Chapter 936
With Yuan Zhao on the sidelines, the enemy retreated steadily.Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, Buddha and his entourage also worked hard, and did not give the man and woman a chance to take revenge on her, and took them down in about a stick of incense.

The enemy army had no intention of fighting. Their main purpose was to destroy the terrain structure of Sanren Mountain and cause the barrier to collapse.

It's a pity that no matter how determined they are to attack the ground without fear of sacrifice, it is still difficult to make a hole in the ground, let alone bomb Sanren Mountain wantonly.

Because every attack they made to the ground hit an invisible magic circle.Even if they use their whole life's strength, it is still like a drop of water falling into the sea, which cannot stir up any ripples, and cannot even hurt a single grass on the ground.

Tianjun ordered her to guard the most vulnerable part of Sanren Mountain, so she cast a barrier as soon as she was in place.

Especially the most vulnerable place in the depths of the Devouring Valley...


Even though the battlefield in front of him was full of noisy noises, a scream was still heard clearly, which made Yuan Zhao extremely satisfied.

The fragile barrier was sealed by her with the Divine Fire Mirror. On the front of the Divine Fire Mirror is the symbol that can suppress the ancient beasts, and on the reverse is the sky fire that can kill the gods and demons of the ten directions.After improvement, the sky fire was changed to Hunyuan Karma Fire, and there is no fear of the devil coming.

Therefore, the reverse side is towards the demon world.

And the front is facing Taniguchi, so that those who try to destroy the enchantment will be backlashed.If the opponent puts all his life's strength into practice, he will be backlashed by the power of the same level of divine fire identification seal.

The Shenhuo Jian has a total of 18 yuan, and it is the avatar she assigned to herself to eliminate demons in the lower realm.

Now that the promise has been fulfilled, she doesn't need to have all the eighteen things in the Shenhuojian.So tonight, she used the three divine fires to seal the most vulnerable barrier in the Devouring Valley. If she wanted to destroy the barrier, she had to break her three divine fires first.

The most vulnerable place is protected by a strengthened barrier, and the sky should be as clear as other places.

But right now, it is night, and the surprise attack of the monster soldiers makes Sanren Mountain full of monster aura, and the evil spirit spreads in every valley.Not to mention the monsters and Shuras who usually don't have the opportunity to go deep into the Soul Devouring Valley, even the generals stationed here have not noticed anything unusual.

When the war is over and the sun rises the next day, everyone can see that the freshness of the air in Soul Devouring Valley is different from the turbidity of the past.

From now on, the three divine fire mirrors will stay here.

It can be regarded as a meeting gift from her to the soldiers stationed at Sanren Mountain. Thanks to their stationing in the dangerous situation, all living beings in the three realms can enjoy peace.

In the past, it was not a big problem for her to be stationed at Sanren Mountain, but now it is no longer a problem.

Leaving aside the young master, she prefers the colorful natural scenery of Beihai, which is warm in spring and winter, compared to Sanren Mountain, where the nights are long and the days are short.Therefore, to make the soldiers stationed at the border feel better, she can be at ease in the rear.

Compared with the lives of thousands of soldiers and the comfort of all living beings in the three realms, abandoning the three sacred fires is not worth mentioning.

"Long Yuanjun!" The scream from the depths of the Soul Devouring Valley made a man and a woman headed by the enemy extremely desperate.The banshee stared at Yuan Zhao angrily, gritted her silver teeth, "If you kill my husband, if you don't avenge this revenge, the world will be torn apart!"

Yuan Zhao glanced at her speechlessly, "I suggest you change the curse target."

The rise and fall of everything in the world operates according to the laws of heaven, and there is still some hope of realizing her curse to die, isn't cursing the old man looking for abuse?It's better to take the initiative to disappear and go with your husband, and it's a joy to be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate.

Her words made the heavenly soldiers and generals who had detained the banshee so far couldn't help laughing, but they were embarrassed to laugh out loud.Fearing that the banshee would speak rudely again, he casually cast a silence spell on her and the male demon.

