Daming primary school students

Chapter 684 The former first assistant is gone

Chapter 684 The former first assistant is gone

A day later, two joint memorials from the Hanlin Academy and Zhan Shifu were sent to the palace, and the content was surprisingly consistent, both of which were to invite Qin Dewei to reinstate his post.

The two memorials were circulated in the hands of the cabinet scholars. Except for surprise, no one drafted a ticket for it, and submitted it directly to Emperor Jiajing.

It was the emperor's will for Qin Dewei to join the straight line, and it was also the emperor's will to suspend his appointment. Whether he should be reinstated or not can only be decided by the emperor, besides, no one else wants to trouble Qin Dewei.

When Emperor Jiajing was cultivating immortals, when he was dealing with political affairs, he saw these two memorials asking Qin Dewei to reinstate him. However, he hadn't figured out how to arrange it yet, and another urgent memorial came before the case.

In the Wuyi Hall outside the gate of Renshou Palace, there are several wing rooms on the east and west sides, one for each of the ministers who entered Zhizhi. This is what is called "Zhilu" in history books.

Although the place is still very cramped, for the cabinet masters, it is much better than the office environment in Wenyuan Pavilion where each person had a small dark room.

Of course, if Wenyuan Pavilion is only used by one person, that would be another matter.

However, Zhang Chao, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, had finished his rest and returned to Wuyi Palace Ruzhi with Qin Dewei's "rewritten" Qingci.

After Zhang Chao handed in today's "homework" that day, he saw the first assistant Xia Yan standing in front of the hall, stretching his legs and feet, with a relaxed and happy expression, and he didn't know what happy event had happened.

But in this kind of forbidden place, it is definitely not possible to inquire about things like outside, and Zhang Chao and Xia Shoufu are not very familiar, so he can only return to his room with doubts.

In fact, as a minister of the Ministry of Rites, when he entered the Wuyi Palace, he was much more leisurely than the cabinet scholars, but also more boring.

While the cabinet scholars were writing green poems to enshrine, they also had to deal with state affairs at the same time. Emperor Jiajing was not a person who just let go of his affairs just because he was cultivating immortality.

But Zhang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, like his student surnamed Qin, does not have the right to pre-order maintenance, and does not need to deal with memorials, but only needs to write green poems to worship.

Zhang Shangshu could only say a few words about state affairs unless Emperor Jiajing made a special inquiry or summoned him for discussion.

Zhang Chao sat in the wing room for a while, when a eunuch came to summon him and asked him to go to Renshou Palace to have an audience.

So Zhang Shangshu quickly got up and followed the eunuch and left. He didn't know until he saw the emperor that the news had just come that the former Chief Assistant Zhang Fujing had passed away.

Only then did Zhang Chao suddenly realize why Xia Yan looked so happy.

Zhang Fujing was the number one meritorious official in the ceremony back then, and he had a special status in Emperor Jiajing's mind.Although he returned to his hometown because of the "seven-year itch", there is still the possibility of recovery at any time.

The cabinet is a place that is very particular about seniority. As long as the former chief assistant returns to the court, the current chief assistant will definitely step aside, so Zhang Fujing is still Xia Yan's number one hidden danger.

Now that Zhang Fujing is gone, even if Xia Yan's position as chief assistant has been completely consolidated, no one can challenge Xia Yan's position as chief assistant for the time being.

Thinking of Zhang Fujing's political career, which rose like a comet and then retired like a meteor, Zhang Chao also secretly sighed.

Nowadays, it is said that Bachelor Qin's promotion is fast, but compared with Zhang Fujing, Qin Dewei is still a lot slower!

At that time, Zhang Fujing started as a Jinshi in Zhengde for 16 years, was promoted to Hanlin Bachelor in three years, was promoted to Zhan Shi and Hanlin Bachelor in four years, and was promoted to Cabinet University Bachelor in six and a half years. He still participated in the maintenance!
And Qin Dewei was a young Zhanshi and Hanlin bachelor after four years of mixing, and his promotion was much slower than that of Zhang Fujing.

Emperor Jiajing summoned Zhang Chao, Minister of Rites, not just to inform Zhang Fujing of his death.

