Jiayou fun things

Chapter 875 Loulan Deputy Town

Chapter 875 Loulan Deputy Town (5)

God, it's gray.

The ground is wet.

The feeble lead cloud, like the tail of a mountain sparrow whose legs have been broken, hangs sickly above the head, with sparkling raindrops falling sparsely below.

Lu Bi was awakened by the slightly cold raindrops, his body shivered, turned over with difficulty, and looked up at the sky.

Raindrops fall, fall.

The crystal raindrops made clear traces in the air and hit the cheeks, a ray of chill seeped into the skin.

Lu Qi shuddered——since he had succeeded in cultivation, how many years had he not felt the chill?
The feeling of the raindrops falling and hitting his body reminded Lu Yu of some unbearable past events—it was as if, in his previous life, he was lying on the hospital bed and couldn't move, watching the automatic sensor nozzle in the ward, 'wow' Countless crystal drops of water were sprayed out in one fell swoop, soaking himself, the hospital bed, and the surrounding rescue equipment completely.

The coldness of that day was almost the same as the chill in the raindrops now, it was cold to the bone, cold to the bone marrow.

Lu Qi coughed.

The neck hurts a bit, it should be that several joints of the cervical vertebrae are misaligned, and the nerves are compressed.

The neck is a little swollen, it should be that several blood vessels have been damaged, and the blood stasis is blocked in the body.

The internal organs were hot and sour, and all kinds of weird pains kept coming.Needless to ask, the internal organs must have been severely injured, especially a large hole should have appeared in the stomach, a large amount of gastric juice flowed out, soaking the internal organs, and the gastric juice was 'digesting' his other internal organs, so it brought Lu Bi almost miserable. Howling pain.

Tsk, this is the 'Buddha level gastric juice' that can easily melt even gold and diamonds.

Fortunately, his internal organs were also forged quite solidly, with the power of a dragon and an elephant, and still withstood the erosion of the self-produced and sold gastric juice.Although it is painful, the internal organs are still intact, there is no lack of kidneys, gall or anything like that.

In addition, the lumbar spine is not right.

Well, two legs are even more interesting.Lu Bi turned over and looked up at the sky, but the right calf was facing the sky... Is this a 180-degree turn on the spot?There was unspeakable pain in the knee, well, it should be that all the joints and meridians were shattered.

The two arms are okay and can move, but the two palms are swollen like boneless chicken feet.

It's still the kind of boneless chicken feet that were smashed to pieces with a hammer, then gnawed out by a naughty old lady with their teeth, and then soaked in sauerkraut in the old mud pit with stinky feet for three years.

It was miserable white, mixed with a large black and blue gore.

How pitiful and pitiful it is.

"This is……"

Lu Yu shook his head with difficulty.

There was a 'rumble' in the brain, Venus flickered in front of my eyes, and nervous tinnitus in both ears at the same time, as if ten 33-year-old cicadas were screaming hoarsely in the ear holes.

"The 33-year-old cicada? What is that thing?"

Lu Yu faintly felt that he had heard of this name before.

But what exactly is the 33-year cicada?His mind was chaotic and pale, and he couldn't think of any information related to this.

"So, who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"What should I do?"

"Where am I going?"

Lu Yu subconsciously asked the ultimate philosophical question - obviously, he failed to give himself a definite answer.

"I am, I am... I am..."

The severe pain hit, and the chaotic mind seemed to have just erupted in the chaotic void of a bloody battle between heaven and man. It was extremely chaotic, everything was smashed into pieces, and it was impossible to clean out anything useful.

Lu Yu cursed in a low voice, blood and gastric juices spewed out of his mouth continuously.There are even a large number of internal organs in the strangely colored mixed juice.The pungent mixed juice slid down from the cheeks, corroding the skin and stinging hotly, especially since it irritated the throat, Lu Qi couldn't help cursing in a low voice while coughing violently.

In the chaotic mind, a faint light suddenly lit up.

The Taichu Mixed Bead showed its true shape and emitted a dim light, which fixed Lu Yu's extremely chaotic and severely damaged mind, and smoothed out these chaotic memories and mixed information one by one.

Wisps and strands, Lu Qi’s mess, strands of almost annihilated soul, pieced together with the efforts of Taichu Hutongzhu, and gradually turned into a small cluster of light that is as weak as a firefly.

Compared with Lu Qi's previous spirit method, which was tens of thousands of feet high in his mind, this small group of spirits gathered together with great difficulty is simply pitifully weak, with a bit of bitterness and desolation.

But, at least it doesn't hurt so much in my head.

Lu Qi at least regained the most basic thinking ability. He shook his head, muttered in a low voice, and resolutely gave up the effort to track down his identity.If he digs so hard, his brain will almost explode, so let nature take its course.

