Chapter 235

Jiang Tang is already a little familiar with this place, knowing that apart from the mountain being a bit dangerous, there is no formation here, except for them, these people will have the advantage of self-defense Gu insects.

In fact, they are less safe here than other families in the world of cultivating immortals. There are poisonous insects in the river below the mountain, and this is just to deal with ordinary people.

Like the real Almighty, someone with a flying magic weapon like him can come to the cottage here at any time.

But he didn't say much, he was not a capable formation mage, so he kindly offered a suggestion to Dugu Yan'er.

"Dugu Yan'er, your cottage doesn't activate formations?"

"How could it not? It's just that you don't know it. We are one of the top ten families. How could it be so useless? A guest came to solve the formation."

Dugu Yan'er said with an arrogant expression, his answer made Jiang Tang feel that it was unnecessary to worry, one of the top ten families, his background is incomparable to that of ordinary background.

Jiang Tang felt that he could not become the strongest with money to build up his power, and he had to pass on some of his abilities to the people below.

He thought of the secret books he had obtained before, and these secret books are not for everyone to learn. If they are given to some people with bad intentions, it will be a disaster.

Jiang Tang felt that the future team had to pass the assessment before he could teach them secret books and make them stronger. Star-absorbing Dafa is a skill that cannot be taught to others. Such a domineering skill can only be enjoyed by oneself.

Jiang Tang’s flying arrow carried one more person this time, but it could become bigger. With the addition of a man, it wouldn’t look too narrow. It also allowed each of them to sit on the flying arrow and watch the flying arrow fly under the clouds. landscape.

Brother Dugu watched the scenery outside in the clouds, feeling very fresh and happy.

He also has a flying magic weapon, but there is no magic weapon that is so fast and must be so high. His flying sword was rewarded by the family, a magic weapon that the family bought from outside.

The family does not have a refining hall like other families. Their family has an alchemy hall. The elixirs they refine are relatively common, and the better elixirs are bought outside at a high price.

When they came to Yunshi, the spiritual gate guided by the clouds, they looked down from a high place and saw that this was an ordinary mountain outside the imperial city. They could only see trees, birds singing and flowers fragrant, but no houses.

Looking at this place, Jiang Tang felt that this must not be a real portrait, and that there must be illusions used here. Even a Lunhai cultivator like himself cannot see the illusions. If this is really not an illusion, he would not believe it.

But if this is really an illusion, the people who made the illusion here are really brilliant.

A person with such a strong mental power did not see the truth in the illusion.

"Yun Duoduo, are you sure this is your family's place? Don't you guys live in caves?"

Dugu Yan'er thinks that the scenery here is quite beautiful, compared with that of their family.

"It's just that you have blind eyes, you don't have the ability to see clearly." Yun Duoduo said arrogantly.

"Yun Duoduo, is this really where your family lives? Illusion?" Yuan Baozhu said incredulously.

"Of course, our family is yours that can come in casually? If there is no one from us to lead the way, who would know that this is our family's residence?"

When Yun Duoduo went to their family, she rarely spoke, which didn't mean she didn't have her own arrogance.

The same top ten aristocratic families, Yun Duoduo feels that they are not inferior to them, not only in person, but also in appearance and force value.

"Yun Duoduo, stop pretending to be mysterious, and lead the way!" Tang Yan gave Yun Duoduo a white look.

"That's right, mysterious fart, isn't it an illusion? It's similar to a magic circle." Zhang Nianjiao even uttered rude words.

"Yun Duoduo, I thought you came here to let us see the scenery, so this is your family, is it so mysterious?" Hua Xianer also said.

The rest of the people all smiled, feeling that Yun Duoduo was acting.

"I didn't invite you here, you are here to follow Jiang Tang, hehe."

Yun Duoduo rolled her eyes at no one, and she also rolled her eyes at other women.

Brother Dugu could understand what they said, and only his sister could understand the language they spoke.

Dugu Yan'er said a few words to her elder brother, and her elder brother also said a few words to her. This man thinks that Yun Duoduo is too hypocritical. Since he has already brought people here, why not bring them into the family quickly? .

"Yun Duoduo, didn't you invite me into your family? Why? Regret it!"

