Chapter 107 Silence Like a Chilling Cicada
Zhu Qiyu was extremely reassured about Qian, at least Yu Qian didn't want to be Gao Cheng, let alone Cao Cao, and Yu Qian wanted to be Zhuge Kongming more.

The morning bells and evening drums followed the watchmen and firemen of Qiaolou beating on their clappers, telling the Daming capital that it was five watch, Zhu Qiyu had already arrived outside the Daming Gate, and continued to ride his horse until Fengtian Hall.

Do one thing today, to be fair!
To be precise, that is the list of the first batch of students in the Jingshi Lecture Hall.

Following the orderly court proceedings in the court, Zhu Qiyu sat up straight and accepted the worship of many courtiers.

Yu Qian is on the left, Wang Zhi is on the right, followed by Liubu Shangshu, Duchayuan and Jiuqing.

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do." After Xing'an shouted as usual, he retreated to the corner.

Zhu Qiyu waited quietly for the courtiers, as noisy as ever.

In fact, Yang Hong, Shi Heng, Fan Guang and others belonged to the newly promoted nobles, but Zhu Qiyu did not bestow their world certificates on their titles.

If the certificate is given, it will be hereditary and will not be replaced. If the descendants make mistakes, they can be reconciled with the certificate, and the merits will be offset.

But the new batch of marquises are all without world certificates, and they have not yet fulfilled their benevolent descendants.

Why hasn't Zhu Qiyu given the world certificate yet?

This involves the Great Ming Law.

It's no problem to check and cooperate with the coupons, and it's no problem, Zhu Qiyu doesn't plan to take the credit of the generals.

The law of the Ming Dynasty forbids keeping slaves, but it cannot stop the courtiers from taking advantage of the loopholes,
The Daming Law banned slavery hundreds of years earlier than the American Abolition of Slavery Act.

But the prohibition of slaves could not stop the courtiers from taking advantage of the loopholes, and they recruited more slaves in the name of adopted sons and daughters.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, who didn't have thousands of adopted sons?

Under the protection of the World Bond, the judiciary cannot resist arrest, which has led to the loss of restraint for the adopted sons of these families.

Zhu Qiyu intends to make mistakes by his descendants, but he can use the coupons to check and match, and the scope is limited to the descendants who inherit the title.

It's not a big change, privileges can be given to you, in the era of the Ming Dynasty, privileges are unavoidable, but the scope has to be circled.

It's not fair that a servant made a mistake, but the court ordered the officer to be unable to arrest him.

The situation in the court hall is somewhat delicate.

The old nobles, because of the shocking changes in the civil castle, for example, the British Duke Zhang Fu and Cheng Guogong Zhu Yong, both died in battle. Their sons have not yet hereditary titles.

There are quite a few Xinxuns, and in the court hall, you come and go, and you can't stand each other, reaching a delicate balance.

Zhu Qiyu was waiting for the courtiers to speak first.

The new nobles all looked left and right, and kept silent. Yu Qian was not in the capital and they quarreled with each other.

The old nobles watched their noses and noses with their eyes and minds, just like old monks in meditation, without saying a word.

Inside Fengtian Hall, there was a strange silence for a while, everyone pretended to be confused with understanding.


Yu Qian didn't express his position, and neither did His Majesty. They were really a little uncertain.

Seeing this, Xing'an came out from the corner again, and shouted loudly: "There is something to play, nothing to retreat to."

In the current state, everyone is holding back their words, but no one dares to speak.

Yu Qian was even more unmoved. Since His Majesty has his own decision, he will naturally not interfere too much.

Xu Youzhen stomped her feet, her heart beat, and she bowed her head when she came out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, I have a book to play."

Zhu Qiyu nodded and said, "Zou."

Is Xu Youzhen going to take the lead in the charge?

Xu Youzhen continued to speak loudly: "Shandong Yanggu, the Shawan River section has been breached for more than four years, and the [-] or so rulers have returned without success. The floods are torrential and people's livelihood is depressed, and the people leave their homes in panic, like a dog that has lost its home!"

"Your Majesty dares to ask for an order. Please send me to build a dam on the Shawan River to show His Majesty's grace."

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were taken aback for a moment, but Xu Youzhen actually talked about water control, not about the list of martial arts halls.

Zhu Qiyu was also quite concerned about this matter. He thought about it seriously and said: "I have read Xu Qing's water control plan in detail, and carefully checked it with Zhang Qiu County Magistrate's memorandum in Shandong, and everything makes sense."

"However, I still think that when Xu Qing went to the place, he made a further on-the-spot investigation and made empty talk to harm the country. After the investigation, he made a specific memorial. The material and financial resources needed have been reported according to the facts. It is a contribution to the livelihood of the people."

Xu Youzhen bowed to the ground and shouted loudly: "I will do my best to live up to the emperor's kindness."

What kindness?
Grace not to kill.

Xu Youzhen shouted for Nanqian before, and she was a die-hard member of the Yinggui faction. If she hadn't been able to control the water, she would have been beheaded and skinned a long time ago, and hung on the Chengtian Gate.

Water control is a unique skill, if this errand is done well, at least one's life can be saved.

Your Majesty loves the people like a son, and the merit of raising the people is a great achievement.

Xu Youzhen didn't ask for more, she saved her own life and the lives of her family members.

Xu Youzhen returned to the train and stopped talking.

Standing in the courtroom, Yu Qian obviously involved everyone's core interests, but they were all silent, and no one dared to speak.

Silent as a cicada.

In case Yu Qian wanted to kill him, Xu Youzhen, how could there be fate?
Xu Youzhen didn't want to be in the court anymore. The emperor he was loyal to had done too many embarrassing things in Yibei.

