ask sword 2

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Two monks, one tall and one short, walked through the hole in the wall and came to the room, staring expressionlessly at the dark figure in the corner and the short assassin behind him.

"Who are you."

The tall monk asked coldly, his flying sword was suspended in mid-air, and the tip of the sword undulated slightly in a regular manner, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

"Criminal Nightmare, Sin Buster, Justice, Midnight Haunter"

From the body of the pitch-black figure, there was a voice that was turbid and hoarse, not like a human voice, "You can also call me directly, Baiteman."

Before the words fell, the ink silk armor moved.

The soles of the feet step on the ground, stepping on the wooden floor to make deep footprints,

The seemingly tall and bulky figure shot out like a sharp arrow, heading straight for Li Shenbin in the corner.

This is an inn outside the city, not far from Chang'an City, if it drags on, it may attract other monks, so it must be resolved quickly.

The two monks from the Zhenfu Division had solemn expressions, and they showed sword formulas with their palms. A flying sword was guarding Li Shenbin in front of him.

The other handle releases sharp sword energy, and cuts towards the neck of the black figure.


The sound of metal and iron intertwined was sharp and piercing, and the servants in the bedroom all showed pain, fell off the bed, and covered their ears.

The flying sword failed to cut off the dark figure's head as expected, on the contrary, it was firmly stuck by his neck, unable to move.

The short monk's complexion changed abruptly, and he performed the sword art again, causing Feijian to release a burst of sword energy.

rustling --

There were more than a dozen deep sword marks on the wall, floor, and beams of the room in an instant.
But the other party's neck still exists, but the windbreaker on his body has become dilapidated.

"Martial arts master?!"

The short monk exclaimed subconsciously, his voice was extremely shrill because of the shock.

For the cultivators of the way of talisman, sword, and mind, except for a few mind masters who have taken the right way, they can cover the whole body with mind lines and form protection, but the body's own defense ability is not very high.

If you get stabbed by a sharp weapon, you will bleed, you will be injured, and you will die.

Only the existence of a martial arts master whose body and will have been tempered to perfection can be invulnerable to swords and guns, and can pass through mountains of swords and seas of fire as if walking on flat ground.

But there are so few martial arts masters in the world, each of them is a powerful weapon for the country, and they will not be dispatched easily. How could they appear here to assassinate Li Shenbin, an exiled criminal.

The pitch-black figure ignored the opponent's momentary absence, pulled out the flying sword stuck on his neck, and threw it out of the window.
In an instant, he crossed the entire bedroom and punched Li Shenbin on the bed.

The tall monk's flying sword came back in time and blocked the punch in front of the panicked Li Shenbin.

Feijian's sword body was hit by a huge force, and it was almost bent at ninety degrees.

But with a soft sound, the blade of the sword suddenly bounced back, bursting out with a sword light as clear as the moon.

The stars hang down and the plains are wide, and the moon springs from the river.

Zhen Fusi, Yueliu Sword.

Ruyue's sword light enveloped the whole body of the pitch-black figure, and the sword energy bombarded, slashed, and cut wantonly, turning the black windbreaker into a dilapidated mess.

The dark figure stepped back a few steps,

As another important institution of the State of Yu to suppress aliens, the Zhenfu Division has also obtained many secret books of sects from the pre-Sui period.

Moonflow Sword is one of them.Once cast, the sword energy enveloped the surroundings like moonlight, leaving no room for escape.

The moon stream sword of the tall monk is not too profound, and the light of the moon stream sword released is not as described in ancient books, "brightly illuminating the plains" and "killing insects".

But even so, the entire wooden floor in the middle of the bedroom on the second floor was torn to pieces,
Large chunks of wooden floor fell into the downstairs room and smashed the table.

The dark figure still stands,

He returned to the corner of the room, and in his hand, he was still holding a tight rope - at some point, he had already put the rope around Li Shenbin's body,
With a strong pull, Li Shenbin, who was sitting on the bed, was thrown into the air, over the top of the big hole in the floor, and smashed towards the pitch-black figure.

The pitch-black figure grabbed Li Shenbin's neck with one hand, releasing majestic power.

Before the two monks had time to think, they galloped forward with two flying swords, but they were caught by the other hand in the air at the same time.


Li Shenbin, who was held hostage, had a distorted expression, shouted for help, and struggled desperately.

The protective talisman detected the heavy pressure and intensified the burning, using all the spiritual power to fight against the choking force, and its light became more and more shining.

As a result, Li Shenbin was like a glowing cicada pupa.

Perhaps it was due to the preferential treatment brought about by the identity of the Li clan, the protective talisman on Li Shenbin's body was actually stronger than the one used inside the academy, forcibly resisting the choking force.

And Li Shenbin himself, from the fear and despair at the beginning, turned into ecstasy and complacency.


The son of the county king laughed wildly, "You can't kill me! After a while, the monks in Chang'an City will notice the movement and rush over. Guess how they will torture and interrogate you?
I killed Meng Ying, who told her to reject me.

Nie Shilei was also ordered by me to be forced to death, who made that fool refuse to die honestly.

If Jin Wusuan hadn't sent someone to protect the old man surnamed Nie, he would have died, and his daughter would have been thrown into the ghost market to be made into a pig! "

The two monks of the Zhenfu Division, who were ordered by the emperor, gritted their teeth and drove the flying swords as if they didn't hear Li Shenbin's vicious words.

But that pitch-black figure was too weird, and the flying sword fell into his hand, and the connection with the cultivator's own sword intent suddenly weakened,

It couldn't be controlled for a while.


The pitch-black figure silently increased its strength, and the strength of the chokehold became stronger.
Most of the light from the protective talisman was concentrated on Li Shenbin's neck, protecting him well.

Li Shenbin laughed wildly, with tears in the corners of his eyes, he raised his foot and kicked heavily on the dark figure's chest.

Naturally, this action couldn't hurt the tough opponent, it just vented Li Shenbin's inner emotions.

"I am a nobleman from Tianhuang. Even if I am a prisoner, I am much better than you. Have you heard the sound of breaking through Chang'an City? My protectors are here. Wait to die."

The whole post house was lit up.

In the sky, there was also the sound of breaking the sky from far to near.

The pitch-black figure was silent, holding Li Shenbin's neck, and pressing him down on the wooden floor.

"what are you going to do"

Li Shenbin vaguely realized something, and his mad expression froze slightly. Out of the corner of his vision, he caught a glimpse of the two assassins, and they looked at each other.

The pitch-black figure increased its strength for the last time, oppressing the protective talisman, concentrating most of the light on Li Shenbin's neck.

And the low assassin raised the wooden dagger with green leaves in his hand and pointed at Li Shenbin's chest lying flat on the ground.

Gather up for a moment,

The dagger stabs down.


The wooden blade pierced through the thin layer of talisman brilliance, and cut through Li Shenbin's prison clothes, skin, and flesh, all the way down his chest.

Blood flowed everywhere, Li Shenbin twitched and screamed, stopped struggling, his eyes were distracted, and only his heart was beating slowly.

Tick, tick.

Scarlet blood dripped down the room downstairs along the cracks in the wooden floor.

In the sky, there was also a strong wave of spiritual consciousness.

After all, it was a bit procrastinated.

The pitch-black figure let go of Li Shenbin's neck regretfully, and threw the two tattered flying swords back to the shocked and stunned monk of the Zhenfu Division.

Just as he was about to stand up, he felt a tugging sensation in his hand.

Turning his head, the low-slung assassin grabbed his palm and pointed to the blood-stained wooden dagger.

The next moment, the green leaves of the wooden dagger trembled slightly, and the two disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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