Chapter 1056
As more and more soldiers were injured, the once crowded Luotian Palace gradually restored its tranquility.Except for the high-level immortals who occasionally travel together, there is no low-level immortal who dreams of going to Yitian to find opportunities.

What chance can Yitian have?The chance is also from the local gods and monks.

If a foreign fairy snatches someone's opportunity, they have to run back as soon as they succeed. Once they are caught by Yitian's laws of heaven, they will die.The immortals of Nine Heavens are pure-minded and ascetic, and only when they have a whim will they have the idea of ​​grabbing opportunities.

Most of the time they have no desires, so naturally they seldom come to Luotian Palace.

Moreover, the Luotian Palace is located in the star vault of Taixu, and low-level immortals with unstable Taoism have to rely on the spells or magic tools of high-level immortals to walk.For example, people like Lin Shu still need to support the cloud boat given by Immortal Hua Sheng to pass.

Today, only the soldiers of the war department still go to Yitian to practice from time to time.

Qinghe and the others have been to Yitian several times in succession, causing mutual damage, but the problem is not serious. The plane of the Yitian realm given by Luotian Palace is probably safe.Every time I come back, I have to go back to the war department to explain the process in detail, including the contest with the opponent's fairy and monster.

In order to have someone to take care of Alu, Yuan Zhao has to bring people from his palace with him every time he travels.

Hong Yao had to go with her almost every trip, but later she collected too many fairy plants and needed time to research, so she couldn't go with her many times, so she simply went back to the Palace of the Medicine King and sent two immortal medical officers to take turns.

Therefore, the Palace of the King of Medicine has also added a medical office specializing in the study of Yitian medicine plants.

As a result, the immortal gods of Luotian Palace went to Yitian most times.Which plane's Yitian is safe, which places are most dangerous, which places have more rare medicines, which natural materials and earth treasures can be found everywhere, etc. are all recorded and gradually become a book.

As for Hua Ling, Li Zejun and others, Yuan Zhao had never seen them since Lin Shuti's day.

Hua Ling came to look for her, but she refused to explain the reason to her immortal attendant in the palace, it probably has something to do with the young master.If it's for thank you or for something else, it definitely won't look mysterious and unspeakable.

If Yuan Zhaolian doesn't care about the plight of his senior brother, how can he care about the plight of others?
It's not a question of who she hates or not, but that she doesn't care.

In short, time flies, and she who can't see the end of her life is now only living for herself, how comfortable she is.


Before I knew it, a year had passed.

During this period, Changyi Xingjun and Fairy Shuini from Yaochi tied the knot.And the Sansheng stone is famous, which shows that it is a good relationship.Hua Sheng took Lin Shu to a banquet on behalf of Luo Tiangong, and Lin Shu kept muttering when he came back.

"Since he is a god, why is Changyi Xingjun so obsessed with marriage?"

No, to be precise, the Zhu family is obsessed with the marriage family.

In fact, Changyi Xingjun is not much different from ordinary men, he is arrogant and has a sense of superiority in front of others.The relatives who married according to the orders of their parents had no desire to have children, but the Zhu family did not mention it, which shows that the desire is not strong.

This is what makes Lin Shu feel puzzled.

The Zhu family is busy looking for a partner for Changyi Xingjun, is it just to give him a companion in the long journey of immortality?It's not just Changyi Xingjun who heard that since the opening of the marriage, other younger generations of the Zhu family have made engagements one after another.

Most of those in-laws belong to clans in the heavenly realm, and they are all families with similar family backgrounds, so they are well-matched.

I heard that the Zhu family also urged the younger generation who were married to hurry up and reproduce.Helpless, this is the heaven, young people are willing to marry according to their parents' orders, so how can they have the desire to have children?

Especially for women, it takes a lot of energy and energy to have children.

They are still young, their cultivation base is low, and their immortal life is limited. The first task is to cultivate and advance.The heavens pay attention to resignation, so there is no fairy fruit in the sky that allows the gods to have children. This is only available in individual fairylands that retain the secular customs.

