ask sword 2

Chapter 174 Monster

Chapter 174 Monster

From death penalty to exile
In the lobby of the Jinchengfang mansion, Li Ang clenched his fists when he heard the news, and then let go.


Li Leling spoke like a gnat.

"nothing dealing with you."

Li Ang waved his hand with a wry smile,

Discussing relatives, discussing old friends, discussing talents, discussing capabilities, discussing achievements, discussing nobles, discussing talents, discussing guests.

The eight-discussion system first originated from the Eight Pieces of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and was formally included and implemented in the "New Law" of the Cao Wei period, and has continued to this day.

After the king of Changxiang County voluntarily died, Li Shenbin, who inherited the title, received a reduced punishment, which is completely in line with Yu's law.

"Those servants who assisted him in committing the crime and covering up the crime were all convicted of felony crimes.

The worst of them, that is, the coachman who advised Nie Shilei to frame him for his crime, was sentenced to hang. "

Li Ang was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Le Ling, have you heard of "Journey to the West"?"


Li Leling was stunned for a moment, although he didn't know why Li Ang asked, he still replied: "Is it the novel adapted from the story of Yu Chu's eminent monk Xuanzang's Story of the Western Regions?"


Li Ang nodded, and said lightly: "There are all kinds of monsters and ghosts in the story, and their endings are different.

On Thorn Ridge, the tree spirit, who was harmless to humans and animals, was directly beaten to death for no reason because of "fear of becoming a demon and hurting people in the future".

In the Tongtian River, the king of inspiration who only eats boys and girls was taken away by pleading because he was a goldfish in the lotus pond of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

In the lion and camel country, the Dapeng Golden Winged Eagles who ate up men, women, old and young in the city in one go, saved their lives because they were related to the Tathagata.

In the bhikkhu country, the white deer essence, which tricked the king into using the heart and liver of a child of 110 to [-] as medicine, was brought back to the sky because it was the mount of the Antarctic birthday star.

In addition, there is also the dragon of Heishui River,
The Golden Retriever of Zhu Zi Kingdom,
The golden and silver horns of the Lotus Cave in Pingdingshan.
Little monsters with no background, if you kill them, you will kill them.

On the contrary, it is a big demon with vile crimes. Because of his relationship with the gods and Buddhas in the sky, he can escape punishment for various reasons and return to heaven to enjoy blessings. "


Li Leling was speechless, the Golden Horn and Silver Horn King of Lianhua Cave is the Taiqing Taoist Heavenly Venerable, the boy who guards the golden furnace under the Taishang Laojun's sect.

And one of the incarnations of the Taishang Laojun is Lao Tzu, who is the current ancestor of Li Yu's royal family.

Li Ang's words are so directional, if people in the palace hear them, they can ask him, "What are you implying? Who are you mocking? What's your purpose in saying this?"

"...just treat me as nonsense."

Li Ang smiled, stood up, and walked outside the house.

In the study, Chai Chai was still studying hard,

On the street, there is a lot of traffic and pedestrians, and it is a bustling and lively scene.

The prosperous and peaceful state of Yu, and the school that practiced the world and slayed demons and demons were real.

Nie Shilei and Meng Ying who died in vain, and Li Shenbin who escaped the death penalty are also true.

"Once upon a time there was a mountain where the King of Golden Horn and Silver Horn lived"

Li Ang hummed the inexplicable ditty in his memory, leaning against the courtyard wall of the mansion, looking at the street view of Chang'an.


At an angle that no one could see, a drop of ink slowly seeped from the sole of his shoe, and fell into the gap in the stone cover of the canal.

Tick ​​tock.

The ink filaments formed a continuous line, drifting eastward along the water flow.


"Old man Nie, came to Dongshi so early today?"

"Your Dalang just left some time ago, and you are now setting up a stall, isn't it?"

"Stop saying a few words, alas, what's the matter?"

On the streets of Dongshi, in front of the stall with some bamboo products, a group of familiar neighbors were gathering, looking sympathetically at the old man Nie and the woman sitting on the small wooden bench.

Old man Nie had a humble expression, lowered his head, and said something vaguely in his mouth.

"To live."

"My son is gone, and I still have a daughter to support."

"Please make room for me, I still have to do business."

In contrast, Nie Yuhuan's expression was more numb.

She was sitting on a small wooden stool, looking down at her dusty shoe toes in a daze, and the empty bamboo flower basket was placed beside her feet.


The sound of dense footsteps from far to near,
A group of guards in the uniform of Dali Temple escorted a prisoner in shackles to the East Market.

This group of people saw Old Man Nie, and Old Man Nie also saw them.

Among the guards, Zou Han froze in place. The order from his superiors was too hasty, requiring them to escort Li Shenbin out of the city before evening, and travel day and night to the place of exile.

Passing through Dongshi now is to let Li Shenbin go to Xingningfang, and see the king of Changxiang County who voluntarily died, as a way of filial piety.

However, Zou Han did not expect that old man Nie would end Nie Shilei's funeral so early and appear here.


Li Shenbin was wearing heavy shackles and a slightly messy prison uniform.
He noticed Old Man Nie standing up subconsciously in the distance, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, showing a victorious smile.

"Haha, hahaha."

Smiles turned into laughter, even tears.

Li Shenbin wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, and coldly urged the jailers of Dali Temple who stopped beside him, "What are you all doing, why don't you send me to Xingningfang."

He no longer cares about the eyes of others. After the death of King Changxiang, he became an unfilial and unrighteous person who forced his own father to death. Even among the relatives of the clan, he no longer had a foothold.

I can never go back to the days of luxury and lust.

But what does that matter?
Even if he lost his status as a son of the clan, the rich inheritance his father left him would still belong to him after all.

Even being a rich man in a remote state capital is a hundred times better than penniless ordinary people, or those dead people.

Li Shenbin walked into the East City with a smile under the guard of the guards.

Old man Nie subconsciously took a few steps forward and walked towards Li Shenbin, but was stopped by his neighbors, Zou Han and other Dali Temple guards.

Li Shenbin's exile punishment was issued by the emperor himself.To stop at this time is to disobey the emperor's order.

"Calm down, you calm down first!"

Zou Han shouted loudly to stop old man Nie from charging forward.

Perhaps it was because Old Man Nie's expression was too angry, an officer picked up the scabbard at his waist and slapped him hard on the chest, knocking him to the ground, clutching his chest and moaning in pain.

Neighbors in the neighborhood hurriedly leaned over to check on Old Man Nie's injuries, and there was another flutter.

Li Shenbin, on the other hand, had an indifferent expression and walked forward on his own, as if this drama had nothing to do with him.


Nie Yuhuan raised her head and looked at Li Shenbin who was passing by in front of her. She clenched her small palm into a fist, and her nails dug deep into the flesh of the palm, oozing blood.

The breeze blows, and the locust trees sway silently.

(End of this chapter)

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