Wasteland Love Game

Chapter 329 323. The Eye of Metis

Chapter 329 323. The Eye of Metis

Another two months have passed, and it has been more than three months since Chen Entropy began to infiltrate the Jijili District.

During this period of time, District Chief Aoyin occasionally arranged some daily tasks for Chen Entropy.In order to maintain the goodwill between the two, Chen Entropy will naturally help him deal with it without hesitation.

At the same time, Olean would often contact Chen Entropy to inform him of his current movements.

In the game's setting, Orion is a gifted politician.If it wasn't because he saw through the sufferings of the world and decided to organize a rebel army in a flash of his brain, his future achievements would definitely be no less than that of his father.

According to the report, Olean has accomplished all the tasks assigned to him by his father excellently, further gaining his father's trust.

On this basis, the mayor of Aoyin has been able to safely hand over some affairs of the mayor to his son to complete independently.

In fact, District Chief Aoyin has long wanted to do this. After all, he has no psychological burden on squandering power.

If he could use his status as the head of the district to provide his son with the opportunity to hone himself in the political arena, the head of Aoyin District would definitely not wait to do so.

It's just that before that, my son has always been the image of an unsmiling and autistic otaku. No matter how good his academic performance and conduct are, District Chief Aoyin dare not let him be easily involved in politics.

However, Olean is not this kind of person. He just deliberately disguised himself as an autistic boy in order to prevent his identity as the leader of the rebel army from being discovered by his father.

However, with Chen Entropy's advice and assistance, Olean gradually restored his original optimistic and talkative appearance in front of his family.Coupled with his merits in arresting the smuggling organization, the mayor of Oyin assured his son to start working in politics.

In the view of District Chief Auyin, Mr. "Beiyuan Shangdan" enlightened and educated Olean, turning him into a responsible, sunny and cheerful boy again.

"So how far have you worked so hard now?" Chen Entropy asked curiously.

The reason why Chen Entropy came to Jijili District to make troubles was to win over the rebels and let them become his bargaining chip against the chaebol association in the future.

If Olean acts too hastily, it is very likely that District Chief Oyin and the Chaebol Federation will notice something is wrong and start to be wary of him.

Therefore, Chen Entropy was not in a hurry at all, and even hoped that Orion would act more slowly.

"Thanks to my father for entrusting me with a lot of work recently, I have learned a lot of information, especially the security deployment in Jigiri District and the movements of the major chaebols here." Olean spoke in a relatively small voice, as if I'm afraid that walls have ears:
"And I also found internal information about the four major gangs in Jijili. These people have always been ignorant, and they will follow whoever gives the money, even the mask gang that has the deepest cooperation with the chaebol. I am considering whether to accept them. As one of the forces of the rebel army, if they can't do it, they can infiltrate them through inside lines."

"It sounds quite organized, so you have to work hard~" Chen Entropy hung up the phone with confidence.

Olean, who stepped into the political field, felt like a fish in water. Although many actions still showed imprints of naivety and idealism, Chen Entropy was generally satisfied.

These days, Chen Entropy will also contact Sky City from time to time to understand the situation.

It is said that with the assistance of Formalin, Setia has become a competent politician, although it still needs the assistance of a few former court officials.

As for Chu Jianlai, he is still a mascot, knows nothing about politics, and can't hold anything else in his mind except chivalry and revenge.

But he himself is superior in force, and with the help of Setia, he probably won't suffer any disadvantages.

Not only that, Formalin simply allowed the group of revolutionary troops to enter Sky City as well, using it as a base camp so that she could manage it conveniently.

All in all, everything in Sky City is fine now. Although the economy has declined due to political turmoil, it is barely stable.

But the only troublesome thing is probably the diplomacy between Sky City and Yeshu City.

As one of the few remaining administrative cities after the nuclear war, Yeshu City paid a lot of attention to Sky City.

After the coup d'état in Sky City, Setia issued a relevant statement in time, erasing the fact that Chen Entropy and others led the coup d'état.

But Yeshu City doesn't seem to buy into this ambiguous statement.

In fact, the Zaibatsu Federation has become very curious about Sky City, and has sent envoys and spies to investigate many times.

Although Setia and a group of ministers tried their best to send all these visitors back every time, the Chaebol Federation never gave up, and still sent people to investigate over and over again.

Although the Chaebol Federation didn't say it clearly, their actions simply put "There must be something wrong with your country?" This string of questions was written on their faces.

