ask sword 2

Chapter 385 Leadership

Chapter 385 Leadership
"I'm coming."

Wearing a goose yellow dress, Li Leling walked briskly across the courtyard, skillfully placed a box of pastries on the table, and said with a smile, "Good morning."

"Good morning."

He just ate half full of Chai Chai, lifted the lid of the pastry, picked two pieces of rice cakes from it and threw it into his mouth, he said vaguely, "Are you going out to play today?"

"It's not considered playing, it should be considered inspection work. Go and see how the courses taught by the Imperial Medical Office are going."

Li Leling coughed lightly, blushing slightly.

Yu State is a model of the family, and the princes and daughters also have certain powers.

The size of power is affected by many factors.For example, the trust of the emperor and queen, the approval of ministers, the power of the mother clan, the fiefdom, past achievements, and whether there is a school background, etc.

Today Li Ang is going to give lectures at the Imperial Medical Office, while Li Leling will observe the inspection as a "leader", and write a memorial about attending lectures at the Imperial Medical Office.

"very nice."

Chai Chai smacked his lips enviously, and said dejectedly: "We have to go to the school to clean the palace as a fourth grader.

Clean up the garbage, trim the bamboo forest, and fish for the water plants and leaves deposited in the Chuiyun Lake.
Alas, when we first entered school, those doctors said that we are freshmen, we should love labor and live up to the spirit of the school.

In the second year, we said that we are already seniors and sisters, and we should set an example for the freshmen.

It is estimated that in the third year, it should be said that we have done the general cleaning for two years, and we are very skilled, and we will contract it to us in the future. "

Chai Chai chanted, even the movement of eating cakes became weak, obviously resentful.

Li Ang and Li Leling looked at each other and smiled, and patted Chai Chai's shoulder from left to right.

In fact, cleaning is only done once a month, which is not considered exhausting for disciples who have already embarked on the path of cultivation, but it takes up a day's vacation time, which is quite annoying.

"It's almost time, let's go first."

Li Ang glanced at the wall clock on the wall, rubbed Chai Chai's hair, picked up the bag he had prepared in advance, walked out of the mansion with Li Leling, and boarded the carriage.

It was winter, and the weather was cold. Many pedestrians on the road crossed their hands, stretched them into their cuffs, and shrunk their necks to resist the real cold wind.

There are furs in the carriage, there is a stove, and there are two worlds outside the carriage.

And because of the built-in wind charm, the interior of the car will not be too hot and humid.

Li Ang casually glanced at the interior of the carriage, silently thinking about when he would buy a carriage like this, or build one.

Li Leling glanced at the Jinchengfang mansion that was getting farther and farther outside the car window, and said with emotion: "Time flies so fast."


Li Ang came back to his senses, "What?"

Li Leling tilted her head and said: "Time flies so fast, I feel that the experience of helping Cuiqiao with tutoring happened just yesterday. Before I knew it, more than a year has passed, and Cuiqiao has also become a senior sister."


Li Ang also sighed sincerely, time is always passing by inadvertently, and many old clothes he brought from Weizhou are almost out of use now.

Li Leling blinked and asked softly, "Has Song Dalang's wedding date been finalized?"

"Hurry up. It was supposed to be done in the autumn, but the Tanabata incident happened and it was delayed."

Li Ang thought for a while and said, "It should be in spring or summer. I will invite you then."

Judging from Yulu and folk customs, Song Shaoyuan and You Xiao are indeed not young.
Some familiar senior brothers and sisters in the academy are already married and have children, and even some classmates of Li Ang's age are starting to talk about getting married.

Uh, actually, according to Yu Law, at Li Ang's young age, getting married and even becoming a father are normal things.

Li Ang thought for a while in his mind and shook his head. Sure enough, with modern people's thinking, it is still hard to imagine getting married so early.

Married and had children at the age of sixteen or seventeen, and became a grandfather at the age of 34 or five?it's too weird
"By the way, how is Princess Yue?"

Li Ang asked, "How are you doing recently?"

Princess Yue, also known as Li Hui's wife Yan Xuan.

After the Tanabata incident, Li Ang and the head of the mountain concealed the news that Yan Xuan was the center of the incident, and took her to the academy, and put her under protection and surveillance in the name of recuperating and curing illnesses.

This kind of monitoring lasted for two months. After confirming that there were no hidden dangers, it was announced that her condition was cured.

But soon, Yue Wang Li Hui, who won No.1 in the academic exchange, will go to Zhanquan of Taihao Mountain with others for further study.

Therefore, Yan Xuan, Princess of Yue, did not stay with her new husband for long.

Li Ang can be sure that the head of the mountain sent people from the supervisory department to lurk in the mansion of King Yue, and continue to spy on Yan Xuan to ensure that she will not become Zhaoming's target again.

"Sister Yan is okay. I just visited her a few days ago."

Li Leling said: "Oh, I don't know how long the fourth brother and the others will go to Zhanquan for further training."

On the bright side, the Tanabata change has nothing to do with Yan Xuan,
But in public perception, the Demon Cult really used the name of the Qixi Festival wedding to smuggle giant tooth whale oil into Chang'an, which eventually caused a disaster.

As the main party involved in the wedding, Yan Xuan will inevitably become one of the targets of some rumors and accusations.

Moreover, she is still living in two places with the King of Yue, and it doesn't look like she will be able to give birth to children and consolidate her position for a while.

The affairs of the royal family are not at all easier than those of small households.
Li Leling sighed, unknowingly, the carriage stopped outside the Imperial Medical Office.


Li Ang stepped off the carriage, and walked into the Imperial Medical Office with Li Leling.

Compared with the school palace, the teaching department of the Xintai Medical Administration, which Li Ang personally participated in the design and construction, is more like a "school" in the memory of another world.

Concrete roads with drainage manhole covers at intervals;

Reinforced concrete buildings with white tiles;
The neatly arranged desks and chairs in the teaching building;

And the bell for get out of class and class that rings at regular intervals.

Li Ang and Li Leling crossed the tree-lined road and walked into a classroom.

The students in the classroom were notified yesterday that the princess would come to inspect the course, and they were already sitting upright, unlike the classes on other floors, who were rambunctious and noisy during get out of class time.

They sat behind the desks, looking at Li Leling who was following Li Ang curiously and in awe.

Li Ang put the bag on the podium, Qiu Feng, who was his teaching assistant, was already waiting there, picked up a white coat from the chair, and helped him put it on.

Li Ang straightened the collar of his white coat, and glanced at Li Leling, only to find that she was smiling and nodding to the students in the class, her demeanor was dignified and reserved, her smile was gentle and contagious,

She didn't look like the little girl who was struggling with housework in the carriage just now.

Just like when the emperor and empress came to inspect the palace.

seems to lead
(End of this chapter)

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