Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 288 282. Convertible and Sniper Rifle

Chapter 288 282. Convertible and Sniper Rifle

"Found two suspicious targets, put on alert!"

Chu Jianlai and Setia rushed into the stairwell aggressively, and the soldiers stationed inside also immediately sensed the enemy's situation, and all raised their guns to aim at them.

"It's the princess and the criminal who broke into the Holy Land! They're both alive!" A soldier shouted in panic after identifying the two first.

According to visual estimates, there are 200 defenders stationed on the emergency stairs, but they are all ordinary soldiers.

In the final analysis, King Kennedy did not expect that Chu Jianlai would come out of the Holy Land alive, so he did not deploy a large number of troops here.

In the expectation of the king and ministers, Chu Jianlai would die in the holy land, and Princess Setia should also flee to the upper area after realizing Chu Jianlai's death, trying to join Chen Entropy and others .

Therefore, these soldiers were originally ordered to stay here to capture Princess Setia alive.

Although Princess Setia has undergone advanced combat transformation and received combat training, she can only single out twenty or thirty ordinary soldiers. The crowd tactics of two hundred soldiers are enough to make her defenseless.

But Chu Jianlai walked out of the Holy Land alive, that's another story.

Chu Jianlai just ran towards these soldiers, which made them feel a great sense of oppression.However, these soldiers had no intention of backing down, but trained and raised their guns and fired at Chu Jianlai.

The reason why these soldiers insisted on resisting may be because of their sense of honor as soldiers of Sky City, or maybe because they would be regarded as deserters if they turned around and fled, and they would die in the end.

But Chu Jianlai didn't intend to show any kindness to them.He rushed straight towards the long formation of soldiers, letting bullets rain down on him, but they couldn't stop him in the slightest.

"If you don't want to die, you can lie down and surrender immediately, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!" Chu Jianlai warned sharply, and rushed into the formation of soldiers without hesitation.

Chu Jianlai punched a soldier in the chest, sending him flying several meters away.Immediately, he took advantage of the opportunity and pulled out a saber from the waist of the soldier next to him, and used his sword skills in the pile of soldiers.

But just as he was about to start a killing spree, his limbs suddenly became weak, and the saber in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

"Can't you hold on?" Chu Jianlai lowered his head to look at his heart, his face suddenly became serious.

Previously in the holy land, Chu Jianlai's body persisted in the purgatory-like space for so long, and the core of the earth was also forced to perform a long-term overload operation so that he could heal himself at a faster speed.And after that, under Chu Jianlai's will, the core of the earth absorbed a large amount of nuclear radiation to replenish energy.

Chu Jianlai felt that the core of the earth seemed to be unable to withstand such a high-intensity work, so it temporarily entered a weak state of semi-dormant.

But the current situation is very bad for Chu Jianlai.The core of the earth is his source of life, and the semi-dormant state of the core of the earth means that his physical functions will also be greatly weakened, and his combat effectiveness will even temporarily drop to a level slightly stronger than ordinary people.

Seeing that Chu Jianlai did not resist, the soldiers suddenly became interested and pulled the trigger to fire at him.

Bullets shot at Chu Jianlai one after another, causing his blood to splatter everywhere.Unfortunately, Chu Jianlai's self-healing was obviously slowed down, and it took nearly ten seconds for the blood hole on his body to barely heal.

Realizing that he had made a mistake, Chu Jianlai had no choice but to half-kneel on the ground to endure the hail of bullets, waiting for an opportunity to break through.And these soldiers wanted to stuff the whole magazine into his body, and the bullets greeted him as if they didn't want money.

Seeing Chu Jianlai being besieged, Setia quickly rushed into the crowd and grabbed the heads of the two soldiers.

"Lie down and sleep for a while!" Setia's arms made the sound of mechanical high-load operation, and then she grabbed the heads of the two soldiers and hit each other forcefully, knocking them unconscious.

After finishing off the two soldiers, Setia saw a soldier standing behind Chu Jianlai, raising his rifle and preparing to fire at him.

Setia strode up to the soldier, stretched out her hand and grabbed the barrel of his gun.

Immediately afterwards, Setia's arms tensed, and the sound of the engine telling to run came from under the skin, which was directly related to the barrel of the gun being bent by her with one hand.

The soldier was frightened for a moment and let go of the rifle in his hand to retreat.However, Setia pursued him closely and punched him directly on the head, knocking him unconscious.

Taking advantage of the soldiers' attention focused on Chu Jianlai, Setia eliminated more than a dozen soldiers in a row and joined Chu Jianlai.

After feeling that the bullets hitting his body were much less, Chu Jianlai stood up reluctantly, and the two leaned against each other in a back-to-back posture.

"Leave your back to me, brother Jianlai!" Setia wiped the blood from her face, a violent light burst out from her eyes.

"Pay attention to your own safety." Chu Jianlai said lightly, and stepped forward again to attack the soldiers in front of him.

