I am the king of the dead

Chapter 127 Praise, Praise God!

Chapter 127 Praise, praise to heaven! (both order plus update)

The corridors of Yanxing Building are dark and narrow, connected by narrow passages. This is an important means for Yanxing Building to collect information, and there are fans eavesdropping inside.

Of course, those swear words and those erotic scenes are actually a kind of pain for Fanzi.

Jin Ying was told by His Majesty to be buried in a random place. In fact, Xing'an quietly buried many people, such as the little Huangmen Cao Jixiang, who was the Empress Dowager's servant, and it was a bad thing.

Xing'an was also buried, and Cao Jixiang's adopted sons were all buried with Jin Ying.

Xing'an took off his shoes and walked slowly inside. The fans standing in the corridor were as motionless as dead people. If Xing'an hadn't walked by, they would bow their heads and salute, thinking that these were statues.

Overhearing them motionlessly, the relatives, dukes, gentry, and wealthy businessmen of the Ming Dynasty were discussing the work that was like clay statues.

When Xing'an stopped, it was not because they heard about the Xishan coal mine, but because they heard the courtiers discussing the recent situation between the DPRK and China.

It sounds like a group of censors, this group of people is the most talkative, chattering all day long, in the words of His Majesty, they are just a basket of opinions, full of opinions.

He stood still, and like most sculptures, he remained motionless.

The private room was extremely lively, several censors, even after the curfew, were still having fun in this place, pushing glasses and changing dishes, talking very excitedly, as if they were plotting something loudly.

One person obviously drank a bit too much, and said with his tongue stuck: "Chen Zongxian, above this court, a warrior is in power, and the whole court is full of smog."

"Mr. Wang handed over the authority to Yu Qian, but Yu Qian is good enough to speak for the group of warriors all day long."

"Recently, they have started to improve the military defense law of the past. Isn't this nonsense?"

Xing'an heard it clearly, and it was Wang Zhi who said the sentence: A hundred Wang Zhis are not as good as Yu Qian, and he handed over the authority to Yu Qian, but Yu Qian did not speak for the literati.

As soon as these words came out, the box immediately fell silent. It was obvious that Mr. Chen was the protagonist this time.

Zongxian is another name for Zuodu Censor, and it can be regarded as a respectful title.

Xu Youzhen was originally the chief constitution. He left Beijing to control the floods. The current Zuodu censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is vacant, and now there are several right capital censors who are all fighting for the chief constitution.

Xing'an immediately knew who Chen Zongxian was inside.

Chen Yi was recommended by Yu Qian.

At that time, the capital needed to fortify the walls and clear the country. Chen Yi came out of the capital to preside over the appeasement of the capital, gather the people into the city, and consolidate the city's defenses. He did a good job.

He also took the Wala people to flee in a hurry, and Chen Yi organized the people to appease the place. Because it was recommended by Yu Qian, Chen Yi became more ostentatious, and often regarded himself as the general constitution.

"Thousands of people are invincible in the world." Chen Yi seemed to be very disdainful.

These are the original words of Liu Ji Liu Bowen, the founder of the Military Health Law.

At this time, Daming still clearly knows what the most powerful force is, and also clearly knows how important it is to gain the support of the people.

As soon as Xing'an heard Chen Yi's words, he immediately confirmed that the person inside was indeed Chen Yi.

Chen Yi laughed twice, and said, "Your Majesty intends to restore the world's military and guards to the fields, isn't it just to take advantage of this situation? Your Majesty's imperial decree must not be violated."

When the person who asked the question heard what Chen Yi said, he also asked eagerly: "How can this be good? We have many brokers in Gyeonggi, and they have helped us control thousands of hectares of land. If your Majesty's farm law Really carry it out. Isn't that... isn't it too bad?"

His mouth is full of the emperor's grace, but his heart is full of business experience.

Xing'an has been staying in Yanxing Building for a long time, and he has heard a lot, and he is also moved.

Chen Yi shook his head, and said rather mysteriously: "Yu Shaobao said it well."

"Yu Shaobao said that nothing in the world is selfish! No one is selfish! At the beginning of life, everyone is selfish! Everyone is selfish!"

"Only His Majesty is the only one who has public ears!"

"Yu Shaobao said it well! Isn't this the truth in this world?"

"But this farm method can be used for a while. When the Wala people are really defeated and the Ming Dynasty is at its peak, when it comes to Mafang Nanshan, the prosperity of Wen and Wu will be the general trend."

"This person is public, but sometimes he will be private. At this moment..."

Chen Yi spoke halfway, but the person who asked the question obviously understood the meaning of Chen Yi's words, overjoyed, he slapped the table and said, "Just like that, at that moment!"

"Come on, let's have a drink together for this moment, just like that moment!"

The wine glasses collided, but the private room became lively, but obviously, like Xing'an, there were people who didn't understand what the difference between this moment and that moment was.

"Chen Zongxian, the villain is confused, don't play this charade, the villain didn't understand it." A censor obviously didn't understand, so he asked.

Xing'an hurriedly held his breath and listened attentively.

"Emperor Taizu Zhao was so powerful back then, the army completed a hundred-year career in September and captured this violent country!"

"Wait until Lan Yu, the general who conquered the captives, is fishing in the sea of ​​fish and defeats Bei Yuan. Bei Yuan goes to the Emperor."


"Everyone knows that General Lan, the general who conquered captives, was skinned and used as grass, and spread to all over the world. As far as his party members were concerned, more than [-] people were implicated in their deaths."

Chen Yi said with a smile: "This is the moment."

Xing'an's brows were instantly covered with a layer of cold sweat. As His Majesty said, this group of courtiers really knew everything and understood everything.

