Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 274 268. Have you had enough trouble?

Chapter 274 268. Have you had enough trouble?
The sky city "Bahamut" is a country that attaches great importance to class status.In order to stabilize the kingship, successive King Kennedys had their own decisions.

And the biggest result of this series of decisions is that there are more and more "secret departments" in the sky city government.

The "Secret Police" placed among the civilians to monitor them, the "Shadow Warrior Unit" responsible for the 24-hour personal protection of the royal family, and many special task teams that only the royal family's senior officials know about. These departments perform their duties, but their goals are without exception. It is to defend the rule of the royal family over the city.

Among all the secret departments, the "Special Execution Department" is the most well-known special force, and it is also the special force that scares the civilians the most.

The members of this army were all chosen by the king himself.They are the top fighting talents from the city, and they are also loyal and foolish ministers to the king.

In other words, this force is the strongest violent law enforcement organization under the King's command.Their job is to execute those criminals who threaten the city and use violence to bring criminals to their knees.

It is rumored that the body mechanical transformation rate of these special soldiers exceeds 60.00%, and even the body organs have been replaced with mechanical internal organs in order to improve the metabolic efficiency in the body, all of them are comparable to humanoid self-propelled weapons.

It's a pity that the sky city has been peaceful and prosperous for the past few decades, and no major incidents have happened.Therefore, apart from an internal purge operation seven years ago, this force has never received other tasks.

However, just half an hour ago, the special execution force received a personal subpoena from the king, asking them to go to the Holy Land to arrest several highly threatening sinners.

Regarding the "power seizure plan" announced by Chen Entropy, King Dikasang and a group of ministers once reasonably believed that it was just a bluff of a few criminals.

After all, there is no precedent for immortals in Sky City, and even the first king only had a strong anti-radiation physique and a higher self-healing ability than ordinary people.

They couldn't imagine how an ordinary person with a mortal body could carry deadly radiation into the Holy Land and pull out the sword that had been silent for decades.

Until the king and ministers saw through Chen Entropy's live broadcast that Chu Jianlai forcibly took down several rounds of bullets from the guards of the Holy Land, and was able to stand on camera safely.At this moment, their worldview is shattered.

However, as the leaders of the city, these people's reactions are quick.They finally realized that Chen Entropy's "seizing power" was not a joke, but a real plan.

Although the so-called "sacred sword" is just a cover to deceive the citizens, if Chu Jianlai really pulls out the holy sword, then the Kennedy royal family will have to face a difficult choice.

If they recognized Chu Jianlai as king, it would be equivalent to surrendering the throne.If they didn't recognize Chu Jianlai as king, it would be tantamount to tearing up the legend that supported the citizens' belief and smashing the face of the royal family.

Of course, they also considered simply making Chu Jianlai the king, and then turning him into a puppet.However, King Dikasang looked at the high reward list of these people, and chose to give up this dangerous idea.

"They are already preparing to enter the Holy Land, but there is an excellent Holy Land guard there, at least they can delay it for a while." After thinking for a while, King Dekasang made such a decision:

"Contact the special execution force and let them all rush to the Holy Land!"

In the sacrificial hall of the Holy Land, more than a dozen soldiers in black special military uniforms filed in and quickly blocked the entrance.

"It's the special execution troops! My father actually sent them!" Setia reminded loudly, feeling that something was wrong.

"It's over~ I didn't expect them to come here in a swarm. It seems that you are dead this time~" Old Man Modu with broken limbs reluctantly turned his head and sighed in a relaxed tone.

"You talk so much nonsense, the loser should lie on the ground." Chu Jianlai quickly repaired his head, lowered his head and reprimanded the old man Modu.

A tall and thin male soldier in the special execution unit saw the old man Modu lying on the ground, and couldn't help shouting: "Master? How did you become like this, master?!"

Apparently, the soldier of the special execution unit had once been an apprentice to the custodian of the shrine.

"Oh, apprentice, you are here too~" It seems that because he has already lost, the old man Modu's speaking attitude is also much more casual:

"Master was defeated by this young man with a sword. His body will regenerate constantly. Be careful."

After receiving this important information, the soldiers of the special execution unit nodded in understanding.

They quickly spread out to all corners of the hall, posing for a battle.

Immediately afterwards, these soldiers lifted their military uniforms, and their semi-mechanical bodies stood out like human weapons.

The limbs of these soldiers have all been highly weaponized.Their mechanical arms are equipped with blades or guns, and the legs of several people are also equipped with hidden weapon blades that can pop up automatically.

