624 Pretend to be a ghost 1
It was also because of this outing that the life of the original owner was left there forever.

This time, there are seven people traveling together in a group, namely Jiang Guangjian, Qiu Zhonggang, Qin Fengzhi, Xue Wanliang, Sun Baoying, Zeng Qiaoli, and the original owner Tang Youping.

Among them, three girls, Sun Baoying and Jiang Guangjian, are well-known young lovers in the class. They are the best students in the class, and they are also among the top students in their age.

The original owner and Sun Baoying were roommates who had been in the same class for more than two years, and their relationship was quite close.

Zeng Qiaoli is the younger sister of Sun Baoying's neighbor. She is from the same school as the original owner and Sun Baoying. After Zeng Qiaoli's mother knew that Sun Baoying was going out with her classmates, she asked Sun Baoying to take her out to relax.

Except for Jiang Guangjian, the three boys are all Jiang Guangjian's roommates. In the eyes of the original owner, the four boys get along much closer than she and Sun Baoying, and they seem to be best friends.

However, Jian Jian, who has seen the original plot, knows that the four people who are good on the surface and can wear the same pair of pants are also the first to turn against each other later.

At the very beginning, the original owner had high expectations for the resort’s homestay. After all, he was a child in the city. He grew up so big, and the original owner could only show it on TV. Check it out, it's eye-catching.

After looking at the photos of the B&B given by Sun Baoying, in the fantasy of the original owner, the resort over there should be a treasure land with good mountains and rivers, good scenery and even better geomantic omen. No matter how bad it is, it should be a beautiful scenery, quite like the rural scenery in TV. good place.

The homestay is that kind of small earthen house, and later it will be a small green brick courtyard house, just like the one that often appears on TV, with a small yard inside and a grape vine or something.

Just fantasizing, fantasizing, the original owner took the subway, minibus, and motorcycle tricycle with the team, and finally came to a remote mountain village.

When I first saw Xiaocunzi, I have to say that the original owner was very disappointed. Not to mention that the current situation of Xiaocun was comparable to her fantasy, it was not even the same as the photo given by Sun Baoying.

Although looking at the mountains and rivers from a distance, the scenery of the small village is still beautiful, but when you zoom in close, it is a bit disillusioning. Not to mention the dilapidated houses, there is also a sense of desolation.

The big guy was stunned when he saw it, and asked Sun Baoying and Jiang Guangjian what happened, but they didn't understand what happened at first.

According to Sun Baoying, she came to this place six years ago when she was a junior, and it was a good place at that time, and it was because she had been to this place that her parents felt relieved that she and her classmates would come out to play by themselves.

Later, a group of them found an old man who was basking in the sun and asked about it. Only then did they know that the economic benefits of the resort were not very good as early as 6000 years ago, and the passenger flow was even less and less four or five years ago.

Without traffic, no money can be made. Didn’t the people in the village who came back from the resort leave again?Because the resort made some money when the benefits were good, even the old parents took their children away, and the village that gradually lost its popularity became the depression it is now.

The big guy was a little disappointed when he heard it, but he had no choice but to stay here for two or three days and then go home.

Because the houses that were built early in the early years had been unbearable for a long time, and the houses that were lifeless quickly fell into disrepair. If they were not repaired, they were really suitable for living, and the sanitation conditions were poor, so a group of seven Under the introduction of the old man, he lived in a small three-story mountain village villa.

It is said that the owner of the house has just picked up his parents, and it has only been two weeks since he went out for development, so the sanitary environment inside is much cleaner than other rentable houses, and he can live in it with a little scrubbing.

And because this house was originally used as a homestay, the ten rooms on the third floor all have their own bathrooms and air conditioners.

Therefore, the group of people rented out the house after testing the cleanliness of the tap water, whether the air conditioner could be turned on, and whether the house was not clean. After the simple sanitation was done, the group of people ate something and went to bed.

On the first night, nothing happened. Maybe it was because the big guys were tired from driving all day and they all slept soundly. Turn to air, then prepare dinner.

But he didn't want to find that the door on the first floor couldn't be opened when he walked to the door!
At that time, Xue Wanliang didn't notice anything wrong. He just thought the door was broken and felt upset, so he picked up his mobile phone and prepared to call the temporary landlord, that is, the old man Fei Songhui, and told him to find someone to come and unlock the lock, but he turned over. After a while, he found out in the address book that he didn't save the old man's number, so he had to give it up for the time being, and was going to get some food, and then discuss it after everyone came down.

But when the big guys came down one after another, they found that they didn't have the old man's phone, and they couldn't open it. When they were about to call the police, they found that the mobile phone had no signal. Under the auspices, what should I do? Let's see if I can wait for the old man to find out that something is wrong and come to save people.

Fortunately, when they moved in yesterday, they bought a lot of rice, grain and meat with the old man, enough to feed seven people for three days.

Just after they were full of wine and food, the group tried to save themselves, and began to check the rooms on the first floor one by one to see if they could get out through the window.

But to their disappointment, because yesterday the old man said that the room on the first floor was the owner's own house, so he didn't open the door to go in. After entering now, they found that all the rooms on the first floor have no windows. On the roof was a ventilating skylight the size of an adult man's palm, and the boys in the room couldn't help but swear.

Then the group turned to the second floor, planning to tie them down with bed sheets, but they didn't expect that the windows that could be opened as usual last night and morning could not be opened at this moment, and there were grids as thick as data cables, and a finger-wide window. The iron grille is covering the outside, and it is delusional to want to get out of the window.

Seeing this, everyone still didn't understand what was wrong. They got involved and immediately pointed the finger at Sun Baoying who proposed to come to this village for vacation, and her boyfriend Jiang Guangjian.

After a group of people made a noise and checked the rooms of the whole building, they found that the third floor and the second floor were the same, they couldn't get out, and the mobile phone had no signal and couldn't make a call. Everyone panicked and screamed Screaming, swearing and swearing, quarreling and arguing, in short, they were frightened and chaotic.

The original owner was also so frightened that he dared to hide alone and shed tears silently.

On the second day when they came to the small village, a group of seven people passed by in such a noisy environment. Everyone was betting whether the old man would come to him because he was curious that they didn't show up.

When I got up on the third day, the doors and windows of the small villa were the same, but there was not much rice left in the kitchen, probably only three or four meals left, so the big guys panicked again, and after some discussion, they decided to reduce the meals. At the same time, the three boys Qiu Zhonggang, Xue Wanliang and Qin Fengzhi became more and more rude to Jiang Guangjian and Sun Baoying, and the original owner and Zeng Qiaoli also excluded those two.

(End of this chapter)

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