After all, the current king of Sky City is a serial murderer who slaughtered all over the Kunlun area, and the foreign political adviser who assisted the king is a wanted criminal who participated in the Wudu incident.If these news accidentally reach the ears of the Plutocratic Federation, Yeshu City may launch tough political negotiations or even war against Sky City.

Hearing these news, Chen Entropy's expression was naturally not very good-looking.After all, Sky City is his trump card, and if he is discovered in advance by the Chaebol Federation, it will be tantamount to a failure.

While Chen Entropy was hesitating about how to help Sky City solve its problems, Professor Du Sha said in a chat:

"The idiots from the Plutocratic Federation have come to investigate us over and over again, probably because some people have noticed the clues and insisted that the coup statement in Sky City is a lie."

"The announcement statement issued by Setia is indeed evasive and ignores a lot of important information. But no one should have [-]% doubts about it and send people over to investigate continuously." Chen Entropy murmured secretly:

"If that person is not paranoid, then he has terrifying insight."

To be able to firmly speculate that the coup d'état in Sky City has hidden secrets, and has the power to persuade the Chaebol Federation to send people to the area to investigate repeatedly. This person must be a high-level role in the Chaebol Federation, and he is also a highly respected think tank.

In this way, the range of candidates is actually very narrow.

"Professor Old Turtle's subordinates do have a few smart officers, but most of them are shrewd and smooth in politics, rather than smart in reasoning." Professor Dusha, a thinker, replied:
"If you want to talk about the ability to see through little knowledge and see through lies, there is probably only one person who has such a talent."

"Could it be that..." Chen Entropy seemed to have guessed what Professor Du Sha wanted to say.

The next moment, Professor Dusha groaned softly with his muscles twitching, as if he had switched to Formalin's personality.

"Really, why do you want me to talk to you again? It's disgusting!" Formalin complained in an unhappy tone as soon as she came up:

"But Professor Dusha and I deduced the identity of that person thanks to my intuition, so she wants me to explain the identity of this person~"

"Actually, after your reminders, I seem to have already guessed who that person is." Chen Entropy raised his brows and smiled easily.

"Then let's announce the answer~" Formalin sighed and said reluctantly:

"The person who perceives the truth should be the youngest and most talented counselor around the professor, that is, my third sister Alice!"

"Alice. It seems that it can only be her." Chen Entropy nodded flatly, showing a natural look in his eyes.

"What's your tone? It's as if you know her!"

Formalin was surprised by Chen Entropy's calm reaction when she heard this name. After all, she thought that when Chen Entropy heard this name, she would first ask in confusion, "Who is she sending it to?", and then Formalin I will patiently introduce my third sister to him.

"Of course I know her, and I've even seen her modeling skeleton~" Chen Entropy began to speak nonsense again:

"If you want to listen, I can even tell you the story of the fight I had with the art department about whether the character 'Alice' should have traditional blond hair or faded rainbow slasher hair, but we ended up going with a full Wisdom sky blue as the main tone of hair color. "

"." Formalin was silent for a moment, and gave a simple evaluation of the huge nonsense of this message:

"Can you have a good chat and not go crazy, idiot?"

Formalin usually doesn't like to swear, but she seems to only swear when she gets along with Chen Entropy.

To talk about the reason, it might be because Formalin didn't agree with this man, but she became fond of him under the influence of Professor Dussard's personality, and since then she has an uncontrollable sense of irritability.

Obviously knowing that this man is using me time and time again, and obviously what this man does makes me sick to the point of vomiting, but deep down in my heart, I yearn to be with this man, hope to chat with him for a while, meet more times, and even grow up. The contradictory and subtle feeling of the further relationship makes it difficult for Formalin to control her emotions in front of Chen Entropy.

"Okay~ let's get down to business!" Chen Entropy coughed lightly, and resolutely brought back the topic:

"If the enemy is the woman known as the 'Eye of Metis', I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to deal with."

"Eye of Metis" is the title given to the professor's three daughters within the Chaebol Federation, and it is also the code name of the body modification experiment that this girl underwent at the beginning.

"Metis" is the "goddess of wisdom and strategy" in a certain mythology system before the nuclear war.As the name suggests, this body modification experiment is to strengthen the human brain so that it can surpass the computer.