Jiang Tang was not annoyed by Yun Duoduo's showing off, but felt that this woman had her own pride.

"Don't regret it, Jiang Tang, I'll take you in right away, open your eyes and have a look."

Of course, Yun Duoduo's attitude towards Jiang Tang was different from that of other women. Jiang Tang was always obedient to those women.

Yun Duoduo took out something from the storage bag on his body, and this thing was shining towards a place on the mountain. Everyone found that the place in front of them was a mountain with only flowers and trees, but what appeared in front of them was an archway.

"Lingmen Yunshi" has four big characters. Inside the archway, there are streets, houses and people walking.

Looking from here, it is not a remote place in the mountains, but a very prosperous market.

"Yo, it's changed in here."

Among the crowd, a woman's voice sounded, but Yun Duoduo ignored it.

Leading them into the archway, when they entered the archway, everyone looked back outside, only to see that the outside of the archway was still surrounded by mountains, trees and jungles.


Only then did everyone realize that the sophistication of the illusion makes it hard for people to see the scenery in front of them.

Yun Duoduo smiled at the surprised expressions of the group of people, she just wanted this effect.

If the Yun family didn't have his own characteristics, how could there be brilliant achievements.

They have been standing tall for 1 years, and they rely on their own ability illusion.

Yun Duoduo led them into the street, and they observed the street. In fact, like other busy streets, here are some shops selling things.

"Yun Duoduo, your family has made this place so mysterious, waiting for customers to come here to buy things? Aren't you preventing others from coming here? Don't you street swatter flies?"

Yuan Baozhu saw that there were people walking on the street, but it was not as prosperous as other places in the imperial city, and there were no dense crowds.

"You think it's so incompetent. The streets of our family not only open shops to sell things to the outside world, but also invite guests to come here. There are more powerful people in the world of cultivating immortals. They have the ability to see through the illusion we use."

Yun Duoduo rolled her eyes again at Yuan Baozhu's words.

"Oh, that means your illusion is not omnipotent, haha."

Dugu Yan'er said with a sarcastic smile.

Yun Duoduo brought Jiang Tang and others into the largest residential area in the bustling street. The buildings here are antique, with blue bricks and large tile houses, and there are auspicious dragon and phoenix carvings on the roof.

If he didn't know that this was the Yun family's place, he would have thought it was the landlord's house.

There is a stone lion at the gate of this house. Jiang Tang carefully looked at the eyes of the stone lion, which seemed to be shiny.

Others have also been noticed, the eyes of stone lions.

"Jiang Tang, don't look into the stone lion's eyes, the stone lion will attack you." It was a bit late when Yun Duoduo said this.

Jiang Tang only felt a trance for a while, and it took only a second for him to recover. He only felt a trance, and at the same time, he felt a sense of confusion in his head, a feeling of being attacked and wanting to take his soul.

His sea-aware clone attacks external forces, uses defensive spells, and absorbs the opponent's spells as his own.

Jiang Tang regained consciousness again, and immediately waved his hand, shooting a ray of light at the stone lion.


Jiang Tang was stronger, and was stunned by the stone lion's attack. The others seemed to have entered the foggy forest, walking alone in this place, and even heard the sound of someone crying, lost in the illusion.

Yun Duoduo looked at the appearance of everyone and knew that they must have looked into the eyes of the stone lion, and Jiang Tang was most worried.

I found that Jiang Tang seemed to be fine, and I admire Jiang Tang's ability to resist such a strong attack.

"Yun Duoduo, they all fell under the illusion of the stone lion, is there a way to rescue them from the phantom world?"

Jiang Tang observed that besides Yun Duoduo, there were eight women and one man around him. They seemed to have entered different illusions, their mouths were moving and talking, their hands were constantly sliding and making various gestures.

But he couldn't think of spells, and his hand movements didn't have aura.

"Jiang Tang, I can't understand the soul-stirring technique of the stone lion. This is an attack on the soul. There was already this pair of stone lions more than 1 years ago. Our master discovered the soul-stirring technique of the stone lion. It is getting more and more powerful, and there is even a danger of taking the family away."

"Yun Duoduo, why didn't you say it earlier? What should they do?" Jiang Tang was very anxious. He didn't want these beauties to become someone else's soul.

If it is the soul of a monster that seizes the house, then his beauties will become beasts.

