Calamity Island: Endless Trials

Chapter 109 Precious Time

Chapter 109 Precious Time

The entrance to the hangar deep in the tunnel, there are no traps, no traps, and no chasers.

After a while, a light appeared in front of the two of them, where a lot of sundries were piled up to form a line of defense, and Chen Min and others were guarding there with rifles.

Obviously, they learned that monsters appeared underground, and they were prepared.

Hearing footsteps at the temporary line of defense, and seeing Tang Jiumin appearing, Chen Min immediately asked, "How is it, have you got your ID card?"

"got it."

Tang Jiumin went straight to the side of the spaceship and pointed the ID card at the identity verification port.

"Authentication successful, the system is starting..."

"Captain Ummirs, welcome to board the plane."

at last!

Hearing this wonderful voice, everyone present was genuinely excited, and the big rock in Tang Jiu's heart finally fell to the ground.

The most difficult authentication is done, now there is only one last step left.

"Great, I can finally leave..." Chen Min was overjoyed, but when he saw the system turned on, he immediately asked Tang Jiumin: "Then what should we do next?"

"According to what you said, the Protoss base is full of defensive turrets. If we just drive the spaceship out like this, can we escape smoothly?"

It has nothing to do with trust issues. If it were anyone, Chen Min would question it, because the danger is too high.

"Of course not, so we have to wait for some reinforcements." Tang Jiumin glanced at the other party, came to the hangar wall, and opened the hangar door.

The exit originally hidden under the mountain wall slowly opened, revealing the scene outside the base, which looked extremely quiet.

But Tang Jiumin came to the exit and took out something from the system backpack.

He clenched his left hand and pulled his right hand.

With a sharp bang, a firework-like thing shot straight into the sky.

The signal flare, as something obtained in the first trial, was kept in the backpack by Tang Jiumin.

This is also the key to Tang Jiumin's implementation of the plan.

Thank you Zhong Linrong, without this gadget he made, it would be too much trouble.

At the exit of the hangar, Chen Min followed up subconsciously, and when he looked up, he saw some kind of signal flare rising into the sky, which made him even more puzzled.

"What's the use of this thing, where are the reinforcements on this planet?"

Wait, reinforcements?
"You mean Dr. Hammer? You are crazy! He is arresting us, why should he help us!" Chen Min looked at Tang Jiumin fiercely, and his words were filled with anger.

But facing Chen Min's questioning, Tang Jiumin replied very calmly:

"It's true that the other party wants to catch us. The purpose is for the continuation of mankind, but if he can't catch us, he will help us instead."

"Especially at a time like this."

Tang Jiumin looked at Li Changfu, and he asked, "How much explosive is left?"

Li Changfu closed his eyes, looked at the system backpack, and then opened his eyes: "There are still six nails, what are you going to do, Captain?"

Then he heard Tang Jiumin order:
"Immediately place the explosives in the tunnel, the corridor won't take too long, and more Protoss fighters will rush over."

"We need more time to hold here, and we must wait until Dr. Hammer makes a decision."

"Oh, good..." Li Changfu nodded instinctively, but woke up in the next second.

He looked at Tang Jiumin in shock, and blurted out: "Wait a minute, blow up the tunnel? What about Officer Liu?!"

After Li Changfu asked the doubts in his heart, he found that Tang Jiumin didn't even look at him, but announced indifferently:
"It's too late. Only he can stop those monsters. Once he can't stand them, those monsters will rush into the tunnel, and we will definitely die."

"Those monsters are Umirs' back-hands. Think carefully, what will happen if those monsters attack us together with the protoss fighters?"

"Maybe they will kill each other, but I need to be absolutely sure, and I won't gamble."

Inside the hangar, Li Changfu looked at Tang Jiumin with a particularly struggling look, with a puzzled expression on his face.

How did it become what it is now?
Unlike the others, Captain Tang and Police Officer Liu are both old team members and have been cooperating all the time. Li Changfu thinks they should have a good relationship.

But now Captain Tang has easily given up on Officer Liu...

Thinking of this, Li Changfu couldn't help looking at Chen Min.

But the other party didn't change at all, as if he felt that it should be so.

Li Changfu couldn't help laughing at himself. Sure enough, he still retained a little bit of naivety. In the trial, no one is irreplaceable and can be discarded.

But even so, he still hopes that there are people like Officer Liu in this team.

Otherwise, he might not be able to sleep every night, because no one will say a word about their life and death, everyone is living for their own interests.

It would be different if there was someone like Officer Yoo, although sometimes it is too pedantic and looks stupid.

