Chapter 250

The count asked them to take a rest. It was almost evening, so they couldn't go back to the village in the dark, so they had to choose to stay here for one night.

Although there are fruits to eat in the cave, they stayed here for one night, and they thought that if they hunted prey nearby and grilled them here, eating fruits would not be able to satisfy their complete appetite.

The dry food brought in the morning had already been eaten, and the old hunter took the young man to prepare to go out of the cave to hunt.

The count was afraid that there would be beasts when they went out, and the beasts in the night would come and go, so he had to follow them for their safety.

In the mountains and jungles outside, many trees have been there for many years, and two people can't hug them.

There were only cicadas and birds calling on the mountain, but no wild beasts were heard. As the night was approaching, the wild animals and small animals in the deep mountains hid.

Old hunters have experience, looking for places where there are signs of animals looking for small animals' caves, they are best at catching pheasants and hares.

The earl and viscounts, a group of young people, had little experience in hunting, and they all walked together in fear of encountering danger on the mountain.

When I passed a tree that couldn't be hugged by four or five people, the tree couldn't tell the name of its seeds, the leaves were lush, the vines were connected everywhere, and the vines were connected to more places. Not only are there no small trees around, but the big trees also give way.

The trees, which can be so special, don't attract everyone's attention, and they are unguarded as they pass by.

Who of them would know that trees can also become spirits, and the suddenly static tree vines attacked the group of them at a very fast speed.

Like the way they attacked, the vines entangled their hands, feet and bodies, making them unable to move.

"Ah, what kind of tree is this? What the hell? A monster." The viscount was scared by such a change and screamed.

The count was also stunned by this sudden change, and didn't move his magic wand immediately. When he realized it, he couldn't move his hands and feet.

The old hunters were stunned, but they had more experience. They had heard ancient legends that not only can rattans become spirits, but also flowers, trees, and insects can become spirits, and there are monsters in the world of cultivating immortals.

There was a dryad on the mountain, they had never encountered it this time, and their way back to the village was not here before, so they never expected to encounter such an assault when they went hunting.

"Don't move around, don't move around, the cane will get tighter and tighter, let alone use a sword."

"Uncle, don't talk about swords, hands and feet are tied, body is tied, and you can't move, what should you do? Huh, before you find something to eat, you will become someone else's food."

"Count, think of a way quickly, we have a mission here, we can't die here."

The count tried to recite the spell, but he didn't expect him to recite the spell, and the magic wand in his arms didn't change in the slightest.

The Earl also began to become a little flustered, with a flustered look on his face. As the backbone of them, he couldn't save everyone from the fire and water.

"No way, the magic wand can't be used. Also
"Count, try again quickly, we can't be trapped here, hoot, don't talk about eating barbecue today, you may be eaten by goblins in this deep mountain forest."

These young people felt that they hadn't married a wife yet, so they died here like this, and they were so unwilling that they cried as they talked.

"Hahaha, the more you move, the more excited I become. You have so many beautiful men, I really like them, hahaha..."

Talking and laughing is the voice of a woman's old age, and as the day slowly darkens, and when it traps everyone, it becomes so scary.

"Monster, let us go, or we will kill you."

The Viscount stabilized his mind and said threatening words, but in fact it was just to embolden himself.

Even the Earl had no choice but to move their mouths to hide the panic in their hearts.

"You... you actually said that I was a monster, hehe, I want you to know how powerful I am."

At this time, the tree demon appeared in front of everyone. On this tree, there was a woman as beautiful as a fairy for a while, and an old woman with white hair for a while, and she looked very ugly.

"Ah, monster..." When everyone saw this tree demon, everyone panicked even more.

Except for the earl who has a magic wand, everyone else is just practicing martial arts for physical fitness.

Their heads are human heads and animal bodies, but they have slowly evolved here, and they are no different from ordinary people.

"Hmph, you actually said that I'm a monster, and you don't look like a real person. What's the difference with us? It's just that I have become a spirit through cultivation. When I become a vixen, you will think I am so beautiful, won't you?" Afraid of me."

As soon as the dryad's words fell, there was another beautiful woman's voice in the woods. Everyone only heard the voice, but couldn't see her.

