Chapter 308

As he grows older, Yuan Zhao dislikes dealing with people more and more.

Every time I go back to Beijing, I would rather practice martial arts and study military art in my own mansion.At night, she played her beloved langyaqin facing the clear light in the courtyard.

It's a pity that a beautiful girl who is good at singing and dancing is missing in the courtyard.

In fact, many high-ranking and dignified mansions have musicians, and it is a kind of pastime for them to play, play, sing and dance when they are bored.

There was the former Duke's Mansion, that is, Anping Prince's Mansion, but it disappeared after Bei Cang's death.

"Hongye, you are slender, how about learning to dance in your spare time?" Yuan Zhao suggested with great regret, "Having a piano without dancing is equivalent to having wine without food, which is very boring."

Bai Wei and Pei Lan, who were making scented tea at the side, looked at each other quickly after hearing this, and a sneering smile appeared at the corners of their mouths in unison.

As a medical officer who is good at flattering and flattering, Hongye is quite dedicated and flattering:
"What kind of dance would you like to see, Your Highness? Hongye will go to Taiyue Fuxue another day."

"It's all right." Yuan Zhao said with a smile, "The last time I took King Jin to Tianxiang Tower, I asked Ah Yan to perform a sword dance for fun. You can learn it when you have time."

"Hongye is going to do some things now, and His Highness will not be disappointed." After receiving the new task, Hongye exited Jiyue Pavilion with great joy.

Her ability to bend and stretch made the two medical girls deeply admired while they were speechless.

Yuan Zhao didn't care about their mood swings, as long as his own people were willing to play around with her.Other people's people, as long as they keep themselves safe, she has the right not to see them.

Fun is fun, business should not be delayed.

For example, she is currently paying close attention to the cousin who is serving as the son-in-law of Yan Shu.After confirming his identity, he can directly reveal to the members of Yanshu's royal family and neighbors that he is the son of Beiyue's tyrant, so that he can become a bereaved dog.

It was born from the same root, why is it too anxious?
It's just that his hand is stretched too long, it's not a big threat to her, but it is extremely harmful to the third brother, so it must be removed.

Before that, she thought that by shutting the door and rejecting customers, she would be able to keep the years quiet.However, she wanted to hide in peace, but someone would not allow it.


During the banquet, Yuan Zhao came out from the palace and went straight back to the Duke’s mansion to watch the New Year’s Eve. When King Xin sent someone to invite the Duke and Shao Si Nong to enjoy the dance at the mansion.The two brothers were afraid of being cheated, so they refused to go, the reason was to accompany their mother and sister-in-law to watch the new year in the mansion.

I thought this matter was over like this, but unexpectedly, in the first month and a half of the fourth year of Yongchang, King Xin invited him again.But this time he counted Yuan Zhao in, reunited after a long absence, and invited her to the house for a talk.

Seeing that he was repeatedly invited, there must be a moth, Yuan Zhao wanted to see what the hell he was up to, so he went.

It turned out that Prince Xin's Mansion not only invited their family, but also invited several clan children to drink and have fun.Seeing the people from the Duke's Mansion coming, Xin Wang waved his hand drunkenly, and the musicians who were singing and dancing left the stage, and another group came on.

This group of musicians ranged in age from early twenties to teens, both male and female.After appearing on the stage, everyone was terrified and looked panic-stricken.Weak male and female musicians played popular tunes in the capital, and dancers danced gracefully.

The music and dance are good, but there is an air of despair everywhere.

"Azhao, I know that you have been training troops outside for many years, and you have worked hard to cultivate talents and generals for our dynasty." Xin Wang squinted at her with a half-smile, and said, "Here, do you want to watch this music and dance?" Row?"

Yuan Zhao didn't know what he was up to, so he nodded calmly and said:

With her praise, King Xin was so happy that he clapped his hands and shouted loudly:


When the musicians heard it, they were pleasantly surprised and hurriedly knelt down to thank the master for his kindness.Unexpectedly, what King Xin said next startled the two sons of the Duke's Mansion.