According to the setting, the comprehensive combat strength of these people is around 6.Although their abilities were inferior to Chu Jianlai's, there were more than a dozen opponents, and they could still suppress him in terms of numbers.

But Chu Jianlai didn't intend to retreat.He clenched the sword in his hand, and scanned these cyborg soldiers sharply, guarding against their attacks.

Seeing that a fierce battle was inevitable, Chen Entropy frowned slightly, and retreated to a corner of the hall to continue filming quietly.

"Brother Chu, you may not be able to beat them." Setia reminded worriedly.

"Back off." Chu Jianlai glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and said two words concisely.

Suddenly, a roaring gunshot sounded in the sacrificial hall.

A special soldier pulled out a nerve cable from the metal skull, linked it to his sniper rifle, and then shot Chu Jianlai precisely in the abdomen.

Chu Jianlai sensed that the bullet was coming, and tried to dodge by twisting his waist sideways.But he still couldn't catch up with the speed of the bullet. With the sound of flesh and blood being broken, the impactful sniper bullet opened a huge blood hole in his waist.

Seeing that Chu Jianlai was seriously injured by the bullet, more than a dozen other mechanical soldiers rushed up and besieged him.

The first to bear the brunt was a female soldier with a spring-loaded mechanical leg.She bent her legs hard, allowing the springs on her legs to be compressed to the extreme.Then she jumped up quickly, and shot in front of Chu Jianlai like a cannonball, drew out the dagger at her waist and stabbed him in the chest.

Chu Jianlai held his unhealed waist with one hand, swung his sword with the other hand to block the short blade of the female soldier, and took two steps back to open the distance.

But before he had time to stand still, a two-meter-tall strong soldier appeared from behind, and the huge mechanical arm as thick as a tree stump smashed directly at his head.

Chu Jianlai resolutely tore off his head and half of his cervical vertebrae, and threw it on the face of the strong man.

The strong man suddenly saw a ferocious-looking human head flying in front of him, he was so frightened that he stopped his attack, and subconsciously wanted to back away.

Chu Jianlai seized this opportunity and immediately turned around and swung his sword to chop.

The long sword slashed at the strong man's abdomen, but there was a sound of metal clashing.The blade also seemed to have encountered some obstacle, unable to pierce the opponent's skin for half a point.

"Cut, is the skin modified metal?" Chu Jianlai immediately turned and retreated, keeping a distance from the strong man.

At this moment, another male soldier quickly attacked.He raised his mechanical palm to Chu Jianlai, and a nozzle grew out of his palm.

"This is." Before Chu Jianlai could react, the nozzle in the palm of the male soldier suddenly spewed out a huge and scorching fireball.

The twisted and ferocious tongue of flame quickly engulfed Chu Jianlai, burning his body until it sizzled.

Immediately afterwards, a soldier armed with a broadsword attacked, jumped into the fire decisively and chopped down with a knife.

Through the flames, everyone could see that Chu Jianlai was cut in half by the knife, turning into two corpses.

If it is facing an ordinary opponent, the "special execution force" can call it a day.However, what they were facing was an undead who could regenerate infinitely, so their offensive did not stop there.

Several special soldiers with guns opened fire on Chu Jianlai's remnant body, beating him to pieces.

"Hey, it seems that our hero has encountered some difficulties~" Chen Entropy joked lightly while holding the phone.

"Aren't you companions?" Setia on the side had already clenched her teeth anxiously, and asked Chen Entropy:
"Why didn't you help him when he became like this?"

"I can't beat them. If I go in and help him, I will die purely." Chen Entropy asked confidently:
"And why don't you help? Isn't he your sweetheart?"

Setia was stunned by Chen Entropy's words.She really wanted to help at first, but when she thought that she would be crushed to pieces by these special forces when she joined the battle rashly, she could only hide and watch silently.

A special soldier seemed to have noticed the two people standing next to him, so he made a fierce gesture to them, as if to say, "I will finish you next."

Chu Jianlai's body was trying its best to repair itself, but the special soldiers kept attacking him, making it impossible for his body to recover.

"Hey Carliss, what can you do?" Chen Entropy said quietly into the headset:

"These people have mechanical prosthetics, can you hack in and control them?"

"Ahhh, don't bother me!" Hekalisi's tone sounded very irritated, and the sound of mechanical keyboards kept coming from the earphone:
"The group of bastards have been attacking my mother's computer. If this continues, I can't even help you maintain the live broadcast! Damn! The computer blew up again! It's all your fault, Xiao Chen!"

Seeing that Hekalis was so busy, Chen Entropy knew that she couldn't help now.

