I am the king of the dead

Chapter 169 Your Majesty Wants to Kill

Chapter 169 Your Majesty Wants to Kill

Xing'an returned to Tai'an Palace worriedly with what he heard. His Majesty has already rested, so he can only report to His Majesty tomorrow.

The key to bringing down Yu Qian is to make His Majesty no longer trust Yu Qian. Gu Yao's method does indeed have a taste of eloquence.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Qiyu sat on the throne of Fengtian Hall, waiting for the ceremony of the court.

Before the early court, Xing'an reported the matter in detail.

"Bastard!" Zhu Qiyu straightened his clothes.

In the original historical line, Emperor Jingtai didn't trust Yu Qian very much. For example, Liu Pu, the commander-in-chief of Guangxi recommended by Sun Zhong, Yu Qian said no, so Emperor Jingtai forcibly transferred back to the capital to serve as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Beijing camp.

The friendship between relatives once deeply affected the Emperor Jingtai, who went from the king of Tan to the emperor, but instead led to a change of seizing the door.

The reason why the power of Seize the Gate Change can continue to expand is that Emperor Jingtai wanted to guard against Yu Qian.

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do." Xing'an shouted loudly.

Wang Zhi looked left and right, and went out of the class and said: "Since the beginning of the emperor's ascension in ancient times, Chinese and foreign soldiers and civilians have not had the same heart, but the court has handled it properly, and the common people are almost prepared for any danger. The ministers and others would like to cooperate with each other and hear clearly."

Wang Zhi's memorial is very long, but this memorial was sent to Wenyuan Pavilion a long time ago, and after repeated confirmation, it was not reported in the hall.

In fact, it is an announcement.

The censors in various places need to be replaced, the guarding eunuchs in various places also need to be replaced, and some political envoys also need to be replaced. For example, Fujian Chief Envoy Song Zhang made winter sacrifices in Fujian, which directly aroused civil uprisings.

For example, Xue Yue, the eunuch guarding Nanjing, united with Huang Fu, the Shangshu of Nanjing Household Department, to sell the mountain farm of Zhongshan Xiaoling.

Xiaoling Mausoleum is Zhu Yuanzhang's mausoleum. The sale of the mountain farm was reported to the Ministry of Household Affairs by Li Xian, Marquis of Fengcheng after Zhu Qizhen Beishou, and finally reported it to Zhu Qiyu.

Zhu Qiyu ordered the inspectors to inspect, and sent two thousand households and two hundred school captains to Nanjing. After the investigation, the investigation was detailed, and after additions were made, they were sent back to the capital.

That Huang Furen has been dead for nine years...

Moreover, this matter was not done by Huang Fu himself, but by Huang Fu's nephew and his family. Does Huang Fu really want to do it?

Anyway, Huang Fu didn't profit from the intermediary, and neither did his family, and even their family didn't know about it from the beginning to the end.

But this Huang Fu is afraid that he will be unlucky. When he gets to the ground, Zhu Yuanzhang will have to peel him and pull the weeds before he will give up.

Opening a kiln to dig coal at Zhu Di's grave, Zhu Di can still discuss, put Zhu Yuanzhang's grave to buy and sell forest farms, and then go underground...

Zhu Qiyu had no choice but to ransack the criminal's home and take it back to the mountain farm.

Xue Yue, the guarding eunuch, was sent to the Imperial Hospital and contributed to medicine.

It's not that eunuchs can't be used, Zhu Qiyu also used eunuchs, and even set up secret passages in Yanxing Tower to eavesdrop on what the courtiers said.Minister of eyes and ears, you don't need it, aren't you deaf or blind?

But the eunuch didn't use Zhu Qizhen's usage. He relied heavily on everything, relied on his palms as his hands and feet, and listened to others. There were so many judges in Daming, the supervisory censors, Tiqi, and envoys in yellow clothes. How could they mess up Daming? What about the miasma?

If too much power is given, eunuchs will link up with bureaucrats.

"I have a book to play." Li Binyan, the censor of Youqian Capital, stood up and bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, Datong Zuoyou, Yunchuan, Yulin, Tiancheng, Zhenlu, Yanghe, and Gaoshan Eight Guards, first of all, set up four Confucian schools."

