One Curtain Wind Moon Nine Heavens

Chapter 1088 Floating Life 1 Dream

The catastrophe of life and death, one must live on the verge of death throughout one's life.

Yuan Zhao's life has been both plain and ups and downs.There have been riches and honors, and there have been evil incidents such as being plotted and kidnapped.But those fears are short-lived, either being torn apart or being rescued.

This life is different, she was born struggling between life and death.

Because her mother in this life, Du Juan, is a love brain who "the boss of the society only loves me", and Xiao Lumao is willing to become a lost girl for a social youth with good facial features (ordinary appearance).

Du Juan has a somewhat self-defeating mentality when she becomes a girl who has lost her footing.

Because her parents divorced and reorganized their families.Since she was a girl, her father didn't want her, so her mother had to take her to live in a rented house outside.Later, her mother found a second-married man to marry, packed up and left by herself.

Since then, he has never looked back, and continues to let Du Juan, a junior high school student, live in a rented house.Pay her rent every month, and the food expenses come and go from time to time.

When Du Juan has no food expenses, he asks his mother for it, and every time he has to be scolded by his mother.Call her a loser and don't waste money recklessly, you need to save money to buy milk powder for your brother.

She couldn't get it from her father at all, and in the end her father even changed his phone number.

Born in such a family, he accidentally developed a lonely and introverted personality, and was also a target of bullying at school.

Finally one day, she was once again humiliated by several girls and boys from the school, and her official partner came down tomorrow with a head of green hair like a god...

After that, Du Juan, who had always wanted a family, followed the green-haired little brother Li without a name.

Not only didn't she go to school, she didn't even go back to the rental house. She moved all her luggage to Brother Li's 58-square-meter old house in the suburbs.

She hasn't asked her mother for food expenses for a long time, maybe she hasn't been to school for a long time, the head teacher called her mother to ask the reason.Only then did the mother know that her daughter had run away from home, so she ran to leave the rental house excitedly.

As for where her daughter went, she didn't care.

If anyone asked, she said that her daughter couldn't bear the hardships of life and went back to her father's house.No one from her father asked about it, and few people even knew that he had a daughter.

Under the disgust of all parties, a small person just disappeared in front of the public.

Full of warmth and romance, he arranged his own small family in the shabby house, until a year later, Du Juan gave birth to a daughter named Li Qionghua, namely Yuan Zhao.

After becoming a mother, the water in Du Juan's mind was gradually dried up by motherhood.

Before her daughter was born, all she had to do was serve Brother Li in a low voice and carefully every day.Except for yelling at her once in a while, Brother Xiao Li treats her pretty well in daily life, at least he is willing to give her some family after the yelling.

After the birth of his daughter, Brother Li's iron fist, which was weak to the outside world, finally found a place to use it.

Since then, Du Juan not only has to endure violence, but also goes out to work to earn money to support her husband and daughter.A little bit of disobedience, Brother Li pointed his fist at his infant daughter.

Later, he thought that Du Juan made too little money, so he let her go to sea. Anyway, he has connections.

Du Juan went to sea, and her daughter was too young to support herself, so she had to hand it over to Lianjie, an old and decrepit woman under Xiao Li's subordinates.

Anyone who follows him, regardless of gender, is not a good bird.

Knowing that those people were unreliable, Du Juan couldn't get rid of Brother Li's control, so he could only endure it blindly.

At first, the money Du Juan got back was not too little, and he thought that he could provide a better life for his daughter from now on.Unexpectedly, brother Li brought back a seven or eight-year-old boy from outside, saying that it was his son, and asked Du Juan to take care of him carefully in the future.

If he dared not obey, he would beat her daughter.

Du Juan succumbed, thinking that her submission would allow her daughter to grow up safely and smoothly.But she never expected that when her stepson saw his father beating this and that all day long, he would also start to beat the weak with his fists under the influence of his ears and eyes.

In this way, Xiao Qionghua grew up stumbling through various crises such as fists, sticks, knives and axes, and boiling water.

Most of the children who survive and grow up in adversity have some survival capital.For example, at the age of four or five, she has the eyesight to know current affairs, walks the sheep by the side of the street, and has the instinct to enter the house uninvited.

The child was very weak when he was born, but after two years old, he gradually became stronger, and by the age of four or five, he was already very resistant to beatings.And she is still a little white-eyed wolf, obviously her own mother tried her best to protect her, but she called the nanny, Sister Lian, her mother.

Sister Lian is a woman who has lost her footing and has no children in her life.

Originally, Xiao Qionghua was forced to take care of her, but after taking her with her, she actually brought out her feelings.Not only did he pass on all his skills to her, he even dreamed of becoming Xiao Qionghua's real mother instead.

Xiao Qionghua is very competitive, she will learn whatever Sister Lian teaches, she can understand it as soon as she explains it, and understands it as soon as she learns it.

Sister Lian has an outgoing personality, following her, Qionghua has been sweet-talking since she was a child.Soon, he helped himself to recognize a bunch of godfathers and godmothers, and lived in the laughter of cheap parents all day long, which made his own mother half dead.

But Du Juan has self-knowledge and knows that only her daughter can survive among these scumbags safely.

For the sake of her daughter's future, she humbly begged Sister Lian to let other women blow the pillow wind in Brother Li's ear so that her daughter could go to school.She had previously mentioned to brother Li about letting her daughter study, but she was slapped and fainted.

After that, I mentioned it twice, in exchange for punches and kicks, or Brother Li's yin and yang aura.

She had no choice but to ask foreign aid for help.

Du Juan knew in her heart that her life was over, and her daughter had to study if she wanted to get rid of these scumbags.In the future, I will go to university and go abroad.With her feet deep in the mud, the only way she could think of to escape was to go abroad.

Although Sister Lian has always looked down on Du Juan, she really likes Xiao Qionghua and hopes that the child will have a bright future.

So, she and a few brothers and sisters who were able to talk to each other tried their best to persuade Brother Li to let the child go to school.At this time, Brother Li already had a certain status in the world, and he had a few horsemen under him, so he was considered a little deterrent in the local area.

In his eyes, nurturing his son is the most important thing.The daughter will be from another family in the future, what kind of books should she read?Cultivating her sense of belonging to the community is the most important thing.

When she grows up in the future, just marry her to the person the father and son like.

In this way, with the hard work of her mother, godmother, godfather, and godbrothers, Xiao Qionghua was finally allowed to go to school when she was seven years old.What made everyone feel elated was that Huabao's grades were always at the top of the class.

The big guy poked his mouth in joy, but he didn't dare to publicize it to the outside world.

Brother Li's son is a ruthless character. When Qionghua was still a baby, he almost threw him into the boiling iron pot several times.He is also good at reading, and has always been No.1 in the class. Anyone who is smarter than him has been eliminated.

For example, let the other party have an accident, or threaten the other party to give up the No.1 throne with the safety of the family.

With such a big brother, Xiao Qionghua must not be smarter than him.

Every time she heard the head teacher praise her daughter, her mother, Du Juan, always burst into tears behind her back.I regretted that if I hadn't lost my mind, I wouldn't have caused my daughter to be born in such a harsh environment.

But this is the end of the matter, and regret is useless.

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