Let alone a man turning into a woman, she couldn't accept this.

Jiang Tang felt that he could travel through time. In the world of cultivating immortals, it was easy to seize the souls of low-level people. As long as you find the right one, everything is possible.

"Along the way, they always quarreled with me, and I forgot about it." Yun Duoduo felt a little gloating. If these women were all taken away, then she could ask her master to take the opportunity to kill them, and no one would ever talk to her again. She grabs Jiang Tang.

"Yun Duoduo, tell me how to save them? Go invite your family members."

Jiang Tang didn't care to doubt Yun Duoduo, whether he deliberately didn't tell them.

"Jiang Tang, these two stone lions didn't attack everyone who came in. It happened only a few times in the past 1 years."

"Do you tell people not to look at the stone lions every time your family invites them in? They won't enter the illusion."

"No, they are usually invited into the street. They will only be on the other side of the street. Few people come to visit our family specifically. Those who lead them in will make them pay attention. Don't look into the eyes of the stone lions. I just said it, just You are very fast."

Yun Duoduo kept explaining that she just wanted Jiang Tang not to feel disgusted towards her.

It took so long to say it on purpose before, because when those women came in, someone always talked back to her.

I also want these women to know how powerful she is, and that Yun Duoduo is unique.

"After all, you still haven't said how to save them? Forget it, I don't expect you to find someone to save them. It's better to ask for someone than yourself."

Jiang Tang began to notice that the rosy-faced women, at this moment, didn't know whether their faces were purple from fright in the illusion, or they were fighting with the enemy in the robbed house.

It stands to reason that there are only two stone lions, so it is just two souls looking for someone to seize the house, and ten people including him were attacked together.

Then these two stone lions must have stories, and there must be more than two souls suppressed in these two stone lions.

Jiang Tang thought of his avatar, which could use the suction power of the soul to counter the stone lion's soul-absorbing technique.

Jiang Tang thought of a way to do what he said, and his scattered eyes shot golden rays of light at the eyes of the two stone lions in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the golden liquid cultivated by using the golden crystal in the sea of ​​consciousness, the light is shot out, and the golden solidification technique is injected into the eyes of the two stone lions one after another.

Jiang Tang shot the golden solid from the eyes of the avatar, and he could feel that there was more than one soul living in the eyes of the two stone lions, and the golden light enveloped each soul.

However, it was discovered that these souls were being controlled by spiritual intelligence. Looking for clues from the manipulation of these souls, they found that the two stone lions were controlled by two powerful and weak souls.

Jiang Tang used the golden liquid to search for the memories of these two great immortals, but only found that they were the soul memories of the great immortals who fell in the human world during the war 1 years ago.

In fact, it is a person wearing clothes on two stone lions. In the past 1 years, the city has continuously collected souls, so that the weak souls that are about to be lost will grow slowly.

This immortal power is divided into two pieces of soul memory, and she wants to find two of these nine people to take over.

From this small piece of memory, I can feel that this is a woman's soul.

Jiang Tang was a little puzzled, there are two men in your group, does this woman's remnant soul want to become a man?
It's not easy to win him, so let him see how good he is.

Jiang Tang stood still, looking in the direction of the stone lion. Yun Duoduo thought that Jiang Tang would not pose a threat, so he was not worried at all.

Seeing Jiang Tang staring fixedly at the stone lion, she panicked: "Jiang Tang, I told you not to look into her eyes, why are you looking again?"

Yun Duoduo's anxious voice didn't seem to be able to get Jiang Tang to respond, he was a little anxious, and said to the guard at the door: "Quick, go in quickly, please come out, Patriarch."

"Yes, Miss..." One of the two guards at the door went in to find the Patriarch, while the other was still guarding the door tightly.

Yun Duoduo grew up in the family and knew this legend, but she still didn’t believe it when she was a child. After passing through the gate many times, the stone lions looked at each other without any problems, especially the members of their family. I don’t know if they have practiced illusion. The insanity of a stone lion is useless to them.

Jiang Tang didn't seem to hear Yun Duoduo's voice, he was cleaning up the soul in the stone lion.

Thinking of his hell palace, all these souls were collected into the hell palace with a golden halo.

(End of this chapter)

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