Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 227 221. Do normal men wear bras?

Chapter 227 221. Do normal men wear bras?

Half an hour later, the decoration company received an urgent request from Chen Entropy, and sent several maintenance robots to repair the windows of Formalin's bedroom.

Looking at the brand-new glass windows, Chen Entropy transferred a maintenance fee to the maintenance robots and sent them downstairs to leave.

"It's not easy for anyone these days. In order to make some money, they have to go out to work in such a smoggy day."

After returning to Formalin's bedroom, Chen Entropy sat casually on the edge of the bed and couldn't help sighing.

"Fuck, why are you back?" Professor Dusha took out a cigarette from nowhere, and was leaning against the window sill to smoke, his whole body was filled with smoke:
"Still fucking sitting on my bed, as if my bedroom is where you come whenever you want, right?"

Unlike Formalin, the men's clothing tycoon who tried his best to conceal his female identity, Professor Dusha's clothing style is quite open.Although she was still wearing Formalin's detective suit, she didn't wear a corset or body filler, and she looked quite feminine with her long golden brown hair hanging down gracefully.

"Don't be so ruthless, Professor Dusha~" Chen Entropy spread his hands and said:

"You also agreed to my proposal just now, so I am now a partner."

"Let's spread the poisonous smog to the central area together and perform a grand criminal art?" Professor Du Sha walked up to Chen Entropy with a cigarette in one hand.

Professor Du Sha's eyes were sinister, and there was a lingering evil spirit between his brows, as if he was sizing up Chen Entropy like an eagle watching its prey.

"You are really bolder than me, but I admit that you have a bit of disgusting three-legged cat kung fu. Especially the hand-breaking move really scared me."

She took a puff of cigarette, then leaned in front of Chen Entropy, and gently blew the smoke on his face like a spring breeze.

"Cough cough. Fuck." Chen Entropy coughed again and again after being choked by the smoke spit out by Professor Du Sha, and his face was about to wrinkle into a chrysanthemum:
"Do you fucking think it's romantic to spit secondhand smoke into someone's face?"

Chen Entropy stretched out his hand cursingly, and pinched the cigarette out of Professor Dusha's hand.

Professor Du Sha didn't resist, and simply let go of the cigarette and handed it to Chen Entropy. After all, she knew that this boy who looked like a high school student had pressed her against the wall and beat her just now.

"Little bastard, accompany me for a walk." Professor Du Sha snorted lightly, and suggested to Chen Entropy casually:
"I can't sleep now, or that stupid detective will wake up."

"Let's go!" Chen Entropy threw the stubbed cigarette out of the window, and stood up briskly.

The two put on gas masks and walked down the stairs side by side, seemingly aimlessly wandering the smoggy streets.

"Does your personality replacement rely on sleep to switch?" Chen Entropy asked curiously.

"Probably, but not all." Professor Dusha walked among his masterpieces with a flat expression, as if he had lost his pride.

"Then you don't need to sleep?" Chen Entropy asked: "If you switch your personality like this, isn't it equivalent to never being able to sleep?"

"Of course I don't need to sleep. Do you know who I am?" Professor Du Sha showed a strange look in his eyes, and narrowed his crescent-like eyes to look at Chen Entropy:
"I'm the daughter of that old bastard Professor."

"Then have you ever won the champion of Yeshu City's youth literature competition with the composition "My Professor's Father?" Chen Entropy yawned casually and joked.

In terms of setting, the "Professor", the leader of the chaebol federation, has six children.Of course, rather than saying that they are children, it is better to say that they are experimental subjects.

"Fuck, don't interrupt me~" Professor Dusha snorted softly and gave a disdainful smile:
"The professor controls the city secretly like a god, and no one can figure out his details. But in fact, he is just an old turtle who is afraid of death"

"He secretly opened a private laboratory, trying to cultivate human individuals beyond mortals, and then engraved his DNA into their bodies, as his children or heirs"

"Before I was born, the professor had six children, each with unique supernatural powers and we are his seventh, code-named 'Reality'."