"As far as the discussants are concerned, the land is close to the extreme edge, and the rest of the army has no spare manpower except for the selection and assignment. The temples and houses have not yet been erected, so beg for help. The children in the army are willing to learn and listen to them. Those who are not studying in the nearby schools shall pay tribute according to the law."

Zhu Qiyu was stunned for a moment, carefully savored this passage, and asked with a frown: "The establishment of Confucianism in the Tianxia Guards was established by the Taizu. There are so many guards in the Ming Dynasty. The four Confucian schools of the Eight Guards, Why do you have to take it to the court to report?"

Zhu Qiyu is not talking nonsense, the Weisuo school in Daming is very strong, and many famous ministers and generals in Daming came out of the Weisuo Confucian school.

Famous ministers such as Li Dongyang in the Zhengde period came from the Jinwu Zuowei Confucianism School, in the Longqing period Zhang Juzheng was in the Jingzhou Wei Confucianism School, in the Tianqi period Ye Xianggao was from the Fuzhou Guard, Sun Chengzong was from the Baoding Right Guard, and Yuan Keli was from the Suiyang Guard.

There are more generals, such as Shi Heng from Kuanhewei, Chenghua Liting general Zhao Fu from Jining Left Guard, Qi Jiguang from Jiajing Period from Dengzhou Guard, Yu Dayou from Zhangzhou Guard, Ma Gui and Datong Right Guard from Wanli Period , Li Rusong came from Tielingwei, Mangui in the Tianqi period came from Xuanfuwei, and Sun Chuanting in the Chongzhen period came from Zhenwuwei.

These people are all Confucianism classes in the guard.

Li Binyan originally thought that this was a trivial matter. During the orthodox years, there were so many Confucian schools in the Weisuo.

In the first year of Zhengtong, it was decreed that all places with military guards in the country should set up guard schools, and select outstanding military officers and sergeants' children to enroll for education.

Later, it gradually became two guards, three guards, four guards and one school, and there were strikes every year.

Where do military students who go to school in the guard go to school after they have no place to go to school?

Fuzhou County School.

He organized his language and said: "The frontier army has the heavy responsibility of selection, transfer, dispatch, and management. There is no spare manpower to maintain these four Confucian schools. Besides, the temples and houses in the capital have not been properly arranged. They are located in the border towns. , Setting up a school is still too wasteful."


"You mean, don't the people in the guards and the children of the army not have to go to school?"

Zhu Qiyu continued to ask full of doubts: "Isn't the censor always fond of talking, to establish a heart for the world, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the knowledge of the past, and to bring peace to all generations."

No matter how poor you are, you can't afford poor education. What kind of messy government is this?

"Then why are you clamoring for the abolition of the medical school?" Zhu Qiyu's tone was already filled with anger, and he read it seriously. The last sentence of this memorandum is that if you are willing to become a scholar, you can study in a nearby school and pay tribute according to the rules. .

What did you learn in Wei Confucianism Academy?
Ritual, music, archery, censorship, calligraphy, and mathematics are six subjects. I have to go horseback riding on the first and fifteenth day of junior high school, and I go to archery every three to five days. I write [-] characters every day, and I have to read nine chapters of arithmetic, and occasionally I have to learn vocal music.

If you go to Fuzhou County to study, what will you study?
Classics, history, sons, collections, laws, imperial edicts, rituals, and rituals.

Kyushu outside the mountains is implementing the farm law, and the vulgar scripts, novels, and arithmetic printed in the house are all taught by guards to the children of the army, and then the children of the army teach ordinary people in the guards during the slack time.

Why should the farm law be enforced under the guise of the military and health law?

Because the common people recognized the guard, and because Zhu Qiyu implemented the Farm Law, he had to rely on various systems of the Military Guard Law.

When the people are not farming, they can also go to the Weisuo Confucianism to attend.

Li Binyan said in a daze: "I don't have any intentions. Isn't this a common practice? There are too many health schools in the world, and the elimination of health schools is three or five in one, Your Majesty."

Zhu Qiyu took a deep breath and said: "Where do you want to join the Confucianism of the Weisuo? It is clearly to obstruct the implementation of the Farm Law in the name of name!"

