Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 298 292. I betrayed myself!

Chapter 298 292. I betrayed myself!

The next day, Chen Entropy bid farewell to Chu Jianlai and others, and returned to Yeshu City after a long absence.

Calculating carefully, he only spent less than a month in Sky City.It's just that too many things happened during this period, which made him feel as if he had spent most of the year there.

As soon as he walked to the streets of Yeshu City, which were full of graffiti, homeless people and street gangsters, Chen Entropy felt moved to go home.In contrast, the cultural environment of Sky City is really too old-fashioned, and people have no urge to do something at all.

"Sister, I'm back!" Chen Entropy pushed open the familiar door.

It was time for dinner.Since Chen Entropy had notified his sister in advance, Nayuta was preparing a dinner for two.

"Brother, welcome home!" Nayuta came out of the kitchen wearing a small apron, holding a spoon in his hand, with a warm smile on his face.

"Are you still cooking? Let me help you!" Seeing this situation, Chen Entropy quickly put down his luggage and took off his coat, and went straight into the kitchen.

"Eh? Brother, it's okay, dinner will be ready soon!" Nayuta hurriedly stopped Chen Entropy, but Chen Entropy entered the kitchen to help regardless of the obstruction.

The two enjoyed dinner happily, and Chen Entropy also briefly told Nayuta about his experience of "traveling with classmates".

Of course, these experiences are all made up by him casually, and they are probably youth stories like "I participated in social practice activities with my classmates".

And the topic that Nayuta talked to him the most was a series of events that happened in Sky City recently.

After Chen Entropy and others seized power, they asked Setia to issue a series of political statements to Yeshu City in the name of "Sky City Government".However, Setia did not disclose the fact that Chen Entropy and others participated in the seizure of power in the statement, but only claimed that there was an internal revolution in Sky City.

The "Sky City Revolution" matter quickly became known in Yeshu City, and it became the most hotly discussed topic in one fell swoop.There are even directors of film and television companies who are interested in business opportunities and are planning to shoot a documentary called "Seven-Day Revolutionary" with this theme, and it is said that they have hired an all-star cast.

"Let's go and see the movie after it's released~" Chen Entropy was still quite curious about this movie.After all, he also wanted to see what kind of heaven-defying movie this director could make his story into.

"Eh? Going to the movies with my brother?!" Nayuta was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed joyfully:
"Okay, I've wanted to go out with my brother for a long time!"

"No problem, the summer vacation is still a long time away, we have plenty of time~" Chen Entropy touched Nayuta's head and smiled.

Don't look at the siblings getting along so well now.In fact, since the Wudu incident, the relationship between Chen Entropy and Nayuta has undergone a brief ice-cold period.

Nayuta knew that her elder brother always liked to do some inexplicable things.However, during the Wudu incident, Chen Entropy's behavior could no longer be described as "inexplicable" in Nayuta's view.

Missed the school bus to the central area to go to the toilet, and then took the initiative not to contact her and Chiyo-senpai, as if she had disappeared directly.In Nayuta's view, this kind of behavior that makes relatives worry in vain is very excessive.

For this, Chen Entropy also felt a lot of guilt in his heart.Probably because the index finger and thumb are stuck together, and the distance between the two fingertips is so much guilt.

But perhaps thanks to his previous life experience, Chen Entropy is very good at coaxing girls, especially younger sisters whose mental age is younger than him.

Even Chen Entropy couldn't seem to remember why he had this type of past life experience.

However, under Chen Entropy's rhetoric and sincere apology, Nayuta finally forgave him, and the brother and sister returned to their daily lives.

After dinner, Chen Entropy left home on the grounds that he was going out to meet friends.

Not long after going out, Chen Entropy picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey Kaliss, I have something to ask you for help, can I come to your house to talk?"

"Huh? Come to my house?" Hekalisi's tone sounded a bit surprised:
"Why did you suddenly make such a request?"

But soon, Hekalis seemed to think of something, and smiled suggestively:

"Let me tell you~ Are you a little virgin, hungry and thirsty, and want to find my old lady to deal with it? You should go to the underworld girl or your sister for this kind of thing!"

"I'm not joking, I need your help in an emergency." Chen Entropy changed his usual hip-hop attitude, and suddenly asked seriously:
"You're the only person I can trust in this matter, please."

"Hey, are you really in a hurry?" Hekalis was a little overwhelmed by Chen Entropy's attitude, so she had to agree:

"I really can't stand you, then come to my nearest secret base, and I'll send you the map!"

