Chapter 250
The annual fall hunt is here again.It was as hot as a fire today.

Mr. Bo Lang suggested to postpone the date of autumn hunting to avoid the scorching heat.All the ministers also agreed, and the matter was settled.

The weather is hot and sweating while sitting.But Bo Langjun asked Luo Jiaojiao to make tea for him, drinking one cup after another.

Jiang Yu has already changed two clothes.Mr. Bo Lang asked him to drink tea from big bowls for the guards in the mansion. He walked around the mansion a few times and still felt thirsty after drinking a few big bowls of tea.

Bo Langjun's clothes were soaked through.He ordered Jiang Yu to carry the tub and screen into the study to wait for him to take a bath.

Luo Jiaojiao ran under the tree in the yard to enjoy the shade.Yaogong came over with a barrel of herbal soup for relieving summer heat.He filled a bowl for Luo Jiaojiao.

Luo Jiaojiao blew on the hot air, took a sip, and found that the taste was not bad.

"Drink when it's cold!" Yao Gong left the bucket and bowl and left.

Luo Jiaojiao put the bowl full of medicinal soup on the stone table to cool.Seeing Jiang Yu coming out and ordering the guards to carry out the tub and screen, she brought a bowl of warm medicinal soup for Jiang Yu to drink.

Jiang Yu took the medicinal soup and drank it down in one gulp. Feeling that it quenched his thirst, he drank another bowl.

"I'll take it to Mr. Lang, let them drink it!" Luo Jiaojiao said to Jiang Yu as she watched the guards' faces turn red from the heat.

"it is good!"

Jiang Yu watched with a smile as Luo Jiaojiao came into the study door carrying the heat-relieving medicinal soup.

Bo Langjun, who had just finished bathing, felt that his skin was still sweating, so he had to wipe it with a towel.

Luo Jiaojiao put the medicinal soup in front of Bo Langjun and the other three and said that it would not be hot after drinking it.

Bo Langjun dubiously picked up the medicinal soup and drank some.The medicinal soup was so cool and delicious that Mr. Bo Lang couldn't help but gulp it down.

"Mr. Yao sent it!" Bo Langjun put down the medicine bowl and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah!" I let them drink some too.Luo Jiaojiao pointed to the guards outside the door and on the porch.

"Go and ask Yao Gong to prepare more anti-heat medicines and send them to the palace!" Mr. Bo Lang ordered Luo Jiaojiao.


Luo Jiaojiao got up and went to Yaogong's garden to deliver a message.Yao Gong was already ready.As soon as Luo Jiaojiao came, he asked the drug boy to carry a basket of medicine bags with her.

Jiang Yu packed the medicine in a box, and then took Luo Jiaojiao to the palace in a carriage.When they passed by the market, they saw a group of people gathered together.

Jiang Yu stopped the carriage and went to check, only to find a person unconscious on the side of the road due to heatstroke.

After Luo Jiaojiao heard about it, she asked Jiang Yu to take out a pack of anti-heat medicine and went to the nearby tea shop to ask for a bowl of hot water.

After a bowl of heat-relieving medicinal soup was prepared, Jiang Yu helped the unconscious person to sit in the shade.

A doctor came over and woke up the heat stroke man by pinching him.Luo Jiaojiao blew on the medicinal soup and fed the man half a bowl with a spoon.

The pale face of the heat stroke man slowly eased.Luo Jiaojiao wiped the sweat off his face and told him to drink up the rest of the hot summer soup.

"Thank you!" The man got up and saluted Luo Jiaojiao and the others.

"Don't be in a hurry! Sit for a while before leaving!" Luo Jiaojiao instructed before getting into the carriage.

It was also sweltering in the palace.Qing'er kept fanning Luo Tian'er with a fan.

Luo Tian'er's day of giving birth is approaching, but the weather is so hot, which makes her feel very uncomfortable.

"Sister!" Luo Jiaojiao came in with hot summer soup.

"The concubine can't just drink the decoction!" Qing'er stopped Luo Jiaojiao from giving the concubine the heat-relieving soup.

"That's right! Go and ask the imperial physician if my elder sister can drink it!" Luo Jiaojiao made a great effort to cook the summer heat soup, and she really wants her elder sister to drink it!

"Okay! Wait for me to come back!" Qing'er said worriedly.

"I'm not hot! How are you?"

Luo Tian'er watched the girl put down the medicine soup bowl in her hand and sat on the side of her bed, and moved her body inward with difficulty.