"Tree demon, even if you become beautiful, you will not be as beautiful as me, so you can imitate slowly!"

Hearing this voice, the Dryad looked angrily in the direction of the voice, and shouted loudly: "Fox, if you want to spoil my good deeds, then see if you have the ability, so I am not as beautiful as you , I haven’t evolved yet.”

"As ugly as you are, even if you have been purified for 1 years, you will be so ugly. You are so ugly. I want the young man, and leave the old one to you!"

"Hmph, I want both the old and the young, but you want my prey, see if you can pass my test?"

"Then try my best."

"Who is afraid of whom? This is not the first time we have fought, come on!"

While talking, the tree demon turned the other vines on the tree into sharp blades, and hit its enemies.

But at this time, a group of fire appeared in front of them. These fires came to burn the vines. The vines avoided the fire, and green liquid sprayed out from the vines, trying to extinguish the flames.

The vine demon was fighting with the vixen, but he didn't care about these people at all, let alone these mortals.

These mortals killed people on the mountain a few days ago, and the monsters were afraid of them, but they didn't expect to trap them so easily today.

It turns out that the one in the legend is very powerful, but that's all. The vine demon concentrates on dealing with the vixen, and relaxes his vigilance against those mortals.

The vines bound to the mortal's body seemed to be a little looser, and the earl also felt that the vines were a little looser. When the vines were loosened a little, she could move her hand.

If the bound hands can move, there is a way to save themselves.

The count knew why the magic wand didn't respond to the incantation. There was an unknown object tied to his body, and he didn't hold the magic wand in his hand. The spell was useless.

"Barbara Barbara"

The count chanted the magic spell, and first let the magic wand conjure an illusion, putting them in the illusion, and the rattan could not use its ability in the illusion.

Teng Tiao, who was fighting the fox Jing, sensed something was wrong, and when he noticed it, there was no sign of the person.

The rattan disappeared from those people, and the prey he got was gone. He took his anger on the vixen. The vixen had always been its enemy, and the dryad had been fighting it for many years.

"Fox spirit, it's all your fault, people are gone, spoiling my good deeds."

"Hehe, it's interesting. These people are actually so cunning, even more cunning than a fox like me. I have seen it. These men have attracted my attention, and I will catch them."

The vixen was not annoyed at being scolded, and he still smiled. It's not like a cane that can't move in one place. The cane can only be used as a blessing where his body is.

Without the main body, the power of the rattan is not great, and it is not afraid of the rattan.

In the past, I would always make fun of the rattan tree. In this deep mountain and wild forest, there are many monsters and beasts, but there is only one tree monster.

One of the reasons for their feud is, of course, to rob animals for food.

Where the rattan is, there will be no animals for a long distance, and the animals will make holes around the roots of the rattan. Isn't this convenient for the rattan to eat?
The vixen disappeared when it saw anyone, and it didn't feel like fighting the rattan here, so it attacked the rattan wisps of fire.

In order to avoid the fire, the rattan can only spray green liquid. The vixen can move, but its body cannot. To avoid being burnt to ashes, the rattan can only turn the green liquid of its body into water and spray it on the vixen.

Its roots are violently absorbing the water from the land. Not only is there fire here, but also the vines are absorbing water violently, and the land around the vine tree has become dry and cracked.

The count protected everyone with his magic wand, and they dodged to a farther place, so as not to be hurt by their spells.

Everyone can already see the vixen's appearance clearly. It is a beautiful woman. This beautiful woman is wearing white clothes. If it wasn't for what the tree demon said, she would be a vixen.

Who would believe that such a beautiful woman is not human?It turned out to be a vixen who has become so powerful that he has transformed into a human form.

"I won't play with you anymore, I'm looking for prey."

After the vixen finished speaking, he turned into a fox and disappeared into the woods.

When the rattan saw that the vixen was about to run, it used its rattan roots to bind the vixen. It was fast and the length of its branches could chase the vixen far away.

The speed of the vixen is not weak, he can appear and escape, Fujishu has been played by it all these years, but he has nothing to do with it.

"Ahhh, I'm so mad!"

