Chapter 42

As soon as Chen Shuo returned to his guest room, he saw the message from Heikalis.

It didn't take long for the mechanical girl to push the door and enter, sitting on the chair with her legs folded carelessly.

"You don't really want to sleep with me, do you?" Chen Shuo slumped on the opposite chair with a confused expression.

Black Kalis sneered and said disdainfully, "What do you think? Hackers who are pursuing my mother can be queued from the dark web to Twitter, and you are still missing?"

"I'm here to ask you something." Hekalise's mechanical fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard for a while, then asked:
"How much do you know about beheading people at midnight?"

Chen Entropy quickly sat upright and asked curiously, "Why do you suddenly want to ask this?"

Heikalis turned over the laptop in her hand and pointed the screen at Chen Entropy.

A long-haired man wearing a bronze skull mask was displayed on the screen, who was the man who beheaded at Midnight.

"You have revealed to me that the purpose of the Midnight Beheader's murder is for revenge, and his enemies are the three major sects." Black Carliss said.

"To be precise, it is the entire Kunlun District." Chen Entropy added.

Hearing Chen Entropy's words, Heikalis turned the computer around again, and quickly tapped the keyboard again with her fingers:
"I investigated the Midnight Beheading man through special channels. But strangely, I could hardly find any background information about him."

Chen Shuo stretched his waist, and the joints on his body made a loud noise: "No way? Even our big hacker is helpless?"

Heikalis said with a serious face: "When I was investigating the midnight beheading, I also checked the news of the Kunlun District in recent decades."

"What surprises me is that the news in Kunlun District has been abnormal since ten years ago."

"Abnormal?" Chen Entropy held his chin with a smile.

"This feeling is like someone quietly tore out a page of a cool novel with 100 million words. If you look at it roughly, you can't find any abnormalities. Only by analyzing word by word can you find unnatural plot gaps."

"I'm thinking, has the information about the past beheading people in the middle of the night been artificially erased?"

After listening to Heikalis' analysis, Chen Entropy couldn't help but stand up and clapped his palms.

"You're right~ The appearance of the Beheading Man at Midnight is indeed related to an incident in Kunlun District ten years ago." Chen Shuo praised: "It can be inferred to such an extent based on this detail alone, you are more than I imagined. more powerful.”

"We hackers can only collect information that exists on the Internet. As for the information that does not exist, I am helpless."

Heikalis closed the computer and asked, "So I'll ask you directly. Are you willing to tell me~?"

"Is it paid?" Chen Entropy was straightforward.

Black Callis tilted her head and smiled adorably: "I can promise not to send your personal information to the same-sex dating website and the unlimited fighting registration website."

"Then I really thank you very much." Chen Shuo also laughed:

"Forget it, I was going to tell you the truth anyway. If a revenge-themed novel reaches its climax and readers don't know why the protagonist wants revenge, this kind of novel would be too bad."

Chen Shuo cleared his throat and shouted loudly, "Miss, come and listen too."

As soon as the words fell, Yashuangyi Chiyo turned in from the window without saying a word, and closed the window.

"This is the third floor, you actually eavesdropping on the outside wall?" Chen Entropy exclaimed.

To be honest, when Chen Entropy saw that he was less than ten meters away from Chiyo just now, he thought she was hiding at the door of the room.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on?" Chiyo turned his face awkwardly and coughed lightly.

Seeing that everyone was there, Chen Entropy cleared his throat and started his story.

In the bright and bright office, a yellow-haired youth in a casual suit is at the desk investigating something.

The desk in front of him was already filled with dense documents and videotapes.

Not long after, an old man wearing a Taoist robe pushed in and asked the yellow-haired youth in front of the desk:

"Master Xu Qing, what are you looking for with this old man?"

Xu Qing pinched the bridge of her sore nose and said straight to the point:

"Grandpa Yuxian, I have encountered a bottleneck in my investigation these days, so I want to ask you to verify some things in person."

"Xu Shao, just ask."

The head of Jade Sign sat on the armchair by the wall, playing with the jade pendant in his hand, with a solemn expression.

Xu Qing said slowly: "I have seen many cases and files of serial killers before, so I have some understanding of these types of criminals. The reason why serial killers keep killing people is because they have 'motives'."


"That's right, it's the motive. For example, the 'Misty Jack' who once gained fame in Whitechapel, his motive for killing was his unique feelings for prostitutes, so all the victims who died at his hands were sex workers. Another example Speaking of the 'carcass pig farmer' in Tieling District, he believes that the flesh and blood of adult men is the best pig feed, so he kills only sturdy adult men."

Xu Qing lowered her head slightly and fell into deep thought: "The murder method of 'Midnight Beheading' is very publicized, and most of the victims selected are from various sects in Kunlun District. However, I can't see his motive for killing."

Hearing this, the head of Jade Sign stopped playing with the jade pendant in his hand and asked slowly:
"The 'motivation' that Xu Shao said is really important? We have already put all the disciples under house arrest in Xianfeng Mountain. You only need to interrogate them one by one?"

"For studying serial killers, 'motivation' is very important." Xu Qing looked serious:
"No serial killer is without a motive. No, if a serial killer has no motive and just kills for the sake of killing, that's the most terrifying thing!"

"Then what Xu Shao wants to know from this old man?" The head of Jade Sign asked solemnly.

Xu Qing snapped her fingers, nodded and said, "When I was interrogating several Taoist disciples today, I vaguely heard them muttering 'Trumen massacre' and 'ten years ago'. But I want to ask them carefully. when they denied it.”

"This" I don't know which key words I heard, and the complexion of the head of Jade Sign suddenly became gloomy.

"That's why I wanted to ask Grandpa Jade Sign," Xu Qing's eyes glowed with scorching heat: "Please tell me everything you know, all to find out the 'Midnight Beheader' as soon as possible!"

After being silent for a while, the head of the jade sign finally sighed helplessly: "Is it still impossible to hide this matter?"

"What does Grandpa Yuxi know?!" Xu Qing patted the table excitedly.

"Everything started ten years ago..." The head of Jade Sign stroked his gray beard and recalled the past.

 The big one is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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