The poor lover provoked Luo Xiaoniang

Chapter 435 Entering the Stone Forest

Chapter 435 Entering the Stone Forest
General Nan Yueyu's troops were stationed at the foot of Zhongshan Mountain.

Although Zhongshan is towering and steep, it is not difficult to climb if you have a guide.

Jiang Yuhua hired a guide at a high price.General Yu heard that Bo Langjun and others had arrived at Zhongshan, so he came to greet him in person.

After Bo Langjun and General Yu saluted each other, they walked into General Yu's conference hall together.

On a huge sand table, the landform map of Zhongshan is fully visible.

Why is there a picture missing?Luo Jiaojiao was thinking about it in her heart, but she didn't dare to speak up.

"Where did Liu Qinnan go?"

Mr. Bo Lang walked to the sand table and gently fiddled with the small flag inside.


General Yu planted a small yellow flag at the place where Liu Qinnan and others disappeared.

"Let's go and see! Farewell!"

After Bo Langjun finished speaking, he left with Luo Jiaojiao and Jiang Yu.

"Hey! Inspector Bo! Please stop?"

Liu Qinnan chased him out.

"What else can I order?"

Bo Langjun heard footsteps behind him and stopped.

"You can't go!"

General Yu's words made Jiang Yu very happy.Although he had hired a good guide, he did not want his master to venture.

"Thank you, General Yu, for your kindness! We brought a guide, so..."

Before Bo Langjun finished speaking, General Yu raised his voice and shouted: "Come here! Take them to the tent for dinner! Then take care of them!"

General Yu had to let his sergeant put Bo Langjun and the three under house arrest.

The skills of the three of Bo Langjun are not something those soldiers can stand up to.As soon as they entered the house and drank a cup of tea, Luo Jiaojiao had the idea of ​​running away.

"Lang Jun! General Yu is also kind."

Jiang Yu immediately added a sentence.

"Leave when it gets dark! Where is our guide?"

Mr. Bo Lang found that the guide was missing.

"I am here!"

Luo Jiaojiao walked over looking for the sound, and found that the guide was hiding by the screen behind the door.

"Mountain climbing tomorrow, everyone go to bed early!"

Mr. Bo Lang did not change his original intention.

Jiang Yu had no choice but to quietly go out to meet Luan Chong.

Luo Jiaojiao yawned, then climbed onto the couch and fell asleep.

Mr. Bo Lang walked outside the house, looked at the busy figures of the soldiers, and thought about how to get out at night.
After a while, Jiang Yu came back.He said that Luan Chong already knew our plan, and he was waiting for the night to fall.

The night gradually became thicker, like the color of obsidian.

Bo Langjun and the guide changed into short-breasted clothes for easy movement and walked out of the tent.

The soldiers guarding the tent just wanted to ask what they were going to do?Jiang Yu and Luo Jiaojiao knocked out those soldiers with a few hits.

"This way!"

The guide led the three of Bo Langjun to the back of the barracks.

Jiang Yu followed behind Luo Jiaojiao with food and other items on her back.

The military camp under the night was quiet, Bo Langjun heard faint footsteps following them.He knew that the hidden guards were following, and he felt more confident.

Although Luan Chong accompanied him all the way, he was very unhappy in his heart.

Mr. Bo Lang always seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, and never plays with his own life.But ever since Luo Jiaojiao entered the mansion, Luan Chong found that his master had changed a lot.

This Luo Jiaojiao is simply a villain?Luan Chong muttered in his heart.

It is not easy to walk in the mountains with deep forests and dense trees at night.

In order to avoid being attacked by the rebels hiding in the mountains, Bo Langjun didn't let Jiang Yu light the torch.

Jiang Yu held a fire note in his hand to identify the route for the guide.They are going to rescue Liu Qinnan and others.

After walking for a long time, the guide suddenly stopped.


Mr. Bo Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked the guide.

"No wonder they couldn't come back! They must have strayed into the depths of the Stone Forest!"

The guide looked timidly at the dark stone forest.

"Can't you come out?"

Mr. Bo Lang pursed his lips in displeasure.

"There is an ancient legend about this stone forest. It is said that there was a woman who lived here for a long time. She did not eat grains and lived freely in the stone forest."

"Suddenly one day, a young and handsome man entered the stone forest and lost his way. When the woman found him, he was already dying."

"I don't know what method the woman used to save the young man. Seeing that the woman was as beautiful as a flower, the man saved his life again, so he stayed with the woman."

"Two people fell in love with each other for a long time, and they used heaven and earth as a matchmaker to form a couple."

"Later, the young man was homesick, so he wanted to bring his daughter back home."

"The woman told the man that she could not leave this stone forest. The man returned home alone and promised the woman to come back soon."

"The woman was already pregnant at the time, and was waiting for her husband's return."

"Later, after the woman gave birth to a daughter, she died when she was seven years old."

"The poor child is lonely and helpless. Fortunately, she inherited her mother's traits and can survive without eating grains."

"After the man returned to his hometown, he married another woman under the persecution of his parents. But he never forgot the woman in the stone forest. So, after he got the honor in the examination, he voluntarily came to Guilin County to serve."

"When he returned to Stone Forest with guilt and remorse, he found that his beloved woman was dead."

"The girl ran away in fright when she saw her strange father, and the gentleman hurriedly chased her. He failed to catch up with his daughter, but was trapped in the stone forest and couldn't get out, and then died in the stone forest."

"People say that only that girl can open the gate of the stone forest, otherwise no one will be able to get out!"

"Let's not go in!"

Luo Jiaojiao retreated.

"This stone forest may have been set up by some practitioners!"

Jiang Yu speculated.

"Can you get in and out?"

Mr. Bo Lang pressed the guide.

"Xiao Ke walked through it once, and got out by luck!"

The guide wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and told the truth.

"Go! Enter the stone forest!"

Mr. Bo Lang stepped into the stone forest first.

Luo Jiaojiao followed without hesitation.Jiang Yu gave the guide a push.The guide had to lead the way obediently.

The stalagmites in the stone forest are in various shapes, but Luo Jiaojiao has always been vigilant and has no intention of admiring them.

The guide led Bo Langjun and the three of them slowly into the depths of the stone forest.Occasionally, they could see piles of white bones sitting or lying down, adding to the weight of fear in Luo Jiaojiao's heart.

"Let's take a break!"

Luo Jiaojiao's words fit Mr. Bo Lang's heart very well.

Everyone sat under the stalagmites to rest.My heart was beating violently.

In the eyes of Bo Langjun and others, the stone forest in the night looked quite strange.In their hearts, this stone forest is a hell that can eat people, and the dense white bones that can be seen everywhere are enough to explain everything.

"Lang Jun! Will Liu Qinnan and the others already..."

Luo Jiaojiao felt an indescribable fear in her heart.She had to think of things as bad.

"Currently, they should still be alive!"

Mr. Bo Lang took a deep breath and said.

"These more than 100 people are not all in one place!"

Jiang Yu had been walking for so long, but he didn't see a single soldier, and he felt strange in his heart.

"This stone forest is not small!"

Mr. Bo Lang had seen the topographic map in the sand table, so he said firmly.

"If we look around like this, we might get lost!"

Luo Jiaojiao couldn't help looking worriedly at the way she came.

(End of this chapter)

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