"Lang Jun treated me very well! I've made up my mind! Hold him firmly!" Luo Jiaojiao whispered to her sister with a blushing face.

"That's right! Don't keep trying to escape! That's a sign of lack of confidence in yourself!" Luo Tian'er smiled while holding the girl's hand.

"You also agree with this method?" Luo Jiaojiao looked at her sister in surprise.

"The person who advises you cares about you very much!" Luo Tian'er said earnestly, putting her arm around Luo Jiaojiao's shoulder.

"Princess! Physician Wu said that you can take the summer soup brought by Luo Xiaoniang." Qing'er came back and saluted.

"Well! We sisters talk about our own words, you go and watch outside the house!" Luo Tian'er told Qing'er to stand far away.

"Yes!" Qing'er also felt relieved for a while.

"Sister! It won't be hot after drinking it!" Luo Jiaojiao brought the medicinal soup to Luo Tian'er.

Luo Tian'er put down the handkerchief for wiping sweat in his hand, and took a few sips of the medicinal soup.She didn't like the taste of the soup very much, so she reluctantly drank a little because she didn't want her sister to waste her efforts.

Luo Jiaojiao poured the leftover medicinal soup from Luo Tian'er's drink into her stomach.In the end, she murmured and fell asleep beside Luo Tian'er.

Dai Wang drank Jieshu soup and felt much cooler.He personally brought the decoction to Mingde Palace.When he saw Luo Jiaojiao sleeping with his princess, he sat outside and waited for them to wake up.

After finishing her errands, Jiang Yu came to Mingde Palace to look for Luo Jiaojiao.Qing'er told him to wait, saying that Luo Jiaojiao and the concubine had fallen asleep, and the acting king was waiting!
When Luo Jiaojiao woke up, she found that her elder sister was looking at her with a smile!

"I convince you to get up and walk!" Luo Jiaojiao helped Luo Tian'er out of the inner room.

Dai Wang is taking a nap behind a few desks!Luo Tian'er prevents Luo Jiaojiao from waking up the acting king.The two sisters walked out of the Deming Palace.

Jiang Yu said that it was getting late and they should go back.Luo Jiaojiao reluctantly bid farewell to her elder sister.

The high temperature in Pingcheng continued, and many people had suffered from heat stroke.After Dai Wang came to court, he invited Mr. Bo Lang to go to his imperial study, and asked him to donate the prescriptions for relieving summer heat in his mansion for the people to use.

After Mr. Bo Lang came back, he sat in the study and said to Luo Jiaojiao who served him tea: "Many people in the city have suffered from heatstroke. Go and ask the medicine man for the prescription of the medicine soup for relieving heat, so that the common people I can drink this heat-relieving medicinal soup."


Why didn't Mr. Lang directly order Yao Gong to give the prescription?Luo Jiaojiao went to Yaogong's garden with doubts.

Yao Gong is giving the little prince Liu Ye a medicinal bath.Luo Jiaojiao directly explained the reason for her visit.Yaogong listened for a long time without saying a word.

Yaotong told Luo Jiaojiao that his master forbade Fang Zi to spread it outside.If Yao Gong offered the prescription, it would be a betrayal of the master.

"It's so serious! Then what should I do?" Luo Jiaojiao lost her mind for a while.

No wonder Mr. Lang didn't come in person, he probably knew about it!Luo Jiaojiao thought to herself as she twisted the strap of her dress with her hands.

The night air was still dull.Luo Jiaojiao was hungry and sat in Yaogong's garden worrying.

Little Liu Ye ran over and asked Luo Jiaojiao to tell him a story.Luo Jiaojiao told him about their delivery of food and porridge.

"Porridge can be used, but medicine can also be used?" Little Liu Ye asked Luo Jiaojiao holding the medicine bag.

"That's right! We can apply medicine! In this way, we can not embarrass the medicine man, but also let the people of Pingcheng drink this medicinal soup for summer heat." Luo Jiaojiao picked up little Liu Ye and went around in circles.

"Don't drop the child!" Yao Gong reminded Luo Jiaojiao.

"I have an idea!" Luo Jiaojiao told Yao Gong about her idea.

Yao Gong nodded and said: "This matter has to be approved by the master!?"

"This method works!" Bo Langjun came over and hugged little Liu Ye from Luo Jiaojiao's arms.

"It's time to apply the medicine!" Little Liu Ye lifted the herb in his hand and shook it.

(End of this chapter)

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