Chapter 301

The early summer was cool and cool, and the rain was as thin as silver needles for several days, washing the whole capital spotlessly clean and as clean as new.

Seven days later, the rumors of An Lehou's hunger strike were almost over, and Beijing and China were at peace.The person in Dongping Lane has prepared the ceremony and is looking forward to the good news.But Langjun Mountain where he lived was silent, and no one cared about his life or death.

When Emperor Yongchang was busy, he learned that Anlehou had nothing to gain here, so he ordered people to re-establish the dietary specifications of Anlehou's mansion.

It is impossible to maintain the fine clothes and fine food of the first emperor's years, and the current food standard of Anlehou Mansion is only better than that of common people.Including daily expenses such as clothing, this is because everyone in the Hou Mansion has not yet understood their situation and is still squandering.

When they realize it, their life is no longer as good as that of ordinary people.

In short, their family was already living off the rewards from the imperial court, and now the imperial court said that the treasury was empty and wanted to cut expenses.As a result, everyone in the Hou Mansion discovered that the old high beds with soft pillows and crowds of maids and servants disappeared overnight.

The Xuanzhi official said that the imperial court will only give a sum of silver every year in the future, and the imperial court will not pay attention to who is in charge of the Hou's house or how to spend it.

After using up this year-old silver, how can the Hou Mansion continue? That is the business of the Hou Mansion and has nothing to do with the imperial court.If they really can't bear it, there is a piece of land near the Hou's mansion, and they can be self-sufficient.

If they don't want to work and starve to death, the imperial court will let the Duke's House handle their funeral affairs, after all, they are a family.

After hearing the order, An Lehou, who was dying of hunger, cursed angrily.

He scolded Emperor Yongchang for being ungrateful and black-hearted, and said that if it weren't for him, the Feng family would have justifiably ascended to the throne of supremacy?Now that Jiangshan has settled down, he has started crossing the river and drawing boards, trying to kill him or something.

The most exaggerated thing is that all the rich and powerful in the capital use the fragrant dressing rooms.But they ignored them in the Anlehou Mansion, they still placed Gong barrels indoors and latrines outside.

The various crimes committed by the imperial court against him are too numerous to describe.

It's a pity that he was too hungry and weak, and his scolding was covered by the sobs of his wives and concubines.

Mrs. Hou persuaded him to save his energy, not to be convicted for his words and risk the lives of the whole family.In addition, she decided to sell all the concubines who had nothing to offer, since the mansion couldn't support them anyway, so it was better to exchange them for a sum of money to make ends meet.

He was so angry that his face turned blue, and he lay on the couch and looked at the top of the tent, his eyes were cold and mocking.

That brat of Emperor Yongchang wanted to use his life to lure his son out, dreaming!He expected that the royal family would not let him die easily, but he did not expect that Emperor Yongchang didn't care much about his life or death, otherwise he would not re-establish the treatment.

Pooh!Something ungrateful!
He is not totally ignorant of the situation outside, the current guard has guarded the Hou Mansion for nearly ten years.When the court has no generals available, he still stays here.

An Lehou felt the depression of not being reused.

Touch the vulnerable side of the other party and comfort him. After ten years, even if the other party has a heart of stone, he has warmed him up.Moreover, he never asked the other party to take the risk of letting him go out, at most he chatted about the situation outside after dinner.

Usually eat and drink together to share, and even let the concubine who the other party likes to enjoy quietly.

Come and go again and again, the friendship is very deep.

He had heard about a small turmoil in the capital a while ago, and at the same time concluded that the grandniece must have written it.Tsk, as expected of the Queen of Bei Yuezhi!In order to achieve the goal, he does not hesitate to use cruel hands on himself, which is quite his demeanor.

It's a pity that she is not his child, but A Yan's.

If it was his child, joining hands with his son, it would be easy to take back the country, so why wait so long?He is not afraid of anything else now, except that he is irritable, his food is rough and difficult to swallow, and he is worried that his son will despise the enemy and take the initiative to send him to the door.

According to common sense, facing a common enemy, if two people of the same clan can join forces, why not worry about it?Besides, the strength of the guy from Dongping Lane should not be underestimated, and the internal and external cooperation will surely be invincible.

He was afraid that his son would think the same.

Judging from various phenomena, Ayan, the first daughter, is a ruthless character.He has the talent of his father to lead the army, but he does not have the kindness of his father.

If A Yan met his son, maybe he would spare his life for the sake of his family; but if it fell into the hands of this prostitute, there would be no bones left.

He wanted to remind his son, but he didn't know where his son was, what he looked like now, whether he was dead or alive?Why is there no movement so far?He had waited too long for the day when his son would return to the country!

It was only a stopgap measure to hand over the emperor's seal back then.

He wanted to survive, but at the same time he hated his clansmen for turning against him. A rebellious person deserves to die.At the same time, he believed that Bei Yueyan could not tolerate the country falling into the hands of outsiders, and would definitely fight the Feng family to the death, so he could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

But never expected that Bei Yueyan would endure it!For the so-called kinship of the old, the weak, women and children!He actually doesn't even want Jiang Shan!

He made himself a prisoner and suffered humiliation.

Thinking of this, An Lehou looked at the roof of the tent, and a drop of old tears fell.


In July, after more than half a year of recuperation, except for being thin, Yuan Zhao's physical fitness has recovered.

The summer rains are continuous, and she often takes King Jin and his personal guards, as well as her own soldiers, to the wild for military training, hunting along the way, combining work and rest.

During training in rainy days, he often crawls and rolls all over his body in mud, and there is no trace of royal dignity in him at all.The daily drills were also stricter than usual. At the end of the day, his limbs were trembling with fatigue, and he barely stood still.

Once, Meng Ke, a county magistrate who was out on business, accidentally ran into her. He was worried that King Jin would not be able to bear it, and advised her to be gentle.

"You can be a master if you suffer from hardships." These words refer to King Jin. These words are just right, Yuan Zhao said, "When he is growing up, even if he is injured, he can heal quickly. Junma Don't worry about him."

She has the final say on military training.

Although Meng Er had read relevant books, he didn't dare to comment on what haste makes waste, and too much is too late.However, seeing that the way she trained Jin Wang was very harsh, she couldn't tell the truth and not report it.

Otherwise, if someone with a heart sees it, it's time to make use of the problem to punish her.

So, after returning to the capital, he told the emperor about it.

Whether it is too much or not, the royal family has the final say.She is good to King Jin, and kills two birds with one stone.

"Meng Qing has a heart." Emperor Yongchang was quite satisfied with Meng Er's cautious attitude, and his eyes were full of relief, "Ah Zhao mentioned it to me, and I also asked Xia Hou to come to the training site to observe in person. Xia Hou came back and reported that she finally looks like a master. It's..."

Only by comparing can we see her true skills.

In the past, she had always respected King Jin as the future heir, and she was overly cautious and careful, leaving room for teaching.

It's different now, she really tortured King Jin to death.

She also ordered three doctors to accompany him, and if King Jin was tortured to death by her, the three of them would be buried with him.The three doctors were so frightened that their spirits were very tense, and they were either reading medical books or decocting medicine all day long, so they didn't dare to take it lightly.

He once sent an internal officer to ask King Jin if he could bear it, but the child was stubborn and said that it was a trivial matter and he could bear it.

Then let him suffer.

Taught by a strict teacher, at the beginning of a high apprentice, if the eldest son can learn half of Ah Zhao's kung fu, he will be very satisfied as a father.

(End of this chapter)

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