Chapter 1010

Everyone's sayings have their own reasons.The gods and gods have their own attitudes, so there is no need to criticize who is right and who is wrong.

The deal is done, the Holy Mother of Emmanuel is no longer entangled, and the heart of the Holy Mother falls on the frightened spirit in front of her.This time they collectively and thoroughly repented sincerely, so they gave up lightly and warned them to do good deeds in the future.

Otherwise, one day if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself, and if you don't meet the two of them, you will also meet other demon-killing Taoists.

Of course, at this moment, the spirits and monsters are 100% sincere in their repentance.After passing this fatal hurdle, it is not known whether the lesson can be learned in the future.

In short, what should be let go, what should be killed should be killed.

Knowing that Yuan Zhao once encountered the same scene in a continent in another world, that the one who was used as a stepping stone was a nine-tailed fox, and that the person who descended to the mortal world was Liu Guang from the fairy family, the expression of the Holy Mother of Emmanuel was in a daze.

"Why, senior sister has friendship with her?" Yuan Zhao was speechless.

As far as Liu Guang's popularity is concerned, if he doesn't think about it for a while, he must have a bright future!

"It's not about friendship, it's just a few contacts." The Holy Mother of Emmanuel smiled calmly, not hiding anything, "Back then, I went to heaven on the third senior brother's birthday on a whim..."

The senior brothers never held any banquets, wishing that the gods would forget about themselves in order to be quiet.

But she is a junior sister, how can she refuse to see her when the autumn wind comes?So every time she came here in prosperity, she returned with a full load, which made all the immortals look envious.Liu Guang told her these words, and the other party claimed to be one of them.

Back then, the Holy Mother was still young and had not been promoted to God, and she had longed for pure friendship.

After having a happy conversation with Liu Guang that time, the two began to communicate.Liu Guang is an immortal, and cannot descend to the lower realm at will.The God of the lower realm of Our Lady of Lingguang only walks around Fumengzhou on weekdays, or listens to the prayers of believers in the temple.

In the past, she just went to the brothers' homes on a whim, but now she has a girlfriend in the sky, and her enthusiasm for visiting the houses in the sky is increasing day by day.

Liu Guang is in charge of the Sun God in the Taiyan Palace of the First Layer, and there are countless rooms in the Taiyan Palace for the Sun God to live in.She also has a palace in it, a single house with a courtyard, the Holy Mother of Emmanuel has entered it several times, and thinks the environment is quite good.

Until one day, the Holy Mother, who is rarely at leisure, specially went to heaven to visit her best friend while she was busy with no official duties.It happened that the other party wanted to go to the Nine Heavens' Chongming Palace, so the two went up together.

At nine days, Liu Guang went to the Chongming Palace, and the Holy Mother waited in the hall of the senior brother.

It was that time, in the Shengde Hall of the third senior brother, she noticed that her friend had a subtle attitude towards her senior brother.Although the other party tried to remain calm and calm, she was a little shy and timid after all, full of the tenderness of a young daughter who had just begun to love her.

She knew that many fairies in the sky adored her senior brother, and it was normal for her friends to adore him.

Perfection is impossible, since the death of that little fairy, the third senior brother has cracked through the relationship and became enlightened (she thinks).She will not let her senior brother make the same mistakes and fall into the quagmire again in order to fulfill the affection of her friend.

From then on, when she went to visit Liu Guang again and happened to meet him going out on business, she would wait for her in the Third Heaven and take a look at the spirit of the newly promoted Xiaoxian.

Sure enough, seeing that she refused to go to the Nine Heavens, a trace of disappointment flashed across Liu Guang's face, and he left angrily.

When she came back, the other party still chatted with her happily, or talked about her experience and difficulties in cultivation.The two of them had limited cultivation, and when they talked about unreasonable and unclear thoughts, the Holy Mother almost went to heaven to find her senior brother.

Fortunately, he swallowed it in time, pretending not to know the real longing in the other party's heart, until the other party couldn't help but propose:

"Why don't you ask the real king from heaven?"

The initiative of the other party made the Holy Mother fully see her good intentions.At the same time, he also understood that the reason why the other party made friends with him was nothing more than wanting to get close to the senior brother through her.

She was used, Liu Guang cheated her friendship.