You can quickly get answers to world-class mathematical problems just by mental arithmetic; keep all the books you have read in your mind like a library; and even speculate on the future world situation by summarizing the history of human development since ancient times
This is the "Goddess of Wisdom" that the professor expected.

Unlike Lealita's "super-intuitive experiment" and Cazaleu's "super-soldier experiment", the difficulty of "The Eye of Metis" can be said to be extremely difficult.

If you want to investigate in detail, this experiment consumes at least a thousand children.Some children died because they could not withstand the high-intensity brain modification, but more children became brain-dead vegetatives in the experiment and were euthanized by the laboratory.

Among the thousands of test subjects, a little blue-haired girl named "Alice" survived in the end.

From the moment she regained consciousness, she knew she was special.Because she could feel that her brain was thinking like a wild horse running wildly, and her thoughts kept diverging as if she couldn't stop.

In a series of tests that followed, Alice also showed amazing wisdom.Even the examiner who came to test her called her a "monster" in surprise, and then fled the laboratory without looking back.

However, after experiencing the cruel experiment, the girl did not regain her freedom as she wished, but was secretly imprisoned by the professor.

The reason for imprisoning her is very simple, because someone as smart as her is simply a time bomb, and if she is left alone, something will happen sooner or later.

For example, if she has a grudge against the Chaebol Federation, she can easily escape from the professor's surveillance by changing her mind a little, and she will quietly lobby among the major chaebols, causing frequent conflicts until the Chaebol Federation is torn apart until.

If Alice was left alone, it would be tantamount to letting a demon out of its cage.As long as she has a thought, the whole city will be played by her in applause.

Therefore, the professor's method of imprisoning Alice was also extremely cruel. It can be said that she completely cut off the chance of her escaping and resisting.

Because Alice's brain is too active and she can't stop thinking for a moment, she often suffers from insomnia and is extremely fragile. She needs daily injections of sedatives to maintain sleep.

So the professor mixed a special muscle relaxant into the sedative, so that Alice's whole body muscles could not be controlled, and she could not escape or resist. She could only sit in a smart wheelchair with a robotic arm to complete simple daily actions. Feeding also has to rely on intubation.

Not only that, the professor also imprisoned Alice in a heavily guarded secret stronghold in the central area.Except for occasional major events, she basically does not appear in the public eye.

But such a girl who was forcibly made disabled is the top think tank and the highest private advisor of the professor of the Chaebol Federation.

Alice is very smart, she knows that there is no way to resist in this situation, so she has to serve the professor unconditionally for the time being.

However, the professor didn't expect her to pay too much for herself, but just threw some difficult problems that the chaebol federation couldn't handle to her.

After all, rather than making her a think tank, the real purpose of the professor is to wait until the research on the "soul transfer technology" is completed, and to use her as one of the candidates for taking home.

If Chen Entropy's guess is correct, the professor should have handed over both the Wudu Incident and the Sky City coup to Alice.

That's why the professor knew that his seventh daughter, Lealita, was involved in the Wudu incident, and also knew the secrets behind the coup in Sky City.

Even though she was imprisoned in a closed and oppressive space, Alice could still deduce important information by relying on fragmented information. This was her terrifying strength.

If it wasn't because Chen Entropy was a traverser who knew the whole picture of the game and didn't reveal too many flaws in his actions, I'm afraid she would have deduced the identity of the "planner".

"In short, things have become very troublesome." Chen Entropy sighed and said with emotion:
"If you want the Chaebol Federation to stop sending people to investigate Sky City, you have to make Alice admit that there is no doubt about the coup in that city."

"Speaking of which, I only saw her at a few family gatherings and chaebol banquets, but she was so weak that she couldn't even speak, so she could only type slowly with her fingers." Formalin recalled something, her tone become worried:

"And she is always accompanied by the professor's personal bodyguard. Although she said it was to protect her safety, it must be to monitor her."

"What a poor girl, it's as if all the organs except the brain have been abolished, and even the freedom has been completely deprived~" Chen Entropy sighed sadly.

"After all, the professor created a monster that he couldn't control. No matter how you think about it, it's his own fault!" Formalin complained angrily:

"But now the professor wants to use the monster third sister to deal with us, which is not good!"

"You are right, it seems that there is really no other way!" Chen Entropy thought for a while, and said after making up his mind:
"For the sake of the future of Sky City, I will personally go to your third sister and have a good chat!"

"Ah?" Formalin exclaimed in surprise, completely unresponsive.

(End of this chapter)

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