Chapter 286

Er Yao seemed to be just a teenager, these big pots of meat weighed at least a few catties, he ate meat so fast, he finished these pots of meat very quickly, and he didn't feel enough to lick his fingers.

Qingniu saw that Er Yao had finished eating, beef and mutton, even a piece of meat was not given to him, his face was full of disappointment, and his saliva was drooling just now, on the ground of the space.

Er Yao thinks it's not enough, it's not that it eats a lot, it's that it has grown up, its body is already as big as a strong real dragon, the condition of its body directly affects its appetite and its appetite.

Jiang Tang just drank a glass of wine and was eating meat. Of course, he also heard the words of the two pets in the space. Er Yao bullied the cow not once or twice. .

For example, Er Yao has saved his life many times. Although he is not related by blood, he sometimes feels a little guilty as a father.

Er Yao is completely taking care of his life, ordering it to do things, and will tolerate Er Yao's arrogant temper.

He just turned a blind eye to the interaction between the two pets, and would not deliberately interfere.

When Jiang Tang saw that Er Yao had finished eating the meat, he didn't give any meat to Qingniu, and asked for more after eating.

It's just meat. It's just ordinary livestock meat in the world. Even if you buy it outside, it's very cheap. In Jiang's house, you're welcome to eat more.

The wine he sent out was much more expensive than the meat he ordered.

Jiang Tangyou ordered the person who poured the wine to help him ask for dozens of catties of cooked meat.

There are guests coming to dinner today, and they have been prepared for a long time, so that the guests can eat and drink well, and the chef in the kitchen is constantly cooking.

In addition to barbecue, stuffy stew, teppanyaki, everything.

Jiang Tang, the head of the family, the head of the Holy Gate asked the workers to make dozens of catties of meat and send it over, and gave him a storage bag to store it, so as to save him the trouble of sending it in plate by plate.

The worker obediently took the storage bag and went out. The words Jiang Tang said to the worker, after drinking, everyone who paid attention to it could hear what he said.

Knowing that Jiang Tang has a pet box, it must be meat for pets. I don’t know, but I thought he really brought it when he was hungry.

This time at the dinner party, Jiang Tang took out two jars of five catties of wine, and the people in the living room of the two jars of wine dried it up, and then everyone went to find a place to rest.

Jiang Tang put away the storage bag brought by the worker, threw the storage bag into the space, and told Er Yao not to bully Qingniu anymore, and let them eat the meat of dozens of catties slowly.

With dozens of catties more meat, Er Yao generously gave some meat to Qingniu.

"Stupid cow, I asked the owner to cook this meat and bring it to eat. You should thank me, you know? You can't eat too much, you will get fat if you eat too much, you will get fatter, and the head of the bull will be bigger and stupid gone."


Qingniu nodded, it was just to taste the meat, it was unrealistic for him to eat so much meat, because it was unwilling to eat more meat of the same kind.

Among the meat that Er Yao gave him, he ate mutton, but he didn't eat any beef.

"Hui, you stupid cow, you still pick and choose to eat. You don't know that these beef are much more delicious than mutton. It's not bad. If you kill you and eat meat, it may taste better."

After hearing Er Yao's words, Qingniu's head was full of black lines, but if he was asked to eat meat of the same kind, he would rather eat grass. He is a cow produced in space, not those wild beasts, who would eat all of the same kind, so what is the difference between her and wild beasts?
Under the arrangement of Jiang's family, Jiang Tang moved into an empty courtyard with the ten people he brought with him, saying that it was an empty courtyard, not that it was unoccupied.

It used to be the residence of the Jiang family, and when guests came, it was specially vacated for the guests to live in. There are many rooms in this courtyard, and they can have a room for each of them, and they can have their own space for cultivation.

Jiang Tang walked into a room, which was the largest room among all the rooms in the yard, and this room was very ornately furnished.

Perhaps the previous owner was very particular, and the decorations inside are not ordinary.

People who live in this first-class family, besides practicing, do they also play with antiques?

This person is very good at enjoying, not only enjoying the glory and wealth in the family, but also enjoying the powerful resources of a monk.

Jiang Tang looked at his room again. In fact, he didn't know that this courtyard was not the courtyard where the woman lived, but the courtyard where the eldest son of Patriarch Jiang lived.

