Chapter 75
With the night wind blowing on his face, Chen Shuo walked slowly on the street that was about to enter the winter.

Even Chen Entropy himself did not expect that his team would decide the winner with the Xu Group in the audition.

However, the Xu Group is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.Since they are determined to participate in the big arena, they must have won the championship trophy.In order to achieve their goals, the chaebols don't care whether the means are upright or not.

Therefore, even if you think about it with fat, you can guess the real purpose of the Xu Group's invitation to meet him.

The best result is nothing more than that the Xu Group intends to buy them off with money.Compared with the finals where the elites gathered, the qualifiers were full of cannon fodders who had no choice but to take risks and try to fight for their lives. They could easily retire from the competition with just a little money.

As for the worst result, it is probably that the Xu Group has silenced them all.

In this kind of world, the bottom line of a chaebol should never be overestimated. No, never, ever, be expected to have a bottom line.

Thinking to himself, Chen Shuo called two people respectively, but not his teammates.

"Black Callis, have fun the day after tomorrow."

"Chu Jianlai, can you come to a place the day after tomorrow? Yes, it is from the Xu Group. I have sent you the address."

At seven o'clock in the evening on the third day, the Whitechapel area of ​​Yeshu City was still smoky.White mist continued to spew out of the cracks in the road, and people could sometimes be seen passing by.

Chen Entropy followed the mobile phone's navigation and headed towards the place that Xu's Group agreed with them.

This is obviously a feast of Hongmen, but Chen Entropy is completely true.After all, Xiang Yu, who opened the Hongmen Banquet at the beginning, had a final outcome for all to see.

The agreed location is an abandoned factory.The rusted door was open, and inside was a pile of jumbo junk parts and equipment.Several people in different costumes were standing or sitting in the factory, and they should have been invited by the Xu Group.

Chen Shuo kicked away the rusted parts on the ground, and went into the house to find a discarded tire and sat down casually.

The rest of the waiters did not speak or greet him.In contrast, these people were looking at him up and down with bad eyes, like a hungry wolf watching its prey.

However, after taking a closer look at these people, they all showed a solemn expression, because they could not see through the identity of this newcomer at all.

At first glance, he is just a high school student wearing black-rimmed glasses, but his body exudes a depth that is not in line with his age, not to mention that his face is covered with a mist-like mosaic, which will inevitably make people feel Create a sense of contrast.

Not long after, several people came in, and after looking around, they picked a corner and sat down.

Chen Shuo took a closer look. Most of these people are a small team of two or three people, and there are also lone wolves like him.There are more than a dozen such small "circles", and they should all be participating teams in the audition group stage.

The dead atmosphere in the factory was broken by a clapping of hands.Everyone followed the voice, but saw an oily-headed man in a blue suit and a lethal amount of wax walking into the factory with a smile.And behind him, followed by two tall bodyguards in black.

"It seems that everyone is here~" The oil head man said straight to the point: "It is a pleasure to meet you, I am a representative from the Xu Group. This time, I am here to give you a chance to choose again."

Under the oil-headed man's gesture, the two bodyguards behind him each opened a suitcase, and there were more than a dozen stacks of banknotes neatly placed in it.

"I believe that everyone participating in the big arena is just for money and fame." The oil head man smiled professionally: "But the big arena is not a place for third-rate villains to play, how much confidence do you have to ensure that you will be the last one? the winner, rather than being the corpse at the feet of the champion?"

"So, this money is for us?" A middle-aged man covered in tattered cloth and holding a submachine gun seemed to have guessed the meaning of the other party's words, and couldn't wait to ask: "You want to persuade us to quit race?"

"That's right, everyone~" The greasy-headed man took out a stack of banknotes from the box, and couldn't help raising the decibels a few times: "30! As long as you are willing to withdraw from the game, I can give you 30 for each team!"

Hearing this, many players licked their tongues excitedly.

As long as they voluntarily withdraw from the competition, each team will receive 30 yuan, which is [-] yuan per person on average.

For these outlaws, that's enough money to splurge for a while, or even buy an apartment in a better neighborhood.

What's more, no one stipulates how the money should be divided.As long as they kill their teammates, they can directly swallow all the money!

Thinking of this, these people were all happy, and their legs were eager to walk up.

But at this moment, a tall and thin radiant player with a pair of tentacles on his head smiled strangely and asked:
"Your Xu family has a big business, don't you just want to send us with such a little money~?"