As if recalling the embarrassing past, Professor Dusha took out another cigarette, stuffed it under the gas mask and smoked it:

"The direction we are raised is super intuition and observation. Of course. Going without sleep for a long time is a skill that every child will learn, because our bodies have been modified to allow us to perform something like semi-sleep when we are awake. It can be regarded as a way to improve efficiency.”

"But you escaped and became a detective incognito." Chen Entropy asked with a smile, "Did you have any conflicts with your father?"

"I had a conflict with that old bastard? Ahahaha cough cough." Professor Dusha seemed to have heard something funny, and just wanted to laugh out loud, but took a puff of cigarette directly:

"Fuck! Fucking choking cough cough cough You should have seen it, that stupid detective is the dominant personality of this body, and I'm the 'latecomer'. But you see, things like multiple personalities can It's not something you can conjure up by pointing a pistol to your own head, yelling 'persona' and pulling the trigger."

"Yes, the general premise of split personality is that you have encountered something that can subvert your concept of life and make you want to escape." Chen Entropy said curiously:

"So what happened to you?"

"Before answering your question, I want to ask you a question." Professor Dusha asked:
"What kind of person do you think that stupid detective is?"

"My evaluation is that a pure and naive idealist." Chen Entropy closed his eyes and said in a flat tone:
"Naively believe that this world is beautiful, naively believe that the chaebol association can take care of this city, and naively pursue the so-called justice even if I starve to death. When I get along with her, I can only feel pity."

"Ahahahaha! Yes, yes, you think so too!" Professor Du Sha couldn't help laughing, and then took another puff of cigarette:

"The world in her eyes is like a fucking Meitu filter~ Full of hope for the future, even seeing a starving homeless man on the side of the road can associate beautiful things. Because of all her pain, It's all taken by me!"

"Oh? Continue to elaborate." Chen Entropy asked with a smile.

"Her greatest pain came from that old bastard who claimed to be her father!" Professor Dusha said eloquently:
"Formalin used to have a very happy life, just like the other six children of the professor. Although she is often taken to conduct various experiments and training, the life in the central area is better than those on the edge of the city. Homeless people are much better, they never have to worry about food and clothing, and can buy everything they want with money. She has lived so carefree for more than ten years, and her whole life is golden pink."

"However, the professor gave her an amazing insight ability, but it also brought her disaster. Thanks to this ability, she accidentally investigated a truth."

Professor Dusha gritted his teeth and threw the half-smoked cigarette on the ground, stomping on it again and again until it was completely crushed:
"The professor is not cultivating children at all, but cultivating his body container! He wants to cultivate a perfect body container, and then transfer his consciousness to a new body after his body dies of old age!"

"Fuck, it's exciting~ Rich people really know how to play~" Even though he had known this fact for a long time, Chen Entropy couldn't help but clapped his hands and sighed in awe.

"Damn it, the ghost knows how many bodies that old bastard who is as afraid of death as a turtle has changed." Professor Dusha held his forehead, and seemed to be anemic due to too much scolding:

"And when she investigated the truth, she also found some materials hidden in the laboratory. She discovered that the laboratory has been selecting genetically suitable children from the people and abducting them to the laboratory by illegal means Through brainwashing and transformation, these gifted children under the professor were created. Before the birth of 'Lealita', thousands of children had been abducted to the laboratory under the instruction of the professor and died of Experimental exclusion, as for the survivors, there are only seven of us~"

"Ahem, ahahahaha~ Formalin, an innocent and naive idiot, of course can't bear this fact. She can't accept that the professor who is like a father never treats them as children, and she can't accept herself It's not the professor's own flesh and blood at all, but a child kidnapped from some corner of the slum."

Professor Dusha laughed heart-piercingly, as if laughing until his vocal cords were torn apart.

"So you showed up?" Chen Entropy asked.

"Of course~ she can't accept this fact, so she can only pray for someone to save her." Professor Dusha took a deep breath and sighed:
"She hopes that a man can come to save her. That man is a criminal who can resist the tyranny of the plutocrats, pierce the professor's old bastard, and laugh wildly even while standing on a sea of ​​corpses and blood. That's why I appeared~"

"I took this body and escaped from the central area, and I managed to escape the chasing troops sent by the professor." Professor Dusha took off his gas mask, took out another cigarette and smoked:
"In the end I wandered into Whitechapel and was taken in by a kind old lady. She rented me an apartment, and Formalin turned it into a detective agency."

