Start Summoning West Factory Flower

Chapter 366 The Battle of Mulan Mountain Raid

Chapter 366 The Battle of Mulan Mountain Raid

Facing the large-scale military mobilization of the Bei family, the Chaotang army was at a loss.

Although they detected the specific mobilization direction of the Beijia army, they were unable to determine the specific purpose of the Beijia army.

Yiyang County, south of Mulan Mountain, in the camp of the Chaotang Army.

Shen Shize sat in the tent and frowned.

Since He Changyun returned to the capital, Shen Shize took over as the commander-in-chief of the Chaotang Army in Yiyang County. Although he was defeated by the Bei Family Army twice before, after all, he is the Shen Shize of the only two remaining first-rank families in the Chaotang. home owner.Identity and status are very comparable.

"Commander, the Bei family has gathered 600,000 troops on the front, and they probably want to fight us!" said a general in the tent.

Shen Shize shook his head slightly, but did not speak.

decisive battle!

It seems possible.

But unlikely.

He has been confronting the Bei family for more than two years, during which there have been countless battles, large and small, so he is well aware of the temperament of the head of the Bei family.

Based on his understanding of the Bei family, it is absolutely impossible for the Bei family to initiate a decisive battle.

And with the current strength of the Bei family, they don't have the confidence to start a decisive battle.

There is almost no difference in the strength of the two sides. If there is a decisive battle, the result will be nothing more than a disastrous victory and a disastrous defeat, neither of which the Bei family can bear.

Although he thought so in his heart, what if?
What if the Bei family went crazy and insisted on fighting them regardless of victory or defeat?
Shen Shize couldn't be 100% sure.

"Has there been any movement in Sihai County recently?"

He suddenly remembered Sihai County and asked.

"No, it's still the same as before, constantly recruiting soldiers and training the army, except for the 200,000 army, there is no military mobilization." The general in the tent replied.

"That's strange! What made the Bei family change?" Shen Shize thought suspiciously.

Although he suspected that Sihai County was behind the scenes, but Sihai County did not mobilize any troops, so he was asked to exclude Sihai County.

After thinking for a long time, Shen Shize didn't figure it out, so he could only arrange for his generals to play by ear.

Since the Bei family is gathering an army, they naturally have to call it, otherwise, when the Bei family launches an attack, it may be difficult for their main battalion to stop them.

All of a sudden, the north and south sides of Mulan Mountain were mobilizing armies. In just five days, the number of armies mobilized by both sides had exceeded 150 million.

What surprised Beiling was that Shen Shize actually transferred 300,000 of the 200,000 troops from Qingye Valley, leaving only [-]. This undoubtedly relieved a lot of pressure on Beisheng's army.

After the Bei family's army was assembled and rested for another three days, they formally launched an attack on the main camp of the court.

Due to the terrain constraints of Mulan Mountain, the two sides did not use military formations, but fought directly with short soldiers.

At the beginning of the war, a tragic war was staged.

The 300,000 vanguard army of the Beijia crashed into the defense line of the court army like a torrent, blood and blood flew.

The real energy in the soldiers who possessed the cultivation level of a master was circulating, emitting a strong air wave, and every attack brought powerful damage, as if it was going to level the entire Mulan Mountain.

Just when the two sides were fighting head-on, Bei Luo and Cheng Huan led the Bei Sheng army to detour thousands of miles to the west and came to Qingye Valley.

The raid was launched before the garrison could react.

Although the garrison of 200,000 is not weak, it can't stop the powerful Beisheng army.

Almost a face-to-face garrison was defeated.

The two sides fought in the flat valley for more than an hour, and finally ended with the Beisheng army breaking through the defense line of the garrison.

The 300,000 Beisheng army paid a price of less than 20,000 people, while the 200,000 garrison army suffered more than half of the casualties.

If it weren't for the fact that the Beisheng army didn't want to waste time entangled with the garrison, the 200,000 garrison might have been wiped out.

The general of the garrison army watched the Beisheng army marching southward, and suddenly cried out in his heart.

Without too much hesitation, he quickly dispatched a messenger to report the matter to Shen Shize.

After Shen Shize found out, three hours had passed.

In the commander's camp.

Shen Shize slapped the table hard.

It caused the table to shatter in an instant, and the documents on it would be scattered all over the ground.

"Beisheng Army actually went to Qingye Valley!"

"Are all your scouts idiots? The Beisheng army traveled thousands of miles, and you didn't even find a trace when you arrived at Qingye Valley!"


Shen Shize was very angry.

That was 300,000 Beisheng army, and it was hundreds of miles from Beijia Camp to Qingye Valley. Although the Beisheng army traveled thousands of miles, their scouts did not find any traces, which was a bit too incompetent.

In fact, it wasn't that the scouts were incompetent. In order to cover up the whereabouts of the Beisheng Army, Jia Xu and Beiling spent a lot of thought.Not only did they recruit 300,000 troops to replace them with the banners and battle armor of the Beisheng Army, but they also had them march several times on Mulan Mountain, making the false impression that the Beisheng Army was still in the Beijia Camp.

After cursing, Shen Shize sat down on the chair again after venting the anger in his heart, with an extremely gloomy expression.

The key now is not who is to be held accountable, but how to deal with the Beisheng army.

He didn't understand what the Bei family wanted to do before, but now he vaguely guessed it.

The Beisheng army broke through their defense line, and the next step might be to attack their commander's camp and attack the Beijia camp in front of them. If this is the only way, Shen Shize still doesn't feel panicked.

But if the Beisheng Army didn't attack their commander's camp, but went to Mihara County!
Shen Shize couldn't imagine the consequences of such a situation.