Of course, this was entirely Xu Youzhen's overthinking.

How could Yu Qian have time to talk to him.

As soon as Xu Youzhen opened his mouth, other censors soon stood up and bowed their heads and said: "Chen Fuzong said, "Jiaozhi surrenders to a hundred households of local officials. There are elephant soldiers at Jiaozhi. You can choose elephants to practice and make saddles and armor for them. Chen Fuzong said that he would like to lead the army to ride elephants and use it to break the bandits."

Like soldiers?

Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "Marquis Shi Zongbing of Wuqing, you can test whether this elephant soldier is useful, and write a memorial."

"The minister takes the order." Shi Heng came out to take the order.

The north is not suitable for elephants to live, the weather is too cold, and it is really difficult to form elephant soldiers in the north.

Another imperial censor bowed his head and said: "I have this report, and the Qintian Supervisor has been hanging for a long time. Before that, the capital was busy with defense. The official of the Qintian Supervisor thought that the supervisor was Xu Dun, and he made a lot of achievements."

This is a matter for the officials, Wang Zhi went out and said: "I think that Xu Dun's family has a long history of learning. Since the Yuan Dynasty, he has been a family of stargazers. He pushes the calendar in his hands, sets the four o'clock, and engraves omissions in his palm. He has a lot of means. I think it is good. "

Zhu Qiyu took the memorials from Xing'an, Xu Dun is indeed a source of family knowledge, their family has been the five-official calendar of the Sitian Supervisor since the Song Dynasty, and their family has participated in the calendars of all dynasties.

Belonging to the kind of stargazing family that has been passed down for generations, the astronomer through and through.

"Sure." Zhu Qiyu nodded and said.

Chen Ruyan, the Minister of the Ministry of War, came out and said: "Yang Hong, Marquis of Changping, Shi Heng, Marquis of Wuqing, and Yu Qian, Minister of the Ministry of War, jointly signed a letter requesting that they be removed from the military ranks above the military governor and above the four-rank civil service rewards, and use their silver to reward the officers and soldiers."

"The money saved can be used to prepare the flag army in Beijing and reward him with a tael of silver. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, the sergeants also need to spare New Year's goods for the New Year, so this is my request."

Zhu Qiyu blinked and looked around at the generals. They were still calm. This kind of flesh-cutting must have been approved beforehand, and everyone agreed to sign the letter.

The military officers had no opinion, but the civil servants were talking about it.

Hu Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, came out, glanced at Yu Qian and bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate."

"Military commanders and above, going out to the army, buying clothes and clothing, consume a lot of money and food for daily life, and how much food is spent. I think that it is appropriate for officials of all sizes to be exempted from rewards."

What Hu Wei meant was that the rewards for military posts were given, but the rewards for civilian posts were all exempted and distributed to the sergeants guarding the city.

Zhu Qiyu smacked his lips seriously, this Hu Yan is really an old fox.

Is Hu Yan sincere?
In fact, when opposing a decree, one does not completely negate it, but partially agrees with it.

This world has always been like this, there is no unevenness, if you remove the reward of civil service alone, it will be extremely unfair.

Although these civil servants are crying, but they have organized the people in the city and provided logistics for the army outside the city, so they have no credit at all?
As soon as Hu Wei's words came out, the civil servants immediately began to whisper to each other.

Xing'an glanced at His Majesty, and immediately said loudly: "Quiet."

Zhu Qiyu sat up straight, and said with a smile: "Zongbing Yang, Zongbing Shi, and Yu Shaobao also have good intentions, but since I have already set a reward, how can I avoid it?"

"As for the matter of adding silver to the officers and soldiers and adding one tael of silver, I'm out."

Regarding the matter of 22 taels of silver, he is now holding the inner transport warehouse and talking out of anger.

Yu Qian came out and said: "I am a servant of 22 military households in the Beijing camp. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

The purchasing power of one tael of silver is extremely strong, and one mu of land is only four taels of silver.

Zhu Qiyu nodded to signal Yu Qian to return to the column.

"The minister has a book to play!" Zhang Wei, the younger brother of the British Duke Zhang Fu, came out and said loudly: "The capital lecture hall has been fully prepared, but the list of the first batch of students has not been confirmed for a long time. I think it is a matter of fact. Big body, please Your Majesty's order!"

The main course is finally here!
Shi Heng stood up immediately, and said without hesitation: "I have drawn up a list based on meritorious deeds, and please read it, Your Majesty!"

The Ministry of War and the new nobles stood together. They said that they declined the reward, but they actually wanted to please the emperor and asked His Majesty to confirm their list.

The emperor is unpredictable, mysterious all day long, living above the Nine Heavens, and mortals are all ants, which can certainly strengthen the emperor's prestige.

For example, Emperor Jiajing was like this. He didn't go to court for more than 20 years, but he passed Yan Song and controlled the universe. Of course, doing so would easily be called Jiajing Jiajing by a clean stream like Hai Rui, and his house was clean.

It is also Chen Xun's previous set, the owner's likes and dislikes cannot be observed, and if they can be measured, the traitor can attach himself.

But Zhu Qiyu believes that the emperor can occasionally reveal his likes and dislikes.

For example, Zhu Qiyu pays attention to the daily life of soldiers and people's livelihood in the world. This kind of likes and dislikes also have positive significance.

If there is something good on the top, it will be great on the bottom.

At least Zhu Qiyu's likes and dislikes are good news for the common people and soldiers at the bottom.

This time, the Ministry of War and the Xinxuns don't even want their own rewards, just to match their preferences, and hope that this list can be approved by His Majesty Zhu.

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(End of this chapter)

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