"So in simple terms, you are Formalin's personality consciousness formed through 'wish'?" Chen Entropy asked.

"That's right~ Although I'm a secondary personality, Formalin took the initiative to hand over most of the control of her body to me after learning the truth." Professor Dusha blew out a puff of smoke rings:
"So I tampered with Formalin's cognition and made her forget the truth and the existence of my personality. I made her think that she was driven out of the house to fend for herself because she was not good enough. That's why she Will become a detective, trying to regain the professor's approval by improving his reputation."

"But has she never noticed anything abnormal?" Chen Entropy asked:
"Not to mention, your personality smokes so hard, won't she smell the smoke after transforming back?"

"You little bastard, I told you that I can tamper with her cognition~" Professor Dusha grinned:
"I'll use more mouthwash and cleansing perfume before I go back, and make that stupid detective think he smelled like smoke in the ghetto."

"Let's talk." Professor Du Sha suddenly remembered something, and handed Chen Entropy a cigarette:
"Looking at how boring I am smoking here, you also follow me?"

"No, no, I'm underage~" Chen Entropy quickly waved his hand and refused.

Thinking about it carefully, he only smoked once in his previous life.That was the night before he was going to negotiate with his boss with an iron rod.

"You mean you can smoke as an adult?" Professor Dusha put the cigarettes in the box and said threateningly:

"I'll keep this cigarette for you first. If you dare to refuse it when you become an adult, I will beat you to death."

"Whatever, it doesn't matter if you hit the bed when the time comes~" Chen Entropy joked.

"Slapping on the bed? Do you want to fart?" Hearing this, Professor Du Sha suddenly snorted and reminded:
"Grandfather is a man."

"Huh?" Chen Entropy was taken aback for a moment: "Sexual cognition disorder, right?"

"Sexual cognitive impairment? It doesn't matter if you understand it like this~" Professor Du Sha raised her brows:

"I'm a personality because of her wishes. She wants me to be a man, so I am a man."

"That's a pity. Obviously, I think you are more attractive than Formalin, a big guy in men's clothes wrapped in rice dumplings~" Chen Entropy exclaimed pretending to be regretful.

"Of course~" Professor Dusha stretched out her slender hand, pulled down the collar of the coat, and said tentatively:

"Let me tell you the good news, in fact, I don't wear a bra now~"

Thinking about it carefully, when the two were walking on the street just now, Professor Dusha's chest was shaking like a soft jelly.

Chen Entropy frowned, took a serious look into the collar, and then sighed righteously:

"It's really shameless."

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Shameless? Me?" Professor Du Sha seemed to hear the explosive joke, and laughed wildly:
"So I'm a man! Have you ever seen a normal man wearing a bra?"

"Ah, what you said seems to make sense." Chen Entropy was convinced by her logic.

While the two were chatting, suddenly an ambulance with "Gold Medal Experience" whizzed by with its headlights flashing beside them, almost knocking the two of them into the air.

In fact, this was the third ambulance the pair had come across while wandering around.It's just that the ambulance has a blue light that symbolizes "Diamond Membership", so the driver probably drove with the mentality of "Even if you kill a passer-by, you must send the patient to the hospital as soon as possible".

Chen Entropy dragged Professor Dusha to the side of the road and couldn't help sighing:
"These people who work in the medical industry are really too much."

"Yeah, a bunch of beasts who use money to measure human life." Professor Du Sha shook off Chen Entropy and grabbed her hand, and said in a strolling manner:
"Thanks to the smog I caused, the beasts of the "Gold Medal Experience" are probably busy~ So, little bastard, how on earth do you plan to let the smog enter the central area? "

"Guess what?" Chen Entropy spread his hands and showed a bad smile.

"Fuck you!" Professor Du Sha clenched her fists, looking like she was going to eat Chen Entropy alive.

"Okay, I won't tease you~" Chen Entropy patted Professor Dusha on the shoulder and said:
"I have a dead soldier on my side. He will create some trouble at the right time and attract the attention of the guards in the central area. We just need to seize this opportunity and sneak in and take action~"

(End of this chapter)

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