Chapter 180 Taking pictures in the era
Gao Yueyang sighed in his heart, this officer Pan is He Yuchen's man, so he works in the commune.

Officer Qian looked at Gao Yueyang and smiled gently: "Gao educated youth, you are really a face to the educated youth and our commune."

"Hehe, I'm in charge of your educated youth. If there's anything you can't solve in the future, just come to the commune and find me."

This female educated youth has no stage fright at all in front of so many people. She speaks freely and looks good. It's hard to say that there will be good opportunities in the future. There is no harm in establishing a good relationship with her.

Pan Wenjie on the side frowned. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this young educated girl looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he saw it, which was really strange.

Of course he didn't expect that the last time he met Gao Yueyang by chance on the bus, the other party was a big fat man weighing nearly two hundred catties, even if he tried to think about it, he couldn't think of it.

The captain of the brigade was a little unhappy when he heard what Officer Qian said, but he just missed the brigade and didn't mention it. The designation was deliberate, and he was so angry that he returned Kong Jiao to the commune in the morning.

Whoops, how stingy.

Gao Yueyang looked at the six directions, and immediately caught the captain's displeasure, so the corner of his mouth hooked up and said: "Thank you, Director Qian, for thinking about our educated youth."

"However, the cadres and members of the brigade here usually take good care of our educated youth."

"I think, the officers of the commune must be very busy every day, and some trivial matters should not trouble you."

The team leader's stinky face really smiled like a chrysanthemum, and the corner of the officer Qian's mouth couldn't help twitching when he saw it.

Xin said, changing face is faster than flipping a book, but the Song family in Dahewan can't be provoked by themselves, just now they just beat and warned Song Shuanzhu to treat the educated youths from the city well.

As long as the educated youth don't overdo it, they can tolerate it if they can. After all, they are still young people of seventeen or eighteen years old. When they suddenly come to the countryside to farm, they have to be given time to adapt.

Then, after everyone chatted for a while, Officer Pan took out the big red flowers prepared in advance, and prepared to take pictures and give out rewards.

The women's director immediately took it happily, "Come on, Gao Zhiqing, Auntie will put it on for you."

"Oh, yes, thank you Director Xu."

Xu Aihua stared: "Isn't it because of birth, I will be called aunt in the future."

Gao Yueyang nodded: "Thank you, Auntie."

Xu Aihua responded with a smile: "Auntie appointed you to wear the red flowers beautifully and neatly, and later appointed you to take the best photos."

Gao Yueyang watched Xu Aihua busy with herself, and felt a little excited.

It was the first time in my two lives that I tied red flowers in front of my body. I had only seen them worn by recruits when they enlisted in the army, but I didn't expect them to feel pretty good.

The team leader watched Song Tiangang and his son's mouths crooked in joy, and then inadvertently glanced at their clothes, his eyelids twitched wildly.

Walking over to Song Tiangang, he sneered in a low voice: "I said why don't you change your clothes, look at you and bury it completely. It's not shameful to throw it away."

Good guy, but the neckline is black and shiny, and there are holes in many places on the cotton-padded jacket.

Think about it, if you wear it for work, how can you make good clothes, and what to wear when you go out after the whole thing is broken.

Song Tiangang, father and son, and Sun Mantang, who was helping to bring the red flowers, were stunned at the same time, obviously they didn't expect this either.

Song Youliang immediately said: "Then I'll go home now and grab Dad's cotton coat, and let that little Comrade Zhao wait for us for a while."

Sun Mantang grabbed him and said, "What's the matter, just take a picture, what are you doing with that? I'm about the same size as your father, so wear mine first."

After speaking, he began to take off his cotton clothes.

Song Youliang's eyes lit up, "Uncle Mantang, you still have a quick brain, I didn't think of it just now."

The captain grinned, his plan just now was to give Song Tiangang to wear his cotton padded jacket, so as to show off in front of everyone, but he didn't expect to be preempted by Sun Mantang, it was really annoying.

Song Tiangang took the cotton-padded jacket and put it on gratefully, then reached out and patted Sun Mantang on the shoulder: "Good brother, thank you."

Sun Mantang laughed: "Why are you being polite with me, come on, quickly put on the big red flower."

The team leader couldn't stand it anymore, so he turned his head away, and then saw that little Comrade Zhao was writing something in his notebook while asking Gao Yueyang, and walked over curiously.

Xiao Zhao: "Then what did you think at the time, would you regret it if you lost your life or became disabled?"

Gao Yueyang replied seriously: "The wild boar appeared too suddenly, and the situation is urgent, so I can't help but think about it."

"As for my own safety, I'm still sure I'll get out of it."

"But Comrade Niu Yuling is powerless. If I let her go and watch her have an accident in front of me, then I think I will regret this."

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he was very moved. The female educated youth in front of him was only 15 years old, and she had the spirit of not fearing life and death and saving her life to save others, which was really admirable.

Then, we must vigorously publicize it on the front page of the next issue, so that the general public will know that gold will shine wherever it is.

Seeing that the other party's interview was over, Gao Yueyang turned his head to look around, and was immediately taken aback, wondering when there were so many people standing beside him.

There are also a group of old men and old ladies around the door, with tears in their eyes and wiping away their tears. What is causing the trouble?Did what you just said moved everyone?
An old lady standing at the front of the door was crying with snot and tears: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L Lv."

The old lady on the side quickly comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, it's been 800 years, why are you still thinking about it?"

While talking, he helped the old lady out, so don't delay the leaders in the house from doing business.

Gao Yueyang: "..."

It's really a sin, why did you make the old lady cry, but don't have a heart attack or something! !
Then, Comrade Xiao Zhao went to interview Song Tiangang. Since he wanted to be published in the newspaper, of course there must be some wonderful stories and heroic deeds.

After simply recording a few sentences, Xiao Zhao felt that there was nothing outstanding, and then his eyes fell on Song Tiangang's blindfolded eye.

Suddenly he blurted out and asked, "What's wrong with your eyes?" After asking, he regretted it.

The whispers in the office and at the door disappeared immediately.

After Song Tiangang was stunned for a moment, he laughed in disbelief: "To tell you the truth, my eye was accidentally blinded by a wolf's paw in order to save someone when I went hunting in the forest a few years ago."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhao, Pan Wenjie, and Officer Qian all gasped.

Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up, and he felt that this was a great bright spot, so he started talking with Song Tiangang about this matter, asking and answering.

When it came to the exciting part, Xiao Zhao immediately wrote it down with a pen, and it didn't end until more than ten minutes later, and it was almost five o'clock at this time.

Then, under the guidance of Xiao Zhao, Gao Yueyang and Song Tiangang stood sideways together in the courtyard of the brigade headquarters, clenched their right fists and raised them to the head.

There was only a small "click", and the serious picture of the two people was frozen in this moment forever.

 Thanks for the reward from the old iron like snow

(End of this chapter)

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