I am the king of the dead

Chapter 187 I, the Minister of Household Affairs of the Ming Dynasty!

Chapter 187 I, the Minister of Household Affairs of the Ming Dynasty!

"Copper coins are small but heavy. Merchants transfer money, and the money goes a long way. It can't be too much, which is quite inconvenient, so it is inconvenient to use salt coins." Yu Qian directly pointed out why merchants use salt coins for large-value commodity transactions.

Hu Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, nodded the table and said: "It is forbidden to trade gold and silver goods among the people, and anyone who violates it will be punished."

This is the ancestral precept of Zhu Yuanzhang, gold and silver should not be used as currency for transactions, and those who violate it will be punished.

Hu Wei is reminding everyone that this is another ancestral decision.

The ancestral system cannot be violated.

Jin Lian, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, frowned and said: "In the four years of orthodoxy, the imperial edict, civil and military officials in Nanjing and abroad, and the monthly rations of the soldiers, are not enough for the food reserves, and the branches are reduced, and they are filled with banknotes."

"In the 13th year of orthodoxy, a certain one played a performance. The banknote method has been outdated for a long time, and the new banknotes are consistent. The current estimate is only ten yuan, and the old banknotes are only one or two yuan! Even the storehouses that accumulate, those who pass are ignored."

"The banknotes with the same face value are only worth one copper plate. They are piled up on the market. People passing by don't even bother to pick them up!"

"Is this just the orthodox year? In the fourth year of Jianwen, the third year of Yongle, the seventh year of Xuande, and the ninth year of Xuande, banknotes were folded many times!"

After Jin Lian finished speaking, he stopped talking, and the entire court was silent.

Jin Lian's speech was very bold. Although he was talking about the orthodox years, in fact, the matter of changing the monthly grain money began in the Hongwu years.

How did the Daming Treasure Banknotes be discarded?
The etiquette of the clan, the precepts of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty.

Using the prohibition of gold and silver, this decision against the ancestors, can only be done by Zhu Qiyu.

Zhu Qiyu sat up straight and said, "Let me say a few words."

"First of all, the waste of banknotes is not unique to my Ming Dynasty. For example, in the late Northern Song Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, in the third year of Daguan, Sichuan Jiaozi was changed to Qianyinwu, and Jiaozi was changed to Qianyin. The old Jiaozi could not be exchanged for cash. .”

Jiaozi is a kind of paper money from Sichuan. The wars from the end of Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms had little impact on central Sichuan, which was extremely developed. Sichuan’s money was not enough, so paper money like Jiaozi appeared.

Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, changed Jiaozi to Qianyin, and the old banknotes could not be exchanged for Qianyin for the third year of Daguan.

"In the third year of Xuanhe, because of Fangla's civil unrest in the south of the Yangtze River, he printed more money to attract 63 yuan because of the unsustainable food for the army. Then in the fourth year of Xuanhe, he used the same reason to increase the money to attract 300 million yuan for the army. storage."

"The money is cited from now on."

The reign title of Xuanhe was also Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty. Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty repeatedly overissued Qianyin, which directly ruined the Qianyin system.

Zhu Qizhen didn't know that Daming's Yanyin was used as currency. If he knew, he didn't know how much he would have to issue.

Zhu Qiyu said again: "I have to admit that the Daming Banknotes of the Ming Dynasty are indeed a piece of waste paper now. The Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Households can draft an edict to abolish the banknotes."

"It can't be abolished. The people don't recognize it, and the merchants don't recognize it. Only the court recognizes it. Can it work?"

"It's useless."

Zhu Qiyu announced the first thing, to abolish the Daming banknotes.

This thing can no longer be printed, it is not currency.

That's because in this land, hardworking people have created countless wealth, and the Daming Banknote is a costless, purely exploitative prop.

As Jin Lian said, if banknotes are not scrapped, they are placed in a busy market, and you don't even bother to look at them.

The abolition of banknotes is imperative and the trend of the times, and the new monetary policy without abolition of banknotes cannot be implemented.

Hu Wei and Jin Lian glanced at each other, bowed their heads and said, "Your servant will take orders."

