I am the king of the dead

Chapter 159 The Victor is Not Condemned

Chapter 159 The Victor is Not Condemned

"Your Majesty." Yu Qian sighed in a rather helpless tone.

Yu Qian does not object to His Majesty's harsh punishments. In any era, at any time, there will be no reform without bloodshed. Of course Yu Qian knows this.

Shang Yang's reforms ended in self-destruction, Wang Mang reformed the system, the world was in chaos, and Wang Anshi's innovations were all over the place.

How can the reform be successful? For Yu Qian, His Majesty's attitude of severe punishment is conducive to the promotion of the reform.

However, the people were also treated with harsh punishments and strict laws. In Yu Qian's view, it was not conducive to the implementation of the New Deal.

Yu Qian bowed his head and said: "All the people in this world are your majesty's ministers and workers. Your majesty is the supreme son of heaven, and he is more polite to teach the people."

"Virtue should be the foundation, benevolence should be the grace, righteousness should be the reason, propriety should be the behavior, and joy should be the harmony; the law should be used as the division, the name should be the model, the reference should be the test, and the judgment should be the decision. The way of the outer king, on the contrary, is dark but not clear, gloomy but not forthcoming, and the people of the world each follow their own desires and take their own way."

Yu Qian's words are not a Confucian classic, but were born out of "Zhuangzi · Tianxia Pian".

The core concept of the lecture is the principle of inner sage and outer king.

Internally, we must act with virtue as the foundation, use benevolence to give favors, use etiquette to regulate behavior, use music to adjust emotions, use laws and regulations to distinguish things, follow righteousness to establish standards, repeat comparisons to obtain verification, and rely on investigations to make decisions. The Way of the Holy King.

If you do it the other way around, it will be messed up.

The translation is that the court is not fighting and killing.

Virtue, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, music, law, fame, ginseng, and Ji are the way of the emperor.

This is quite similar to Chen Xun's reasoning, but quite different.

Chen Xun only talked about benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and filial piety, but he never talked about morality and law.

But Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said: "The reasoning is all good reasoning."

"But Yu Shaobao, this rich peasant is still on the sidelines, and any slight agitation will definitely destroy the fledgling farm law. What should we do now?"

"Not enough to succeed, but more than enough to fail."

"Then Yu Shaobao, what will happen to these rich peasants?" Zhu Qiyu asked back.

Yu Qian bowed his head and said: "Actually, it's simple. They have land, but no one. As long as the court's rules are not chaotic, it will be fine."

"Your Majesty's concerns, in fact, His Majesty already has the answer."

"Your Majesty has done a good job in the city. Catch beggars and bandits, and this will break the hands of the powerful families of the gentry. If His Majesty's official residence is built, it will break their feet."

"The powerful family can't control the rich households, how can these wealthy households dare to do anything?"

"Eventually the wealthy will find out that they still have to join the farm."

"As His Majesty said before, the gentry cannot live without the common people, but the common people will live better without the gentry."

"Recently, the leaders of the villages have led the farmers to reclaim wasteland, but there is a shortage of livestock. If there is one cow for every mile, then the reclamation will be very fast. If there are two..."

But Yu Qian shook his head and sighed, if there were two cows in each mile, then all the gentlemen in the city would have beef to eat.

Zhu Qiyu thought for a while, nodded and said, "I hope so."

"Report! Report! Report! Good news!" A guard in Jinyi ran into the main building of the martial arts hall holding a dart flag and holding a red military newspaper in his hand.

"Great victory for the Xuan Mansion! Agadorji led the Tatars and fled in a panic without engaging in battle."

"Jiajiaying beheaded 100 people, captured 930 people, and captured the enemy chief Erlek!"

"Wanquandusi beheaded 2000 two hundred and twenty-three. Yang Neng, Yang Xin, and Gao Yuan led the guards to chase and kill for more than 23 miles. The beheading was not counted, and they fled in a hurry!"

"Da Ming, a complete victory!"