"Then what do you want?" The oil-headed man asked back with a smile.

"50!" The radiation man stretched out five fingers with both hands, and said plausibly: "Give me 50, and I will withdraw from the competition!"

Hearing this, the oil-headed man immediately turned cold and made a gesture behind him.

A red dot suddenly appeared on the radiant's forehead.Before he could react, a bullet flew from the window on the top floor of the factory and shot him in the head.

Chen Shuo immediately moved his butt to the side, so as not to let the radiant man's green blood splatter on himself.

A few more bullets landed on Radiant Man, ripping him apart and making sure he was dead.

"Sorry, dear players~" The oil-headed man took out his silk scarf and wiped his hands, with a professional smile on his face again:

"I hope you can make it clear that our Xu Group is not doing a bargaining transaction with you ~ I hope you can cooperate well."

As soon as the words fell, a red dot appeared on the forehead of everyone present, obviously they were all targeted by snipers.

"So, who will come first~?" The oil-headed man clapped his hands and asked.

A thin man in ragged clothes stood up with trembling legs and said, "I promise! Anyway, I was forced to participate in the competition because of loan sharks!"

"Very good~ You are an excellent role model~" The oil-headed man smiled and threw a stack of banknotes at the feet of the skinny man.

The man picked up the money, signed the confirmation of withdrawal using the tablet that the oil-headed man handed him, and fled without looking back.

On the smoky street, the man ran out three blocks in one breath with the money in his arms.

"Great! As long as I take this money to the casino, I'll definitely make enough money!" The man murmured: "At that time, I will not only be able to pay off the 100 million debt, but also make a comeback!"

The next second, a black-clad security guard standing on the side of the road took out a pistol from his pocket and shot the man's head off.

"People are settled and ready for recycling."

The black-clothed security guard pulled off his coat, revealing the uniform with the 'Xu's Group' logo.

He took the banknotes that the man was holding tightly in his arms, and dragged them to the side alley to dispose of them.

At the same time, the bribery trade in the factory continued in an orderly manner.

These outlaws witnessed the death of the radiant man, and they all realized that resistance was the only way to die.

Although the arrogant and domineering attitude of the Xu Group made them very unhappy, they had to bow their heads under the eaves.What's more, the temptation of 30 is still quite high.

A few more players were encouraged to go to sign the confirmation of withdrawal from the competition, and left the factory with the banknotes.

Chen Entropy sat on the waste tire without saying a word, and never acted.

He knew the urgency of the Xu Group very well. They would never use money to settle matters so easily, nor would they leave any excuse for their illegal behavior.

All they want is for all players to voluntarily retire, and they are not prepared to continue living after voluntary retirement.

As long as these players withdraw collectively one week before the competition, there will be a large number of vacancies in the auditions of the big ring competition, and it is impossible for these places to be filled in one week.

At that time, a group of actors hired by Xu's Group will disguise themselves as players to fill the vacancies, and then "compete fiercely" with the representative team of Xu's Group in the audition, and ultimately "win or lose".

In this way, the representative team of the Xu Group can justifiably enter the finals without being manipulated by the real hammer.

As for why Chen Entropy knew about their plan, who called him the plan~?

Therefore, Chen Entropy would naturally not sign that contract.Even if he signed, it would be a dead end, not to mention his goal was to trample the Xu Group under his feet on the field.

The players signed the withdrawal form one after another and left with the money in the box. The number of people in the factory was gradually reduced to half.

And those who haven't got up yet, still have a red dot flashing on their foreheads.

The oil-headed man's eyes glanced casually among the crowd, and finally fell on Chen Entropy, who seemed to be the youngest.

"Little boy, have you thought about it?" The oil-headed man pretended to be kind to Chen Entropy, but he was actually issuing an ultimatum.

Chen Entropy took a deep breath and stood up slowly.

"That's right, kid~" The oil-headed man showed a happy expression.

The next moment, Chen Entropy turned the "pheromone inhibitor" on his wrist, and took out his mobile phone and whispered:

"Swordsman, do it!"

 Thank you for the 2100 reward from "Tou Qi" (so fierce)!Thanks to "Happy Everyday 9527", "Ying Wuxian", "From Abyss 2333", "Eat Melons and Fruits" and "Li Ergou" for their 100 tips!

(End of this chapter)

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