"Where is the big Han general? Thirty court staff!"

Lu Zhong dragged Li Binyan out with two big Han generals. Lu Zhong's eyes were quite sympathetic. Could he not know that Li Binyan was just merging Confucianism in the Weisuo according to the past practice?
The corruption of the military and health law is a systemic corruption, an all-round corruption of education, land, and population.

Li Binyan does things according to the usual practice. This is a new government, and he still can't understand what he wants. If you are not beaten, who will be beaten?

Moreover, he also chose the eight guards around Datong, which is the place where His Majesty implemented the farm law in Kyushu outside the mountains. At this time, you are doing this kind of thing, don't you want to be beaten?

"Your Majesty, I've been wronged. I just acted according to the usual practice. I've been wronged! Your Majesty!" Li Binyan shouted in horror.

He now fully understands where he went wrong!
In fact, Li Binyan hadn't figured it out yet. If he wasn't wronged, the beating wouldn't be the end of it.

Li Binyan was beaten and walked slowly back into the hall, feeling very hurt, but he couldn't show it too obviously when the correcting officer was in the hall.

At this time, the imperial staff of the Ming Dynasty, with cushions in their clothes, was mainly used for humiliation.

"Your Majesty, I have an instruction book." Censor Gu Yao stood up, bowed his head and said, "I thought that the battle of the capital was really a great achievement of the Ming Dynasty. Your Majesty and Wang Shu used it together, and treated the soldiers very favorably, but I thought that your Majesty If you consult Yu Shaobao about everything, I am afraid there will be criticism."

Zhu Qiyu looked at Gu Yao and regained his energy.

He sat up straight and said, "Last time when I reported to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, there were three things in total. Tell me which three things are."

Gu Yao blinked, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty is the censor, and he has the position of constitution. Those who violate official discipline are impeached; it is the duty of a courtier to write a statement."

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said, "Tell me about him!"

"I asked you what three things I ordered when I first ordered the Metropolitan Procuratorate! What are you talking about with me about the post of science and ethics!"

"I ask you, what did you order at the beginning! Tell me, what did you order! What did you order!"

Of course, Gu Yao didn't remember much. He was so excited that Chen Yi was unlucky at that time, and he only remembered Chen Yi's unlucky event.

Zhu Qiyu took a deep breath and said: "I'm here to tell you, the first thing is not to kneel and worship privately, and the second thing is not to violate the curfew order. The soldiers and horses of the five cities can't control you, but I can control you." The third thing is the election of the previous general constitution."

"Every day you yell that the father is the example of the people. I have issued a decree to warn you. You only saw that the position of the chief constitution is vacant, and you have completely forgotten the first two things!"

"I ask you, do you have a little submissive heart? Come, Tingzhang!"

Lu Zhong didn't take pleasure in other people's misfortune this time, he took two big Han generals and dragged Gu Yao out directly.

This is a sturdy court staff, even if it is cushioned, Gu Yao can only be carried and thrown in Fengtian Hall when he is in court.

"Remove Gu Yao from all official positions immediately, and never listen to them. Within three generations, he will not be allowed to take the imperial examination." Zhu Qiyu was still angry, and the reason for the punishment was not that he impeached Yu Qian, but his own special edict, which Gu Yao dared not listen to.

Every day he waited to kill the chicken to show the monkey, and finally the chicken appeared.

Zhu Qiyu said quite calmly: "Gu Yao, do you feel resentful?"

Yu Qian couldn't bear it, he hesitated again and again, stood up, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, the post of Fengxian is the duty of science and Taoism. The words and deeds in the memorial made His Majesty angry, and the imperial staff and dismissal are the proper meaning."

"But the sin is not unto death."

Yu Qian has already noticed that something is wrong in Zhu Qiyu's words. According to his understanding, dismissal, never obeying, and three generations of disqualification from the imperial examination are not finished.

Your Majesty, this is... to kill someone!

This is Yu Qian, a good old man who has no awareness of power ministers. He was impeached and pleaded for others.

Zhu Qiyu flicked his sleeves and looked at the courtiers, probably thinking that His Majesty is a murderer.

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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