The fun of the little gods can only be looking at the mirror, and the fun of the great gods is diverse, especially immersive.

During the retreat, Yuan Zhao breathed with all things in the world, watching the recovery and collapse of all things like a ubiquitous bystander.She also made a special trip back to Tianjun, because that was the source of her relationship with Daojun's father and Sunzhu empress.

The parents of the mortal body are only transformed by a ray of divine consciousness of the Taoist father and the master of the sun.

Yuan Zhao herself was different. Her mortal body in that life was not only the body that contained the divine essence, but also the container that contained her millennium merits of becoming a god.

If the spell is cast properly, it will indeed have a certain impact on her.

Just like Nupeng's God Killing Formation, if he was not diligent enough, he would still be an ordinary second-generation god, and he would probably have died there last time.Although she is the main god now, if another Nvpeng No. 2 comes, wouldn't it be a long-term relationship?

Therefore, it is more appropriate for her mortal body to be embered.

Last time, it was Nupeng who had scruples and ran so fast that she didn't have time to dig her grave.Otherwise, just relying on the cultivation of Master Sangbo, it is not enough to hide her imperial tomb forever.

The existence of Beiyue Emperor's Mausoleum is to ensure that the heirs far away in Tianjun will survive in the world and be ready to fight against the derivation of evil spirits at any time.

But once her bones are taken by sin gods like Nupeng, the demon gods may be cast out at any time.At that time, not only will the soul be devastated, but even her true self will have to bear the cause and effect, and enter the world of reincarnation to eliminate evil obstacles.

The price is too high, she must think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Not only turning his mortal body into ashes, but also protecting the descendants of Beiyue in Tianjun.This matter is quite tricky, if the mortal body is directly placed in the mausoleum, people can do it directly in the mausoleum, and it will also produce effects.

If the mortal body is taken outside and raised, then the fortune arrangement of the imperial mausoleums of the past dynasties will cause chaos in the aura, which will harm the descendants.

Before the divine consciousness reached Tianjun, Yuan Zhao was always troubled by this matter.When he arrived at the location of Tianjun and found that it was empty, he couldn't help being stunned.

After a calculation, we know that Tianjun is gone.

Not only a country, but the entire star was finally overwhelmed and wiped out after several restarts.Her Beiyue Clan's Imperial Mausoleum arrangement can only ensure the prosperity of the descendants, but it is powerless to intervene to prevent the entire star from falling.

The stars are gone, so her imperial mausoleum is naturally gone, and her mortal body will eventually die.

According to common sense, this is true, but she remembered that Xuanying's diligence was not inferior to hers.Especially in terms of caring for the tribe, he is far better than her.When he was cultivating in the lower realm, he had already planned to move the elite of the clan to the spirit realm.

In the spiritual world, a cultivating family of the Beiyue clan was established, and Xuanying returned to Tianjun to settle a relationship after flying up to the Wuyou Mountain. It is hard to guarantee that he did not take her away with the bones of the emperors of the past dynasties.

Even if the other emperors didn't take it, she would definitely take it, at least a small part.

Because she is the only ancestor of the Beiyue clan who has been conferred a god by later generations and has become a true god for tens of thousands of years.It is also because of her that Xuanying, Suqiu and Qingyang have the opportunity to soar to Wuyou Mountain and return to the old land of the ancestors of Beiyue to multiply.

Yuan Zhao pinched his finger and did the math, and sure enough, the descendants of the Bei family were sent to live in a spiritual world called Piaomiao Yunzhou, which was small in scale.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

The descendants with mediocre qualifications were left in Tianjun to live and die with other sentient beings, and only a small number of elite disciples went to the spirit world.There is no way to do this. If you have mediocre aptitude, you can't practice, and you can't go to the spiritual world through the way of reaching the sky.

The Dao of Tongtian is a secular name, but it is actually a channel leading to the spiritual world that was forcibly opened.

Those who have cultivated bases are still close to death, let alone those without cultivated bases.

