Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 268 262

Chapter 268 262

The voice of Chen Entropy's live broadcast reverberated over the airship city, as if a god had descended into the world and issued an absurd oracle.

At this moment, the clock is running at two o'clock in the afternoon.The civilians in this city are doing their work in an orderly manner.However, Chen Entropy's live broadcast attracted their attention, causing them to put down their work and watch quietly.

Of course, it is also thanks to the sky city that has been oppressed by the tyranny of the government all year round, so the citizens will eat melons so peacefully.If Chen Entropy played this game in Yeshu City, those fun citizens would be able to declare on the spot that the chaebol association is over, and then turn the whole city into a riot party full of bullets.

"Civilians, don't stop working!" Sensing that the people were attracted by the sudden live broadcast and stopped working, the supervisors in the workplace quickly whipped their whips and shouted:
"If you stop working for a moment, you are causing damage to this city! Do you want to become sinners of this city?!"

After being yelled at by the supervisors, the civilians who were working were like circus monkeys who had been whipped. They could only turn their heads aggrieved and turned their attention back to the work in hand.

The title of "Sinner of the City" is simply a curse-like existence for civilians, and it is also the best way to threaten them.

A friendly neighbor or friend is suddenly branded an "urban criminal" and taken away by law enforcement because of an inadvertent action or word.These people have disappeared since then, or they have become crazy after returning from law enforcement, often shouting nonsense like "I love the sky and the king", and finally commit suicide inexplicably...

More than 50.00% of the civilians in this city have experienced such a thing.They don't want to be those poor "sinners", so they have already engraved the word "obedience" into their genetic chain.

On the other side, the Baiyun Palace, which symbolizes the center of the sky city, has also become a mess at this time.

At the last moment, King Kennedy urgently summoned all the Dacheng officials to discuss the arrogance of these criminals and passengers in distributing the notice letter, and analyzed the contents of the letter word by word in full swing.

The next moment, they discovered that the TV in the meeting room had been forcibly hacked, and the live broadcast had switched to a scene of a young man in black standing alone on top of an incinerator in the ground floor area.

Obviously, the hackers who attacked the TV station were with those tourists.

"What the hell is going on?!" King Kennedy was so angry that his beard was about to stand up, he slammed the table and shouted:
"Where's the technical department? Where's the person in charge of the TV station? What the hell are they doing?! How did my TV station become like this?!"

The conference room was silent for a long time, and finally an official from the technical department rushed in and hurriedly reported:
"Both the TV station and the live broadcast signal have been hacked by unknown forces. We tried to crack it in reverse, but the other party failed."

"What's wrong with the other party?" The male secretary next to King Kennedy asked in a deep voice.

"The other party is too scary, it's like a powerful hacker organization, we are not opponents at all," the technical department official said hesitantly, like a slave pleading guilty in front of the emperor:

"And we tried to lock the other party's IP address, but they were able to change the fake address every 3 minutes, completely fooling us!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire meeting room fell into a dignified atmosphere.The technical department official stood there awkwardly, not daring to raise his head.

"That's enough! Your Majesty the King has raised you for so long, but you were made like this by a few hackers?" Before the king could say anything, the male secretary scolded sharply:

"Now you are trying to solve the problem of the TV station's live broadcast signal, if"

King Kennedy reached out his hand to stop the secretary's domineering scolding, stared at the official with oppressive eyes, and said slowly:
"This city only needs people who can contribute. You should know very well what happens to people who are mediocre?"

Hearing this, the officials of the technical department suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and bowed again and again:
"The subordinates will definitely find a way to solve the problem, and will definitely not become a sinner in this city! If it fails, I will volunteer to enter the 'Correction Department' for self-reform!"

"Very well, this city needs an enlightened person like you, go down." King Kennedy nodded slightly, staring at the official like a wolf.

After the officials from the technical department went down, King Kennedy sat back on the main seat, cleared his throat and said:
"You all are my confidantes, so feel free to say what you have to say. What's your opinion on the current situation?"

After the Dacheng officials peeped at each other for a while, someone asked:
"The behavior of these tourists is incomprehensible, but is what they said in the letter true about the princess?"

Although none of the officials in the conference room spoke, their eyes all showed a sense of expectation.

These officials are all at the top of Sky City, so they naturally know many secrets.However, a very strange thing happened to King Kennedy this time, and almost all officials did not know the inside story.