The son of Patriarch Jiang also went to the sect to practice. Before he went to the sect as a disciple, he was a person who would enjoy life.

As the eldest son, he had to inherit the status of the future Patriarch of the family, and had to go outside to learn higher skills.

This does not affect him to go outside and use his resources to collect collections.

Those antiques, calligraphy and paintings in the mortal world are not very valuable, but they make him feel very interesting to look at these things in the room.

If someone else lived in his yard and occupied his room, he would definitely be upset, but who is Jiang Tang?
This is his idol!Can let it seem like sleeping in his bed, idols living in his room, even if it takes up his room and yard forever, he is willing.

Just because this is something used by idols, I feel happier looking at things used by idols in the future.

The young man of the Jiang family knew that Jiang Tang would not live here forever, and that this person was the future husband-in-law of most of the top ten families.

The master of the Holy Gate will definitely have his yard and house.

Jiang Tang can make money so much, will there be no better things?
Perhaps this person despises the things in his room.

Jiang Tang admired the furnishings in this room. He doesn't know much about antiques, but judging by his current cultivation, these are all antiques from Kazama, and they are valuable things with a sense of history.

Just like the collectors he met in his previous life, collecting, picking up leaks, selling them, and making these profits.

Jiang Tang doesn't think about it at the moment, and he will do these things. There are too many valuables in his space, which one will be ordinary if he takes it out?

If he has good things, he will definitely hide them in the space, and he will never put good things in the room like the owner of this yard.

If these things are bumped and dropped, it will be a big loss.

Maybe he would look down on these wealth, and Jiang Tang, who was once rich, would not care, but when he first came to the world of cultivating immortals, he suffered some hardships.

Understand that some wealth cannot be revealed, and also understand that what belongs to oneself cannot be seen by others.

What can be seen by others is only the inexhaustible space water, the inexhaustible top-grade elixir made from space spirit grass.

Jiang Tang entered the room to meditate on the bed, but did not enter his own space to practice.

This room has a formation, but there is no spirit gathering formation. He just started to meditate and sleep normally.

Just now those beauties and Dugu brothers consciously found a room to practice, it was because they couldn't resist the spiritual power of wine, so they hurriedly practiced.

The beauties brought by Jiang Tang, for the sake of self-cultivation, even disregarded the man he liked, and improved his own cultivation base.

It can be said that if you want love, you also need bread.

Jiang Tang didn't care, because his woman will always be his, and he hasn't reached the time when anyone wants a harem.

As a man, he was a chicken in his previous life, but when his soul comes, this body is still a chicken.

It's not that he doesn't like women. He likes women very much, but he's not vulgar. Lust is something that every man has. In the hearts of both men and women, both men and women have this need.

Women love men, men love beautiful women.

There are so many beauties following him all the time, Jiang Tang is not a gay lover, nor is he Liu Xiahui, he likes beauties to throw himself into his arms, he is romantic but not obscene.

Jiang Tang sat upright in the room, his body did not enter the space, but his consciousness entered the space.

His body seems to be resting, but his spiritual consciousness is busy in his own body space.

There are two pets in Honghuang Zhibao Lingtian space to help take care of it, and two avatars to help make medicine.

This space in the body really requires him to use his spiritual consciousness to plow and reap when there is no one else.

Jiang Tang looked at the space in his body and found the sample sent by the earl. He threw some spiritual grass roots into the space.

It has been two or three days, those tree roots have grown luxuriantly, and in the space of his body, the roots of each tree are branching out one after another, and many trees have sprouted from the roots.

Jiang Tang didn't manage it. If he wanted to make medicines again, he would have to wait for the right time. He is very busy now, so he doesn't have time to make medicines for those people.

When that person found him, he was helping to make medicine. He planted these herbs in his own space, but he just kept this unique herb.

I don't know if it will be useful in the future, but I feel that collecting some strange herbs will be of great use in the future. Anyway, there are many places in the space. I have been busy for a while, and I don't have time to take care of the space products. Afterwards, the disciples of the space will become larger again.

The prehistoric Zhibao Lingtian space has the sun and the moon, and there are mountains and water.

The space of his body is also developing in this direction, and there is a big lake, which is like a hot spring, and he likes to take a bath in it very much.

Thinking of this, his body also entered the space and jumped into the hot spring.

