Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 14 14. I was targeted?

Chapter 14 14. I was targeted?

Looking at the mess on Twitter, Jin Yuchuang only felt his scalp numb.

His reputation has been completely stinked, and there is no more popularity to speak of.The only fans he has left are still using the method of "one hand and one step" to align with high intensity online to help him continue to recruit black.

What made him even more concerned were the "black rumors" that suddenly jumped out.

In the past, if anyone dared to expose Jin Yuchuang's black material, Han Chao Entertainment would secretly evaporate the next day.

But now, Twitter has become a carnival place for everyone, and it is impossible to tell who is who.It is true that Han Chao Entertainment can secretly kill one or two people, but shooting at the carnival crowd is another matter.

The most important thing is that some of these gossip black materials are really aimless, while the other part is actually true?
"How do they know that I want to be Big Brother Xu's personal plaything?"

Jin Yuchuang stomped his feet in a hurry in the room.

After thinking about it, Jin Yuchuang reluctantly regained some of his sanity and instructed his agent:

"Go and let the AI ​​think tank figure out a way!"

But the agent said hesitantly: "AI think tank. They refused to turn on the machine after working hours."

"Fuck! It's time, will I die if I work overtime?" Jin Yuchuang scolded.

"In short, let's contact the blogging company first and let them find a way to reduce the popularity." After all, the broker is experienced, and immediately gave a plan:

"Wait until the AI ​​think tank starts tomorrow, and then study the specific response plan."

Tonight, Jin Yuchuang stayed up all night.He has been using the trumpet to follow the battle situation on Twitter, but the popularity of his topic has never subsided.

Impatiently, he called his agent again and scolded: "Didn't I tell you to let the Twitter company reduce the heat? What are they doing to eat? Why hasn't the heat been suppressed?"

The mechanical light on the broker's neck flickered, as if the energy was insufficient: "I'm sorry, Mr. Jin said on his blog."

"What did the Twitter company say?!"

"Twitter believes that letting things go will allow them to get more traffic and refuses to help us reduce the heat"

There was despair on the manager's face.

"Fuck (Korean)!" Jin Yuchuang swears again and hangs up the phone.

That night, all the staff of Han Chao Entertainment Public Relations Department worked overtime all night after a long absence.

Although they managed to get the stolen account back and quickly deleted the post, it didn't help.

All they can do is keep deleting posts and apologizing.

The next day, Jin Yuchuang came to the company with thick dark circles under his eyes, and his haggard face was no longer as calm as he used to be.

And the employees of the public relations department are even more ashamed, and everyone seems to be likely to die suddenly and suddenly at any time.

When an employee saw the big star Jin Yuchuang coming, he immediately gave his arm a shot of military hormones and continued to work hard to delete the post.

"How is the situation now?" Jin Yuchuang asked coldly, looking at the manager of the public relations department running towards him.

"Mr. Jin, we have tried our best, but we can't hold back at all. The scolding on the Internet is getting harder and harder."

The PR manager hesitated.

"Trash! You were fired!" Jin Yuchuang was in a bad mood, and he was even more angry when he heard the news.

At this moment, his agent ran over with a folder and said happily:

"Mr. Jin, the AI ​​think tank has analysis results."

"Really?" Jin Yuchuang's sad face immediately relaxed a little, and couldn't wait to ask:
"What did the think tank say?"

"They said" the agent held the manuscript and read in a low voice:
"Given that Mr. Jin's current sales of peripheral products have risen to [-] percent in a short period of time, the AI ​​think tank recommends that you condone the status quo and not control it."

Hearing this, the employees who were just about to put a dose of military hormones on their arms breathed a sigh of relief on the spot.Several employees collapsed on their desks without physical strength, and their heads typed garbled characters on the keyboard.

Hearing this, Jin Yuchuang was furious:
"Fuck you! Things have already become like this, and those AIs said they want to condone the status quo? This is a spy sent by the company next door!"

The agent also felt a little strange: "Mr. Jin is right. When things have turned into this situation, how could the think tank let us leave it alone?"

"Don't care about the bullshit AI! Get rid of them all!" Jin Yuchuang snorted coldly and ordered:
"My new drama is about to start, and I have to go to Brother Xu's party on Saturday. How can I be disturbed by this kind of thing? Arrange a press conference for me immediately, and I will go out in person!"

"But. Is it really okay for you to go out in person?" The agent was a little worried:
"After all, this matter is quite a big deal, and Mr. Jin, your current state is not very good, why don't I let the public relations department think about it again?"