But at least know that you won't be abandoned
Unfortunately, this is a trial.

The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, it all says so.

It was difficult for Li Changfu to accept emotionally, but he knew that Tang Jiumin and the others had an easier time surviving than Police Officer Liu, and this was the reality.

After a moment of silence, he took out the explosives, bravely walked towards the tunnel, and began to arrange according to Tang Jiumin's instructions.

He has the experience of a senior miner and has a relatively good understanding of the structure here. At least it is easy to use the explosives in his hand to blow up the tunnel.

What's more, he has seen the power of these explosives.

And at this moment, Li Changfu had just walked out two steps, when the voice from the communicator made him stop.

"Tang Jiumin, I can't stand it any longer!"

"What should I do next? You should think of a way!"


Accompanied by Liu Ziyun's voice, there was also the roar of the monster.

Li Changfu turned his head and looked behind him. What made him feel cold was that Tang Jiumin behind him didn't even frown, and replied to the communicator in his usual tone.

"We must hold on. We still need the last bit of time. Before we send you a message, we must hold on. We must finish the last thing and then leave together."

"Okay, hurry up, I really can't hold on here!"

Standing on the other side of the tunnel, Li Changfu opened his mouth when he heard the conversation between the two, but at this moment, he saw Chen Min's warning eyes.

Everyone in the team knew that Chen Min and Tang Jiumin didn't get along very well, but he was on Tang Jiumin's side when it came to cheating Liu Ziyun.

Obviously, although the two are at odds, they are both of the same kind...

Under Chen Min's warning eyes, Li Changfu opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, turned around sullenly, and walked towards the tunnel.

Behind him, Tang Jiumin looked at the end of the tunnel with deep eyes.

he needs more time
Hope, Dr. Hammer is a noble man.
The scientific research base was originally buried underground in the valley, but now it has undergone tremendous changes.

The entire scientific research base continued to rise, and the rocks on it were opened to reveal the true appearance of the base, no longer hidden.

Dr. Hammer is currently located in the main control room on the top of the base, sitting in front of the control platform of the main center, with several mechanical guards behind him.

Below the main control room, there are about two hundred mechanical guards in human form. They stand in the valley and look towards the direction of the main control room.

Obviously this is a very lively scene, but apart from the sound of rocks turning, there is no extra noise.


These mechanical guards, each wearing a full set of weapons and equipment, quietly waited for Dr. Hammer's order.

In the main control room, Dr. Hammer was also staring at the Protoss base. He had been looking there for a long time, motionless.

In fact, he couldn't see what happened at the Protoss base.

Dr. Hammer has been wishing that his only enemy for decades would be destroyed sooner rather than later.

But now...he has no desire for revenge.

Only worry.

Suddenly, a rush of footsteps approached from outside, and a mechanical guard ran in.

"Doctor, there is indeed a change at the Protoss base!"

"Just now, we detected a suspected flare beam rising from near the Protoss base!"

"At the same time, we also detected many alarms inside the Protoss base, and there were even two explosions just now."

The time has come!
Dr. Hammer glanced at the yellowed photo in front of the counter and asked without looking up: "Are you sure?"

The mechanical guard nodded: "OK."

"The time has come. Ladies and gentlemen, the fire will finally set sail, and human beings will live forever!"

After receiving a confirmed reply, Dr. Hammer slowly raised his head, his stitched face was still expressionless, but his tone became crazy.

"All guards obey orders."

"All rush to the Protoss base, this is your last mission, there is only one goal!"

"At all costs, destroy all the turret devices and defense equipment used by the Protoss base!"

"When the fire is set sail, I will not allow any attack to fall on it!"

The mechanical guard behind Dr. Hammer could see that when the doctor gave this order, he kept clenching his fists.

"Next...the scientific research ship leaves the base, and we will go there too."

Behind them, several mechanical guards began to control the main control room, and the scientific research ship left the base.

At the same time, Dr. Hammer whispered something that only he could hear: "Let's see if this powerful clone can do what he said..."

The scientific research base shook again.

At the top of the base, the main control room and several nearby experimental cabins slowly flew off the ground, turning into a huge spaceship suspended in mid-air.

This is a spaceship with a length of about 50 meters and a width of more than [-] meters, and it is equipped with many advanced weapons.

Just like Ummels has his own cards, so does Dr. Hammer.

But this is also the foundation of everything he does, and he can't easily move it.

All of a sudden, the spacecraft in the sky and a large number of mechanical guards on the ground headed towards the Protoss base at full speed.

