Chapter 28 Betrayal
Beside Liu Ziyun, Team Pan saw that the persuasion was almost done, so he returned to the table and took out a document from the drawer.

"I have already connected with the above. This is your approval document. From now on, in the next six months, you will leave here and live a new life under another name, fading out of their sight as much as possible."

"When your wife is about to give birth, they will transfer you back to Zhonghai City and become an ordinary police officer. Don't do our job. For your wife and children, as well as us old guys, be a good father."

After Pan team handed over this document to Liu Ziyun, he shook Liu Ziyun's arm:

"Be quiet, you have to figure out what to do next. You can still continue without you here, but your family will collapse without you."

After finishing speaking, the man walked out, leaving the office to Liu Ziyun and letting him be quiet.

The document in his hand was clenched and wrinkled, Liu Ziyun, who has always been strong, covered his face and sighed silently in the office.

Everything around was getting darker and darker, and Liu Ziyun felt that the whole office seemed to have lost its light.

Isn't it daytime?

Liu Ziyun looked around strangely, and found that he could not see the walls of the office clearly.

Picking up the document in his hand, Liu Ziyun found that the original document in his hand had turned into a black and white photo.

The person in the photo is his wife.


Liu Ziyun's wife is very quiet. Although she is not beautiful, she is knowledgeable. They met before they became police officers.

But at this time, in the photo, the original quiet wife was pale, her eyes were dull, and the corners of her mouth were staring at him with a cold expression.

Usually Rao has seen strong winds and waves, but at this moment Liu Ziyun almost trembled.

Because the wife in the photo moved.
I saw the woman in the photo moving her lips lightly and whispering something.

Sitting on the sofa, Liu Ziyun felt a chill down his spine. Overcoming his fear, he pulled the photo closer to his ear, but found that he couldn't hear the sound.

But. Why the whole office began to sound a lot of murmured low voices.

Liu Ziyun put down the photo, looked around vigilantly, and suddenly found that there was nothing around, and he was actually in the dark fog.

The continuous bizarre scene made Liu Ziyun fall into fear, and the whole person unknowingly broke out in a cold sweat.

Slowly, the murmuring got louder and louder, until finally, it turned into a shout.

"Officer Liu. Officer Liu. Officer Liu."

Hearing the word "police officer", Liu Ziyun's consciousness instantly jolted, broke free from the nightmare, opened his eyes and sat up.

The too realistic scenes in the nightmare made him sweat profusely and gasp for breath. It took him a long time to figure out everything.

It turned out that the dream itself was still in the trial scene.

He found that Chen Min and the others had gathered around him.

The sun outside was past the midline, and it looked like it was two or three in the afternoon.

"I didn't tell you, remember to wake me up at noon, why did you wake me up now?"

Liu Ziyun couldn't help frowning, he turned his head to look at Chen Min and the others, and quickly turned over, a little angry.

"Come on, hurry up, we haven't discussed what to do at night. Although a werewolf has been killed, it's not enough."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ziyun picked up a scroll-like thing in the tent and spread it on the ground.

This is the map of Yuehao Town, and it is also the materials that Liu Ziyun bought from the shop in the town after getting the bounty.

"The general terrain of Moonhowling Town is on it."

"It's...wait a minute."

Originally, there should only be a general plan of Yuehao Town on the map, and nothing else, but when Liu Ziyun opened it, he saw that a lot of things had been marked on it.

Obviously, it's not what he marked.

"Hey? Have you studied it?"

Liu Ziyun looked up at everyone, and found that their eyes were dodging, unwilling to look at him.

"What are you afraid of? If you have any idea about the patrol route, please bring it up quickly, and we will find a solution together."

No one answered.

Their eyes were still dodging.

This situation made Liu Ziyun feel particularly strange, he simply looked at Chen Min: "What happened, do you have any opinions?"

Chen Min looked a little embarrassed when Liu Ziyun named his name.

He did not answer Liu Ziyun's question immediately, but stepped forward and sat opposite Liu Ziyun with a hesitant tone.

"That's... how do I put it... In short, everyone does have some different ideas about the next plan."

Chen Min's speech was very slow, even in a low voice, not at all as sharp as he had spoken before.

