Chapter 896
In the Shifang Ding, Yuan Zhao refined the skills in Zhuanyuanzhu, and tried to touch the power of rules again.This time the resistance was not too strong, but it was still uncontrollable and only stayed at the stage of touching.

She neither forced nor confronted, and directly refined the third level of the Hunyuan Jue.

Return to the void, watch the rapid and lightning-like evolution of the thousands of worlds, and participate in the mysterious realm of the universe.The body returns to chaos, and the breath is exchanged with the essence of Taixu.

During the practice period, she didn't need to look for many things deliberately, but went to see them specially, but she had a panoramic view of everything in the Three Realms.

She knew that Guanglan went to heaven and visited Yusang Island; she also saw what the fairy world where Sect Master Xiyan was reincarnated looks like now; The family is ready to get married.

But Xiyan and Yaojun used to be senior brothers and sisters, they cared about Dao and had no personal relationship with children, and when they grew up, they would have quarrels.

She also saw that before Guanglan formally entered the job, she made a connection in the lower realm and informed Zhe Baili of Qinghe's whereabouts.However, Zhe Baili has no destiny with Qinghe in this life and the next life, and he has no destiny in the second life, and he has forgotten it in the third life.

These two people have only cherished each other for a lifetime, and they don't have such a deep love for children.If we can meet again in the future, it will be another fate.

All the events of the Three Realms flashed before her eyes like lightning.

Only acquaintances left a little impression on her, everything else was like a flash of inspiration, not worth remembering.And what impressed her the most was the passing of the Yitian spirit. With the understanding of the Yitian clan, she did not dodge this time when she met her.

Instead, she quietly observed the location where the Yitian spirit appeared. Whenever she saw a Yitian spirit appear, she immediately stared and observed the location where the other party appeared. crack.

Yi Tianling was pulled in by the space-time turbulence generated by the crack.

It's a pity that she moved too slowly, and when she repeatedly rushed to those positions, those cracks disappeared without a trace.It was Chu Yan's obsession to find the way back for Yi Tianling. Even if he entered the Gate of Western Heaven, he would still take Yi Tianling with him.

That was not his own obsession, but the wish of the gods of the Southern Heaven and the Buddhas of the Western Heaven.

She asked herself that her cultivation was still low, and she dared not say that she could find the way back for the spirit of Yitian.As long as there is a slight possibility, she is also willing to try to find it.

Squatting in Taixu, observing the pattern of appearance of each Yi Tianling... Unfortunately, there is no pattern, and those who fall into the crack by mistake all come randomly.I don't know how long she squatted and guarded, and finally one day, she noticed that there was an abnormal aura in a certain part of Taixu.

I glanced over and saw that a crack was opening, and a little spiritual light emerged from it.

That is the spirit of Yitian!
She quickly punched the opponent back into the crack with a palm, and attached a ray of divine thought to the opponent's body.At the same time, she tried her best to prop up the crack, but unfortunately she was too weak to hold it, and finally wished she could go through it by herself.

As soon as the heart moved, her avatar almost slipped through, but before it touched the crack, she was suddenly pulled back by a force, and the avatar returned to the main body, and a stern scolding sound was heard:
"Long Yuan!"

Well?Seeing that the crack had disappeared, Yuan Zhao stopped chasing it. When he looked back, he exclaimed in surprise:


I saw her father's headshot appearing in the void behind him, with his usual kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and his words contained reprimands:
"You kid, you don't have much ability, but you are quite ambitious. Why, you also want to be the spirit of Yitian in other realms?"

If he hadn't talked so fast, her clone would have gone in.

"How do you know there is no return if you don't try it yourself?" Although the way the old man appeared was a bit scary, Yuan Zhao still said calmly, "Besides, it's not the main body that enters, so what are you afraid of?"

"If there is no way back, what will you do?" Daojun glanced at her, "My child is living in Yitian, which is more precious than the dust of the extreme star..."

The precious thing is of course research, or use her divine essence to break through the restriction of the heavens here, and put the three realms of one's own side in an unknown danger.He has observed this Taixu for tens of thousands of years, and he has not seen Yi Tianling with the aura of heaven so far.

Fortunately, she took the initiative to send herself to Yitian, she deserves to be beaten.Fortunately, he shot quickly, and also brought back her divine sense that was attached to Yi Tianling.

"Then try it with Ji Xingchen?" Since you can't risk yourself, then use magic weapon.

Daojun was noncommittal about this proposal.Anyway, the magic weapon is hers, so he has no control over how to use it.

Therefore, Yuan Zhao summoned Ji Xingdust and prepared to throw it out when the crack appeared next time.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xingchen had just been called out, and when he found himself in Taixu, he was so excited that he froze, froze, and started to wander around.Its rampage made Yuan Zhao feel inexplicable, but as the owner, she could feel its excitement.

She didn't stop it, and let it scatter in the void, far and near, left and right.

Until the void suddenly showed signs of space-time distortion, that was a sign that the rift was about to open.Yuan Zhao was about to order Ji Xingchen to take a look, but he didn't expect him to be faster than her, and he jumped to the twisted place and stuck it firmly.

By the time the group of silver sand left, the cracks had closed.Seeing Yuan Zhao was dumbfounded, he quickly recalled it to his hand and checked it over and over again:
"Huh? What did you eat? Did you eat the crack or Yi Tianling? Ah? Where is the food you just ate? Spit it out... Why did you run? What did you eat?! Back—— "

Soon, two chasing shadows appeared in Taixu, which has always been quiet, moving forward and backward, scattered and congealed.

The old Taoist closed his eyes: "..."

Of course, Pole Stardust eats Pole Stardust, which is the stardust that opens the cracks in the outer world, and that's how Pole Stardust is made into a pile of silver sand.They are not intended to glue the cracks, it is purely like attracts like.

Bonding cracks are accidental, and sometimes Polardust opens up more cracks.

This is the reason why he collected them into a pile and locked them to prevent them from returning to the Void, so as to avoid more and more variables from the extreme stardust.

Ji Xingchen rejects the way of heaven, and now he is the only one who can only count on him——

"Be honest, did you suck Yi Tianling? No?" She didn't believe it!Seeing is believing, "Show me... what to eat? Let me see first... stop!"

The old Taoist closed his eyes: "..." The image gradually disappeared in the empty space.

When did father disappear, Yuan Zhao didn't notice.

The old man only left one sentence, don't rush into it, otherwise she will be banned from entering the Taixu in the future, and banning from entering the Taixu means stopping the practice of Hunyuan Jue.Although she didn't really want to practice it before, being banned and not wanting to practice are two different things.

Of course, these two are not important for the time being.What's important is that she saw that Pole Stardust was at home in Taixu, and could accurately find the location where the crack opened.

It is good that it is willing to glue the cracks, but when she saw the pole stardust suddenly spread out into a ring of stars, its intention to open the cracks in the sky flooded into her mind instantly.It was too late and then too soon, Yuan Zhao stretched out his hand to control it:
"Extreme Stardust, come back!"

In an instant, Xinghuan turned back into a strand of silver sand, returned to her hand and was taken away from Taixu...

On Yusang Island, the brilliance flickered and solidified in the elegant room.A moment later, Yuan Zhao sat in the room, a cloud of starry silver sand suspended above his palm, restlessly restless.

(End of this chapter)

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