The next moment, an electronic map came from Chen Entropy's mobile phone.He took a look, and the destination happened to be in Longmen District, about two kilometers away from him.

"What's wrong, the last time I came to your secret base, I crossed half the city to get there!" Chen Entropy asked curiously:
"If you opened a secret base so close to my home, why did you tell me to go to Paradise last time?"

Although Chen Entropy did not know the detailed settings of Hekalis, according to the previous negotiations with her, Chen Entropy probably knew that the hacker lady had set up several "secret bases" in Yeshu City, and all her hackers Actions take place in these places.

"I recently opened a new secret base in Longmen District, do you have any objections?" Hekalis suddenly asked a little uncomfortable.

"Isn't it specially opened for me?" Chen Entropy slapped his head and said casually.

"." Hekalis was silent for a while, and asked impetuously: "Are you still coming? If you don't come, get out!"

"Okay, okay, I'll be right over!" Chen Entropy turned off the phone and hurried on.

According to the map's instructions, Chen Entropy came to the door of an apartment.

The light on the door flickered green, as if sensing the arrival of a guest, it opened automatically.

Chen Entropy walked into the apartment and closed the door behind him.

In the last abyss event, Chen Entropy also visited Hekalis's secret base.The secret base that Chen Entropy visited this time was similar to the last time. It was full of wires and various large electronic devices with inexplicable functions, giving people a high-tech impression.

Under the guidance of the light, Chen Entropy came to a room in the secret base.Similar to the last time, there is an operating bed in the center of the room, with all kinds of strange electronic equipment and a mechanical helmet placed on the bed.

"Old rules~" Hekalis gave him an order on the phone:

"Lie on the bed, come into my virtual space and chat."

Chen Entropy did exactly that, lying on the bed and putting on the mechanical helmet.

Until now, Chen Entropy still has a wary attitude towards Hekalis, and thinks twice every time he entrusts her.Because Hercaris is a moody and out-of-the-ordinary jolly person, just like him.

But if you still don't trust your companions, then Chen Entropy can't do anything.

Besides, Heikalis' favorability has reached 87 "envy" without knowing it, so Chen Entropy should trust her a little bit.After all, if it were a normal target of the strategy, people would be about to say something like "You will not marry me in this life".

As the mechanical helmet and the equipment on the bed began to operate, Chen Entropy's eyes quickly went dark, and he soon lost consciousness.

【Connecting to consciousness.】

【Synced link】

【Welcome to the private space of "Four Leaves", Chen Sir~】

When Chen Entropy opened his eyes again, he found himself on a high marble platform floating in the starry sky, exactly the same as last time.

"Welcome to my cyberspace again~ Do you think it's cool every time you come here?"

The figure of Hekalis fell from the sky and landed in front of Chen Entropy.

Her avatar is still similar to the last time we met, with a girlish face, a slender and flat figure, brown hair with long bangs, a blue-purple bisected wide windbreaker, and the words "Welcome to paradise" "The inner shirt gives people a weird and absurd but coordinated impression as a whole.

Hekalis leaned in front of Chen Entropy, widened her brown eyes, and looked at him curiously:
"You came to me in a hurry, so it must be because of the iron lump on your heart that something happened?"

Chen Entropy looked left and right for a while, and asked: "The conversation between the two of us now will definitely not be heard by a third party?"

"Are you questioning my old lady's encryption level?" Hekalisi frowned suddenly, and her tone suddenly became a little unhappy:

"This is my mother's private cyberspace, it is absolutely impossible for anyone else to hear our chat!"

Seeing Hekalis so confident, Chen Entropy was relieved.

He thought for a while, and suddenly said seriously: "Hey Kaliss, help me remove the mechanical core from my chest."

"Wait, what did you say?!" Hekalis opened her mouth slightly, showing a little surprise:
"Why are you doing such a thing all of a sudden?"

"Didn't you say you could dismantle it for me, but you just need a new mechanical heart?" Chen Entropy asked with a smile.

"But didn't you say you didn't want to dismantle it before?" Hekalisi folded her arms and pursed her lips:

"And you have to think clearly, if you dare to put a little bit of mechanical parts on your body, then you are waiting to be monitored by my mother 24 hours a day!"

"Compared to you, I don't want to be watched by an unknown existence all the time." Chen Entropy shook his head, his voice becoming a little heavy.

"What do you mean?" Hekalis blinked.

"Remember when we were in Sky City, we suspected that there was a traitor between us?" Chen Entropy found a stone pier and sat down, and said slowly:
"At that time, in order to prevent our team's cooperation from falling apart, I deliberately pretended to be out of tune, and changed everyone's attention from 'finding traitors' to 'finding a way to make Chu Jianlai ascend the throne and become king'. But the fact Now, I also suspect that there is a traitor among us."