"To get a compliment from Lord Shaoyang, it can be seen that this group of musicians are both beautiful and talented, and they can't be disappointed!" King Xin finished his joke, and pointed to the woman in the hall, "You guys, go to serve the Lord and Shao Si Nong. , don't neglect!"

ah?The musicians looked up in amazement, they were musicians, specializing in singing and dancing rhythms.Even if you want to serve noble people, it is said that you will do it quietly at night.

It's not like advocating excellence, regardless of the occasion and shameless fun.

Now being humiliated in public, the musicians in the hall knelt on the ground, distraught and indignant.With tears in his eyes, he was flustered and regretless, not knowing what to do.

Yuan Zhao looked on coldly, the mansions of princes and nobles kept entertainers, most of them were used to entertain themselves and guests.And the group of musicians in front of them were at a loss after listening to their master's order, which showed that they had never been exposed to relevant training.

so?What is the purpose of Xinwang?

"Why, it's a blessing to be able to serve the Duke of the country, how dare you dislike it?" Seeing them hesitating and motionless, King Xin was furious, "I think back then, your grandfather didn't know how to flatter and accuse my grandfather of usurping the throne, so you were convicted and executed, and your female relatives didn't enter the ranks. membership.

Now, as your grandfather wished, this king asked you to serve the old master, but you actually despise it?Hahaha, it's really interesting, interesting!This is the blessing your grandfather could only wish for!Hahaha……"

Yuan Zhao: "..." That's how it is.

I saw King Xin and several clan uncles and brothers laughing loudly and wantonly.

Yuan Zhao, who sat at the table with King Xin, still looked the same, his eyebrows remained the same; the Duke drank with his eyes down, his expression indifferent; Beiyue Qilang had little history, his face was pale, and his hands trembling violently, which made Xin Wang and others even more proud Insolent.

"Forget it, forget it," the laughing King Xin waved his hands, "Since you despise the old master, you can wait for me and wait for brothers. Lord Wang Guo and Mr. Shaosinong Mr. Haihan, it's not that this king is not greeting you well, it's that they don't care. Happy, hahaha..."

As soon as the words fell, several clan disciples yelled at the musicians to come to them.Seeing that they were still kneeling and motionless in the arena, they all left the table angrily, and each pulled one in their arms and moved their feet.

The arena was in chaos for a moment, and the woman's desperate weeping sounded, and the scene was once unsightly.

The male musicians on the side were helpless, without the order of their master, they would not be able to escape from this scene, let alone rescue them.

Once he makes a move, the king of Xin will be convicted of treason, which will implicate his relatives.

Everyone's life is already in dire straits, if the crime is added to the crime, life will be worse than death, it is better to bear it.However, some of the male musicians quietly raised their eyes, and glanced at the nobleman sitting at the top table with red eyes, with hatred in their eyes.

As women, some would rather die than live, while others enjoy peace.It is obvious that her Beiyue clan is the source of the disaster, but the ones who suffer are insignificant people.

How unfair this world is to civilians.

"Hahaha..." King Xin didn't enter the arena, and he was very happy to watch from the seat.Putting his elbows on the case as if nothing happened, he leaned to the side and smiled and asked, "Ah Zhao, you are also twenty-one, but you are lonely in your boudoir? Seriously, Your Majesty, you actually forgot that you are also the age of the Shang Consort.

What, is there anyone you like in the venue?Whoever you like, just open your mouth, and I will send you off. "

"His Royal Highness, please respect yourself!" Hearing these words, the Duke could not hold back any longer, and put down the wine cup with a cold face, "You can vent your grievances against the Beiyue clan on my brother, what kind of man is it to embarrass a woman? "

"Hey, elder brother's words are inappropriate." Yuan Zhao took the lead in applauding without waiting for King Xin to refute, glanced at the clan children who spoke and behaved wretchedly, and smiled teasingly at King Xin, "I think King Xin and you gentlemen... It is gratifying to have the demeanor of my great-uncle who dominates the world."

(End of this chapter)

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