Zhu Qiyu looked at the chessboard in his hand, his stinky chess basket could force Yu Qian to retreat into the city of Xuanfu, and the Wala he led had the result of [looted and returned].

In the end, it turned out to be...the one who was beaten lost his helmet and armor.

Could it be that it smells worse than Zhu Qiyu playing chess first?

After reading the military newspaper, Yu Qian pulled out all the flags on his Kanyu chessboard, and said excitedly: "Agadorji's escape prevented the Oirats from spying on the main force of our army, so they had to send Heshuo The special department, test the Jia family camp."

"That's it. It's close. If he walks forward for half a day, he will be completely surrounded by Yang Hong and Yang Xin from the direction of Huailai and Wanquan."

"At that time, it will be impossible to escape with wings!"

"Attack Wanquan first." Yu Qian took another small flag and planted it under Wanquan City, all of them said with emotion: "Under Wanquan City, the soldiers are lost and the generals are lost. The Wala people are running wild!"

"Okay, what a big victory! Marquis Yang of Changping, it's true, he uses soldiers like a god!"

Yu Qian's expression was quite excited, Yang Hong is really too experienced, this battle is really a big victory for Bianzhen!

"Your Majesty, the pawn push on the chessboard is just a pawn push. The morale of this battlefield is complicated. For example, Agadorji ran away immediately when the epidemic happened."

"I also saw the clouds of smoke and dust first, thinking that I was in ambush, and retreated and turned into it as fast as the wind. I still ran too fast, otherwise the Oirats who fought in the First World War would not be able to move for three years!"

Yu Qian is also very regretful, the three circles have been formed, and he is waiting to tie his pockets, but in the end, he first smells the smell of danger by relying on his sense of war.

"It's over after a day of fighting?" Zhu Qiyu scratched his head, waiting for five months, and just this day... a complete victory?

But Yu Qian shook his head and bowed his head and said: "Wala is cunning, and they will flee immediately when they are defeated by the enemy. This is also their way of survival."

"They're also used to running."

Yu Qian mentioned very cryptically that the past victories were not fruitful.

He didn't mean to be disrespectful to Emperor Taizongwen, but Emperor Taizong's five Northern Expeditions did not result in many victories. This is the normal state of Ming Dynasty towards grassland tribes.

When the Ming Dynasty's capital camp arrived, the grassland people fled watching the wind, and there were no horses crowing for thousands of miles.

Yu Qian continued: "Your Majesty, this battle was fought not only for one day, but for five months."

"Since His Majesty made the decision, the Beijing camp has mobilized the mountains and rocks as the enemy, opened mountains to build bridges and pave roads, recruited civilians to transport food and armaments, and Huailai, Shunshengchuan, Jiajiaying, Wanquandusi, and Xuanfu all contributed. Strengthen the walls and organize the people."

"One by one, it is all about setting up a general trend. If there is a general trend, it can be right for the world! The world, the general trend, cannot be moved by human power!"

"It's not a one-day victory, it's months of hard work. It's not a day's cold to freeze three feet, and the victory in this battle is definitely not a one-day achievement."

Yu Qian's meaning is very clear. The war has developed to this stage, and it is no longer a purely military action, but a political action.

Zhu Qiyu stood up and nodded. What Yu Qian said made sense. This was not only a military victory, but also a political victory.

"The Oirats are rushing like wolves, and their courage has been lost. If they fight again, they will shrink back and their morale will be low. The chance of him daring to go south again within three years is very small." Zhu Qiyu exhaled forcefully.

"They can win a short-term victory, but the victory belongs to Daming after all!"

"The Wala people want to compete with my Ming Dynasty for the fate of the country. This fight has been fought, and the destiny is still with my Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Qiyu's throne was usurped after the Taishang Emperor's title was cut off. Although the Minister of Rites Hu Min repeatedly tried to make up for it, in the final analysis, it was usurped.

But as long as he keeps winning, no one can judge him, and it is a general axiom that the victor is impunity.