Zhu Qiyu continued: "Du Mu passed the Afang Palace site at the age of 23 and said with emotion: Qin people have no time to mourn for themselves, but later generations mourned. What later generations mourned without taking care of it also made future generations mourn for future generations."

"At that moment, as at this moment."

"The people of Qin didn't have time to mourn the strong Qin, and the Qin Dynasty quickly declined. Later generations mourned it, but did not regard it as a mirror, and would only repeat the same mistakes."

"We have seen Qianyin, Zhongtong handover banknotes, Zhongtong treasure banknotes, and Zhiyuan treasure banknotes, all of which are piles of waste paper. We should also use this as a lesson to know the rise and fall."

"I thought that the Ming Dynasty was not ready to issue banknotes. Paper banknotes were printed, counterfeit banknotes were rampant, and new banknotes were introduced, but the wheels turned around."

China's history is so long that the wheels turn around and leave countless rut ​​marks.

The only lesson of history is that people have never learned any lessons from history. This sentence sometimes seems contradictory, and sometimes it seems very true.

The word banknotes is still too early for Daming.

The re-issue of banknotes is nothing more than a replica of the gold round coupons.

"The ban on the use of gold and silver can be relaxed from the beginning, but how to relax it? To what extent should it be achieved? And in what way should it be relaxed? Everyone needs to carefully consider and deliberate, and it cannot be done overnight, otherwise what is the use of precious money?" different?"

Yu Qian took a deep breath, His Majesty has really become more and more stable, and His Majesty, who was quite impatient last year, is becoming more and more stable now.

This is because... Is Zhu Qizhen dead?
Yu Qian bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

All the ministers bowed their heads and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Zhu Qiyu looked at everyone and said: "Well, today's discussion on salt and iron will come to an end for the time being. After you go back, you will think carefully. Next time you go to the court meeting, everyone will work together to come up with a specific proposal for the use of gold and silver." Prohibition regulations come."

"The ministers will leave." Hu Wei and Chen Xun led the courtiers, and Lin Xiu took the eunuchs from the inner carrier, and left Juxian Pavilion. When they left, there was still a lot of discussion.

And Zhu Qiyu left Yu Qian alone, as long as Yu Qian was in Beijing and did not implement the Farm Law in the Gyeonggi area, Zhu Qiyu would stay with Yu Qian every day to inquire about politics.

"I play with the abacus every day, and I'm almost becoming the Minister of the Household Department of our Daming." Zhu Qiyu did not set down the military flag to deduce, but took out chess.

However, cheating every day also makes Xing'an difficult. After all, there are too many times of heavy wind, heavy rain and hail. Could it be possible for Xing'an to directly smash the meteorite?
The next day, the next day, just play pawn pushing chessboard once.

Yu Qian set up the chess pieces with a smile, shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is diligent in administration, and consults diligently in everything. He has the legacy of Taizu Taizong. If you listen to it, you will be able to relax, accept advice and seek governance, and be tireless. You are the Lord of England."

Zhu Qiyu thought for a long time before saying: "I plan to let the farm learn how to make paper and ink. The paper and ink in the Sanjing Factory are expensive. In Gyeonggi and Xuanfu, the common characters and arithmetic are not enough."

"Your Majesty is too impatient." Yu Qian said very seriously.

Your Majesty is always a little anxious. The implementation of the Farm Law is a long-term national policy. It is not accomplished overnight, nor is it a temporary achievement.

Of course Zhu Qiyu is aware of his eagerness for success, he is very self-aware, but this matter has to be done.

Yu Qian thought about it seriously and said: "Your Majesty, Li Bin, the censor, said before that he wanted to abolish the four schools of Confucianism in the left and right sides of Datong. In fact, there is a saying that makes sense, and there is no spare manpower."

"Your Majesty, even if the Sanjing Factory has printed a book, who can teach it?"

"Wei Xueshe's current list of common characters and arithmetic has been handed over, and it won't be too late when the Wei Xuejun students bring their books and go to teach in every li."