On the Protoss base, just as Dr. Hammer detected the situation, the current Protoss base is in chaos.

The power of engineering explosives is not covered. The current Protoss base has almost collapsed from the ground floor to the ground floor.

On the second basement floor, Liu Ziyun was still desperately resisting.

And in the tunnel in front of the hangar, some protoss warriors have already appeared, but the originally bright energy shields on their bodies flickered, and the energy was extremely unstable.

The death of the captain, the collapse of the sanctuary, the remains of the great priest...

For these protoss warriors, their faith encountered an unprecedented earthquake, which caused a great blow to their faith.

And their energy comes from faith.

Three or four Protoss warriors rushed out of the tunnel in a row, charging towards the defense line on the ground with only anger in their hearts.

But Tang Jiumin and the others had already made preparations. As soon as they saw the protoss warriors appearing, they immediately raised their guns and shot.

Yefim even followed Liu Ziyun's example and removed the energy cannon from a spaceship next to him.
It is similar to the previous cannon, but this is the technology of the Protoss. It also shoots energy bullets, but even saves the magazine.

Just like this, Yefim stood directly on the entire defense line holding a weapon that ordinary people could not pick up, facing the direction of the tunnel, roaring and shooting continuously.

Facing Yefim's energy bullets, those protoss fighters who were hit only got two shots in a row, and the protective shields in front of them would be broken.

And the protoss warriors who lost their protective shields faced rifle fire again, and they became one after another meat targets, falling down one after another.

In a short while, nearly six or seven corpses fell down the tunnel.

But this is far from enough. There are more and more Protoss fighters in the tunnel. They lift off the metal plate on the ground of the base, hold each other in front of them, and move forward slowly.

With this tactic, although the speed has slowed down, it is constantly approaching the defense line.

Not only that, at this time Liu Ziyun's cry for help also came from the communicator.

"Tang Jiumin, those monsters have smashed through another gate, and they are already rushing up from there. You have to think of a way!"

Liu Ziyun couldn't stop it.

"Hey, hello, Tang Jiumin, can you hear me? I heard an answer!"

Tang Jiumin didn't answer, but looked outside the defense line expressionlessly.

Liu Ziyun's increasingly anxious voice came from the communicator again. He shouted several times in a row, but Tang Jiumin did not answer.

The sound of fighting came from the team's communicator again. It was obvious that Liu Ziyun was in trouble, but soon, his voice sounded again.

"Li Changfu, can you hear me? Hurry up and set up explosives to blow up the tunnel, I can't stand it anymore!"

"The monsters are rushing towards the tunnel. Blow up the tunnel, and only one can survive. I will try my best to hold them back!"

Liu Ziyun's voice sounded again, but this time he didn't call Tang Jiumin, but asked Li Changfu to blow up the tunnel, which was consistent with Tang Jiumin's original plan.

Obviously, he was ready to sacrifice.

Hearing these words, Chen Min subconsciously looked at Li Changfu, and then he glanced at the other people beside him.

Although Li Changfu and Yefim were still shooting in the direction of the tunnel, they were all frowning.

On the other side, even Cheng Zhi had subtle eyes.

They secretly looked at Tang Jiumin, wondering what they were thinking.

For a while, the hangar was only filled with the sound of shooting against the protoss fighters, and it was strangely quiet. No one spoke, including Tang Jiumin.

But in the weird atmosphere of everyone, suddenly a huge roar resounded from the entire base.

In an instant, the ground shook, and everyone in the hangar swayed.

In the communicator, Liu Ziyun's voice was interrupted directly with an explosion and turned into a rustling sound.

There is no doubt that the explosion came from him.

Li Changfu opened his mouth and looked at the tunnel ahead in disbelief.

And Chen Min's face changed instantly. He looked at Li Changfu who hadn't moved yet, and yelled at him:

"Damn it, are you still looking for death? Hurry up and blow up the tunnel! Liu Ziyun is dead, if you don't blow up the tunnel, when those monsters come up, we will be the ones to die!"

Facing Chen Min's scolding, the struggling expression on Li Changfu's face became more obvious. He gritted his teeth and clenched the detonator in his hand, but he never pressed it.

"Don't stand around looking for death!" Chen Min couldn't wait anymore, he stepped forward anxiously, trying to grab the detonator.

However, Li Changfu immediately took a step to the side, and even raised his rifle, showing an extremely tough attitude.

Instead of handing over the detonator to the other party, he looked at Tang Jiumin, waiting for the latter's order.

 If there are typos and logical problems, readers are welcome to leave a message here, please do not spoil or abuse.

(End of this chapter)

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