Daming primary school students

Chapter 213 The Fateful Encounter in History

Chapter 213 The Fateful Encounter in History
In order to resolve the embarrassing atmosphere, the primary school student said to Feng Zhixian without words: "I saw everyone gathered here today, why?"

Feng Zhixian was also eager to change the topic, and quickly replied: "The leader of the new governor has delivered the red ticket, and is scheduled to enter the city in two days!
The county governments of the two counties in the city are going to welcome the new governor, and various ceremonies for taking office have to be done, so they gather here to discuss. "

Qin Dewei was stunned, no wonder he didn't inform himself, probably everyone in the county government knew that he was too lazy to worry about such procedural red tape.

"Who is the new governor?" Qin Dewei asked again.

Feng Zhixian replied: "As I mentioned to you earlier, Yan Song, who was promoted from Guozijian Jijiu, is from Jiangxi."

Qin Dewei sighed, Yan Song really came to Nanjing for gilding, but although the general direction of history has not changed, the small details have been changed by himself.

In my impression, in the original history, Yan Song's gilding in Nanjing should have started as a minister of the Ministry of Rites, and then he was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Rites of Nanjing.Five years later, Xia Yan entered the cabinet, and Yan Song returned to Beijing to take over as Minister of Rites.

Seeing Qin Dewei's lack of interest, Feng Zhixian felt a little strange, so he turned his back and spoke alone, and asked directly: "Yan Song and Uncle Da Zong are friends from the same hometown, and they are starting to gain momentum again. You didn't think about finding opportunities to get close?"

According to Feng Zhixian's understanding, Yan Song is regarded as "one of his own people", and it is rare for one of his own people to come. Why is your attitude so indifferent, Qin Dewei?

Qin Dewei is speechless, how big is his heart to get close to Yan Song?Hide as far as you can!

He just said sternly: "In the past few months, I will study behind closed doors and not ask about foreign affairs. This is the right way to be a human being. Besides, my ambition is noble and I have no interest in making friends with powerful people!"

Feng Zhixian nodded after listening, first expressed his agreement, and then asked: "Then what is the truth?"

Qin Dewei secretly sighed, this Master Feng is not easy to fool. "The truth is, in fact, the word loyalty is the most important thing in life. As long as Master Feng is still in Nanjing, I will only recognize Master Feng! What do others do to me!"

Feng Zhixian was very moved, and raised his bar again: "What about Wang Da Sima?"

Qin Dewei had nothing to say, turned around and left, yelling, "Master Feng, if you have to say something more, I will transfer my household registration to Shangyuan County!"

After leaving the county office, Qin Dewei felt relaxed, no matter what the result was, at least he didn't have to worry about it any more.

After that, Qin Dewei dawdled on purpose for a few days, and then went to Master Zeng and told him about the failed name change.

Although Zeng Mian regretted it, there was no reason to force it. He also knew that there was actually a workaround.

For example, if you move your household registration to Jiangning County, you can merge with Qin Dewei.But someone as smart as Qin Dewei deliberately didn't mention it, so he definitely didn't want to.

How could it be so easy to be a Jinling primary school student and the father of Jiangdong Xiaobawang?Besides, it was already the end of September, and I was about to leave for Shangluo, so I didn't have time to dawdle about it.

The most urgent thing is to help cheap son get the Spring and Autumn Classics teacher's affairs done before leaving.

Speaking of scholars in Nanjing, there are too many people who want to be primary school teachers, especially those with malicious intentions, but there are too few people who want to be teachers of the Spring and Autumn Classics.

Zeng's stepfather was very conscientious. He visited a large circle in the past few days, and he had to consider both knowledge and character. Finally, he asked a local examination to introduce him in the same year, and found an old scholar in his fifties.

This person is Wang Yijing, a rare person who cured the Spring and Autumn Classics. Although his fame is not very good, he has a good reputation, solid knowledge, and upright character.

In particular, this person is very low-key, he only makes a living by teaching, and keeps himself clean.Unlike Old Man Gu and his gang in Qingxi Society, who are feasting and feasting all day long, people worry that they will spoil the cheap son.

