ask sword 2

Chapter 127 Winter

Chapter 127 Winter
As time passed, Li Ang ranked behind He Fanshuang and "officially" advanced to the Tibetan realm.

The advantage of being in a hidden state is that the sea of ​​energy is full, and it can release spiritual energy and release more spells and talismans.

The Academy awarded rewards to the first few freshmen who advanced to the Tibetan realm.
The one for Pei Jing was the Canghai Sword (forged and upgraded by the doctor of engineering, it can be used in the cloud patrol realm),
What He Fanshuang gave was a book written by Dongjunlou,

It was a piece of mountain copper ingot for Li Ang.

In addition, Chen Danqiu also privately gave Li Ang a new protective talisman, which was also written by the head of the mountain.

After the talisman is activated by the aura of the body, it can resist attacks for about 3 minutes, and it is specially used to save Li Ang's life.

With this talisman, even if Li Ang is attacked in Chang'an City, he will not die for a while, which is enough for the troops from the Zhen Fusi to arrive, so the light and dark guards arranged for him by the academy were removed.

Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately after returning home, he gave Chai Cuiqiao the old talisman that was placed in Moyu (it cannot be activated actively, but can only be activated passively to resist a fatal attack), and asked her to wear it next to her body.

And he himself officially started to feed Mosi with gold and silver ingots.

one piece, two pieces
The volume of Mosi gradually increased, and at the same time, the growth efficiency of devouring ordinary gold and silver also decreased visible to the naked eye.

Try another metal?
Li Ang dragged out the box from under the table, and continued to feed the precious metals such as fine gold and mountain copper to Mosi with distress and regret.

Click click.

Facing the mountain copper and black iron, Mosi's "appetite" increased again, and she suddenly accelerated her eating movements.

When half of the special metal worth 60 guan was eaten, Mosi finally stopped devouring with satisfaction, spat out half of the mountain copper, and slowly retracted back into Li Ang's body, before dying down.


Li Ang looked at his palm in disbelief,
What about changes?It is said that after Mosi is fed, will there be new changes?
What is this sense of sight of a fat house that is full and lies down to sleep?

"Eat so much money, at least it will help."

Li Ang patted his arm painfully, and the next moment,

The sound of a sharp object breaking through the air resounded in the room, and from between Li Ang's five fingers, a long, narrow, pitch-black blade made of moss stretched out.

Sharp, chilling.

"Kim, Wolverine?"

Li Ang looked at his palm in astonishment, and with a thought, the half-meter-long blade pierced from between his fingers automatically softened and deformed, covering his fist like a glove.

"The first stage of Mosi is to conduct spiritual energy and improve the efficiency of spiritual veins.

The second stage is to strengthen the body, strengthen the body function,

The third stage is to have the ability to transform?"

Li Ang's eyes lit up, he consumed his spiritual energy, released his thoughts, and shaped the moss into all sorts of strange shapes.

Weapons, armor, cloaks, trench coats, masks, hair, claws
Mosi is like a magnetic fluid, changing shape arbitrarily, helping Li Ang play cosplay.

Li Ang extended his pitch-black arm, "Rubber pistol!"

Changed into a slender blade longer than a human, "Eight knives in a flash!"

Putting on a pitch-black cloak and a bat mask, he murmured to himself in a low and hoarse voice, "I am Baiteman."

Even played as a long-nosed goblin.

"Okay, let's not play."

Li Ang retracted Mosi out of breath, and sat on the chair lost in thought.

The deformation ability exhibited by Mosi in the third stage is very powerful in a sense,

It only needs to consume aura to make it evolve into all kinds of strange shapes.

Due to the indestructible property of Mosi itself, whether it is transformed into a sword or armor, it is far better than ordinary equipment.

As for the disadvantages,

Maintaining the transformation requires spiritual energy;
Switching forms requires more spiritual energy;
It cannot be changed into a shape exceeding the total amount of ink silk;
The moss that is completely separated from the body will quickly annihilate and cannot be saved, and can only be regenerated by feeding more metal;
However, compared with the advantages, these disadvantages are not considered disadvantages.

"Within the scope of the school's practice system, I who use Mosi should be much stronger than many Houtian warriors. It is equivalent to the middle-level level of listening to the rain. In terms of defense, it is even higher."

Li Ang clenched his fists, inexplicably looking forward to the legendary enemy assassin.

Assassins and spies, are you coming or not?
If I don't come again, I will go to the Cloud Patrol Realm.


The assassins and spies that Li Ang was looking forward to have not been seen yet.

On the other hand, the promotion of allicin is very fast.

As Li Ang said, Emperor Yu and the court of Yu Kingdom finally chose to delegate the production rights of allicin to the firms and clinics in the state capitals.

At the same time, the key components such as condenser tubes and vacuum pumps necessary for the production of allicin were placed in Chang'an City General Prison for production as a constraint.

Judging from the feedback from the folks in various states, the effect of allicin is quite good, countless patients have been cured, and the medical centers in various places have also received financial support, and they can gradually get on the right track.

At least this winter will be better than previous years.
"Huh? Is it snowing?"

Li Ang, who was sitting on a bench by the Chuiyun Lake in the academy, raised his hand to catch the snowflakes falling from the sky.

In the past few years, the climate in Yu Country has been erratic. Last year, the snow season came early, but this year it came late. A thick layer of ice has formed on the surface of Chuiyun Lake, and some students have already walked on the lake.


Yang Yu and Li Wei, who were wearing thick cotton-padded clothes, approached and said hello, "It's not cold to sit outside if you wear this lightly."

"Fortunately, I brought this."

Li Ang pulled out a yellow paper talisman from his cuff.

The warm wind talisman can only be written in a hiding place.

"Tsk tsk, take the talisman to keep warm."

Yang Yu was speechless and said, "How much money have you made during this time?"

"Only a little bit."

Li Ang smiled and said, "I wrote this talisman myself.

The last time the school focused on writing talismans, I learned a hand from Tantai Leshan Siye. "

Every winter, in order to show concern for the common people, the imperial court of Yu State will distribute firewood and coal to each household for free.
As an important part of Yu State, the Academy should also participate.

Doctoral students use their cultivation to build and repair houses for the people,
As for the disciples above the Tibetan realm, they concentrated on writing warming talismans, or made heating facilities such as stoves, and gave them to the common people for free.

Looking at the possession talisman paper in Li Ang's hands, Yang Yu and Li Wei sighed with envy.

The two of them are still stuck in the air-sensing environment. They always feel that they are about to break through, but they are just a little bit short. They can only lower their requirements, hoping to advance before the new year, so as not to be ranked last among the freshmen.

"Let's go, the study class is about to start."

Li Ang stood up, and after advancing to the Tibetan Realm, the disciples of the school would face the problem of choosing a path. He hadn't figured it out for a while—the talisman was more versatile, but the power of mind felt that it could cooperate better with Mosi.

An afterimage that was so fast that it was almost invisible shot out from the supervisory building, and when it passed the ground, countless mud, sand and fallen leaves were thrown up.

That's Chen Danqiu, the academy sacrificial wine.He stopped outside the west gate of the academy with a solemn expression, staring at an ordinary carriage galloping along the mountain road.


The carriage stopped abruptly, and a blood-stained figure rolled and fell from the carriage, falling into the mud.On the jade pendant around his waist, which was covered in muddy water, was engraved with the words "Xuegong Tour".

(End of this chapter)

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