It was already dark, and the angry voice of the vine tree was heard in the dark night of the mountain, making the bird standing on the tree fly away in fright.

In the past, there were birds who didn't know the power of the rattan, so they would rest on the rattan, or build nests in the rattan tree.

In the end, there was only one end, and that was to be eaten by the rattan, which made them unable to react at all.

But a bird in the distance saw this situation, and the bird would also pass on the message. Over time, the vine tree was as ferocious as a monster in the deep mountain.

The small animals dare not approach, and tremble when they hear the sound from a distance.

"Let's go back! It seems that we can't eat barbecue anymore. I hope we won't encounter such a dangerous monster again."

The count dared not go with everyone to catch small animals, for fear of encountering a fairy like a dryad again.

There is also a vixen there, and there is danger everywhere in the deep mountains.

In such a thrilling scene just now, if the vixen hadn't appeared, they would have been planted on the vine.

How can young people care about eating?The old hunters also knew how powerful they were, and agreed with the earl's idea, and they went back to the original cave together.

The earl held the magic wand and kept chanting the spell. The magic wand emitted colorful light, which shrouded them.

Let the outside world not see them, nor the colored light of the magic wand.

In fact, the fox has a very good sense of smell. When the tree demon was fighting with her just now, those people were clearly there, but when they disappeared suddenly, they could smell them.

The vixen didn't tell the vine demon, of course he wanted to have it all to himself.

In this deep mountain, let alone old people, those hunters who entered the mountain were all eaten by other monsters.

I met such beautiful men today. These men have unique looks, but they are also very handsome.

The fox has turned into an adult, especially likes beautiful men, and eats their energy, which makes her practice faster.

The earl led the crowd to the cave, and then used the magic wand to make illusions at the entrance of the cave, so that people from the outside could not enter.

"Oh, I'm scared to death."

The viscounts entered the cave, no matter how dirty the cave was underground, they sat on the ground and lay down, patting his frightened chest with their hands.

"In the past, when we came in, maybe we didn't go into the deep mountains, and we didn't meet demon trees and fox spirits."

The old hunter is also quite afraid. He doesn't want to die when he grows up to such an old age. There are still people at home waiting to be raised.

Even if you go out to hunt in the deep mountains, you will encounter danger. Such an adventurous job is also for survival.

"Let's eat some fruit! It's fine if you don't eat the baked goods, but I still have some dry food here, let's share some!"

The count took out a bag of dry food from a storage bag, which was prepared for her by his mother. When he saw his mother temporarily, his mother prepared a bag of dry food for her.

After a day of walking, the dry food in the storage bag has not changed its taste, and I am sighing in my heart that the storage bag in the world of cultivating immortals is indeed a treasure.

"Count, fortunately, we have your dry food. We ate fruit, and it seemed that the more we ate, the hungrier we became."

"Yeah! Last time we ate fruit, we felt full. We thought we could eat fruit when we came here, and we only brought a little dry food. We also thought of staying here overnight."

"That's right, I was a little hungry just now. After eating the fruit, I feel even hungrier."

Everyone eat something and talk with each other.

"I think it's because the fruit penetrates the impurities in your body and improves your body's physique, which will make your stomach more appetizing, so you feel hungrier after eating."

The Earl's explanation was the same as everyone's opinion. After walking for such a long time, the body smelled of sweat. I just washed my face in the water source of the cave and drank some water from the cave.

After eating the fruit, there seemed to be a smell on their bodies. At such a dangerous moment just now, they didn't pay attention.

The count found a place with a wooden plank to sit on. No one wanted to sleep. In this cave in the deep mountains and old forests, they would not be able to sleep soundly.

Always feeling that danger is slowly approaching, the Earl does not think that the magic wand can protect them forever, only himself can protect himself.

The vixen followed the smell, and the human body smelled so heavy of sweat that it followed the smell of sweat, but it never saw them.

But their scent disappeared in one place, and the vixen turned around in this place, observing the surroundings.

I didn't see anything wrong. There were trees all around here, so I couldn't see a place where people could hide.

Did these people drill a hole in the ground?The vixen used its spells to dig around, but found no valuable clues.

(End of this chapter)

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