About seven years ago, King Kennedy's concubine died mysteriously.King Kennedy, who has always been known for his "harmony between husband and wife", indifferently claimed that the princess died accidentally by falling down the stairs, and he was unwilling to conduct an in-depth investigation on this. He just asked her to be buried quickly.

At the same time, the princess's family also suffered an inexplicable disaster.

The concubine's family was originally the most famous family of blacksmiths in the city. Most of the machinery and metal products in the city were produced by the factories under this family. Even the mechanical prosthetic bodies of common people were mostly made by them.

All in all, this family can be said to be one of the lifeblood of the city.

But after the princess died, King Kennedy actually ordered the princess's family to be wiped out.Those factories under the family also closed down naturally, and were finally recycled and reorganized by the government, leaving only the core production technology.

That bloody extermination operation was all carried out in secret, and the civilians didn't even know it existed.However, for those senior officials, it is easy to detect the sudden loss of power in the political arena.

After that, King Kennedy became depressed and cared little about state affairs.Simply put, the sky city "Bahamut" was originally a self-sufficient airship city, so the country has no signs of decline for the time being.

If it is true that the princess was killed by the king as said in the notice letters of those tourists, then the accident seven years ago will have a new possibility, and all the princes present must also re-examine the people they serve. king.

"It's just a few desperate criminal tourists." King Kennedy sneered, and calmly denied: "Is what they said credible?"

"But I heard that they met with your daughter, Princess Setia a few days ago." An official thought for a while and couldn't help asking:
"Perhaps they learned something from Her Lady Princess?"

As soon as the official said the words, the corners of King Kennedy's mouth twitched inadvertently, but he still asked blankly:

"Do you want this king to admit that I killed my beloved princess with my own hands? What's your intention?"

"No. Not at all! I will always believe in the king, the glory belongs to the sky!" The official suddenly felt his scalp go numb after the king took off such a big hat, and shut his mouth quickly.

Although the other officials were curious about the princess's question, they also kept their mouths shut so as not to be offended by the king.

In order to change the topic, another official said: "Although these thieves forcibly hacked into our live TV station, unfortunately... it is working time now! As long as the supervisors can supervise the work of civilians, and let people Just turn off all playback devices as much as possible!"

"Ai Qing makes sense." King Kennedy nodded in agreement with him.

"And they actually said that they have found a brave man who can pull out the holy sword? I think they are bluffing!" Another official continued:

"Except for your ancestors, the king, who else can carry such strong radiation into the holy land and pull out the holy sword?"

"That's right! We have the advantage!" Other officials also booed: "We will send the police to arrest them now, and let the guards urge the citizens not to watch this deceptive live broadcast!"

"Very well, let's do this first!" Seeing the results of the discussion, King Kennedy nodded in satisfaction, and left the meeting room with the male secretary.

Not long after the two walked out of the conference room, the male secretary suddenly received a call.

After a few simple words of agreement, he pushed the glasses frame and said:
"New news has just come from my secret intelligence department."

"What? What information do you have?" King Kennedy turned his head slightly sadly and asked, obviously exhausted by the sudden situation of the past few days.

"Actually, my secret department found some information about the signature of the notice letter through Yeshu City's public network." The male secretary truthfully reported:
The signature of the notice letter is 'Planning', and I happened to find a wanted man named 'Planning' on Yehu City's public wanted website. "

"Wanted? Hmph~" King Kennedy sneered when he heard this information, obviously amused by the situation:
"You mean, the three tourists from our city are all wanted criminals?"

"Very likely." The male secretary looked at the report just received on the tablet and replied:
"According to the public information of Yehu City, there is a deep connection between 'White Fox', 'Midnight Beheader' and 'Planning', and they even carried out criminal activities together. So that high school student is 'Planning' Very likely."

"Then how did the Ministry of Tourism review these tourists?" King Kennedy's face was full of expressions.

"This is indeed the negligence of the Ministry of Tourism, but this kind of situation is really unheard of!" The male secretary lowered his head slightly and replied:

"Generally speaking, the people of Yeshu City who come to our Sky City for tourism are wealthy or middle-class people. Those wanted criminals who are like rats need to hide in Yeshu City. How dare they come to our Sky City to commit crimes? ?”