As long as he continues to win one victory after another, Zhu Qiyu's throne will be as stable as Zhu Di's throne back then.

Of course, Zhu Qiyu inherited the Taizu Emperor Gao in the matter of peeling and pulling the grass.

Generally speaking, what he did did indeed inherit the will of his ancestors.

The Xuan Mansion won, and the battle for national destiny, Daming won.

That other thing can also be done.

"What did Yu Shaobao prepare for the Empress Dowager's gift?" Zhu Qiyu asked with a smile, since the Xuanfu battle was won so quickly, of course he would not let go of this opportunity.

Why doesn't Zhu Qiyu live in the palace?
In addition to the influence of feng shui on the fertility rate, he can't go to other people's home courts to fight like Yexian, especially when he is not strong enough.

The Oirats plunged headlong into Yang Hong's pocket this time, because Xuan Mansion is Yang Hong's home court.

Zhu Qiyu rushed into the palace like a green head, didn't he run to the Queen Mother's home court to play wild?

Yu Qian didn't prepare any gifts, shook his head and said, "Sleeves are cool."

Yu Qian does not know how to give gifts, nor has he ever given a gift. During the orthodox years, he never gave a longevity gift.

When Wang Zhen was alive, he didn't send it away. Now that Wang Zhen is dead and Zhu Qizhen is also hunting north, he won't send it away.

Zhu Qiyu knew about Yu Qian's temperament, he said with a smile: "Yu Shaobao, I'm not curious, have I prepared anything?"

Naturally, he asked Xing'an to make careful preparations. Apart from the great victory of the Xuanfu, there was another wonderful thing about this ceremony.

Yu Qian frowned, thought for a while and shook his head and said: "The family has no money left, and can't give any gifts."

"Xing'an, just take one from the internal storage, anyway, it will be sent back to the internal storage." Zhu Qiyu turned around and said to Xing'an, and said with a smile: "Let's go to the palace to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday!"

During this time, the courtiers all prepared congratulatory gifts, but His Majesty remained silent, and neither did anyone else.

After the incident of cutting the title of the Supreme Emperor last time, the courtiers somewhat figured it out.

If your majesty moves, be careful of being fished, if your majesty does not move, you must be careful of being slaughtered like a chicken!
Generally speaking, all of His Majesty's decrees can be criticized, but the four major elements, phenomenon, problem, reason, and plan, must be considered. Only if these four elements are complete, His Majesty will still take a serious look at it and call courtiers to answer the questions.

The good old days of confusing right and wrong and fishing in troubled waters are gone forever!
Zhu Qiyu inherited the fine tradition of fishing guys, and once again air force, the nests he fought were for nothing.

The news that Zhu Qiyu was going to enter the palace to give gifts was immediately spread among the six yamen, and everyone waited for His Majesty to enter the Meridian Gate before coming out of each yamen, holding the prepared gifts in their hands.

The Empress Dowager's congratulatory gift is filial piety, which must be given respectfully.

But what to give is very knowledgeable. It is definitely not good to give gold, silver and treasure like in previous years.

If the superiors are good, the subordinates will be very different. Your majesty is frugal and cultivates virtue. If the courtiers take money to the palace, it will be against your majesty!
Therefore, there will be some treasures such as calligraphy and paintings. These things are priceless and easy to give as gifts.

For example, Master Chen Xun made secondary calligraphy and painting. This calligraphy and painting is worth 3000 taels in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is not so expensive if it is placed in the imperial palace.

Zhu Qiyu naturally knew that the courtiers were waiting for him to give gifts, and when he moved, everyone followed suit.

Zhu Qiyu came to the gate of the Compassionate Ning Palace, feeling quite emotional, the last time he came was before he became the throne, and he came here.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here! Congratulate the Empress Dowager for the Palace of Compassion and Peace!" Xing'an shouted loudly.

 Thank you for the 5000-point reward of "Where is the future?" Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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