Chapter 261
The hotbed is a soft couch, and it is extraordinarily comfortable to sleep on.

When Luo Jiaojiao woke up, she found herself being hugged by Bo Langjun.She wanted to push Bo Langjun away and get up, but he hugged him even tighter.

Just as Luo Jiaojiao was about to yell, she suddenly remembered what Mr. Bo Lang had hinted to him last night.

Do walls really have ears?Luo Jiaojiao looked towards the top of her head.Of course she couldn't see through the walls, but she didn't dare make a sound either.

Mr. Bo Lang was still fast asleep.Luo Jiaojiao woke him up when she rolled into his arms in the middle of the night.It took him a while to come back to his senses, and he hugged her in his arms.

Warm and fragrant nephrite, the beauty is in my arms.Mr. Bo Lang was already very satisfied.He fell asleep with Luo Jiaojiao in his arms beautifully, his dreams were sweet.

Luo Jiaojiao rested her head on Bo Langjun's chest, and her face inevitably became hot.She felt a sense of suffocation again.

The sleeping Bo Langjun was awakened by Luo Jiaojiao's pedal.Seeing Bo Langjun opened his eyes, Luo Jiaojiao hurriedly struggled to get up.

Bo Langjun turned over and pressed Luo Jiaojiao under him.Luo Jiaojiao was flustered, and she couldn't help raising her hand to push Bo Langjun away.But her strength is not as strong as Bo Langjun.After the two fought, Luo Jiaojiao's arm lost strength.

Bo Langjun's face moved closer to Luo Jiaojiao.Luo Jiaojiao closed her eyes and wanted to say no, but felt a slight chill on her forehead.Bo Langjun's lips were printed on her forehead.

Bo Langjun turned over and got off the ground, straightened his underwear, and then waited for Luo Jiaojiao to help him get dressed.

Luo Jiaojiao's face was as red as the morning glow.With no energy, she lay on the bed and didn't want to get up.

"What? Don't you even have the strength to dress me?" Mr. Bo deliberately raised his voice.

Luo Jiaojiao slowly sat up.Seeing the playful expression in Bo Langjun's looking back eyes, she wished she could get under the bed.

Taiwei Mansion, confidential room.

Zhou Taiwei sat behind the table, looking at his eyes and ears with piercing eyes.

"Reporting to Taiwei! There was no big movement between the two of them last night. But this morning, the sound of their bed sheets can be heard endlessly." Although the ear and eyes were kneeling on the ground and lowered their heads, his neck was red.

"It's hard for you! It's okay! Go down!" Zhou Taiwei's old face blushed unconsciously.After all, it would not be honorable for him to send someone to do it.

"Can't he be punished?" Zhou Taiwei's bodyguard asked.

"He was restrained last night! It's normal for his age!" Zhou Taiwei also experienced when Meng Lang was young, so he didn't deal with Bo Langjun like this, but he still locked them up.

The morning light illuminates the house through the doors and windows.Luo Jiaojiao brought the fresh water to the door.

"Open the door! Pour water!" Luo Jiaojiao became furious when she thought that the guards would not let her out.

As soon as the door was opened, the water in Luo Jiaojiao's basin splashed out, and the guard who opened the door was soaked.

"Ha ha!"

Luo Jiaojiao closed the door and ran into the inner room, laughing loudly.The relief in her heart: "Let you lock me up again! Hmph!"

"They are also following orders, why bother them?" Bo Langjun took the basin from Luo Jiaojiao's hand and put it on the basin stand outside.

"Jiang Yu didn't come to look for us either!" Luo Jiaojiao suddenly remembered Bo Langjun's personal bodyguard, Jiang Yu.

"When I came, I had told him not to worry about what happened, just wait outside the gate of the mansion!" Bo Langjun sat down and looked at Luo Jiaojiao.

"Mr. Bo knew that we would be under house arrest? No! Did you do it on purpose?" Luo Jiaojiao knelt beside Mr. Bo and lowered her voice.

Mr. Bo Lang picked up a brush and drew a pond, then pointed to the mandarin ducks and said to Luo Jiaojiao, "Look! Although the couple of mandarin ducks are trapped in a small pond, it doesn't affect their love!"

