Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 129 123. Show Time!

Chapter 129 123. Show Time!

"Damn it! What the hell is going on here? Which wicked person set fires indiscriminately, isn't he afraid of peeing like a fountain in the middle of the night?"

After Chen Entropy walked out, he found that the entire abandoned town was engulfed in raging flames.

Even though the town was empty just now, the town was set on fire after he played casually in the Internet cafe for a while?
But if you think about it carefully, what happened in the game just now seems a bit similar?

After the villains in the game leave the town, the town catches fire.Moreover, the place where the villain arrives after escaping from the town seems to be a cemetery.

Isn't this the cemetery where I came here just now? !
Chen Entropy was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat, wondering what the game was about.

"It's so weird..." Chen Entropy shook his head and muttered, trying to find a way out of the town from the flames.

He swore to himself that after he escaped, he would first hire ten friends to help him block the knife before continuing to explore this ghostly place.

Moreover, the "dice glove" that can help him cheat has only about 30.00% of the battery left, and I don't know how long it can last.If he had known earlier, he should have gone to the black market to get a glove charger first.

Chen Entropy raised the light crossbow and ran towards the nearest exit to the town.

His light crossbow ammo contains a "frozen round" that freezes enemies and seems to be useful for temporarily suppressing fire as well.


A flaming stake failed to hold up and collapsed on the road ahead.The flame that seemed to never go out blocked the front, blocking Chen Entropy's way of escaping.

Chen Entropy quickly switched ammunition and fired three frozen bombs at the flames in front of him.

The azure blue energy bomb fell into the flames, bursting out a large ice crystal.And the flames blocking the way also dissipated a little, probably dropping from the level of equal height to the level of half a person's height.

Chen Entropy ran forward decisively, strode across the flames, and then continued to run forward.

Suddenly, he felt a sudden sound coming from beside him, and something broke through the wooden door beside the street and came towards him.

"Perform dodge check: 1d100=???. If it is greater than 48, the dodge is successful."

The surrounding time fell into a standstill, and an extra dice appeared in Chen Entropy's hand.

He wanted to take advantage of the stillness of time to turn his head to see the true face of the attacker, but he could only move a few right fingers, and his head seemed out of control.

Out of caution, Chen Entropy silently said 55, and then rolled the dice.

After the dice rolled on the ground, it finally landed on 52.

"The deviation is getting bigger and bigger." Chen Entropy felt that the dice glove was gradually losing energy.If he hadn't kept an eye out just now and reported a higher number in his heart, he might have died.

He can't continue to spend in this different world, and must find a way out as soon as possible.

"1d100=52 is greater than 48, the judgment is passed, and you avoided the opponent's attack."

The surrounding time began to flow, and Chen Entropy suddenly felt himself as light as a swallow, and subconsciously dodged to the side.

Then, a haggard green-skinned paw brushed past his shoulder.

Chen Entropy took a closer look and found that the one attacking him was a green-skinned monster that looked like a radiation-mutated zombie.The sluggish, blood-red dead fish stared ominously at him, withered yellow teeth like weeds were exposed in its drooling mouth, and three arms that seemed to be sewn together were waving towards him.

This monster is exactly the same as the one he saw in the game.

Chen Entropy didn't want to escape, but decisively switched the light crossbow to the chainsaw melee mode, and rushed towards the monster.

Although the monster looked like a zombie that came out of a B-grade movie, its movement speed and attack speed were in the category of normal humans, and it was even weaker than normal humans because of its uncoordinated limbs.

Chen Entropy slashed the chainsaw at one arm of the zombie monster, and the rancid green blood flew all over the place, and the whole arm was cut in two with the harsh sound of bone shattering.

The zombie monster gasped in pain, and staggered back a few steps.However, Chen Entropy had no intention of letting him go, and directly raised the blood-stained chainsaw to chop off at his other hand.

There was another bone-crushing sound, and the monster's two arms were instantly removed by Chen Entropy.

Realizing that he had lost two arms, the zombie monster was panting unwillingly, and the saliva from his mouth was flowing faster and faster.

When Chen Entropy swung the chainsaw twice in a row and had no energy left to attack the third time, the zombie monster stretched out its third hand and grabbed Chen Entropy.

Chen Entropy pulled out a pistol from his waist decisively, pulled the trigger and fired.

"Bang bang bang-!"

Three gunshots accompanied by flames, Chen Entropy hit the head of the zombie monster at a very close distance, directly opening a big hole in his head.The bullet pierced through the back of the monster's skull, pulling out a series of oily green brains.

The zombie monster took a few steps back in pain, and its body leaned back sharply.Chen Entropy also seized the opportunity to hold the chainsaw light crossbow tightly and stab it hard in the chest.

The high-speed rotating saw blade smashed the zombie monster's viscera, flesh and bones together, and a large amount of dirty blood sprayed out from the monster's chest, directly drenching Chen Entropy all over.

However, Chen Entropy didn't care about this, because after he pulled out the saw blade of the light crossbow from the zombie's body, the light on the weapon suddenly lit up, and a voice prompt sounded:
"Congratulations on your first full energy storage through chainsaw mode, you can press X+A to activate the final skill of this weapon - "Show Time"! "

The light on the light crossbow flickered like the energy light on Ultraman's chest, as if urging Chen Entropy to press the button quickly.

To be honest, this was the first time he had triggered the skill of Light Crossbow, and no one told him what the effect of the skill was.

Wouldn't it be a big bang?
Shouldn't it?
While thinking, he heard a few more howls.Six or seven green-skinned zombies similar in shape to the monster just now sprang out of the flames and rushed towards Chen Entropy from all directions.

Chen Entropy decisively pressed the X+A keys of the light crossbow.Even if the so-called big move is really a big explosion, he can be resurrected through skills.In contrast, he was even more unwilling to fight with these disgusting zombies.

Accompanied by the triggering of the skill, a magnetic male voice suddenly came from the light crossbow: "正体を见せろ!"

The chainsaw light crossbow in Chen Entropy's hand was suddenly split in two from the middle, and then it was automatically installed on his two forearms.From a rough look, it looks like two saw blades suddenly grew out of the arm.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Entropy felt his arm was stung by something, as if he had been injected with a liquid similar to a stimulant.

The medicinal liquid rushed to the whole body along the blood vessels, and Chen Entropy suddenly squatted down, with the arms attached to the chainsaw crossed over the waist, just like the swordsman's stored energy before using Ju He Zhan.

Of course, this set of actions was not his subjective will, but seemed to be manipulated by something.

Just when the zombies were only one step away from Chen Entropy, there was a harsh turbine sound from the chainsaw.

The whole world seems to have become extremely dark at this moment.Immediately afterwards, two white lights flashed, dividing the dark space into two.

When Chen Entropy came to his senses, he found himself posing five meters away.And those zombies were all cut off at the waist, and the upper body and lower body were gradually separated, revealing neat and clean incisions.

"Ah?" With a confused look on his face, Chen Entropy watched the two chainsaws in his hand merge into one again, turning back into the original light crossbow.

"So this big move is to let me use a chainsaw to chop unconsciously?" Chen Entropy complained.

——It’s not a big bang, but it’s still pretty cool.

The surrounding fire became more and more fierce, and Chen Entropy didn't have time to check the corpses of those zombies, so he could only continue running towards the outside of the town with a light crossbow.

 Write a thank you list in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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