"My little monk has seen this god." Seeing that the two demons were being detained, a disciple of Buddha stepped forward to salute Yuan Zhao, and asked warmly, "I don't know how the god intends to deal with the two demons? Can the little monk take them away?" Interrogation?"

After all, the opponent killed one of his disciples, and even broke his heart.

Not only did he hope to take the two demons back to interrogate the whereabouts of the Buddha treasure, but he also wanted to get back the Buddha's heart, the golden bowl and the seven-petal golden lotus from Yuan Zhao.

"My God came here to assist the Buddha to get rid of the demon and take back the Buddha's treasure by the order of the Heavenly Lord." Yuan Zhao didn't intend to argue with the other party, and said calmly, "Although the Jingyuan Zhenzhu was not found, for the sake of safety, the other gods brought back Heavenly Palace overturns the decree."

She has little experience, and she doesn't know who the Buddha in front of her is.If the other party is an internal response sent by the enemy, isn't she entrusting the inhuman to misunderstand Tiangong's will?

Don't say that she doesn't know the Buddha cultivator and the followers in front of her. Even if Chu Yan came in person, she would still do business.To recover the Buddha treasure, another powerful envoy from Xitian must go to the Heavenly Palace to ask for the handover.

As for how the two demons deal with it, that is the business of the generals of Sanren Mountain, and has nothing to do with her.

Fortunately, the gods of the Western Paradise in front of her did not force her, leaving only a monk in white robes to stay with her inseparably.According to the other party, he will always follow her back to the Heavenly Palace to fulfill the order.

To put it bluntly, it is to prevent her from stealing.

The gods of the Western Heaven explained to her that the seven-petal Yunshen lotus is very important to the Buddhist practice in the lower realm.Yu Xitian's sages are of little use, so if you throw it away, you will lose it, but the heart of the Buddha's son in her hand and the golden bowl of the four seas must be brought back safe and sound.

"I don't know if the god can let your mount stop fighting?" The white-robed monk saw that she had forgotten the battle on the other side, so he reminded him gently, "Adaga is my Dharma protector in the west, and she has no malice towards the gods in the south."

Oh, only then did Yuan Zhao remember that the animals over there were still fighting, so he raised his voice:

"Moon Scythe, let's go!"

Hearing the call, Moon Scythe, a hundred miles away, slapped the little bird away, and returned to Yuan Zhao's side in an instant.Yuan Zhao looked at him with eyes full of relief, and praised him repeatedly:

"It's hard work, hard work."

Fortunately, she had the foresight to bring him, otherwise, she would have to deal with both her own bird and the enemy's two demon heads and a Shura royal family, which would be very tiring.

"Give me back my Buddha treasure—" Garuda arrived in seconds.

"Adhaga!" The white-clothed monk's voice made the bird stop, and the next moment Jin Guanglingsan returned to his red clothes.

"Master, the Buddha treasure is on her body!" Seeing Yuan Zhao soaring into the air, the goddess in red hurriedly said, "She is going to run away!"

Just as a monk and a bird were about to follow closely, they suddenly heard a scream from a woman in the distance:


Well?Yuan Zhao, who was waiting to return to the Heaven's Refuge, looked back at the sound, and happened to see the young master leading a team of heavenly soldiers escorting a female demon back, and Li Zejun, who was originally lurking in the dark of the Soul Devouring Valley, also followed the queue to prepare Return to camp.

Seeing Yuan Zhao in mid-air, Mr. Li Ze couldn't help complaining secretly, and once again complained about Tiangong's sloppy attitude.

Knowing the bad relationship between senior brother and her, why did you send her to help?Doesn't this add to the confusion?The senior brother was finally hit by his self-esteem by his nonsense before, and after a few days of drinking to drown his sorrows, he gradually gave up on the past.

Now that the old man is reunited, one can see from the brother's expression that he has regained hope...

"Feng flute?" Yuan Zhao recognized the real body of the banshee at a glance, "Are you still alive?" Is she the one who was retaliated by the magic fire?
Boqin really has a deep affection for her, ah, it should be a long-term affection for every woman. The self 2 years ago really had never met a man in his previous life, so he was attracted by his long-term attribute and looked for abuse.

(End of this chapter)

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