Chen Yi said cheerfully: "Your Majesty is good at killing people. Everyone, follow your Majesty's lead. We don't need to oppose Your Majesty. When the Wala people stop being aggressive, whether it's the military law or the farm law, we will collapse on our own." Solved."

"Your Majesty always wants to promote culture and martial arts, and it won't be a few years."

"Hey, let's get on with it when the sun goes down."

"High opinion of the President! A toast to the President!" A censor said hello, picked up his wine glass, and said loudly.

There was another sound of clinking glasses.

Chen Yi obviously also drank a lot of wine, and if he drank too much, he would easily drift away.

Once this person drifts, it is easy to talk big.

He continued with a smile: "When Zongxian Xu was here before, Zongxian Xu opposed His Majesty's proposition all day long. In my opinion, there is no need to oppose it. On the contrary, we should praise it."

"Praise, praise to heaven!"

"I praise your majesty as if you are on the sky! I praise your majesty to be in the sky! I praise you that you don't know east, west, north, south! I praise your majesty to walk with great strides! I praise your majesty that one day you won't even listen to Yu Shaobao's words, and you will go your own way!"

"The time has come for you all to be loyal to your country."

A censor slapped the table and said loudly: "Good!"

"What a good one is like reaching the heavens, what a good one is ecstatic, what a good one doesn't know east, west and north, what a great stride, what a good one is determined to go his own way!"

"Come on, raise your glass!"

Xing'an was already sweating profusely, dripping with sweat.

This group of people, this group of people, is really... so scary!

Xing'an continued to listen, but they stopped talking about state affairs. Xing'an wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked forward.

When he returned to Yanxing Building, a group of fans had already returned to the small room, and handed over all matters related to the Xishan Coal Kiln to Xing'an.

Xing'an suddenly asked: "The last time our family sent people to look for the woman who sang Emperor Jiyuan in Taichang Temple, haven't they found it yet?"

What is a prince?The prince is the foundation of Ming Dynasty.

Although the crown prince is still Zhu Jianshen, the eldest son of the Supreme Emperor, His Majesty only has one son, which is really too few.

Your Majesty is in the prime of life, so you have to have more children. As your Majesty's eldest daughter, you must shoulder the responsibility of envoys of flowers and birds.

A fan said in a low voice: "Dang, I have never found it. I only know that it is not from the Taichang Temple. There is no reason for the musicians in the Taichang Temple to bring servants. The younger ones will go and inquire."

Xing'an nodded a little helplessly, and continued to ask: "Then the Taibai Building that I bought last time, how is the renovation going now? If it can be used, it should be used. It is a property that cost tens of thousands of taels of silver."

Yanxing Building has a very good revenue, and there is a lot of money in the accounts, so I bought another floor. This Taibai Building is near Xisi Hutong. It is full of merchants. If it is used well, it will also be one of His Majesty's eyes and ears.

"This has been arranged, and it will be available after the new year." The servant replied hastily.

"That's good." Xing'an nodded and continued to deal with the case.

He stayed up all this time, pondering over what the courtiers said, this group of people really deserve to die!
But Dongchang only has rumors and rumors, and has no authority to arrest and interrogate. That is Jin Yiwei's business. Xing'an has always been cautious and never overstepped a step.

Even when His Majesty confessed that when cleaning up the palace, he didn't touch the admiral's badge.

Whatever work you do, you do what you do, and you can't do it for yourself.

He read the words of this group of people over and over again, the more he thought about it, the more chills he felt down his spine, and he was still thinking about how to deal with it.What nonsense about the ecstasy and the setting sun makes people sweat profusely.

It wasn't until dawn that he stood up and headed towards Prince Yi's mansion.

"Your Majesty..." As soon as Xing'an entered the door, he saw His Majesty practicing boxing and kicking in the courtyard, and rushed to meet him.

Xing'an told His Majesty what he had heard, and was very worried.

Zhu Qiyu sneered instead, and said: "This kind of flattery is also playing in front of me?"

"Handling the ax in the class makes people laugh and be generous."

Instead, Zhu Qiyu handed Xing'an a memorial and said: "You will be frightened only after you read this book."

The method of flattering and killing is really, too low-level.

How much do you have to praise this, so that you don't know how much you weigh?
Zhu Qiyu is too underestimated.

This Chen Yi is really not good at it.

What is Zhu Qiyu, the emperor, what is the emperor?
The emperor himself is as close to the heavens as ever!
There were already rumors that Emperor Ming was the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu, so do you still need this group of hanging bookbags to tout it?

This Chen Yi thinks that after doing a little work and being recommended by Yu Qian, the position of chief constitution can be secured?

The appointment of capital officials in the capital depends entirely on Zhu Qiyu alone. Whoever recommends is very important, and who the emperor uses is the key.

"You tell Yu Shaobao, after all, he was recommended by Yu Shaobao." Zhu Qiyu exhaled, the morning exercise was over, and yesterday's fatigue was swept away.

"This person is far inferior to Xu Youzhen. After the Chinese New Year, I will be sent to Xu Youzhen's office to listen to the instructions. Follow Xu Youzhen to learn the way of being an official."

Zhu Qiyu not only refused to give him Zuodu Yushi, but also released him from Beijing.

Xing'an said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, do you want Jin Yiwei to take him?"

Such rebellious officials and thieves, how can they deter the officials if they don't kill them?

"I have important things to do, don't act rashly, and miss my important matters." Zhu Qiyu shook his head, signaling Xing'an not to act rashly.

For the big things he wants to do, the role of Chen Yi is really not worth mentioning.

He wants to clench his strength into a fist and get things done thoroughly.

 I, always pondering... begging for votes!Ow!
(End of this chapter)

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