"Besides, the application files submitted by these people to the Ministry of Tourism are definitely forged identities, and even the supporting documents are fully prepared. These thieves obviously came prepared, and the Ministry of Tourism made such a mistake. It is understandable. The male secretary paused, then explained:
"However, a mistake is a mistake. The Ministry of Tourism put these wanted criminals into Bahamut and caused such losses to the city. I will punish them afterwards."

"Very well, let's do this first." King Kennedy pinched the bridge of his nose, and his eyes became a little more tired.

"But don't we really need to contact Yeshu City?" The male secretary asked again:
"According to the files of these wanted criminals, each of them has committed many horrific crimes, and they are definitely not ordinary people."

But King Kennedy said disdainfully: "These thieves are able to thrive in Yehu City because the chaebols are a mess and can't control anything. But they dare to come to my Baha Mute is causing trouble, I will let them go and never return!"

"I, I understand! I'll instruct my subordinates to deal with related matters." The male secretary pushed the glasses frame again, turned around and prepared to leave.

After bidding farewell to his secretary, King Kennedy went to his daughter's bedroom under house arrest.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Setia holding an iron bedside table, raising and lowering it constantly, as if she was doing weight training.

Setia was wearing a sleeveless sweatshirt and sports shorts, her hair was also tied into a ponytail with a rubber band, and sweat kept dripping from her forehead.

It is worth noting that both her semi-mechanical arms and her round legs have sharp muscle traces.Even her slender abdomen has obvious grooved eight-pack abs.

Different from the image of a delicate princess in a casual dress when she went to see Chu Jianlai, Setia at this time is simply like a muscular Barbie who is obsessed with fitness.

In other words, this is what Setia really looks like.

Moreover, the iron bedside table that the princess was holding seemed to weigh at least [-] kilograms.

But this huge metal bedside table is as light as a child's toy to the princess.

"You have become very fond of fitness since seven years ago, and the room is full of iron bumps and equipment." King Kennedy snorted coldly and laughed:
"I asked you to reflect here, and ordered people to take away all the fitness equipment, but you are still exercising here? Will a woman like you really have a man's fancy?"

"That's better than you, a dead fellow who killed your mother! Don't think I don't know what you and that male secretary are doing!" Setia put down the bedside table heavily, shaking the floor slightly:

"Ever since I witnessed you killing my mother, I vowed to become stronger! At least I must not lose to a scum like you!"

"So you try to find a way to have an affair with those tourists, and tell them that I killed that stinky woman?" Hearing this, King Kennedy sneered:

"You have such a strong sense of resistance, are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

"If you wanted to kill me, you would have killed me long ago. You kept me because I am your only child!" Setia snorted coldly, confronting her father:
"My mother told me that you are actually an incompetent person. You spent a lot of effort to get her pregnant. It is impossible to have a second one! So you just don't want to kill me and let you cut off your own children and grandchildren. !"

"Hmph..." King Kennedy shrugged suddenly, and smiled with a bad face:

"That bastard woman even told you this, I was right to kill her!"

"It's really easy to say, bastard father!" Setia also sneered and asked:

"That's right, I had an affair with those tourists, just to get rid of you and avenge my mother! And even if I was caught, they didn't seem to give up their agreement with me, and they continued to think of ways to get rid of you! "

Setia put on a proud posture and challenged her father: "So my father, what are you going to do? Kill your only heir in anger, just like you killed your mother back then?"

However, just as Setia finished speaking, King Kennedy suddenly took off his shirt and top, revealing his strong and mechanically modified upper body.

"What are you going to do?!" Setia felt that the situation was not good, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"You're right. I keep you because you are my only heir, and I can no longer have children. So even though I know you want to avenge that woman, I can't bear to kill you."

The muscles on King Kennedy's body tensed and swelled, and the engine gradually began to run at high speed, making a low humming sound:
"But in the last year, I have regained what I didn't have as a man!"

"What. What do you mean? Has your X incompetence been cured? You obviously searched all over the city before but couldn't find a solution." Setia sighed in surprise, and subconsciously prepared for battle.

"So, my daughter, I keep you not because you are my only heir, but out of kindness!" King Kennedy stomped heavily on the ground and rushed towards Setia:

"Since you have rebelled to this point, I can only kill you! Go to hell with me, the bastard left by that bastard!"

 Before I knew it, it was March, and the state was too bad last month. I hope this month will not be bad.

  By the way, the fan group 3 has already been established, if the other groups are full, you can go to the third group.

(End of this chapter)

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