As a combat expert, Chu Jianlai can naturally see that Setia's performance in the face of these ordinary soldiers is more than capable, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

In fact, Setia's combat ability is not considered weak, nor does she lack actual combat experience.The reason why she couldn't help in the previous battles was purely because the enemies she encountered were too powerful.

Whether it is the old man Mordu who is stationed in the Holy Land or the soldiers of the special execution unit, the fighting power of these people is in the top 30.00% of Yeshu City, and Setia's strength is not enough for them. .

But at this moment, Setia did help Chu Jianlai who was in a weak state a lot.The cooperation between the two was not good, but these soldiers still couldn't stop them.

In less than 10 minutes, Chu Jianlai broke through the front line and arrived at the emergency staircase.

Chu Jianlai went up the stairs first, and Setia followed after defeating a few soldiers.

The two passed through all the way and knocked down all the soldiers on the stairs.Chu Jianlai's pace also became faster and faster, as if he couldn't wait to return to the upper area.


However, when the two of them climbed to the middle of the stairs, there was a roaring explosion above their heads, and the stairs they were on shook violently, almost shaking them down.

Setia quickly raised her head, her face suddenly panicked: "No, they're going to blow up the stairs!"

As she said, the soldiers stationed on the stairs saw that they could not stop the two, so they piled up dozens of boxes of explosives on the stairs and detonated them.

Accompanied by the flashing explosion, a large part of the staircase was immediately blown off, and sand and metal fragments flew everywhere.The parts of the stairs that were not bombed also became precarious, as if they were about to collapse at any moment.

Seeing this situation, Chu Jianlai couldn't help but stop, feeling a little angry in his heart.

Explosives destroyed nearly 20 meters of stairs.In other words, without borrowing any tools, Chu Jianlai had to jump to a height of at least 20 meters before returning to the upper zone.

But even for a monster like Chu Jianlai, jumping to a height of more than ten meters is already the limit.

Setia seemed to see Chu Jianlai's thoughts, and suggested eagerly: "We both take off at the same time, you should be able to jump up by stepping on my body as a pedal!"

Although this kind of cooperation scene like a movie plot is feasible, it is quite difficult to cooperate.But right now, it seems like that's the only way to go.

"No, I have other ways." Another idea quickly came to Chu Jianlai's mind, and he asked:

"Can you throw something heavy to a height of more than 20 meters?"

"Do you want me to throw you up?" Setia stared, feeling unbelievable:

"If it's under [-] kilograms, I can try it, but brother Jianlai's weight"

Before Setia finished speaking, Chu Jianlai silently put down the sword in the lake pinned to his waist.Then he raised the saber, aimed at his waist, cut himself in half, and let his upper body fall to the ground with a "slap".

Chu Jianlai thought for a while, and cut off his other arm with one hand.

"Excluding the weight of the lower body and arms, I'm about thirty catties now." Chu Jianlai's upper body was lying on the ground dripping with blood, trying not to let the wound heal itself: "Throw me up."

"Eh?! Don't suddenly chop yourself in half in front of girls!"

Setia was obviously frightened, and complained aggrievedly.However, she could still tell the current situation clearly, and immediately hugged Chu Jianlai's upper body with both hands, and made a throwing posture.

The girl's veins were bulging all over her body, her arms inflated rapidly like airbags, gradually revealing the muscular outline that women shouldn't have, and the noise of the mechanical engine overloading came from under the skin.

"I've used all the remaining fighting hormones in my body, and I will definitely send you back to the upper zone!" Setia's face became grim due to excessive exertion, and her voice became hoarse, looking like A terrifying dominatrix, nothing like the ladylike princess she was.

After finishing speaking, Setia released her full strength at this moment, throwing Chu Jianlai upwards violently.

With only half of his body left, Chu Jianlai took off like a rocket and flew straight to the entrance of the upper area.

Setia picked up the sword in the lake from the ground again, and threw it towards the entrance of the upper area.

"We must go back to Baiyun Palace and force the father to step down from the throne!"

After finishing everything, Setia yelled in the direction of the entrance of the upper area, and then sat on the spot with a sigh of relief.

In the Ministry of Energy in the upper area, Chen Entropy was sitting on a recliner with his legs crossed, blowing bubble gum leisurely.Baihu sat next to Chen Entropy, helping him to keep an eye on his surroundings.

Just a few hours ago, the employees of the Ministry of Energy reported to him that the concentration of nuclear radiation in the Holy Land had shown a sharp downward trend, and even approached infinitely close to zero.

Hearing this news, Chen Entropy felt much relieved, because he knew that Chu Jianlai had survived from the Holy Land.

The old minister of the Ministry of Energy had already been tied to a chair by Chen Entropy, staring at him indignantly.

At first, the old minister cursed at Chen Entropy's behavior, cursing him to be executed by the king.But not long after, the old minister seemed unable to scold, and could only sit limply on the chair without saying a word.

Seeing this foreign intruder gesticulating in his department, the old minister's eyes were full of resentment, like a bitter man who watched his wife being played by outsiders.