Liu Ziyun thought it was something, but when he heard Chen Min's answer, he didn't care at all.

"You can come up with other opinions. We are all preparing for tonight. It's better to brainstorm."

"Do you have any opinions on the patrol route? Or do you have any ideas on how to attack the werewolves next? You can put them forward."

As a result, Liu Ziyun felt more and more strange as he spoke.

Because he found that as he finished saying a sentence, everyone's face became worse and worse.

what happened?

He looked at Chen Min, and then at Jing Jiao: "What the hell are you thinking, say it."

Facing Liu Ziyun's questioning, Jing Jiao couldn't help frowning. She quickly glanced at Chen Min who did not speak, and closed her eyes deeply. When she opened her eyes again, she seemed to have made a decision and looked directly at Liu Ziyun.

"We have opinions not only on what you said, Officer Liu, but also on the whole plan," she said.

There are some views on the whole program, what does it mean?
Liu Ziyun thought for a while, and his expression changed slightly.

"That's right, our current firearms are different from before, and we have enough ammunition, so we can think of other ways."

But what Liu Ziyun didn't expect was that after he finished speaking, he saw Chen Min shaking his head: "Forget it, it's up to me."

Chen Min looked at Liu Ziyun: "Officer Liu, let me be honest with you, we will not act with you tonight, because you have werewolf blood on your body."

"We already asked during the day. There should be seven werewolves left, and now only you have werewolf blood. Once night comes, all the werewolves in the town will hunt you down. Officer Liu, you are a policeman, yourself. You can use firearms proficiently, you can even kill werewolves alone, but we can't."

"Acting with you, our group of people who can't even use guns well, there is only one way to die."

The expression on Liu Ziyun's face froze.

After a while, Liu Ziyun looked at the other people. From their expressions, Liu Ziyun saw the answer, but such a result was completely unexpected to Liu Ziyun.

He originally wanted to rely on his ability to use firearms, plus the experience he found at the scene where Zhong Linrong hunted werewolves, so that he could use traps to deal with werewolves in these ways.But he only didn't think that other people didn't want to act with him.

After listening to Chen Min say these words, Liu Ziyun hurriedly looked at the others.

A group of people dodged, but all nodded to him.

Liu Ziyun couldn't help sighing, he glanced at Chen Min and Jing Jiao, and while they lowered their heads, he laughed:

"You're right, it's okay, I'm going alone tonight."

After finishing speaking, Liu Ziyun threw the bullet bag obtained from the first werewolf killing to Chen Min from the system backpack.

"This is the reward Zhong Linrong got, it's for you."

Chen Min caught the bullet bag, but still kept his head down with Jing Jiao next to him.

After a second or two, Jing Jiao suddenly said hesitantly:
"Actually, it's not that we didn't have a plan. Officer Liu, you can listen to it, maybe you don't have to think about it yourself."

Liu Ziyun gave Jing Jiao a strange look.

This time, they said they had plans.

"What do you need me to do?" Liu Ziyun asked.

Chen Min and Jing Jiao couldn't help looking at each other, and then Chen Min pointed to a place in the town:
"We need Officer Liu, you come to this place today to prepare for the werewolf."

It was a place similar to a square. There used to be a pool-like existence in the middle of this square, but at present, there is only an open space that has been demolished.

But it is precisely because of this open space that it is connected to a full eight streets and alleys around it, and it seems to extend in all directions.

Such a place?
Liu Ziyun looked at it suspiciously. In his opinion, there is no need to hold on to this open space, because it is too empty, and the strength of the werewolf will be greatly exerted.

But this is a passage connecting eight streets. Werewolves may even come from all directions. There are currently seven werewolves, and it is easy to be surrounded by werewolves.

In the end, Liu Ziyun looked at Chen Min suspiciously, not understanding why he would point out such a place that couldn't be seen at first sight.

Chen Min saw Liu Ziyun's puzzled look at this time, and he bit the bullet and finished the next sentence.

"Officer Liu, you are now the target of werewolves. By tonight, no matter where you are hiding, those werewolves will attack you. It's the same everywhere."

"If you are in this square, especially this place close to the center of the town, those werewolves will definitely come from all directions, not along an alley, then in this case, we can ambush in a certain place ahead of time. A street with an ambush."