Yuan Zhao's divine sense pierced through the air, and arrived at Yunzhou in an instant, and came to the blessed land of Xianshan where the descendants of the Bei family lived.The descendants here continue to use the Bei clan, and the information of the Beiyue clan is sealed in the genealogy of the ancestral home, and only the parents of each house can see it.

Old habits, after they adapted to the local survival rules, the population of the clan increased and they began to branch off and migrate to other places, and gradually became a climate.

This is thanks to Xuanying's care, in the case of effectively avoiding illegal operations, and protecting future generations many times.It enables them to live and work in peace and contentment in the realm of self-cultivation, and multiply while practicing exercises.

Yuan Zhao didn't know these descendants well, so he had no love and no thoughts at all, so he found the Bei family's ancestral hall on his own.

Sure enough, in addition to the ancestral hall, they also rebuilt a Taihe Temple, completely copying its internal and external structure.Only her tablet is enshrined inside, and a clothes tomb is set up in the courtyard of the temple, without bones or ashes.

Because Xuanying can't figure out where the ancestor's tomb is, the technique handed down by Sangbo Guoshi's ancestors is always slightly better.

At the same time, Xuanying also failed to calculate that the star where Tianjun was located would explode.When Tianjun was destroyed, there were still some disciples in the clan who were too late to move out.Knowing that the whole family was destroyed, he, Suqiu and Qingyang felt distressed and troubled for a long time in Wuyou Mountain.

A living person cannot be brought out, let alone the remains of the ancestors.Fortunately, they preserved the daily items used by Azu very well, and brought them to the cultivation world for protection, so they were just in use.

After confirming that there was no dust left on his mortal body, Yuan Zhao finally felt relieved.

It's all here, as the only ancestor of the clan who was conferred a god, it's not easy to return without success.So, she counted the fate of Misty Yunzhou for them, to see if there was any danger of overthrow and extinction.

If so, then prepare early.

Fortunately, Misty Cloud Continent is a great spirit world, and all beings who are destined to come here will be blessed with great blessings.The descendants of the Bei family have always kept a low profile, and they have become a hermit family here.As long as you stick to your principles and stay out of the WTO, a peaceful and beautiful life lies ahead.

If you join the world... Well, it is inevitable to establish a thousand-year hermit foundation and return to the time before migration.

Looking at the descendants of later generations who worshiped his tablet piously on the ground, Yuan Zhao, who was sitting in the cloud, did the calculation again.After confirming that his calculation was correct, with a flash of divine sense, he went to Wuyou Mountain to remind Xuanying.


Wuyoushan suddenly heard her voice, and the three of Xuanying were inexplicably surprised and puzzled at the same time.

"Why didn't Azu personally remind them?" Su Qiu looked up at the empty night sky and said in amazement, "The descendants of today will doubt the legend of Azu becoming a god..."

In this case, wouldn't it be more convincing for Azu to show up?It can also completely convince future generations.

"I have no relationship with them, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not." Yuan Zhao said.

Even if there is a bit of love, she is not willing to draw a relationship with herself. Her responsibility to future generations only extends to Xuanying's generation.Protecting each other from generation to generation, the current group of descendants is the responsibility of Xuanying and Suqiu brothers and sisters, and has nothing to do with her.

Don't want to enter the WTO, just let him remind future generations.

"By the way," Yuan Zhao, who was about to leave, looked back, and it was all here, and he couldn't help but want to say something, "Xuanying, why are you still single? There is no girl from all the Wuling tribes who can fall into your eyes." ? Or which fairy do you like?"

Tell her to listen, if there is a chance, she will ask the Palace of Marriage to help pull the red thread.

"What's the big deal about the younger generation?" Seeing the elders urging the marriage again, the gentle Xuanying is humble and polite, and said with a smile, "Recently, Xuanying often hears elders of various clans say, how much would it be if I could be a member of my Wuling clan today?" good."

Yuan Zhao: "..." How dare you tease the elder, no matter how big or small, slap your mouth!

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