Yuyuan County is one of the only three remaining counties in the court. Although there are hundreds of thousands of elite troops stationed, it is difficult to stop the Beisheng Army.

Moreover, Yuyuan County is still their logistical support. If they are cut off by the Beisheng Army, their army of more than 100 million will be in a very dangerous situation.

What was even more frightening was that they entered the border of Mihara County, which was less than [-] miles away from Kyoto. If the Beisheng army marched for two days in a hurry, it was very likely that they would directly approach the city of Kyoto.

Perhaps the 300,000 Beisheng army could not pose a threat to Kyoto, but once the soldiers approached the city of Kyoto, the meaning would be different.

Thinking that the Beisheng Army might appear under the city of Kyoto, Shen Shize felt bad all over.

"Send an order to order the Wanshi Exchange Department and Mao Qiyan's Department to go out to intercept the Beisheng Army immediately, so that they must intercept the Beisheng Army at the northern border of Yuyuan County."

Shen Shize said eagerly.

The general in the tent also knew that the matter was of great importance, so he ran out of the tent in a hurry without any nonsense.

After Shen Shize gave the order, he still felt uneasy.

The two armies he sent had 400,000 troops, but he had no confidence in whether he could stop the Beisheng army.

The Beisheng army had been marching southward for more than three hours, and it was uncertain whether they could catch up, let alone intercept them.

"Immediately send messengers to Yuyuan County and Kyoto, and report the matter to Taiwei He and General Jiang in detail."

"Order the battalion to retreat three hundred miles, and the army around Mulan Mountain to retreat in full!"

Shen Shize issued two more orders.

Now is not the time to block the Bei family's attack, but to absolutely not allow the Bei Sheng army to approach the city of Kyoto.

He cannot afford this responsibility.

As his order was delegated, the court army in the south of Mulan Mountain began to retreat in an all-round way.

Seeing this, Jia Xu and Beiling's eyes lit up.

The situation seemed to be better than they expected. They didn't expect Shen Shize to retreat so soon. Originally, they planned to wait for the Beisheng army to cut off the retreat of the Chaotang army, and Shen Shize would retreat after a few days.

Unexpectedly, Shen Shize retreated at the very beginning.

In fact, this was a misunderstanding between the two parties. Shen Shize was afraid that the Beisheng army would go to the capital, but Jia Xu and Beiling never thought of letting the Beisheng army go to the capital.

Perhaps the Hokusho Army could really reach Kyoto after crossing the defense line of Mihara County and marching in two days, but if they did so, the 300,000 Hokusho Army would not be able to return at all.

Neither Jia Xu nor Beiling will abandon the 300,000 Beisheng army.

Shen Shize also felt that it was impossible for the Bei family to let Bei Shengjun die, but he didn't dare to bet.

Since Shen Shize cooperated so well, Jia Xu and Beiling would naturally not reject his kindness.

Without too much hesitation, Beiling directly issued the order for the whole army to attack.

This time is to fight for speed.

If Shen Shize wanted to intercept Beisheng's army, he would inevitably split up his forces, and the Bei family wanted to take this opportunity to break through Mulan Mountain, and the sooner they broke through, the better.

Because the faster they break through, the safer the Beisheng army will be.

So a bigger battle broke out in Mulan Mountain. The Chaotang army wanted to retreat, and the Beijia army wanted to break through Mulan Mountain, and strangled the Chaotang army as much as possible. For a while, the entire southern part of Mulan Mountain fell into chaos. among.

At the same time, Yan Mingchen led the Seventh Army and Eighth Army to attack from the west of Mulan Mountain, just in front of the army sent by Shen Shize to intercept the Beisheng Army.

With an army of 200,000 against an army of 400,000, Yan Mingchen felt tremendous pressure instantly.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that the 200,000 army will be lost here.

"How to do?"

Standing in front of the army formation, Yan Mingchen looked at the surging court army with a serious expression.

It is definitely impossible to fight recklessly.

The Seventh and Eighth Legions are still new recruits, and their fighting power is far inferior to that of the Third and Fourth Legions. Let alone facing twice as many enemies, Yan Mingchen doesn't have much confidence even if they are equal in strength.

"General, if it doesn't work, just withdraw." Fei Jian stood beside him and said in a low voice.

Faced with such a situation, one must not fight desperately.

Besides, this is Yiyang County, they are helping the Bei family, they can't sacrifice their lives for the sake of the Bei family.

They have no reason to fight desperately for the Bei family and the court army.

"Mr. Jia Xu has an order. Let us try to delay the pursuit of the court army." Yan Mingchen hesitated.

It is easy to retreat now, but if it affects Jia Xu's overall layout, it will be bad.

Yan Mingchen was afraid that if they retreated, Jia Xu's plan would fail completely.

In fact, he thought too much, even if they withdraw now, it will not affect Jia Xu's plan.

After all, Shen Shize had already made the court army retreat first.Jia Xu's plan has been more than half successful.

"Actually, if it's just delaying time, Pindao can do it!"

At this time, Jiu Jianxian chuckled lightly while hugging the wine gourd.

"Senior Jiu Sword Immortal!" Yan Mingchen's eyes lit up.

That's right, I forgot that there is such a strong person by my side.

Jiu Jianxian took a sip of wine with his head raised, and said with a smile: "You retreat first, I will delay you here for half an hour, and then you prepare the army formation behind, there should be a delay for a while."

Yan Mingchen did not hesitate, and immediately responded: "Thank you, senior, please take care, senior."

Afterwards, he ordered the army to retreat for thirty miles.

And Jiu Jianxian sat on a stone, holding the flagon and drinking one mouthful after another, waiting for the imperial army to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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