The loss of the former Chief Assistant is such a big deal, of course the emperor and the court have to express it.For example, how to posthumously, how to determine the posthumous title, in addition to sending envoys to mourn and give sacrifices and funerals, these are all within the scope of responsibilities of the Ministry of Rites.

Emperor Jiajing said a few words, and asked Zhang Chao, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, to come up with specific opinions.

Zhang Chao couldn't help but said: "I think it's better to ask all the elders to discuss together."

Zhang Chao's personality is not as arbitrary as Qin Dewei's. There are three great scholars outside, and he, a minister of the Ministry of Rites, drafts it alone in front of the imperial court, which always feels strange.

Emperor Jiajing resolutely said: "You don't need them, you just have to draw up the performance!"

The hostile relationship between Xia Yan and Zhang Fujing was not unknown to Emperor Jiajing.And Yan Song and Gu Dingchen were suppressed people when Zhang Fujing was in power, and they didn't have a good opinion of Zhang Fujing.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing didn't want to cause more trouble, and just let Zhang Chao draw up the plan by himself.

So Zhang Shangshu could only think about it by himself. It is easy to talk about the posthumous gift. Zhang Fujing had already been appointed as an official, at least a teacher and a prince and grand teacher before his death, so it would be fine to posthumously be a grand teacher.

As for the posthumous title, Zhang Shangshu thought about it and proposed it as "Wen Zhong". Emperor Jiajing was also very satisfied with this.The number one hero of the Great Rites must of course be accompanied by a "loyalty".

Zhang Chao asked another arrangement: "What is the best level to send envoys to Yongjia, Zhejiang Province to offer condolences and funerals?"

Emperor Jiajing still had a lot of affection for Zhang Fujing, his favorite minister of the first generation, and replied without hesitation: "We must send important officials as envoys."

Every day when Emperor Jiajing was not cultivating immortality, the admiral Qin and the eunuchs of Dongchang tried their best to rush over to give the routine report, and it happened to be here at this time.

After hearing the arrangements for Zhang Qian's chief assistant's funeral, the Qin eunuch suddenly reminded Emperor Jiajing: "Do you want to take back the silver medal that Zhang Fujing received?"

Zhang Fujing, as the first favorite minister and a cabinet scholar, must have the right to play the silver medal.

According to the practice of the Jiajing Dynasty, ministers had to return their silver medals when they resigned, and they were not allowed to take them home, but Zhang Fujing was the only exception.

When Zhang Fujing resigned, Emperor Jiajing specially allowed Zhang Fujing not to return the silver medal, which was a very special kindness.Fang Xianfu, another university scholar who resigned, also wanted to keep the silver medal, but Emperor Jiajing did not agree.

Based on this, many people speculated that Zhang Fujing might recover, and this was what Xia Yan was most worried about.

Now that Zhang Fujing is gone, whether the imperial silver medal should be taken back is another question.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jiajing recalled the years of fighting together with Zhang Fujing, and sighed: "Take it back."

Then the Qin eunuch took out a note again and said to Emperor Jiajing: "A few days ago, your Majesty ordered his ministers to monitor Qin Dewei, and all the movements in the past few days have been recorded."

Emperor Jiajing took a quick glance, and was generally satisfied with Qin Dewei's performance.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Chao also figured out a candidate, and said to Emperor Jiajing: "Zhai Luan is idle, so he can be an envoy."

The emperor seemed to want to give Zhang Fujing the greatest honor, and Zhai Luan, a former academician, must have had enough weight.

Besides, find something for Zhai Luan to do, and send out the capital, so as not to keep people saying that Qin Dewei should give Zhai Luan his place.

Emperor Jiajing raised the letter in his hand, "Qin Dewei can do it too."

Zhang Chao: "."

Could it be that Qin Dewei is considered an important minister in the eyes of the emperor?

Moreover, the emperor's thinking was too jumpy. With Qin Dewei's age and personality, he was definitely not suitable to be such a messenger who had to be prudent.

After thinking about it, Zhang Chao boldly retorted: "If Qin Dewei is allowed to go, I'm afraid that the Zhang family will be outraged."

Don't even think about it, Your Majesty, who spurred Zhang Qianshoufu to step down?
 My thoughts are still confused, I really want to write where I want to, there is no way to update it
(End of this chapter)

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