When his body was in the bath, he found that his body was changing. Jiang Tang knew that his masculine characteristics were becoming more and more obvious, and he wanted to try him because he wanted to marry a wife and have children.

Jiang Tang even wanted to marry a wife and have children when his skills were higher. If he married a wife and had children after becoming a fairy, his children would also enter the fairy world, and he would not leave the children in the world.

This is just thinking about it, it can fly to the year of the monkey!
Jiang Tang didn't know how long he could bear it, because there were so many beauties around him, and the beauties around him were just a little arrogant. If they were a little more enchanting by his side, maybe he couldn't hold it anymore.

Jiang Tang soaked his body in the hot spring, enjoying the hot spring water soaking his body, and felt fish kissing his skin.

He closed his eyes and felt that there were more fish in this lake than before, and they were all the same fish, only the fish that grew to several kilograms in a few days, did not have the movement of small fish gently rubbing and moving like before. Very fierce.

The fish kissed his skin, just like a human kissing his skin, and it felt refreshing.

Almost made his skin swell, this numb feeling, she made her body uncomfortable.

Jiang Tang suddenly opened his eyes, and he felt the space in his body where the sun slowly shifted to the side of the mountain, and then the sun set.

This is like a change in nature, and it is the same as the melody of any earth world in the world of cultivating immortals.

Jiang Tang observed the sky with his eyes, did the sun go down and the moon come out?
A scene that surprised him soon appeared, a few twinkling stars appeared, and in the space, after the sun set, the sky gradually darkened, and the stars began to shine brightly.

The sky seemed to be getting darker and darker, and the stars in the sky were getting brighter and brighter. At this time, a curved moon appeared in the sky.

Jiang Tang jumped out of the hot spring lake in surprise, and performed a water purification technique on himself. His body, wet clothes and skin immediately became dry after soaking.

Jiang Tang jumped up and flew into the sky like a fairy. His ability at this time could fly without any magic weapon.

He kept flying into the sky, flying higher and higher. It seemed that the moon was not high just now, but she flew very high, and the moon was still above her head.

His body kept rising into the air, and he felt the rich and fresh aura during the flight. The higher the place, the richer the aura in the air.

It took two breaths, and with his ability, he might have been able to fly to the height of the moon or the sun in the sky in one breath.

He was enjoying the fresh and rich air, and the feeling of flying freely.

Getting closer and closer to the moon, I feel the luster of the moon, which is not as hot as the sun's luster, but also has a very cool and refreshing feeling.

The moon is so close, the moon looks very small in the distance, but it is so huge in front of his eyes at this moment.

He flew to the moon, and there was nothing in the crooked moon.

The newly formed moon in space does not have the legendary Chang'e and Jade Rabbit.

There is a transparent and shiny moonstone in the moon, Jiang Tang jumped into the moon out of curiosity.

Not daring to step on the moonstone easily, he used a herb in the storage bag inside his body to put it on the moonstone.

The herb didn't change at the beginning, but gradually, a layer of ice appeared on the surface of the herb, and it solidified slowly, forming an ice cube.

The spirit grass was getting colder and colder in the ice, as if it was frozen.

Jiang Tang had already felt the coldness, but he didn't dare to use his body to feel it rashly. He wondered if this kind of moonstone was harmful to the human body.

So he summoned some golden crystal worms raised in the inner space here, but he didn't want those golden crystal worms, usually very vicious, flying on those moonstones in the moon, it was like trembling feeling all over the body.

These bugs are not afraid of anything, but they are afraid of the cold, the coldness inside the moonstone.

But at this moment, crystal-clear worms flew out of the moonstone in front of the naked eye. When the golden worms saw these worms, they ran fast, and their tails emitted flames.

But they emit flames, and crystal-clear insects spew ice cubes.

And met the flame into water, and then disappeared into the air.

But with these crystal clear bugs appearing, the air here is extremely cold.

This is also related to the moonstone and the ice ejected by the bugs.

Jiang Tang felt it with his spiritual sense, and the ice cubes sprayed out by the crystal clear insects were not ordinary ice.

Just like the golden liquid and flames sprayed by the golden crystal insects, they are equally lethal. People with weak bodies will definitely be frozen into stones, and slowly turn into stones and become fossils.

(End of this chapter)

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