Jiang Nv is indescribable

Chapter 683 Drawing the Line

The mansion was prepared early in the morning, and the Pei family went there to settle it immediately after their arrival.

After the welcome banquet, Mrs. Bai stayed in the palace.

The mother and daughter lay side by side on the couch in the side hall, talking endlessly.

At the end of last year, when he heard the news that Pei Ao had proclaimed himself King of Jin, he guessed that he would usurp power soon, so Jiang Fosang sent two groups of troops to Zhongzhou, one to Jiangzhou and the other to Jingling.

It goes without saying that Mrs. Bai was pleasantly surprised when she received the news from her daughter. In the letter, her daughter vaguely revealed her situation in Nanzhou and her worries for their family. Mrs. Bai thought about it carefully and felt that this worry was not unreasonable. Then he discussed with Pei Shouqian.

In fact, she had already made up her mind before the discussion. If Pei Shouqian refused, she would go to Nanzhou by herself.Pei Zhen has grown up, she gave up on Auntie once, and there will be no second time.

Moreover, if Ah Nai really gets to that point, everyone else will be fine, her biological mother stays in Zhongzhou... She would rather die than be a burden to Ah Nai.

Pei Shouqian was indeed in a bit of trouble.

When Jiang Fosang's men arrived in Jiangzhou, Pei Ao had already ascended the throne as the emperor, and the entire Pei clan was in the midst of a raging fire. Who could throw away such wealth and honor?

But there are also people with clear mind and eyesight, Pei Shouqian is that.

Pei Shouqian saw all kinds of behaviors of Pei Ao after he came to the throne, but he also felt uneasy in his heart, feeling that Pei Ao was too eager and inflated.

However, Pei Ao at that time could not listen to any advice.

As soon as the first day passed, the wind and rain became stronger.

Here the wife has made up her mind again.

It was impossible for Pei Shouqian to let her travel far alone.Also consider the future of the Pei family - people who have no long-term worries must have near-term worries, let alone a family?If what you worry about comes true, then the catastrophe of family destruction is imminent...

After being in a dilemma for a while, I gritted my teeth and made a decision.

His parents had passed away, so he told his elder brother and several younger brothers about this decision, but they didn't agree.

There is some reason to retreat when the fire is cooking oil, but moving the whole family to a foreign land...is unacceptable.

This is different from Xuanhe Nandu, and the so-called imminent disaster is only speculation after all.

In this way, my own hesitation and the time spent persuading my relatives delayed my departure until March.

In the end, only Pei Shouqian's room left.

Lianyun's Pei family can't convince him, let alone Jingling's side?

There was nothing Pei Shouqian could do. He resigned because he was sick and left Jiangzhou with his wife and children.

I didn't expect Nandi to be messed up so quickly.They have a lot of money, horses and horses, and they have to avoid the flames of war, so they have come here until today.

"I don't know what's going on at the Jingling Mausoleum?" Thinking of Pei Shouqian's worried appearance along the way, Mrs. Bai sighed, "Son of Heaven, and the Pei clan..."

"If the Pei family of Lianyun can make a decisive decision, they will cut off with Jingling early—" Jiang Fosang stopped.

She knew that Pei Ao's throne would not be long, but Lian Yun Pei didn't know, so how could she make a decisive decision if she took chances.

Back then when Lian Hong came out of the Lian clan, a rebellious official like Lian Hong, Lian Tian led the clan to cut him off in time, such courage and foresight are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Mum, you don't have to worry too much. No matter who wins this mess, they will probably choose to welcome the young emperor back. After all, he is playing the banner of King Qin's rebellion. After the young emperor returns to the throne, even if he blames the Pei family of Jingling, In order to stabilize the situation as soon as possible, and not wantonly get involved, the Lianyun Pei family may be able to escape."

Mrs. Bai knew that her words were mostly comforting, but she also sincerely hoped that what she said would be true.

If not, the entire Lianyun Pei family would only have their room left...

Thinking about it again, if Grandma hadn't sent someone to pick them up, their room might not have been saved.

"We're here, will it cause you trouble?"

Jiang Fosang shook his head.

Pei Shouqian is full of virtue and talent, and she is also capable of governing. It is the time for her to employ people. Naturally, the more such capable officials, the better.

In a few years, maybe Pei Zhen can become her right-hand man.

Introduce them into the imperial court, slowly take up important positions, and unite like this...Of course, the disasters of foreign relatives must also be prevented, but it is far from the time to think about those.

"Especially Grandmother." Jiang Fosang leaned his head gently on his mother's shoulder, "As soon as Grandma comes, I'm sure."

Although I have heard about her experience in Nanzhou in the past few years, it is only a rough outline, she refuses to talk about it in detail, and Mrs. Bai knows it well.

"My aunt, how much you have suffered..."

Jiang Fusang smiled: "Who in this world doesn't suffer? It depends on whether the hardship is worth it."

Mrs. Bai patted her back lightly: "It's good that Nai is happy."

After a pause, something suddenly occurred to me: "Pei Yi..."

Pei Ao decided to replace Yan as the Jin Dynasty, and the entire Pei clan held different attitudes, with some in favor and some against.No one expected that the strongest objection would be Pei Yi.

Pei Ao has already reached the door, so it is naturally impossible to back down, let alone give up.

He also couldn't figure out why his younger brother, who didn't even want to enter an official career, would oppose him in this matter.

Although the two brothers did not have a fierce quarrel, it is equivalent to the point of breaking up.

On the eve of Pei Ao's ascension to the throne, Pei Yi left the Pei family, and no one knows his whereabouts...

Jiang Fosang was startled.

If Pei Yi didn't marry Qing Hai in this life, would it be the same in the end?
Aunt previously said that Pei Yi was free-spirited, but in fact he was not completely free from the shackles of etiquette, but the timing was wrong.Pei Ao can be regarded as an outlier in the Pei clan, but he saved the family.

It was expected that Pei Yi disapproved of his brother's actions, and it was also expected that he could not stop his brother and even the clansmen.

It's good to go.

I just don't know if this is an act of self-abandonment, or breaking the cage?
In any case, as long as he doesn't throw himself into the trap, he should be able to survive.

Mrs. Bai said again: "At the welcome banquet tonight, Qiniang seems to be uncomfortable."

The men and horses sent to Jiangzhou fulfilled their mission, but the men and horses sent to Jingling returned empty-handed.

The Jiang family received Jiang Fosang's handwriting, but they did not want to move their family.

The reason is similar to that of Pei Shouqian's elder brother - Xuanhe didn't want to go through the pain of Nandu again.

What's more, from the north to the south is still within the territory of Dayan, and going to Nanzhou is equivalent to leaving home and going to the country.

The Jiang family has been loyal to the king for generations... Even if Pei Ao usurps the rebellion, there are still many people in the court who hold the hope of welcoming the young emperor and returning the court, and the Jiang family thinks so too.

The decision was made by Jiang Faying.

He didn't even give a reply, and even Luo's secretly written letter to his daughter and some food and clothing were stopped by him.

It's just to tell people that Jiang's sixth lady and seventh lady have both passed away for many years.

Make it clear to draw the line.

The words couldn't be more clear: if news of her in Nanzhou spreads in Zhongzhou one day, they will declare that Jiang Liuniang and Jiang Qiniang in Nanzhou are fakes.

Only then did Jiang Fusang know that her good old uncle also had such decisive moments.

It's a bit stuck, another chapter will probably be later.

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