It is unknown to outsiders whether the descendants of the Zhu family have ever taken it.Anyway, so far, the young fairy gods who have married have no children for the time being.

That's why Lin Shu was puzzled, why insist on getting married if you don't ask for an heir?

Look at that Changyi Xingjun, who made a lot of noise in the streets and alleys because of the marriage.Some are too high-profile, giving people a feeling of can't wait.

"What do you know? It's rare for heaven to open up marriages. Of course, gods who want to get married must seize the opportunity." Immortal Hua Sheng said, "When today's king is kind and loving, but he is about to step down, how do you know that the next heavenly king won't stop it?" Marriage?"

For the gods who want to be married, it is good to be able to love each other, otherwise it is okay to be a good family.

The journey to immortality is long, and finding a companion is not a bad thing.

As the saying goes, once the emperor and the courtiers, this saying is also applicable in the heaven.

Immortal Hua Sheng vaguely heard that Tianjun and Puhua Xianjun are looking for the Tianting team for the next successor.From this, it can be deduced that her former lord and true monarch passed the catastrophe in the lower realm smoothly, and the return date may be imminent.

According to Zhenjun's temperament, once he succeeds to the position of Tianjun, he will definitely prohibit the immortals from being emotional and forming marriages.

"If you have someone you like, hurry up." Hua Sheng half teased and half reminded Lin Shu.

"My family doesn't have a succession of gods, so why bother?" Lin Shu disagreed.

The ending of fellow countryman and sage Chu Yan is a lesson for her, and she deeply understands that even if the magic power is as high as Dongdong and Chu Yan, it is difficult to escape the law of good things taking time and ending in sadness.

What kind of partner would I have with a little fairy with limited aptitude?Beware of doom.

"By the way, the elder, who is the fairy in white clothes who accepts the newcomer's worship from the Zhu family?" Lin Shu asked curiously, remembering the scene at the banquet.

The couple held a wedding ceremony in front of the Sansheng Stone, and returned to Zhu's shrine to host a banquet.In addition to the elders of both parties, there is also a white-haired god from the Zhu family sitting firmly in the hall to accept the newcomers' worship.

The status of the white-haired god seems to be quite high, and the elders of both men and women sit on both sides of his lower head.

"I don't know much about this person," Hua Sheng said, "I only know that he is the ancestor of the Zhu family, Cang Heng, and he is a Confucian immortal..."

Patriarch Cangheng was a prominent Confucianist in the lower realms, and after his death, he was regarded as a Confucian saint by the human king of that plane, and his name was left in history.Due to the power of faith and his many good deeds during his lifetime, he was reborn in another fairy world after death.

That fairy world has the power of Confucianism and immortality, and the Zhu family he lives in cultivates it.

In a battle between immortals and demons to destroy the world, he led a branch of the Zhu family to join the ranks of resistance.In the end, he succeeded in resolving the disaster of destroying the world, and his contribution was extremely great. His lineage was transferred to the heaven by his family and became the home of Confucianism and martial arts.

When he arrived in the heavenly realm, the ancestor kept practicing in seclusion, or traveled to other immortal realms to preach the righteous law, and rarely showed up.Whether it is the death of descendants or the joy of promotion, it never appears on any occasion.

Immortals have their own temperaments, and his behavior is not unusual in the heavens.

On the contrary, being able to see him at the marriage banquet this time really surprised the Xian family who attended the banquet.Although this person's hair is full of frost, his youthful face as always is enough for people to know that he must have achieved something in these years of retreat.

What he intends to do in this appearance is unknown.

The immortals just love to join in the fun and gossip about the interesting stories that have been exposed in other people's homes.For the family affairs that have not been exposed, everyone is too lazy to dig, and continue to live their happy life.

Including Lin Shu and Hua Sheng, after talking about the Zhu family, they began to worry about their gods running away to Yitian.

I'm afraid that she won't be sure, and she will play wild and delay her practice.

(End of this chapter)

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