"Forget it, you have to trust your teammates at a time like this." Chen Entropy decided to continue filming by the side.

"Although his ability to revive his body is unheard of, his strength is nothing more than that~" a special soldier fired a round of bullets at Chu Jianlai and said disdainfully.

The other special soldiers also showed relaxed expressions, and continued to crazily output Chu Jianlai's remnant body.

There is no real "undead" in the world. The so-called "undead" are just special human beings with extremely enhanced self-healing ability.

These soldiers believed that as long as they continued to inflict damage on Chu Jianlai, they would eventually be able to exhaust his "self-healing energy" and end his life.

As for Her Royal Highness the Princess and another high school tourist who were standing by and watching, they will also die in the end.

Fifteen minutes later, the soldiers of these execution troops had already caused damage to Chu Jianlai enough to cause him to die hundreds of times, and the recovery speed of his body began to gradually slow down.

"He's dying!" the special soldiers exclaimed, continuing to intensify their attacks.

Chu Jianlai was set on fire for another 3 minutes, his body had been attacked until he lost his human form, and the surface skin was also burnt into coke by the flames.

Finally, Chu Jianlai's body no longer healed itself, and the flesh and blood of the wound stopped wriggling.

"We killed him!" Realizing that the 'undead' had stopped healing itself, the soldiers suddenly rejoiced:

"In the name of the sky, we finally got rid of him!"

After solving the most difficult undead swordsman, the soldiers turned their next target to the two standing in the corner watching the show.Another soldier ran to rescue the old man Mordu who was the guardian of the Holy Land.

"Miss Princess, you are also on the wanted list." A soldier walked up to the two and looked at them oppressively:

"If you give up resistance, we can take you back alive. But if you want to do anything, we also have the right to kill you!"

"I" Setia's face was very ugly, and her legs trembled slightly.

She did not expect that Chu Jianlai, whom she admired as a hero, would lose.In other words, she never thought about Chu Jianlai's strategy after losing.

In contrast, Chen Entropy was much calmer.Facing the special soldiers who surrounded him, Chen Entropy just smiled and took a camera to pat their faces.

Meanwhile, excited cheers erupted from confessionals across the city.

"The gang of sinners are finally on their way out!"

"Victory belongs to Sky City!"

"We will always love and respect the Kennedy family!"

Under the leadership of some people, the residents trapped in the confessional began to cheer, as if a crazy party was being held.

These few criminals who attempted to seize power were wiped out by justice law enforcement forces. This drama may end with such a cliché ending
Until a spectator suddenly found that the picture on the screen was not quite right, and exclaimed:
"He stood up again! This is impossible!"

In the live broadcast, the corpse that had been beaten to pieces by the special forces slowly stood up from the ground.

It was obvious that Chu Jianlai's body had stopped self-healing, as if he had completely died.But at this moment, he stood up again, and the wounds on his body began to heal again.

Several soldiers of the special execution unit were the first to notice that something was wrong, and quickly turned their heads to check.

"Aren't you already dead?" A special soldier exclaimed, subconsciously pulling out the weapon from his waist.

"He can suppress the body's recovery speed, and if you don't know, just mention it." Chen Entropy still held the camera, and the smile on his face became more and more calm.

"You killed me five hundred and three times, and I remember every attack clearly." Chu Jianlai's shattered body recovered almost within five seconds.

He stretched out his hands to pinch his chest, still with an expression as calm as water, but his body exuded a bloody aura.

"He must be dying! Don't be frightened by him, kill him!" A special soldier yelled and attacked Chu Jianlai in order to encourage his companions.

However, Chu Jianlai carried his hands on his back, and looked at the soldiers who were approaching him leisurely, as if provocative.

Just when the soldier was about to attack Chu Jianlai, the mechanical core in Chu Jianlai's chest suddenly emitted a strong pulse, which affected all the special soldiers present.

After being scanned by the pulse, the mechanical prosthetic bodies on these soldiers flickered with electric arcs.

"What's going on? Why can't I control myself!"

The soldier who tried to attack him suddenly twitched his limbs.His mechanical arms began to spin wildly like propellers, and his mechanical legs seemed to be out of order, unable to move.

The other special soldiers were not much better, and mechanical prosthetic bodies were out of control.

"It took me 15 minutes to let the core of the earth analyze each of your mechanical prosthetic bodies." Chu Jianlai asked in a calm tone:

"So, have you had enough trouble?"

 I almost had a fever last night, and I woke up the next morning and had class.In order to prevent falling ill, I went to bed first.

(End of this chapter)

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