"Hello? Can Xiao Chen hear you?" Heikalisi's voice suddenly came out of Chen Entropy's earphones.

"What's wrong?" Chen Entropy asked.

"The decapitator appeared in the upper area." Hekalisi reported in an orderly manner:

"What he is holding in his hand is the holy sword. I didn't expect him to succeed~"

"Very good, then let's go to Baiyun Palace to force the king to step down!" Chen Entropy clapped his hands, showing a satisfied expression that the plan had succeeded.

"But there is one more important thing." Hekalisi said again:

"The two-legged king has already escaped, and he is now heading to his private airport in a convertible car~ I heard from the monitoring facility of the White Cloud Palace that he seems to be planning to flee to Yeshu City and ask the Plutocratic Federation for assistance .”

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier?!" Chen Entropy stood up from his chair and asked:

"If he escapes, my plan will be disrupted!"

Dicasang Kennedy is of great significance to Chen Entropy, because he needs to learn information about the "Velvet Alchemy Workshop" from the mouth of the former king who is about to step down.

What's more, Chen Entropy also wanted to help Setia complete her revenge and solve this ironic family farce.Setia also helped Chen Entropy a lot, and Chen Entropy's favorite thing to do was to help the people he used while using others, so that both parties could achieve a win-win situation, but he won more.

"Ha~ I see you are in a hurry~" Hekalis yawned unhurriedly, and said:
"Find a sniper rifle, and I'll tell you which way to intercept him~"

Hearing this, Chen Entropy found a sniper rifle from a subdued security guard and checked the number of bullets inside.

"Baihu, go meet the swordsman, see you in Baiyun Palace!" Chen Entropy told Baihu, then turned and left the Ministry of Energy.

The streets of the Upper Quarter were still filled with panicked crowds.Although it has been a day and a night since the nuclear leak in the Holy Land, the fear of nuclear pollution still hasn't dissipated from these people's hearts.It is precisely because of this that Chen Entropy can move freely in such a chaotic street.

"Sky City has a secret escape channel specially prepared for high-level officials, so it is very difficult to intercept him." Hekalisi's proud voice came from the earphone:
"But you go to the place my mother told you to stay, and the two-legged king will be unable to fly!"

Soon, Black Carliss sent a map of Sky City to Chen Entropy's mobile phone, and a red dot was marked somewhere on the map, which seemed to be the location where Black Carliss wanted Chen Entropy to stay in advance .

Chen Entropy shuttled quickly through the streets, and finally came to the roof of a church.The view here is wide, and there are obstacles around the roof that can be used as bunkers, which seem to be very suitable for sniper operations.

Chen Entropy set up the sniper rifle on the roof, and then asked:
"What's next?"

"The two-legged king is expected to appear in your field of vision in one minute, get ready to shoot~" Hekalis instructed.

"Did you forget an important thing?" At this moment, Chen Entropy spoke to remind:

"Do you think I can really hit him with my marksmanship?"

"Don't worry~ I will use intelligent AI to assist you, you just need to follow my instructions and shoot!" Hekalis assured her confidently.

Hearing Hekalis's promise, Chen Entropy felt relieved and focused on the eyepiece of the sniper rifle.

Within a minute, there was indeed a black painted convertible speeding by on the street in front of him, and Chen Entropy also saw clearly that the person sitting in the passenger seat was King Dekasang.

"Air humidity. Wind direction. The precision of the sniper rifle. Very good, you move the muzzle of the sniper rifle five centimeters to the left, and then move it down three centimeters!" Hekalisi also changed her lazy speaking style, seriously The ground command said.

Chen Entropy moved the muzzle of the gun in accordance with Hekalis's instructions, but he couldn't help sweating while holding the handle of the gun.

Just when Chen Entropy moved the muzzle of the gun to the designated position, Hekalisi shouted: "Shoot!"

Chen Entropy pulled the trigger immediately, and the sound of the sniper rifle resounded throughout the street.

"Very good~ Zihahahaha, that two-legged king's head is about to explode~" Hekalis also laughed when she was done.

"Wait, you asked me to aim at his head?" Chen Entropy suddenly snapped his tongue, his eyes became a little surprised:

"Why didn't you say it earlier?! I want to save his life!"

"Slightly slightly~Why does my mother listen to you? Don't you think it's cool to blow the head of a person in a convertible car with a sniper rifle?" Hekalisi joked mischievously.

"You..." Chen Entropy stared, feeling a little anxious after a long absence.

However, the harsh noise of tires rubbing against the ground soon broke Chen Entropy's thoughts.He followed the sound, only to find that the bullet hit the front wheel of the convertible.The convertible with the tires blown out suddenly lost control of its direction and hit the wall next to it. The passengers and driver inside seemed to faint.

"Alright~ I know you want to keep him alive, so how could you really blow his head off~" Hekalisi seemed to enjoy Chen Entropy's anxious look, and laughed as her plan succeeded.

Chen Entropy showed a helpless expression, turned and ran downstairs to the convertible.

(End of this chapter)

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