When it's time to remember, I can think of everything.

Lu Yu comforted himself with a wry smile, then took a deep breath, with all his strength, breathing according to a certain instinct.

The cool and humid air was sucked into the body, and an unknown number of alveoli were damaged, bleeding and leaking, and the burning and painful lungs circled around.The strong stimulation made Lu Yu cough violently again, and vomited blood profusely.

In my impression, no matter how many injuries my body has suffered, as long as I take a deep breath, the injury will heal quickly.

But here, it seems useless?
Lu Qi frowned.

In the chaotic mind, which was even more chaotic than the chaotic void, the faint light of the firefly's divine sense emitted, and it was extremely difficult to penetrate an extremely weak divine mind.

The weak divine sense barely made a circle within three feet of the body, and was blown by the wind, most of it dissipated in the air, and a small half shivered, and fled back into the body in an extremely embarrassing manner.

"What the hell is this place?" Lu Qi frowned.

Tao rhyme, very clear, very strong.

Well, that's right, this kind of thing that fills the void, is invisible, but supports the framework of the entire world's operation, should be called the "Avenue of Dao Rhyme"... The Dao of Heaven and Earth is extremely powerful, traversing the void, and they emit The Dao rhyme permeates all objects and fills all objects.

Everything is wrapped in dao rhyme, and the dao rhyme that Lu Qi felt just now when he released his divine sense is a trillion times stronger and clearer than the dao rhyme in those worlds in his impression!
'Those worlds before'?
Lu Qi frowned.

The concept is weird - those worlds before?Could it be that I have traveled to many places before and seen many scenery of the world?
It's kind of interesting, but thinking about it now, it doesn't make any sense except to make my brain ache.

The only problem now is that this extremely strong and clear dao rhyme, this avenue that fills the entire void and fills everything... is completely unshakable.

It's like an alloy Optimus Prime made of pure diamond mixed with chaotic spiritual gold. Giant pillars with a diameter of thousands of miles and immeasurable heights stand between the sky and the earth, and Lu Qi's divine sense is like an eternity. The mayfly, who died at night and was congenitally stunted, even if he hit and gnawed the alloy Optimus Prime with all his strength, he couldn't get any benefit from it.

can see.

Can't touch.

I can't even eat or drink.

Well, the more frightening thing is that Lu Qi waited until more than half of the spiritual thoughts that had leaked out of his body dissipated, and then he faintly felt that there was still a mighty might on the alloy Optimus Prime.

The outside of Optimus Prime, which was already extremely strong and completely untouchable by little bugs like him, has actually set up a super mountain-suppressing array to guard Optimus Prime firmly and airtight.Any unlucky person who dares to touch this avenue and dare to gain benefits from this avenue, either does not have this strength, or has this ability to slightly touch the heaven and earth avenue, will be crushed and killed by this Haohao Tianwei on the spot.

Don't touch it, don't touch it.

Lu Qi took a deep breath... The rhyme of Dao Dao in this world is a bit weird.

The Dao is clearly presented in front of your eyes, but you cannot wait and see, contemplate, touch, absorb, comprehend, engrave, absorb... All normal cultivation methods cannot be used.

Well, the inspiration of heaven and earth is even more intense.

The spiritual power of this world is so rich that it is suffocating.Every breath that Lu Yi takes, in and out of his body, and the inspirations of heaven and earth that he inhales at will are a million times, tens of millions of times that of the "previous worlds"...

The world's inspiration in this world is so strong that it doesn't make sense.

But the avenue of heaven and earth remains immobile forever, it cannot be touched at all, it cannot be felt... In addition, this incomparably thick heaven and earth inspiration has become a flower in the mirror or a moon in the water.With every deep breath Lu Bi took, he could feel the heaven and earth inspiration like quicksilver coming in and out of his body, but he couldn't leave a trace in his body.

water marks...

This day, the inspiration passed by Lu Ni's body, and he didn't even want to leave a trace.

The one on the side is an extremely high-end green tea girl, who hooked her fingers and smiled at you and called "Master, come and be happy". Not even a whiff of cheap perfume left behind.

Dao Yun couldn't touch it.

Ideas cannot be absorbed.

No matter how hard Lu Yu tried, there was no magic power remaining in his broken body, and all the injuries were slowly getting worse, and there was no sign of healing at all.

Gasping for breath, Lu Qi suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a "Buddhist Kingdom" with endless benefits.

One thought moves, ten thousand thoughts arise.

In Lu Yu's mind, a turbulent wave suddenly set off, and the little bit of spiritual power he had just condensed was suddenly exhausted, his eyes went dark, and he almost fainted.

In the depths of his mind, the world of mortals, which had curled up into a gleam of light, swayed slightly, emitting a glimmer of dim Buddha light, and then there was no movement again.

