Daming primary school students

Chapter 791 The last limelight

Chapter 791 The last limelight
The meaning expressed by the eunuch Qin is very clear, Mr. Yan Ge and Qin Zhongtang all have their own selfishness, just from different angles.

Your Majesty, please open your eyes, only he, the Duke of Dongchang, is the most loyal, pure, fair and selfless person to the emperor!

After unexpectedly stepping on Qin Dewei's foot, the eunuch Qin was refreshed, thoughtful, and comfortable, and found Yan Song again, "I'll ask again, what does Elder Yan Ge think about Duan Chaoyong's advice?

If the speeches were just speeches before, just listen to them, but now that the East Palace has been involved, Boss Yan Ge can't continue to turn a blind eye, right? "

Now Qin Dewei understands why Qin eunuch always grabs Yan Ge and won't let him go.

Because the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, Yan Ge, as the cabinet, has the "obligation" to express his position on this kind of political issue, otherwise he would be a blatant corpse.

And a role like Lu Bing who doesn't have any political weight has no corresponding political responsibilities at all, and of course he has no political obligations, so he can completely pretend to be dead.

Moreover, Qin Dewei also discovered that the eunuch Qin cleverly changed a concept. The original motive of Duan Chao's words was for "longevity", which was also what moved Emperor Jiajing.

But the eunuch Qin successfully linked Duan Chaoyong's advice with Donggong Shangshu. Unknowingly, under the subtle influence of everyone, Duan Chaoyong's original intention and motivation became "Prince Supervising the Country".

Didn't you see that Emperor Jiajing said just now, "What is the crime of Duan Chaoyong", but now he doesn't stop criticism at all?This shows that the suspicious emperor has begun to mutter in his heart, let alone ordinary people.

So Yan Song, who had no way to retreat, sighed helplessly. Even though his spirit was strong, he felt exhausted at this time.

Again!As long as you meet someone with the surname Qin, no matter how simple a plan is, there will be accidents!
This time it was already very simple. It was to take advantage of the death of the officials of the East Palace, and then carry out a big cleansing and replace them with their own people.

Moreover, the rival Qin Dewei has expressed several times before that he has no interest in Donggong, so this time the plan should be without difficulty.

But who knew that Qin Dewei would pull Duan Chaoyong out, which became a big change, and even played tricks.

Afterwards, the two surnamed Qin quarreled and quarreled with each other, making the situation very complicated, allowing themselves to focus on one thing and lose another, and a loophole appeared.

Facing the eunuch Qin's persecution, Mr. Yan Ge used a tactic to delay the attack, and asked: "Eunuch Qin, you always ask me, what do you think of Duan Chaoyong's advice?"

Eunuch Qin said with a smile: "Another cabinet minister said just now that we must be self-aware as a human being. Dongchang's responsibility is not in government affairs, nor in counseling. It shouldn't be here to participate in the discussion!"

Yan Song still maintains his "impeccable" speech style: "Duan Chao's advice is to the emperor, and only the emperor can decide how to treat it. We and other officials only need to listen to the emperor's holy judgment!"

Because of a big loophole, Yan Song is in a very passive state, unable to counterattack at all, and can only take a defensive position.

Just when everyone thought that eunuch Qin would continue to question Mr. Yan Ge, they suddenly turned to Lu Bing and said, "When Qin Dewei accused Duan Chaoyong of ulterior motives just now, only you really defended Duan Chaoyong. You even once said that you admired Duan Chaoyong Xuan. achievement."

Lu Bing only felt that he was a fool. Compared with Yan Song, what he said just now was a thousand miles away.

When the eunuch Qin came to him, it would probably be difficult for him to continue to open the gap from Yan Song, so he tried on his side.

Then Eunuch Qin continued to say to Lu Bing: "So you probably agree with Duan Chaoyong's suggestion, don't you also look forward to the crown prince supervising the country?"

Lu Bing was taken aback. You can talk nonsense, eunuch Qin, but you can't let the emperor think about it!He quickly denied it and said, "I'm not, I haven't, don't talk nonsense!"

Eunuch Qin asked Lu Bing suspiciously: "Then I don't understand, why are you and Mr. Yan Ge favoring Duan Chaoyong together?"