Although sad, but with a heart of the Virgin, she understands the other party's desire to get close to the senior brother.She had no intention of exposing the other party, let alone the habit of tearing up the face on the spot, she just gently advised the other party not to waste their time in vain.

The senior brother has already seen through the mortal world, and cuts the thread of love with a sword. Falling in love with him will only cause undue hatred in his heart, which will never be restored in the future.

After that time, the Holy Mother and Liu Guang completely cut off contact.

She understood Liu Guang's admiration for her senior brother, but she couldn't accept the other party's hidden scheming friendship.From then on, I still walk alone, if I meet in the nine heavens, I will smile and nod, that's all.

Liu Guang is very self-aware, seeing that she has seen through him, he doesn't bother to explain, and they have lived in peace until now.

"The same junior sister, why is there such a big difference in treatment?" Yuan Zhao was very helpless, while laughing at himself, "I flatter you, but attack me hard, which shows that I am popular..."

God hates ghosts already, that's why a fairy who has a wide range of friends and good friends speaks ill at each other.

"Don't be ashamed of yourself," the Holy Mother of Light said softly, "It's her fault or it's wrong. The third senior brother rarely punishes people. The clear state of mind is the place that tests the heart of the gods. If she can't get out, it means that she will be in trouble in the future." Knowingly committing a crime..."

Not only will he commit a crime knowingly, but he will also implicate other immortals in self-destruction.Instead of conniving, it is better to let her taste the bitter fruit as soon as possible to sober up.

"She came to your book for no reason in the sky, and you saved her deceased in a different land and made her return to the fairyland late, just in line with the repetition of cause and effect. This is your own fault, you don't have to worry about it."

"..." The radiance of the Holy Mother on Fifth Senior Sister's body was so dazzling that a cheeky person like Yuan Zhao could hardly stand it, and explained embarrassingly, "I was just joking, there are not many people who can make me feel ashamed, but it must not be Liu Guang. "

"That's good." The Holy Mother of Spiritual Light looked at the frank and honest little junior sister with a slight smile and widened eyebrows.

Everyone's fortune is different, and each person's personality also has a huge gap.

There are so many fairies who love their senior brother, but Liu Guang played his tricks.If one plan fails, another plan is made. If the junior sister who pleases the person he likes fails, he treats his other junior sister with a different attitude. No wonder he is in a cocoon.

And the fairy who was favored by the senior brother hid everywhere, trying to hide as much as possible without showing her face in front of people.

The one who caused her to become a junior has always wanted to see how charming that little fairy is, which can move the emotionless third senior brother.It's a pity that it's too inconspicuous. She searched all over the senior brother's palace but couldn't find where the person was.

In mortal terms, all the gods in her lineage of Lingshan are bachelors, and it's rare to meet someone who can make a certain brother's heart flutter.

She really wanted to be a good sister-in-law with each other, but unfortunately she couldn't stay in the heaven for too long.She went to heaven two or three times but couldn't find anyone, so she could only rush down to the realm.

He never expected that it would be bad news to hear from the other party again.

"Senior Sister, come to my Yusang Island when you have free time," Yuan Zhao invited, "Anyway, I'm usually idle..."

Get along with Lin Shu, Qin Luo and others more, learn how they tease each other, laugh at themselves and make jokes.Close to Zhu Zhechi, I have been with people who are so thick-skinned that I need to use a ruler for a long time, and I can understand a lot of fun in life.

"Okay." The Holy Mother of Emmanuel smiled and nodded, and then took the hand of the little junior sister, "Come on, I will find someone to cut the clothes of the main god for you, and go and see if you like it."


"Girls, don't be too clean, gorgeous clothes can please your mood. If I had known that you were going to visit the senior brothers, I should have waited for you to go to Nanyuan with you a while ago. I took three ice silk jades with the second senior brother." Silkworms come back to make clothes..."

If the two junior sisters go together, would the second senior brother have the nerve to only give three?
"Second senior brother's house has a lot of jade silkworms?" Yuan Zhao was curious.

"Many! Twelve! I heard from the fairy attendant that he won it from a venerable Xitian." Confused, secretly hated, if she hadn't just quelled the chaos, she would have wanted to run with her junior sister.

Yuan Zhao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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