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said with certainty: "There are some scholars in Daming, if they don't go, I will force them to go."

Yu Qian took a deep breath and talked about the game with one hand, but he was silent for a long time before he said: "Your Majesty is in the prime of life, why rush for a while?"

"A year's plan is better than planting valleys; a ten-year plan is better than trees; a lifelong plan is better than tree people. If one tree harvests one harvest, it is a valley; one tree harvests ten harvests, a tree; one tree harvests a hundred harvests, People too."

"It is said that it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to grow a man."

Tree means to plant, to cultivate.

Zhu Qiyu could understand this passage, Yu Qian advised him not to rush, His Majesty is only 21 years old this year, and there is still a long time to complete those grand plans and great achievements.

"I only fight for the day and night." Zhu Qiyu knocked out General Qian's pawns, general Yu Qian was killed by Zhu Qiyu's general in hindsight.

Yu Qian has been thinking about how to persuade Zhu Qiyu not to be in a hurry, looked at the chessboard and shook his head, said with a smile: "Your Majesty, just seize the day and night, that is, planting millet, harvesting it once a year, you can get it for a while."

"If you are eager for quick success, you can plant a tree. You can reap ten years and a lifetime."

"Picture it slowly, it is for educating people, and you will be rewarded for thousands of years, and your merits will last forever."

"And Your Majesty, if you send those scholars who are unwilling and reluctant to go to the countryside to educate people, what can they raise?"

"On the contrary, it has taught people badly."

"This group of people, shaking their lips and tongues, messed up the root of the farm law, which is not good for the country."

After serious thinking, Zhu Qiyu took a deep breath, and what Yu Qian said made sense.

Especially many scholars in the Ming Dynasty, they did not have such a high level of ideological awareness!

Just like the slackers and hooligans in the village, they are a piece of bad meat in the village. Zhu Qiyu threw this group of people who are full of talk and business into the countryside. Isn't that making him feel uncomfortable?

The military students from the Wei Xue Confucian School in the Ming Dynasty are very different from the students from the prefectures and counties of the Ming Dynasty.

For example, Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong were all military students, and what they did was completely different from other scholars in Ming Dynasty.

Yu Qian's meaning is very clear, military students are reliable, but Confucian students are not, and that mouth is more than successful than failure.

If the group of Confucian scholars can be trusted, sows will climb trees.

Yu Qian understood what his Majesty wanted to do, and he explained very patiently: "Your Majesty cares about all people, his virtue is won by the world, and my minister congratulates you."

"Now the countryside is still leveling roads, dredging canals, building grain farms, raising grass and drying valleys, repairing houses, repairing farm tools, and so on."

"Your Majesty, if you want Shijing Factory to batch more iron materials for agricultural tools and send them to the countryside, more agricultural tools will encourage farming."

"If the warehouse is real, you will know etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace."

This sentence comes from Guanzi's Herdsmen, not a Confucian classic.

Zhu Qiyu took it seriously and said: "What Yu Shaobao said is reasonable, and I would like to be taught."

"I'm terrified." Yu Qian replied hastily.

"Your Majesty, Yue Qian and Ji Duo are back, and they are still holding Xining." Xing'an walked in hastily, bowed his head and said.

"Xuan." As soon as Zhu Qiyu heard Xining's name, he knew what they were going to do if they didn't return to Beijing.

Zhu Qiyu was refreshed, and then said: "Go and get the five-dollar merit card."

When Yue Qian left, it was last winter, and now the summer harvest is over, and all the farms are now planting beans to raise land.

They thought they would be interviewed in Tai'an Palace, which was the original Prince Yi's Mansion, but it turned out to be in this lecture hall.

It's been a few months since they left, and the capital is already very different. For example, the three of them were quite shocked in this lecture hall.

At this time, the three of them knew clearly that His Majesty had killed King Ji and sent him to Jinshan Cemetery.

living comfortably without anybody's help.

"You five have worked hard, please come with us." Xing'an arrived at the downstairs of the Juxian Pavilion and motioned for the five of them to enter the pavilion.

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(End of this chapter)

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