Yan Song almost swears, who is with Lu Bing?But thinking of his own situation, he could only hold back temporarily and continue to pretend to be low-key.

It's just that Lu Bing was speechless, he couldn't tell the real reason, and he didn't have the quick wit to make up a false reason.

Seeing Lu Bing being silenced by the eunuch Qin, Qin Dewei felt very uncomfortable, as if his toy had been robbed.

Obviously at first Lu Bing belonged to Qin Dewei, and the eunuch Qin's target was Yan Song!

The eunuch Qin, who had gained the upper hand, sneered and said: "As the saying goes, there is no profit, and people's hearts cannot escape the shackles of fame and fortune!
I don't believe it anymore, you Yan Song and Lu Bing really have a common heart, so you will stick together to protect Duan Chaoyong! "

Like a proof question, Eunuch Qin finished the final argument.

In fact, the last few words were spoken by the Qin eunuch to Emperor Jiajing.Duan Chaoyong's intentions are very suspicious. From the cabinet to the guards, there are people who support Duan Chaoyong. The emperor can figure it out.

As a loyal admiral of the East Factory, he faithfully fulfilled his obligations, sniffing out and pointing out the wrongdoers for the emperor.

Qin Dewei, who has been suppressed until now, also has to admire. This Qin eunuch obviously has some black materials for the court, but he has never used them.

Always relying on real skills to frame and frame the enemy, is this intended to use black materials at more critical moments?

According to Emperor Jiajing's suspicious character, he would not be polite if he found doubts, especially Duan Chaoyong was suspected of being "the prince supervising the country".

But Emperor Jiajing, who was always impulsive, hesitated at this moment, mainly because Duan Chaoyong seemed to have a superb fairy art, and he refined the fairy artifact to worship, and seemed to have the art of longevity.

Talent is so rare that Emperor Jiajing was a little bit reluctant.

Eunuch Qin frowned. If he survived the snake attack, he would be afraid of endless troubles. Would he want to throw out the black materials used by Duan Chao here?
But this timing is not very good. If you take out the black material at this time, it would be too deliberate, as if you have been deliberately hiding it to watch a joke.

Qin Dewei, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly came out, and finally got ahead of the Qin eunuch, and played to Emperor Jiajing:
"Just now, Your Majesty Yuyin said, what is the crime of Duan Chaoyong? I also want to answer the question at this time, and Tao Zhenren, who has little contact with the courtiers, is so innocent. He was accused by Lord Lu just now for no reason!"

Among the people present, except for Lu Bing, who is not a shrewd person, their expressions suddenly changed.

It's true that a biting dog doesn't bark, Qin Dewei didn't bark much today, but suddenly biting someone is the most poisonous!
Just these two sentences have several meanings!
The first meaning is that the real purpose of Yan Song, Lu Bing and the others in advocating Duan Chaoyong is not for Your Majesty's face, but maybe to let Duan Chaoyong replace Tao Zhongwen as the national teacher!

Otherwise, if there is no benefit, it will not be early. What other benefits can impress Yan Song, who is at the quasi-chief assistant level?

The second level of meaning, Lu Bing's abrupt pulling out of Tao Zhongwen just now is a subconscious manifestation of the above mental state!
The third meaning is that Tao Zhongwen is not keen on politics, but Duan Chaoyong is keen on politics. Do you really want the Taoist priests who accompany you to cultivate immortals to gain political power?Do you really encourage Duan Chaoyong to be such a restless Taoist priest, Your Majesty?

The fourth meaning, comparing Tao Zhongwen and Duan Chaoyong, who is the best choice for you to keep, Your Majesty?Are you really so relieved of Duan Chaoyong, Your Majesty?

Your Majesty, what is Duan Chaoyong's crime, but Tao Zhongwen can't afford this sentence?
Emperor Jiajing suddenly pointed at the Qin eunuch, and with difficulty issued an order: "Use Duan Chao for interrogation!"

Lu Bing was not asked to do it directly, and eunuch Qin was allowed to handle it, which clearly shows his attitude.

Although Eunuch Qin got the result he wanted, he felt a little upset. He worked hard for the whole game, but in the end he was robbed of the limelight by others!Little bastard!

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(End of this chapter)

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