The sacred mountain in the Northwest Grassland has a majestic "gate".

Those were two giant wolves carved out of gray-white rocks, their hind legs kicked off the ground, their front legs raised, and they met in the air more than ten feet away, forming a towering circular arc.

For the holy mountain, the prairie people all have a kind of reverence and piety from the heart.

When they were hundreds of meters away from the gate, Harabar and the others had dismounted from their horses, and walked all the way on the verdant grass.

Gu Xu also maintained a low-key and cautious style, not wanting to cause trouble in this holy mountain where barbarian shamans lived.

Then put away the flying blanket, took the baby, and followed at the end of the team.

However, seeing Gu Xu's unassuming appearance, the barbarians of the Wadi tribe became even more nervous. They all thought that Gu Xu was planning to do something big in the holy mountain, and became more wary of him.

There are no formal buildings on the holy mountain, only tents made of thatch and wood, walls made of thorn hedges, and earthen houses that protrude from the ground and are covered with weeds.

The cities of the Great Qi Dynasty were often crowded—yamen, mansions, courtyards, houses, shops, streets and alleys, etc., were closely packed together, with people coming and going, heavy traffic, and every inch of land was fully occupied of.

This holy place in the Northwest Grassland is the opposite.

It is open and empty, bathed in warm sunlight, and stretches lazily in all directions, as if connected with the distant sky.

At the foot of the mountain is a lively market.

Merchants on the grassland tied their horses, spread their goods on the ground, and yelled loudly at passers-by.

Gu Xu quietly looked at the surrounding scenery, guessing in his mind the identity of the "acquaintance" mentioned by the white-haired boy.

Before they had gone far, they saw a large group of prairie barbarians rushing from all directions like a tide, blocking the team led by Harabar tightly.



Everyone shouted excitedly, the sound was deafening.

I saw a dark-skinned strong man with one eye blind walking straight forward, the white bones hanging around his neck clashed, and the scimitar at his waist gleamed in the sun.

He untied the scimitar, threw it in front of Harabar, and looked at him with his hips akimbo.

Gu Xu knew that according to the customs on the grassland, throwing a machete in front of others meant challenging them.Generally speaking, it is enough to determine the outcome, but there are also those who will not die.

Those who are challenged can refuse to accept.

But this will make him bear the reputation of a "coward"-for the grassland people who claim to be brave and invincible, this is more uncomfortable than killing them.

As a young warrior expected to compete for the position of Khan, Harabar naturally would not refuse such a challenge.

He took off his shirt neatly, went into battle shirtless, and pounced forward like a hungry wolf preying on his prey, wrestling fiercely with the dark one-eyed burly man.

Perhaps it was because he was too aggrieved in the fight with Gu Xu before, which made Harabar feel angry.

Today he used his fists to the flesh, without mercy.

A few minutes later, the one-eyed strong man gradually felt powerless.

Harabar's fist was full of energy and blood, and hit his face heavily, and then kicked him to the ground, smashing an obvious hole in the ground.

"I admit defeat!" The one-eyed burly man raised his hand and said.

He clearly felt that compared to the last time they met, Harabar's strength seemed to be much stronger again.

"Tell me a word with Hud of your tribe," Harabal said coldly, "Khan's position, he can't get his hands on it even in his dreams."


On the way to the top of the holy mountain, Harabar encountered more than ten challengers one after another.

The prairie barbarians are aggressive by nature.Since Harabar publicly announced that he would compete for the position of Khan, many people felt unconvinced and wanted to try his skills.

And Harabar also proved his strength with a brilliant record.

Every time he defeated an opponent, the clansmen around him would shout his name in a deafening voice, obviously honored.

With the mentality of a spectator, Gu Xuben watched everything around him silently, while talking to the white-haired boy in his mind, trying to get some more information from that riddle guy who likes to play tricks.

Unexpectedly, a few barbarian warriors on the side of the road noticed his presence.

"Look, a person from Qi has come to our holy mountain!"

"Harabar, why is there a Qi man wearing a robe in your team? Is it a prisoner you captured?"

"Is he captured by you as a sacrifice to the great wolf god?"

"Look at his delicate skin and tender flesh, and he is holding a baby, like a weak woman. My wife looks better than him."


Hearing these words, Harabal panicked.

When others challenge him, he can deal with it calmly without changing his face.

But when others came to provoke Gu Xu, Harabal immediately turned gloomy, and shouted repeatedly: "If you don't want to die, just shut up!"

In his eyes, Gu Xu's strength is unfathomable.

If this great god gets angry, maybe everyone on the hillside will die without a place to bury them.

Harabar's abnormal attitude made the people watching the excitement deeply surprised - they had never seen that Harabar, who has always been arrogant and unruly, would show such a fearful attitude in front of others.

It's just that, among a group of tall and burly prairie barbarians, Gu Xu, who looks thin, doesn't seem to have much deterrent power.

"Hahaha, Harabal, you actually protect a Qi person!"

"A man from Qi with skinny arms and legs will scare you into such a state! If you become a khan on the grassland, how will you lead the soldiers to fight against the country of Qi? Maybe the drums of the people of Qi have just sounded , you just ran away!"


The audience laughed and joked with Harabar while looking up and down at Gu Xu, their eyes full of novelty, as if they were watching a monkey in a circus.

Harabar became more and more nervous, turning his head to look at Gu Xu's face from time to time, trying to tell him with his eyes: "It's all those people talking nonsense! It has nothing to do with me!"

Gu Xu has been calm and composed, without changing his face.

Ever since he entered the Fifth Realm, he has possessed a detached and peaceful state of mind, and these provocations in front of him will not arouse the slightest splash in his heart at all.

Until a barbarian youth untied his scimitar, threw it in front of him, and said with a smile: "Harabar, since you are so afraid of him, let me teach you a lesson, Grandpa."

Gu Xu didn't do it himself.

The baby girl in his arms seemed to sense the hostility in the words.

She floated into the air, and suddenly opened those beautiful eyes.

In an instant, the cold wind howled, and the young man turned into an ice sculpture without any resistance.

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