"And let those bastards in the PR department find a way?" Jin Yuchuang sneered, the corners of his mouth raised as charming as a domineering president:
"Don't you understand? This series of coincidences was definitely planned by someone secretly! Someone wanted to prank me on purpose! If I don't take the initiative, I will only be led by the nose forever!"

"Yes, I'll arrange it now! I'll make sure nothing goes wrong!" The agent simply picked up the phone and prepared.

Walking into his office, Jin Yuchuang picked up a bottle of 21-year-old Fukushima peach sake, unscrewed the cap and took a sniff.

Immediately, he twisted his wrist abruptly, and after the wine bottle swirled a few times in the air, it slammed onto the wall with a slap, and the house was filled with the aroma of wine.

"Damn. If Brother Xu hadn't reminded me, I really couldn't see who was calculating behind my back who I was? My former enemy?"

"Ah Qiu—!"

Chen Shuo was lying on the sofa and brushing his phone, but suddenly sneezed.

It's Saturday and more people are surfing the web than on weekdays.

So far, the entire tweet has become a battlefield for Jin Yuchuang.And this former star has now become a cult leader surrounded by cult fans.

Watching the collapse index rose to 20 points in one day, Chen Entropy knew that the situation had developed as he wished.

“Ding Dong ~ Your special attention [Jin Yuchuang·Hajime] has released a new post, click to view>>>”

Such a message popped up on Chen Entropy's phone.

After he clicked on the message, he saw that Jin Yuchuang's official account had just released a notice 1 minute ago:

"Mr. Jin Yuchuang will hold a fan meeting on September [-]"

Seeing this announcement, Chen Entropy clenched his phone tightly.

He knew that day would come eventually.With Jin Yuchun's arrogant character, he will definitely choose to take the initiative and hold a press conference to clarify.

What's more, his new drama "Nuclear Reincarnation" is about to be broadcast.If he escapes at this time, the loss to the company will be immeasurable.

There are still three days until September [-]th.Three days later, it was time for his decisive battle with Jin Yuchuang.


Suddenly, Nayuta appeared in front of Chen Entropy and sat beside him obediently.

"What's the matter, old girl?" Chen Entropy was in a good mood now.

"That. Brother, our class A will have a class party next Saturday, which is hosted by a classmate named Xu Qing." Nayuta lowered his head slightly.

"Well, then what?" Chen Entropy asked rhetorically.

Of course he knew about it.Because in this "class reunion" incident, Xu Qing will have close contact with Nayuta and successfully increase her favorability.

It was also from this gathering incident that in addition to his brother, Nayuta's heart would have another yellow-haired youth.

"I heard that your favorite teacher Jin Yuchuang will also come to participate," Nayuta's tone became a little hesitant:
"If my brother wants to come, I can talk to Xu Qing and take you there with me."

Chen Entropy sighed, not knowing what to say.

Although Nayuta mistakenly believed that her brother was a fan of the rice circle, she still thought of her brother everywhere.

If he hadn't known that the ending of Nayutaman's favorability was death, Chen Shuo really couldn't bear to keep pressing her favorability, and he might have gone straight to the orthopedics department within a month.

However, in the face of such a proposal, Chen Entropy said firmly: "I'm not interested."

"Eh?! But my brother clearly likes Jin Yuchuang very much!" Nayuta's eyes widened suddenly, looking a little frustrated:
"And I hope my brother can make a few friends at the party...I don't think my brother has any friends at school."

"No interest means no interest." Chen Entropy was too lazy to explain, he got up from the sofa and fled back to his room.

In the game, players can indeed participate in this class A reunion in a special way.

Therefore, some players were unconvinced and wanted to prevent Xu Qing from accessing Nayuta in this party to prevent her sister from being robbed.

But the players' efforts are in vain.In front of the Long Aotian template with Xu Qing's full attribute as high as 5 points and Jin Yuchuang's assists, novice players can't stop anything.

They could only watch Xu Qing smile wickedly, and then gently lifted Nayuta's chin with their fingers to hook her heart away.

In other words, the difference between players going to the class reunion is that they will be secretly NTR or face-to-face NTR.

"So I'll go get a hammer! I can't change anything if I go, let's think about how Jin Yuchuang will die!"

Chen Shuo stretched his back and dialed Black Callis again.

 There are about ten chapters left in the first volume, and the answer will be revealed soon as to whether my sister will be bullied. (We also want to send out all the first volumes at once, but let’s wait until the update is recommended and put on the shelves~)


(End of this chapter)

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