"You and I are not mandarin ducks!" Luo Jiaojiao scolded Bo Langjun.She doesn't like being locked up and living a life without freedom.

"Mandarin ducks are very loyal to their mates. If one of them dies, the other will never live alone!" Bo Langjun continued his painting.

"Then the two of you can live a good life together!" Luo Jiaojiao got up and went to make tea for Bo Langjun.

Bo Langjun raised his head and looked at Luo Jiaojiao who was cooking tea attentively.He found that Luo Jiaojiao was so gentle and pleasant when she was quiet, which made people feel affectionate.

A cup of fragrant tea was delivered to Bo Langjun's case.Mr. Bo Lang was just about to drink tea when he picked it up, when he suddenly saw the figure of Taiwei Zhou appearing in front of the door.As soon as he let go of his hand, the cup of tea spilled onto the mandarin duck picture he had just drawn.

"Why is Mr. Lang so careless, my mandarin ducks are all wet!" Luo Jiaojiao hurriedly picked up the picture of mandarin ducks and said dejectedly.

"The tea you make is too bad, and you have the nerve to blame me?" Bo Langjun pushed aside a few tables and tried to stand up.

"Who said that? I tasted it all! You did it on purpose!" Luo Jiaojiao angrily threw the mandarin duck picture in her hand on Bo Langjun.

"My clothes! You are getting more and more outrageous! You still haven't changed my clothes!" Bo Langjun shouted deliberately annoyed.

"I have hands and feet, so why do you ask someone to change them for you?" Luo Jiaojiao felt sorry for the destruction of her pair of mandarin ducks, so she couldn't speak properly.

"Don't think that my lord dotes on you, you can talk like that! You haven't added a man and a half woman to the Yang family for more than a year. If you were replaced by someone else, you would have been sent away! My lord treats you as before, you are like this Repay me?"

Bo Langjun's words made Luo Jiaojiao stunned for a moment.However, her reaction was quite quick, and she suddenly burst into tears: "If you are free, I will not be able to have children, and I will marry someone else! Why bother to block me with these words!"

"Of course I want to marry! I just hope that you will get along well with your future wife in the future, and she will not make things difficult for you!" Bo Langjun's tone softened.

"If you marry her, I'll leave! We'll be strangers from now on, and we'll be totally without me!"

Luo Jiaojiao seemed to have really entered the drama, her voice was so sad that Taiwei Zhou, who was eavesdropping outside the door, couldn't help feeling pity.He turned and left with a sigh.

Bo Langjun in the room saw Luo Jiaojiao sitting powerlessly at the tea table and crying, feeling as uncomfortable as a needle prick in his heart.He seemed to have seen a scene in the future just now, which made him unable to stand still, and his face was pale with heartache.

The two people in the room did not move at all.Mr. Bo Lang stood blankly at the end of the table and looked at Luo Jiaojiao, his eyes were full of gloom, making his deep eyes look like blue mist.

Luo Jiaojiao had stopped sobbing.She was too deep into the scene just now, and she hasn't been able to fully get out of it until now, and her little white hands started to tear her skirt again.

"I'm thirsty!"

Mr. Bo Lang sat behind several desks with difficulty, his body was piled up weakly, and he groaned as if he had been seriously ill.

Luo Jiaojiao regained her composure and raised her hand to pour tea for Bo Langjun.When she walked up to Mr. Bo Lang with a teacup, she found that his hand was shaking when he picked up the blurred picture of mandarin ducks.

Knowing that she was acting, she even ruined the picture of mandarin ducks!The anger in Luo Jiaojiao's heart rushed to the ground.She put down the teacup heavily, and was about to turn around and walk away, but Mr. Bo took hold of her hand.

Luo Jiaojiao shrank instinctively, but was grabbed even tighter.She saw the sadness in the eyes of Bo Langjun's pale face.

Luo Jiaojiao's heart trembled.If she leaves in the future, will he look like this now?

"It's just a show, how did you make yourself like this?" Luo Jiaojiao forced a smile.

"Don't leave me, okay?" Bo Langjun still held onto Luo Jiaojiao's hand tightly.

"it is good!"

Under such circumstances, how could Luo Jiaojiao not agree?But she really didn't know if she would be able to do it in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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