stand back, let me come

Chapter 21 021: The glory of the king, the wonderful pen plan is finally online

Chapter 21 021: The glory of the king, the wonderful pen plan is finally online

I am very honored to be able to participate in this event. Although I went through a painful outline and seven kills in the middle, the text has been revised several times, from the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, but it was finally completed successfully. I really want to thank the editors for their perseverance.

Personally, I feel that the completeness of the plot is relatively high. I also hope that friends who love the king and the hero Gongsun Li can go and see it.

Please support (*▽*)
You can see it in "The Age of Kings: Scroll of Heroes" under the account of the King's Glory Miaobi Project. It should be updated in about two days.

 (#^.^#) Update today as early as possible
(End of this chapter)

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