade.

Each of them is when they can eat, grow up, and spend money on education, but considering the salary of the couple, it is not difficult to support them. At most, the money is tight and the family has no savings.

There are still old parents, grandparents and five younger siblings in Liang Jianguo's family.

At the beginning, the original owner and Liang Jianguo had only one or two children, and the expenses were not large. In addition, the grandparents were getting old and sick, and they had to pay; The eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law had to make a big effort. At that time, half of the monthly salary of [-] yuan was sent back to their hometown.

Later, the original owner and Liang Jianguo had a longer working life, and at the same time as the salary was increased, there were more things at home. The grandparents passed away and had a funeral; To use money to find a job and talk about a partner, money is needed everywhere, so the couple sent another [-]% more money home.

When the original owner's five children were born, grew up, and studied one by one, the grandchildren of Liang Jianguo's younger brothers from his hometown also came out, begging the original owner and his wife for money and nutrition.

The couple managed to save some money by living frugally, and another letter came from their hometown, saying that the family was too small and the house was not enough to live in, so they wanted to build a new house, and once again took away the savings of the original owners.

Therefore, the life of the original owner's family of seven is not to mention a comfortable and nourishing life. They are extremely poor, and they are well-known poor households in the entire steel plant.

And because the original owner and Liang Jianguo are busy working overtime to earn money, the children in the family are not close to the original owner and the couple, and it can even be said that they are resentful. They all hold together to exclude the original owner and the couple. There is a relationship between father and son. Like a moat across the sky.

The two eldest sons, Liang Qi and Liang Cheng, and the eldest daughter, Liang Wen, moved out after they got married, and would never go home except for New Year's Eve; He went to prison before graduating and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. His youngest daughter Liang Wu’s parents, brothers and sisters couldn’t take care of her, and she was very destitute of love. She was deceived by Tu Changhe, an educated youth who returned to the city, and she had to work part-time even if she didn’t study. Earned money to support Tu Changhe's education, was treated as a mistress, and was severely injured by his original wife, brought the children and a group of people from his hometown, suffered a miscarriage, ruined his reputation, and committed suicide by throwing himself into the river.

After the reform and opening up, the efficiency of the factory became worse and worse. The original owner was laid off. Liang Jianguo was in poor health because of suffering too much when he was young. Make a living as a cleaner.

As for the children, none of them are around, and the three older ones are not willing to support them.

When the original owner and his wife were miserable, Liang Jianguo's brothers and sisters in his hometown prospered, and the property was divided into households. Each of them had money, food, and land in their hands.

The original owner and Liang Jianguo were really uncomfortable and seriously ill. When they went home to borrow money for medical treatment, they didn't want these guys to turn into white-eyed wolves. Otherwise, it is to send people a few tens of 100 yuan, regardless of currency inflation. After 2000, a few hundred and one hundred yuan can be used as farts.

So later the original owners and the couple died of illness. After the death, the old house under the couple's name is likely to be demolished. The less than [-]% made a big fuss.

After the original owner's soul returned to the underworld, seeing the ugly appearance of his descendants, he was both sad and remorseful and extremely resentful.

She regretted why she was so weak at the beginning, listened to Liang Jianguo, and sent all the money home to those white-eyed wolves, which made their family poor in food and clothing, and separated from the children.

She regretted why she didn't pay more attention to the children, and taught them the principles of life and doing things. At least she didn't let the younger son go astray and go to jail, and let the younger daughter be cheated and ruined because of lack of love. , died early.

She regretted why she couldn't be tougher, rejected the proposal of her husband and in-law's family, resisted the pressure and lived a good life, and made her life like that at the end of her life, resulting in no children and grandchildren around her, and after death, she was still disturbed by the house. .

(End of this chapter)

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