"As long as the werewolf comes over, we can attack the werewolf on this side, and we can also share some pressure on you, Officer Liu."

Chen Min bit his head and finished speaking in one breath, then quickly lowered his head.

Liu Ziyun was silent for a while.

On the side, Jing Jiao looked up at Liu Ziyun, with some sympathy in his eyes, and quickly turned his head away.

In fact, everyone knows that this is not to help Liu Ziyun share the pressure at all, but another word.


This is completely consuming Liu Ziyun's last strength.

Thinking of this, Jing Jiao couldn't bear it.

"Okay, press this one."

The slightly hoarse answer surprised the two of them for a while, and looked at Liu Ziyun again.

Jing Jiao opened his mouth slightly and wanted to say something, but he found that the other party was calm and not angry because of all this.

And this kind of calm made her wonder.

Did Liu Ziyun not see it, or did he not care about it at all?

This is really hard to understand.

At this moment, Liu Ziyun raised his finger and pointed to one of the street entrances:

"The direction you set is wrong. According to your plan, you should have ambushed at another street intersection, but in fact, the most suitable place for you to ambush is this street intersection."

"Because this street faces the east side of the whole town, just today, when it's almost dawn, there are more wolf howls in this direction. If you want to ambush and kill werewolves, stay on this side. The probability of an ambush is the greatest."

Saying that, Liu Ziyun picked up the pen and made a mark in the direction he pointed out.

"If you want to set up traps, you have to be more careful and prepare firearms and bullets in advance. By the way, Jing Jiao should know that werewolves are not only afraid of gunpowder, but also afraid of silver products."

"You can prepare some silver products to see if you can make a trap. By the way, you can think about this matter..."

Liu Ziyun suddenly stopped.

Seeing that Liu Ziyun didn't know what to think, everyone suddenly frowned.

"Your plan is too rough. There is only one option for many things. If the situation does not go according to your imagination, you don't even have an alternative, and the risk is too great."

"Chen Min, when did you plan your plan, why is it so rough?"

"It's..." Chen Min stammered: "It's probably noon."

What is it about noon?
Liu Ziyun didn't think about it, and frowned again, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Why didn't you wake me up when you were planning this at noon?"

A moment of silence.

At this time, Liu Ziyun looked at the strange expressions of a group of people, and suddenly reacted, thinking of something.

Liu Ziyun felt a bit bitter at the corner of his mouth.

He shook his head, throwing unnecessary thoughts out of his head, and continued to explain his views to a group of people.

"Now, since you said that you are not very good at using guns, then I will show you again, how about it?"

Liu Ziyun considered that these people had not used a shotgun, so he simply picked up the shotgun and showed them.

"You look good, I will demonstrate it several times, you must understand every step..."

The people next to them watched and listened, but a group of people looked erratic and a little uneasy.

Why has it come to this point that Liu Ziyun is still helping them so much?Is he really a fool?
"...The above is the specific plan. I will try my best to hold the werewolf here and create opportunities for you."

"I need to be prepared. Before Zhong Linrong made a lot of traps to kill a werewolf, he also seriously injured more werewolves. It is worth learning from. I went to the alley before to see how he arranged the traps. Go to the square to set up."

In the tent, everyone was stunned, looking at Liu Ziyun with a very unnatural expression.

While Liu Ziyun was talking, he packed up his equipment, firearms, and supplies, and stood up slowly.

Everyone saw his body sway, and he was a little unsteady, but no one spoke.

In fact, Liu Ziyun was still tired at this time.

From yesterday to now, no, from entering the trial scene to now, he has been running for everyone, especially last night, in order to save Zhong Linrong's body, he almost tried his best to kill a werewolf.

Even in the early morning and morning, I purchased supplies for everyone, and I couldn't rest.

Liu Ziyun tried to stand firm, looked at Chen Min and the others, nodded, and laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

"Because of the blood of a werewolf. It's normal for everyone to be careful with me. Don't blame yourself."

After speaking, Liu Ziyun raised his legs and left, but just a few steps out, Liu Ziyun heard Chen Min call him to stop.

"Officer Liu, wait a minute."

 If there are typos and logical problems, readers are welcome to leave a message here, please do not spoil or abuse.

(End of this chapter)

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