There was the sound of low footsteps.

Lu Bi turned his head to look with difficulty, and saw a black-gold, translucent, three-foot-long little dragon walking away step by step with an abnormally fat, bamboo-rat-shaped, golden-haired, two-foot-long little dragon in its mouth. return.

Tianlong Zen staff.

In the lower realm, Lu Bi used his natal Buddha treasure to create a heavenly seal, together with the little Vajra Mount Sumeru, plus Empress Qionghua’s former dojo, Qionghua Mountain, her mother’s womb and endless good fortune, The strange Buddha treasure that was finally forged after spending countless resources.

Oh, and other higher order materials seem to be incorporated during the forging process.

This makes this Tianlong Zen Staff, although it is a man-made Buddhist weapon, it has a form that is almost a creature.The spiritual Tianlong Zen stick actually slipped out by himself when Lu Yu was seriously injured and comatose, and successfully hunted a fat little beast, and brought it back to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took a deep look at the Tianlong Zen stick.

He kind of forgot this guy's name, but the feeling of being involved with the clear ray of soul blood made him understand that this three-foot little dragon has an extremely close relationship with him.

He exhaled, and smiled softly: "It's beautifully done, it's just..."

The Tianlong Zen stick moved to Lu Yu's head, and brought the wound on the little beast's neck to Lu Yu's mouth.

Lu Yan smelled a scent of bamboo roots, but extremely strong animal blood, and an unstoppable sense of 'hunger and thirst' came from his body, every cell in him was wriggling, roaring and roaring , frantically urging him to do something quickly.

Lu Yu still glanced at the Tianlong Zen staff.

The body of the three-foot-long little dragon is crystal clear, its scales are intact, and its breath is flowing... Obviously, although Lu Yu appeared here inexplicably and was seriously injured, the Tianlong Zen staff is infinitely stronger than Lu's body , He is not damaged at all, and still retains enough tyrannical combat power.

"There is no unparalleled road." Lu Ni smiled: "Do you still remember, what happened?"

Tianlong Zen Staff looked at Lu Yu ignorantly, his two eyes were shining, he shook his head gently, and the two long dragon whiskers dangling from the corners of his mouth gave off a faint starlight.

The next moment, Tianlong Zen Staff opened its mouth, and with a 'croak', it spit out five small 'bird eggs' the size of a thumb and shaped like quail eggs.Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, the faint breath of the five elements entwine five small eggs, through the translucent eggshell, you can see a white cat, a green dragon, a basalt, a rosefinch, and a unicorn curled up inside.

The five little beasts are only the size of sesame seeds, and their aura is extremely weak, like candles in a hurricane, which may go out at any time.

Lu Qi's heart twitched violently. He gritted his teeth, felt the weak vitality of the five little eggs, shook his head, and with difficulty tore open a deep and bone-reaching wound on his chest. Arranged, inlaid in his own wound.

Gently spread a piece of drooping flesh and blood to cover the five little eggs, feeling that his blood essence was slowly nourishing the five little eggs, Lu Bi breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly.

The five little eggs lit up with a faint light, and there was a strange traction of energy, which merged with Lu Qi's breath.

Lu Bi opened his mouth, and bit the almost piercing wound on the neck of the little beast sent by Tianlong Zen Staff, and suddenly he swallowed a thick, fragrant blood plasma with a strong smell of bamboo roots. .

Wisps of weak heat flowed in the body.

Lu Yu's depleted body seemed to have been dry for 10 years, and the Gobi Desert suddenly ushered in a drizzle. His body greedily devoured the foreign plasma, and his heavily injured body was slowly recovering bit by bit.

"It's not enough, we need more." Lu Yan looked at Tianlong's staff and said in a deep voice, "More essence and blood...more flesh!"

'Crack', Lu Ni opened his mouth and bit down hard, trying to tear a piece of animal meat off the neck of this little hand... As a result, his teeth bit a broken bone, which was much harder than his big teeth However, the animal meat did not bite, and a piece of Lu Qi's tooth was chipped off, causing his eyes to turn black from the pain.

Tianlong Chanzhang looked at Lu Yu in a daze.

Lu Yu smiled wryly, spat out his broken teeth and a mouthful of old blood, and then put it on the little beast's wound, sucking it vigorously like a nursing baby.

The rain is getting heavier.

From the 'pattering' light rain, it gradually turned into a torrential rain.

Lu Qi lay in the rain, shivering from the cold.Tianlong's Zen staff held his collar, dragged him in a bit of embarrassment, and moved little by little towards a small forest in the distance.Lu Yu's heavy body left a long trail in the mud, which was quickly wiped off by the heavy rain.

In the distance came the 'creaking' sound of axle friction, mixed with sporadic hoofbeats.

A small team trudged through the rain, and there was a faint sound of cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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