"Whether it's you, Baihu, or Chu Jianlai is someone I can trust, and you have no reason to betray me. Then the only person who is most likely to betray us and sell us to King Dickassang is Princess Setia .”

Hekalis asked in a muffled voice, "But didn't you insist that she didn't betray us?"

"Yes, I also found out later that she didn't betray us." Chen Entropy shrugged and said.

When Chen Entropy and others were hunted down by King Dickassang, Setia's favorability for him was above 5 [Friendly] level, which meant that Setia would not easily do bad things to Chen Entropy.

Besides, regardless of the degree of favorability, Setia is set up as a girl with no scheming, and she can't hide secrets at all.If she wanted to lie to Chen Entropy, then Chen Entropy would be able to see the clues when the two met for the first time.

"I tested her with the [Bad Woman Detector]. As far as the results are concerned, her bad woman index is very low." Chen Entropy explained to Hekalis:
"Besides, we also agreed to assist Setia in killing the king, so she has no reason to betray us."

"So who is betraying us?" Hekalis was a little confused by Chen Entropy's words:
"Don't let the old lady take the blame, be careful that the old lady wrings your head off!"

Chen Entropy suddenly took a few steps back. He took a deep breath, squeezed his chest hard, and his eyes became a little ferocious.

Such a strange behavior made Hekalis feel strange, but she still stood there with her arms folded, silently waiting for Chen Entropy's next move.

"Then the answer should be revealed, my dear Miss Hacker!" Chen Entropy laughed and announced in a calm and exaggerated tone:
"The traitor who betrayed us is myself!"

"Ah?" Hekalisi said in a hurry with a dazed expression on her face:
"Better explain clearly! You didn't come to me in the middle of the night to tell a bad joke, did you?"

"Don't be surprised, my dear Miss Hacker, what I said is the most reliable answer I got after investigation." Chen Entropy said:
"To be precise, it was the crumbling core on my heart that betrayed me. It betrayed us in order to prevent us from investigating the alchemy workshop, which caused us to get into trouble."

In fact, when Chen Entropy first crossed into this world, he didn't trust this mechanical core that inexplicably appeared on his heart.

Even though he relied on the Honkai Core to strengthen himself and resolved many dangers, he still did not let down his guard against the Honkai Core.

Because he deeply understands that neither miracles nor favors come for free.One day he will pay the price for the help that Honkai Core gave him, or he has already paid the price for it.

It's just that when he first crossed over, he only had the malice in his heart to please himself by destroying everything, and he wasn't even afraid of death, so he didn't care about the potential threat of the core of the collapse.

However, ever since he decided to investigate the Velvet Alchemy Workshop, the Honkai Core's reaction was a bit strange, and he even tried to stop him.

Since then, Chen Entropy can only conclude that the core of the collapse has a deep relationship with the velvet alchemy workshop.And it was the core of the collapse that betrayed the whereabouts of Chen Entropy and others, causing them to be wanted by King Dickassang throughout the city.

At this point, Chen Entropy no longer intends to keep this mechanical core.He was going to take it off and let Hekalis analyze it.

Even if doing so might make Chen Entropy weaker and even unable to use the skills he once mastered, what he needs most now is the truth.

He wants to know why he came here through time travel, and who is dancing behind the scenes, manipulating everything in this drama.

"If you insist so much, I'll help you dismantle it." Hekalisi didn't mean to reject Chen Entropy, so she said frivolously:

"I'm afraid you don't know, so I'll tell you. My old lady has a surgeon qualification certificate, so it's more than enough to help you with a heart replacement operation~"

"Thank you very much." Chen Entropy nodded slightly, and said sincerely:
"I know this is an abrupt request, but I'm glad you're willing to help me. It's good to have you, Black Carliss!"

"Fuck! Don't praise me in a serious manner all of a sudden!" Hekalisi immediately turned her head impatiently, frowned and scolded:
"It's disgusting to say such provocative words from a person like you! Even if we get to know each other so well, I can only promise to be a little more serious about the surgery for you, and the medical expenses will not be paid. You paid less!"

The atmosphere between the two was quite harmonious, and it was obvious that they had reached a consensus.

But at this moment, a female voice full of mechanical and oppressive feelings appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly interrupted the atmosphere between the two:

"Stop! You have no idea what you're doing!"

The mechanical female voice said so, which shocked the two people in the virtual space at the same time.

 Sorry, stuck for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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