Qin Dewei always felt that this old gentleman's name was a bit familiar. Logically speaking, such an old scholar should not be a historical celebrity. How can Wen Zhengming be everywhere?
"My friend has already made an agreement, you will follow me to visit the old gentleman tomorrow, and bring the gift of confinement!" Zeng's stepfather ordered Qin Dewei.

Qin Dewei asked, "Where does Mr. Wang live?"

Zeng Mi replied: "Outside Jubao Gate, over there in Changganli."

Qin Dewei frowned, and subconsciously muttered: "It's a bit far away."

Stepfather Zeng finally understood why Feng Zhixian always clenched his fists when discussing children's education with Feng Zhixian.

Is it easy to find a suitable teacher? How dare you pick and choose!
Changganli outside Jubaomen, that's right, is the Changganli that often appears in poems, almost at the southernmost point of Jiangning County, and Qingxi, where Qin Dewei lives, is at the extreme northeast corner of Jiangning County.

Qin Dewei silently calculated that the distance between the two sides is about four to five kilometers, and it takes one hour to walk one way and two hours to go back and forth.

Xu Miaoxuan, who was beside her, hurriedly persuaded her: "How can you be afraid of hard work in studying? It's okay to travel for an hour every day, and you can also recite classics silently while walking."

Seeing that his stepfather's face was not very good-looking, Qin Dewei, who predicted the risk of being beaten, quickly said: "Okay, okay, go and have a look tomorrow, maybe the old man still doesn't like me!"

On the next day, Qin Dewei joined his stepfather.Originally, he wanted to be lazy and hire two sedan chairs, but Zeng's stepfather insisted on walking with them, so as to talk heart-to-heart.

Half an hour later, the two of them left the Jubao Gate and came to Changganli, where they found the private school opened by Mr. Wang.

The old gentleman greeted him at the door of the main room, and his stepfather took a few steps forward, both of them saluted and returned the salute very happily.

The sluggish Qin Dewei stood behind his stepfather, casually looking at the plaque.He is used to looking at the signature first, and when he saw the words "Brother Yiqi", he was stunned for a moment.

After Zeng's stepfather met with the old gentleman, he turned around and saw that cheap son was distracted for some reason, and hurriedly tugged a few times.

Qin Dewei pushed aside his stepfather who was in the way, stepped forward to salute Mr. Wang, and said, "After the end of school, come in to meet Mr., please be included in the gate wall, and come to study from tomorrow!"

Great stepfather: "."

You were reluctant before you came, so how come you are so enthusiastic all of a sudden?Why does this son of a bitch's complexion change so quickly?

Mr. Wang is a gentle, modest and gentle old scholar. After accepting the gift of training, he asked Qin Dewei a few questions, and the matter of apprenticeship to learn from the Spring and Autumn Period was finalized.

Coming out of the private school, Qin Dewei sighed to his stepfather: "Master, it is really a kind of historical fate that you brought me here."

Stepfather Zeng finally couldn't take it anymore: "Can you speak human language!"

But Qin Dewei couldn't explain it in a human way.

The inscription on the plaque reads "Brother Yiqi", which means that Mr. Wang Yijing has a younger brother named Wang Yiqi. Just by the style of their names, they must be brothers.

As for who Wang Yiqi is, after the historical governor of the three sides, Marshal Zeng, was beheaded in Xishi, it was this Wang Yiqi who continued to serve as the governor of the three sides to stabilize the situation and stop the northern captives.

Today Marshal Zeng brought his cheap son to Wang Yiqi's brother's private school. Isn't this a fateful encounter in history?
Qin Dewei often reads the news from the mansion, so in his impression Wang Yiqi should be the right servant of the Ministry of War now?The private school opened by his elder brother, the right servant of the Ministry of War, is there any reason not to be a teacher?
It can also be seen from this that after stepfather Zeng entered the officialdom, even without his own help, the rate of promotion in the original historical time and space was almost unstoppable.

A scholar became the governor in ten years, and the current right servant of the Ministry of War can only take over the post of his stepfather after more than ten years.

If there was no risk of thunderstorms, Qin Dewei might have been laid flat by now.

(End of this chapter)

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