The queen of fast wear has a fetish for collecting gold fingers

Chapter 597: The Honest Man's Suffocation 3

Chapter 597: The Honest Man's Suffocation 3
Hey, what a crime.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the children, Jian Jian suddenly wondered what the big family of Liang's father and Liang's mother who had been supported by the original owner's family looked like.

Do as soon as you think of it, Jian Jian releases his spiritual consciousness, expands it continuously, and extends it to the Liang family of Hongxing Fifth Brigade in the memory of the original owner.

Ha ha!

After reading it, there is only one reaction left in the simplicity.

A family of ten or so people, except for the three daughters, the rest of the workers in the same factory as the workers from the double-earner families with excellent conditions are okay, look at the rosy-faced and strong-bodied workers.

The complexions of the three girls who were not favored by the elders were countless times better than those of the original owner's two daughters, at least they had flesh and bones.

According to the memory of the original owner, the Fifth Brigade had starved to death, but relying on the exploitation of the original owner’s family, Grandpa Liang and Grandma Liang managed to live a decent life. Although not as good as Liang’s father and mother, they still won The original owner and five children.

Damn it, Jian Jian couldn't take it anymore, his fists were hardened.

Asking for leave, must ask for leave, she has to go back to clean up them and vent her anger, take away the money that Liang's mother hid in the hole in the wall, and at the same time search for the eggs and rice noodles in Liang's mother's cabinet.

Damn, it's so annoying.

Make a plan, comfort the two little ones on the legs simply, look at the three big ones, and said indifferently: "Are you hungry? I'm still hungry. Because of you white-eyed wolves, I fainted from hunger."

"Mom?" Liang Qi frowned, what the hell is going crazy?


Seeing his dissatisfied and disdainful expression, Jian Jian got angry and kicked his ass.

"I give myself the least amount of scoops in every meal. I will give you another point if you are hungry after eating. How much do you think I eat in each meal? What do I do in the factory every day? Don't you know?" Don't you know?"

Every time Jian Jian asked a question, he kicked the three big butts and cursed: "I am exhausted every day, and I have to serve your little ancestors when I come back. Are you human? What about your conscience?" ? You have no hands or feet, right? Don’t you do it yourself when you’re hungry? Have your eyes been eaten by dogs? Don’t you want to see what other people’s children do after school?”


"Mom, stop kicking, I know I was wrong."

Growing up so big, it was the first time for their mother to kick and scold them, with such a scary expression, the children were immediately intimidated by Jian Jian, or bowed their heads uneasy like quails, or looked at Jian Jian's face cautiously.

Jian Jian glanced at them and was quite satisfied with their performance.

It's good to know to be afraid.

"The three of you are going to cook now, and do whatever you want."

Saying that, Jian Jian stretched out his hand and pulled up the three people who were still sitting one by one, and pushed them.

At the beginning when the beam was pulled up simply, the boss wanted to resist and planned to stand up by himself.

But Jian Jian doesn't have that much patience for them, how can they allow them to resist, and if they don't completely shock them when they show their power for the first time, there will definitely be troubles later, so Jian Jian confronted Liang calmly After adding two points of force, he could only be pulled up and pushed away by her obediently.

Liang Qi didn't have any doubts about Jian Dali, after all, his mother's work in the logistics of the steel factory was heavy lifting, and the strength in her hands couldn't be stronger than that of her father who was a technical worker at home.

The three children saw that their mother's face was really ugly, so they didn't dare to make a sound, but obediently went to get food to cook on the aisle outside Xiaotufang.

"Mom, what are you cooking? How much? How..."

Simple glared, "Huh?"

"As an adult, don't you know how to make decisions by yourself? Can't you do it and see what other uncles and aunts do? Do you have no brains or no eyes?"

The third child shrank his neck, and after answering, he didn't dare to ask questions, and quickly ran out with the grain pots and bowls.

Seeing the three big ones running away with the two young ones, Jian Jian sighed.

No way, the original owner was too gentle and kind to the children and Liang Jianguo in the past, so she didn't have any prestige at home. If she didn't want to worry about establishing prestige and making the children obedient, then Now I have to be tougher, and try to leave an impression in their hearts that my old lady is not easy to mess with.

After solving the child's problem, it was Liang Jianguo's turn to sleep with his eyes closed even though he was clearly awake inside, and he didn't care about the outside world at all.

Simply opened the patched cloth curtain, walked to the bed and pulled the person who was still lying on the bed up, and raised his hand and called out with a big mouth.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, what are you sleeping, are you a pig? Didn't you hear what I said outside? The children are all so hungry, don't you know how to get them something to eat?"

"You surnamed Lu, why are you so crazy, how can you beat someone so well?"

Liang Jianguo carefully touched his face, which was scorched by Jian Jian's beating, with the back of his finger, and took a deep breath, feeling the anger in his heart go straight to the top of his head. If it wasn't for the pain in his face, she would have wanted to scold this woman to death .

But she didn't want Jian Jian to get angry when she saw his appearance, so she raised her hand and pushed him, causing him to stagger and fall onto the bed.

"Stop talking nonsense, didn't you just wave your hands like this before?"

Yes, that's right, apart from machismo and daily panic, Liang Jianguo, like most macho men nowadays, likes to attack the original one whenever something happens.

For example, when the original owner disagreed with Liang Jianjun's taking care of the Liang family's affairs, and sent more than half of the money home, when the argument with Liang Jianguo was very tense, Liang Jianjun was so angry that he would use his fists when the original owner refused to change. Ask the original owner to respond.

Moreover, such things have happened frequently in the past 40 years when the original owner married Liang Jianguo. Even in the end, when the original owner was working as a cleaner in the hotel to support him, if something went wrong, he would throw things at the original owner, and his mouth would stink. Very well, blame the children's problems on the original owner.

That being the case, there is nothing to say when facing the scum and scum simply, and it's over when you get started. Anyway, the original owner doesn't have a good impression of this husband, and wants to divorce him.

"Tomorrow morning, you go to the factory to ask for two days off, and you say that we have sent all the money home, and now the family is out of food, and you want to go back to your hometown to get some, do you hear me?"

Liang Jianguo was so annoyed that he didn't care about the pain in his calf. He suddenly stood up, stared at Jian Jian and growled, "What are you doing? Why are you asking for leave this year? Why don't you go back to your hometown? Don't you have to deduct money for leave?"

"Also, what is the food shortage, where is the food shortage? I see that there is still something? If it is not enough, won't you borrow some? Tell the leader that there is no food, how dare you speak, I will lose my face to you. "

The more Liang Jianguo talked, the more excited he became, he raised his hand and wanted to touch the simple door leaf, so that the stinky girls who went to the house to expose the tiles without fighting for three days would know how powerful they are, so as not to rely on themselves to faint for a while. Domineering at home.

Thinking in this way, his eyes were full of sternness, and he thought that the next slap would have to be done with a little force.

Jian Jian quickly raised his hand to catch Liang Jianguo's waving hand, stepped forward quickly, bent his right foot, and punched Liang Jianguo's abdomen hard.


Immediately, screams like slaughtering pigs sounded in the small earthen house next to the factory staff's house, and the reverberation echoed around the beams.

(End of this chapter)

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